The Magic of Discovery: Emerald Lakes Book One

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The Magic of Discovery: Emerald Lakes Book One Page 24

by Britt Andrews

  A moan slipped out when his lips found my throat. “Or are we sharing you, Fischer?”’ I questioned, that thought sending me into a tailspin.

  My nipples hardened, and a moment later, I felt a sharp sting. Instinctively, my eyes flew open as Sloane toyed with my breasts through my dress, my head dizzy with so many sensations I was going to melt. Fischer’s hand moved up to my cheek, drawing me back into the kiss and away from Sloane’s wandering hands.

  “Very good, pet. You’ve always had a wicked mouth, though I much prefer when it’s wrapped around my cock.” Sloane smiled smugly, and I moaned. Legit moaned at the thought of watching them together.

  Their attention shifted to me, the heat of it causing my body to tremor.

  “Kitten likes that idea, pet. Maybe you should drop down to your knees and show her how much you enjoy pleasing me?”

  Fischer ground his dick into my ass, a groan vibrating against my back.

  “Turn around to face Fischer and tell him what you want, kitten.”

  Quickly, I was spun around, gasping when Sloane’s length settled against my lower back. His teeth dug into the skin where my shoulder met my neck, and Fish trailed his fingers down my chest and over the swell of my breasts that were still hidden underneath my clothing.

  “Tell me what you need, sweetheart. Do you want to watch us?” He studied my face, and I knew he was trying to read my feelings.

  “Yes,” I breathed. Fuck, I want that.

  “Tell him what to do, kitten. Make him yours,” Sloane encouraged, his voice husky with desire.

  Fischer wanted this, no, he needed this. This was their dynamic, and they were sharing it with me. I’d never been a dominant person, but the idea of being in control of this powerful man had adrenaline firing through my brain at a rapid fire pace. Plus, there was a part of me that was reveling in the fact that I could possibly give Fish what he needed sexually.

  “Open his pants,” I whispered, eyes locked on Fish’s face. The side of his mouth lifted in a small grin as he pulled Sloane around so that they were both standing before me. He didn’t look away from me as he easily undid the button on Sloane’s jeans. The sound of his zipper lowering was loud in my ears, but my heartbeat was thunderous.

  “Take my cock out, pet. Show her what owns you.”


  Fischer’s skin looked even darker in the dusky lighting. He dipped his hand into Sloane’s pants, the latter pulling up the hem of his black band t-shirt to mid-chest. His stomach was a work of art. Intricate flames wrapped up the entire left side of his torso, disappearing into his waistband. I wonder if it goes down his leg? Transfixed by the sight before me, I was completely frozen. Only my chest moved, its rapid rise and fall the sole clue I hadn’t spontaneously combusted. “Commando, Master?” Fish shook his head, a laugh leaving his mouth.

  “Show her.” An order.

  Inhaling sharply, I dared to drop my eyes to where he wanted them, nearly gasping when Fish pushed down Sloane’s jeans and I got my first good look. His dick was as beautiful as the rest of him. Not as big as Cam, but he was still thick and solid. Black hair was neatly trimmed, running from his belly button down.

  “Kitten,” Sloane rumbled, and my eyes snapped up to his, “come here.”

  I floated the few steps it took me to reach him.

  “Fischer’s gonna be a good boy and swallow me like I know he’s dying to, and we’re going to watch the show,” he commanded, every bit of his alpha personality coming to the surface. Swallowing, I nodded.

  “Begin, pet.”

  Fascinated, I stared as Fish dropped to his knees, his hand wrapping around the wide base of Sloane’s cock. The tip of it was glistening with pre-cum, and Fischer groaned as he leaned forward and swiped his tongue over it. Oh my stars, I’ve never seen anything this erotic.

  Sloane hissed when Fischer took him into his mouth, bobbing his head back and forth. I must have made some kind of noise because Fish’s eyes locked on mine, and he popped Sloane’s dick out of his mouth, swirling his tongue around like he was licking his favorite ice cream cone. A warm hand gripped the back of my neck, and I tilted my head up to look at Sloane. His lips crashed against mine, his mouth warm. Actually, really fucking hot!

  Whimpering, I pulled back, and he grinned down at me wolfishly.

  “Sex heats me up, kitten, and it seems it does the same to you. You’re almost as hot as I am. Now, be a doll and grab his hair. Hold him there while I fuck his face,” Sloane directed, leisurely pumping his hips back and forth. Oh, my gods.

