The Magic of Discovery: Emerald Lakes Book One

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The Magic of Discovery: Emerald Lakes Book One Page 13

by Britt Andrews

  “What? You’ll what, little witch?” Enough of this shit. I need her on my lap. I pushed my chair out and away from the table before I snatched the wrist that was attached to that damn finger she was shoving in my face. I tugged her down onto my thigh. She squealed, and fuck if it didn’t go straight to my dick. My legs were spread wide, and her delicious ass felt better on me than I could’ve imagined. Saige was sitting level with my head now, and when she twisted around to look me in the eyes, I knew the heat I saw swirling there was a reflection of my own.

  “That was eight questions, and you still didn’t answer mine.” I snaked my hand around her waist, my palm sliding down to cup the side of her hip where her skin was burning up. She was hot and bothered and liked what little she had heard. “But I think we’re beyond the game now, so I’ll answer your questions.” I couldn’t keep my hands off of her body. Her breath caught as I gripped her hip and she squirmed, brushing against my hardness with her thick thigh. Fuck, this woman was curvier than a back fuckin’ road, and I desperately wanted to navigate each and every one.

  “Group sex? If you’re into it, sure. Kai is an animal, so he’s down for anything. Fish usually doesn’t join in if we pick someone up, but that’s because of his issues with being smothered by emotions. Sloane is typically working too hard on his career to think about it much. As far as I go? I’d be game for anything you offer. You’re so fucking sexy and just begging for my handprints on your ass.” A soft moan escaped her lips as she wiggled on my thigh.

  “A poly relationship? Well, we’ve never met anyone we wanted to be in an honest to the moon relationship with. We’re often busy traveling and working, so I’m not sure how that would work. Usually, it’s just a one night fling. We’re not jealous of each other; I love seeing my men being taken care of, and they’re good guys. They deserve a break whenever they can get it. So, no, baby girl. I’m not fucking with you, but if you want me to...” I shrugged my shoulder and flashed a smile at her while I squeezed her hip.

  Saige tilted her head while she studied me, the red hairs around her face beginning to curl. Her breathing was shallow now. I held completely still, wanting her to process this information before I moved any further.

  “You mean it? You’re all okay with this?” She motioned between the two of us with her finger. “Because, if I’m honest, I really don’t want a relationship right now. My last one was a shit show.” At the mention of her bitch ass ex, I growled deep and low. Her palm pressed down on my pec, willing me to calm.

  “Fischer told us about what happened in the store the other day. We’ll be on the lookout for him, and if anything further happens, please tell me. I protect my crew, and seeing as how we’re all kind of casually dating? Friends with benefits? Whatever you want to call it, you’re part of my crew now. I won’t stand for some limp dick little shit coming after the woman we’re with. Please believe me when I tell you that we’re nothing like him.”

  She smiled wickedly at my intensity, and that made me feel good. What is she doing to me?

  “I love hanging out with you guys, and I’m willing to keep an open mind, but that’s only if you are too. Same for Fischer and Kaito. I believe you when you say you’re all on board. I’m not worried about Sloane because I’m pretty sure he can’t stand me. And to answer your question, yes. It turns me on so much I can’t stop imagining what it might be like.” She leaned in so close to me that our mouths were a breath apart. Her tongue darted out, making her lips glisten, daring me to taste them. We were frozen in this intense fucking staredown, and I was just about to make the move myself when she closed the minuscule distance between us. Oh, I am so ready for this. Those pillowy pink lips are going to feel-

  “Ouch! What the fuck?” I jerked my head back. She fucking bit me. A metallic tang spilled into my mouth. She bit me so hard I’m bleeding. Unbelievable.

  Raising my hand from her hip, I grabbed her ponytail and stood up, bringing her with me.

  “Hey! Let me go, asshole.” Fuck, did I hurt her? Loosening my grip on her hair slightly, she giggled. Ah, so this is the game she wants to play? She clawed at my body and arms, so I wrapped my free arm around her, effectively securing her arms to her curvy body. Then I chuckled as I pulled her back against me so she could feel how fucking hot she was making me.

  Dropping a chaste kiss on her neck, I ran my nose up to her ear and rumbled, “Do you want me to manhandle you, baby girl? Do you want me to toss you around and force you to comply with what I want?”

  She stilled as I pressed my cock against her ass. Pulling her head back by her hair, I twisted my wrist so that she was looking up at me, flashing her a smile that would normally terrify its recipient. My teeth were bloodied, I had no doubt. Her eyes widened, knowing she’d fucked up. She wanted to play games with me, but I would always win.

  “You bit me. You’re such a brat, and little witches who are bratty suffer consequences, but I’ll give you a free one-time pass for that since you clearly don’t understand yet how this is going to go down.” Releasing her arms and her hair, I turned her around to face me. My tongue swiped across the stinging little wound she’d marked me with, her eyes burning with pure heat, black eclipsing the green with her pupils blown. She wants me. I know she does. My little witch just wants to tease... I’ll just need to teach her right off the bat how I operate. So, with a stern expression on my face, I leaned down to try this whole kissing thing again.

  “Son of a BITCH!” Again? I kept my eyes closed and tried to gain some composure. Fail. A boom of thunder shook the house when I momentarily lost control of my power, which never fucking happened. Not since I was a shithead teenager with a huge ego and too small a dick to go with it. Lightning crackled along my fingertips, and I snapped my eyes open just in time to see her sprint down the hallway, laughing like hell.

  “SAIGE!!!” I roared, my eyes narrowing on my target. I stalked forward, intent on finding her then spanking her ass and fucking her so hard she’d feel it throughout the weekend.

  Tomorrow night when she’s out with my best friend, I want her to feel the ghost of me between her legs, the soreness on her ass cheeks every time she sits down... and remember that I am in charge here.

  The sound of her laughter was drifting through the hallway, and I heard her race up the steps. I kept a determined and purposeful walk behind her; she could run all she wanted, but I was going to catch her. Continuing my hunt, I walked back past the mudroom we had entered through earlier. My foot hit the first step, and it creaked under my weight, giving my location away. I might as well let the little brat know I’m onto her...

  “I’m coming for you, you bad little witch. If you choose to be standing in my line of sight when I get to the top of these stairs, you’ll get a more lenient punishment for biting me.” I paused. “Or you can continue to try and hide. I will still find you, but there will be no mercy. You have about five seconds to decide.”

  “Fuck you!”

  Another boom rocked the house, and I heard a scream come from behind the closed door to my left. She’s playing a dangerous game. A dark smile took over my face. My dick was aching, and I felt a flash of surprise that I was actually really fucking turned on by her blatant brattiness.

  Reaching out, I turned the door handle and pushed the door open slowly. This room had to be hers. Plants were everywhere, like walking into a miniature greenhouse. Flares of vibrant colors bled into my vision as my eyes swept the room.

  I couldn’t even focus; my sole mission was to find Saige and follow through on my threats. I hope she can handle me. Doubt left my mind as quickly as it entered. This woman was strong, and I knew damn well she could handle anything I decided to throw at her.

  I stood as still as I possibly could as the door to my bedroom swung open. My heart was dancing a frantic beat, and I could hear the blood rushing through my body in excitement.

  Always being seen as a good girl, the sweet one who would drop anything for anyone, always forgiving... I was tired of that. I had
n’t felt this alive in a long time. Possibly ever. These guys brought something out of me that was buried deep. I wanted Cam to chase me. I wanted Cam to find me and do whatever he wanted. Each time he used that bossy ass voice and commanded me to do things, the small whisper in the back of my mind grew louder and more persistent. Right now, it was screaming, “Make me!”

  He wouldn’t hurt me; I could see it in his eyes. Cam was a complete protector, and I felt safe playing this game with him. Knowing he would stop if I wanted to took away the fear that I would have felt if it were Bryce using that tone with me. Right now? I was the one in control, and I knew that. Cam was giving me a chance to be myself and enjoy what we were doing because it was my choice. Learning how to be assertive when I’d always been a people pleaser was hard fucking work, but seeing the way his body responded to my disobedience was such a turn on.