  Glancing down to Fish, looking for some kind of consent, he grabbed ahold of Sloane, pausing his movements.

  “Do it, sweetheart. I want it.”

  Deciding it wasn’t my place to stand between my man and... his... our?... man’s cock, I stepped next to my sexy submissive mage and snatched a handful of his hair. Sloane didn’t waste any time before picking up his pace, his dick completely disappearing, over and over again.

  “Kitten. Eyes up here.”

  Forcing myself to look away from the hottest shit I’d ever seen, Sloane lifted my hand to his mouth, sucking on two of my fingers. His eyes were ablaze, and I clenched my thighs, seeking friction. If I didn’t come soon, I was positive I was going to die.

  The way his tongue flicked over my fingers had me wishing it was between my thighs instead. He tugged my fingers out, groaning as his head fell back.

  “Like that, take it. Fuck,” Sloane’s gravelly voice gritted out between clenched teeth.

  Fischer sped up, bringing his hand up to squeeze his balls. With a growl, Sloane slammed his hips forward and spilled himself down his throat.

  Stepping back until his still hard cock popped out of Fischer’s mouth, Sloane pulled his pants back up but left them undone and low around his hips. Fish stood, swiping the back of his hand across his lips and smiling at me as I tugged him over and kissed him. Sloane’s taste lingered, but I didn’t find it unpleasant.

  “That was-”

  “Not over, kitten. It’s your turn. What kind of men would we be if we left you wet and wanting?”

  “I don’t exactly have a dick I can just whip out all nimbly bimbly,” I exclaimed, and they both chuckled.

  “No, but you do have a dress one can easily ruck up around your waist. What do you say, kitten? Something tells me it won’t take long with how flushed you are,” Sloane observed, Fish nodding in agreement.

  “Let us, sweetheart. I want to see your face when you shatter.” Fish stepped up to me, his eyes searching for permission. After nodding my consent, his hand lifted my skirt, exposing my lacy red panties.

  “How wet are you, kitten?” Sloane asked, invading my personal space. His hand dipped into my underwear, swiping two fingers right up the center of me. My eyes squeezed shut when I realized I was drenched.

  “She’s soaked, Fish. Taste her.” Sloane removed his hand and pushed his fingers into Fischer’s mouth, both men groaning as Sloane’s eyes shut and my legs shook.

  “Sweet, just like I expected,” Fish teased, smiling at me, and my cheeks flamed.

  Four hands moved to pull my panties down, and I stepped out of them quickly. I’d never done anything like this before, and the thrill of it was almost enough to have me orgasm on the spot. Sloane moved behind me, his hands pulling my hair, winding it around his fist before jerking my head to the side and sinking his teeth into my neck. All rational thought had abandoned me, and the only thing that mattered was getting the release I desperately needed.

  Fischer smiled at me, leaning down to press kisses along my jaw. “Lift your leg, sweetheart. Let Sloane give you what you need. Let us take care of you.”

  Even though he’d just sucked cock like a champ and was now persuading me to spread my legs for his dom, he was still incredibly gentle with me. My knee bent and a moan left my mouth as Sloane toyed with my nipples, Fish hooking my leg around his waist so that Sloane had a direct path to my cunt.

  “Fish,” I said with a breathy
sigh, “kiss me.”

  His lips pressed against mine, soft and full, savoring me. The breeze to Sloane’s hurricane, they complemented each other perfectly, especially when Sloane’s fingers moved through my pussy, circling my clit in time with the presses of Fish’s lips.

  “Oh, my gods, yes,” I moaned into Fish’s mouth just before two thick fingers pushed inside my wetness, and I clenched around them like a greedy sex-crazed witch.

  Fischer gripped the inside of my knee, pulling my leg up even higher, allowing Sloane to torture me with three fingers now instead of two, his merciless ministrations driving me higher and higher.

  “I’m going to make you come, kitten. I can already feel it running down your thigh. Perhaps I’ll have our boy clean you up with his tongue,” Sloane promised darkly, and I whimpered.

  “I’m so close, please,” I begged as I reached for Fischer’s face again. “Come with me, Fischer, I need you to-” My request was cut off by a deep moan when Sloane curled his fingers inside of me.

  Fischer made quick work of slipping his cock out, Sloane using his hand to coat his lover’s dick in my cream before sinking his fingers back inside of me.

  “Fuck, I could come just from watching this. Sweetheart, you’re so beautiful.”