  His large feet stalked across the hardwood floor until he neared my bed, the sound muffled thanks to the thick, vibrantly colored rug peeking out from the bottom. As he approached my nightstand, an idea formed that had me smiling. I held in a giggle as he leaned down to look at a photo of myself and Gran that I had proudly on display. It was from the day I took over ownership of The Mystical Piglet. We were both wearing our famous matching t-shirts that read ‘If gardening was easy, it’d be called your mom.’ The perk of living in a small town? Everyone knew and loved our humor, so we never had to censor ourselves. I’m not sure Gran could actually be censored, so we were really lucky.

  Thank fuck she’d called me earlier and said she was staying over at her friend’s place for the night. Something about a bonfire, dancing, and too much whiskey. Eyeing up the towering man in my bedroom right now made me extra thankful.

  A large elephant ear plant sat in the corner where Cam was standing, the leaves massive and sturdy. Perfect. Calling on my magic, I let the power build in my fingertips, sparks of gold flitting to the ground as its intensity built. Flicking my wrist, gold wisps fired out of my hand and surrounded the plant. I pictured in my mind what I wanted to happen, and my magic did not disappoint. One of the largest leaves pulled back on its own and swung forward with impressive force, spanking Cam right on his cocky ass.

  Jerking upright, he spun around so fast that I couldn’t step back and hide behind the door. Flashes of lightning lit up the room, its flickering mirrored in his very eyes, his magic trying to take over. Rain began pelting the windows at a merciless rate. Oh shit.

  I stopped laughing and took a step backward.

  “Do. Not. Move.” His voice was nothing but a rumble that matched the sounds coming from the sky. In giant strides, he ate up the distance between us in mere seconds, and my eyes widened as I tilted my head back to meet his intense gaze.

  I think I’ve fucked with him enough. He looks like he wants to devour me, and I want him to.

  He scratched his beard, staring at me down the length of his nose, his brain working so hard I could see the wheels turning. “You are something else. Biting me? Twice? Girl, I am going to fucking turn your ass red.”

  I opened my mouth to respond, but before I could, he leaned down and hoisted me up, throwing my body over his shoulder so that my head was right above his tight ass.

  “Put me down! Ow!” Pain seared through my ass cheek as he spanked me, then a moan escaped my lips as the shock of the pain turned to pleasure. Despite his warning, I was stunned he had done it, and then he chuckled. Chuckled.

  So I did what any self-respecting witch would do. I reached under the hem of his shirt and grabbed a hold of the waistband of his underwear. Then I yanked upward as hard as I could until he yelped. Never underestimate the power of a well-timed wedgie, my friends.

  “You fucking brat,” he spat out, and next thing I knew I was being catapulted forward onto my mattress. Crawling between my thighs, he ground his erection against me. My eyes closed involuntarily as a moan slipped through my lips.

  “No. Open your eyes. We need to get a few things straight here, little witch.” He ground against me again, and I forced my lids open. Gods, it had been too fucking long.

  Strands of his golden hair had come loose from his bun, making him appear wild and fierce, and I couldn’t look away from his gaze. The lightning had settled down, and his green was bleeding back through. Planting his left forearm down beside my head, he studied my face like I was a rare thing that he hadn’t encountered before.

  “When we fuck, I’m in charge. If I tell you to stop doing something, you had better damn well fucking freeze. If I tell you to be naked and waiting for me, there better not be a scrap of fucking clothing anywhere near your body. If I tell you to wrap your lips around my dick, you drop to your knees and suck like your life depends on it. And if you ever bite me like that again...” He closed his eyes and inhaled deeply through his nose. “I’ll spank you, but that’s a given. I might even get Kaito to help me. I will drive you insane with my tongue on your clit. You’ll beg and beg for release that will never come, and I will lick up everything that leaks out of your sweet cunt. I’ll drive you every bit as wild as you drive me, don’t forget that. Do you understand?”

  Fuck. Me. Silly. My stomach bottomed out, flipping and twisting like I’d just started speeding down a huge hill on a rollercoaster. The thought of him and Kai both... Mercy.

  “Yes, Daddy.” Shit, I didn’t mean for that to come out. His cock hardened and twitched the moment the name left my lips. Guess he likes it...

  “Daddy? Is that your kink?” He raised an eyebrow.

  I shrugged. “I think with you it might be? I don’t know where that came from, but it feels like you liked it. A lot.” I couldn’t resist lifting my hips to rub against him, seeking friction of any kind.

  “I like your cunt rubbing against my dick,” he grunted out through clenched teeth.

  My hands ran down his huge arms. “We have too many clothes on. I need to feel you. Please, Daddy.” My breathy voice was practically dripping with lust. Who am I right now?

  Growling, he pushed upright and slipped his fingers into the waistband of my pants before wiggling them down and taking my panties with them. What a shame. The moment he tossed those items over his shoulder, I let my legs fall apart, baring myself to him completely. His emerald eyes locked on my pussy.

  “Shit,” he cursed when he saw exactly how much I wanted him. Slowly, he reached for me, his fingers swiping through my wetness, and when he pinned me with a hooded stare and popped those digits into his mouth, licking them clean…

  Well, that’s a wrap. My vagina is now dead. Cause of death? Drowning. The old gal creamed herself to an early grave. A deep groan reverberated through my room as his eyes closed. Mother of the moon, he looks like he’s tasting a fucking delicacy.

  He released his fingers with a pop and a wink. Damn him. He was still wearing those fucking leather pants, and I needed those off immediately. Realizing I was in a stare off with his now offensive apparel, he chuckled and fluidly rose from the bed. I leaned up on my elbows because no way in hell was I not going to watch this beautiful man strip in my freaking bedroom.

  “You want to see me, little witch? Is that why you look like you’re trying to burn my clothes off with your eyes?” He gave me an amused look, especially when I flipped him the bird in response... Because umm, yes, I do want to fucking see him. He reached back with one hand, grabbing the neck of his shirt before yanking it up and over his head. After dropping it onto the floor, he pulled out the elastic that was containing his hair, sending those glorious golden waves falling down to his collarbone. Every inch of his chest, arms, and neck were covered in ink; he was a walking piece of art. A smattering of light hair dusted down the center of his chest, making a glorious reappearance just underneath his belly button. Fuck, he’s pure sin. I can’t wait to have a taste.

  “Do you want to see my cock?” He cupped his massive erection, drawing my eyes to where I could see the outline of his shaft, and I let out a mewl.

  “Please,” I breathed, bringing my thig
hs together to try and create any friction that could alleviate this red hot desire. He approached the bed, his long tattooed fingers deftly undoing the buckle on his belt.

  “Arms up.” I immediately sat up and put my arms in the air so he could lift my shirt off of my body. “Lean forward.” Again, I obeyed. This was by far the most erotic thing I’d ever done. His arms enveloped me as he unclasped and removed my bra, tossing it onto the floor to join my other clothing items.

  Sitting there, I realized this was not my most flattering position. Fighting the urge to cover up my soft stomach, I pushed my shoulders back and my breasts out toward him.

  He stared at me, his face so intense that I felt like I was going to break if he didn’t do something.

  “Beautiful,” he rasped, like he’d had trouble getting his throat to push the word out.

  And fuck if that didn’t do things for my confidence.

  Cam pushed his pants down over his hips, his thick cock springing out of its leather prison like a jack-in-the-box, and I sucked in a breath. It’s pierced. And inked. He has a fancy peen. I’ve never seen one with accessories.

  I pointed my finger at the anaconda that was staring me down. “I don’t think that’s going to fit.” He barked a laugh as he stepped out of his pants.

  “Don’t worry, little witch. By the time I’m ready to fuck you, you’ll be begging for it, and you’ll be so wet I’ll slide right inside your sexy body. But first, there’s the fact that you fucking bit me twice, then ran, and cussed at me,” he reminded, a wicked smile on his face.

  Scooting backward on the bed, I tried to retreat but failed as his hand encircled my ankle, stopping the movement. He pulled me toward him so fast my back hit the mattress, and I was suddenly on my stomach, draped across his lap. I’d never been manhandled in a fun sexual way like this before... but I really fucking like it.

  The urge to fight against him rose up inside of me like a tidal wave. Attempting to squirm out of his grip, I realized it was no use. His cock was digging into my stomach, and the more I rubbed against it, the tighter his hold on my thighs and back became.


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