  In the end, Sloane was right. It didn’t take long. The two men worked me over with their lips, hands, and fucking filthy words, bringing me to detonation in record time. When his thumb pressed hard on my clit as he curled his fingers inside of me, a strangled cry started to rip out of my lips before Sloane turned my face toward him and swallowed it with his mouth. My walls fluttered around his hand, and I broke the kiss when I heard Fischer grunting his release, ropes of hot cum hitting my thigh.

  “Pet, you’ve made a mess on my kitten, and she’s made a mess of herself,” Sloane’s deep voice rumbled against my ear.

  “It’s okay,” I breathed, my head lolling back against Sloane’s chest.

  “We might fuck like beasts, kitten, but we’re not going to let you walk around with cum slipping and sliding between your thighs.” Sloane informed me just as Fischer dropped down to his knees, once again.

  Surely he’s not... oh fuck, he is.

  Lifting my leg under my knee, Fischer’s tongue licked a long path from the inside of my knee clear up to the apex of my thigh and I couldn’t do a damn thing but watch as he cleaned his desire from my leg.

  “That’s it, that’s a good pet. Taste yourself on her skin,” Sloane encouraged and I swear to Jupiter that when his hand shot out and grabbed a handful of Fischer’s hair, guiding his face up to clean my cunt, I felt more wetness flood down my leg.

  “Gods, sweetheart. Tasting us together…” He growled before running his tongue up my center, not in a way to get the party started again, but gently, like a caress. Once he was satisfied that he’d efficiently devoured every last drop, he peppered my skin with soft, thorough kisses.

  My body deflated, melting against Sloane in sated relief. By the stars, they’re going to ruin me. Sighing, my eyes slowly opened, peering right into Fish’s. His appeared to be glowing now, black pupils still blown with the lingering lust that we were all coming down from, the iris a vibrant honey color that popped against his thick dark eyelashes. He was absolutely beautiful.

  Dropping my leg to the ground, my dress fluttered back around my legs like nothing had happened. The small grin on my sweet mage’s face had me giving one in return, and he gently pressed both of his large palms against my face before dropping a sensual kiss on my lips.

  The sudden loss of heat at my back made me twist my body to see where Sloane had gone, but I didn’t get far.

  “Kitten,” he rasped in a deep, soothing balm that calmed my still racing heart.

  Turning the other way, I found that my fire god had his arm wrapped around Fischer’s waist. I’d expected him to walk away from us, and the thought stung somewhere deep inside. But he hadn’t; he was here, and the relief I felt that he was still with us was surprising.

  “You did so well, both of you. You pleased me tonight,” he praised, and pride swelled in my chest. Why do I care so much? His posture was lighter, the strain between his eyes gone. He was smiling right now, a genuine smile. Not the dark slash of a smirk that he usually walked around with, the one that screamed bad boy and combusted the underwear of men and women alike. And oh my moons, I want to see that every day.

  Sloane pulled me into them, both men engulfing me in their arms, taking turns planting small kisses on my lips, my face, my neck. They kissed each other languidly, a slow dance that they’d perfected the steps to long ago. Hands and fingertips ran up and down my back in slow, soothing motions. These touches, they weren’t meant to arouse; they were meant to express gratitude and to bring all of us back down from the impossible heights we’d just reached together. My heart slowed, returning to normal within a few minutes.

  “Of all the sights I expected to see when I strolled out here, finding you in his arms was probably at the absolute bottom of the list,” Fischer chuckled, crossing his arms over his chest when we broke apart.

  “I think it was at the bottom of our list of possibilities when we walked out here, too,” I confessed, shrugging.

  “She fell victim to my sex appeal. Are you really that surprised, Fish?” Sloane questioned, and I whipped my face over to glare at him, but he was grinning. What a shithead.

  “Hmm, you sure it wasn’t the other way around? She’s quite appealing.” Fischer sucked his bottom lip into his mouth and then smirked when my cheeks flamed with the realization that he was still tasting me.

  Bending down to snatch up my discarded panties, Sloane hummed in agreement. “She is, indeed, but I still need to see her cast some magic, so let’s get to it. This puzzle is pissing me off.”

  The red lace disappeared into Sloane’s pocket as he looked at me expectantly. “Hey! Those are a matching set. Give those back!”

  Fischer shook his head with amusement when Sloane promised he’d return them after he got to see the other half of the set. Turning from us, he strode away like a slightly brighter little storm cloud. Damn pervert. We followed him down the path, moving out of the cover of the rows of saplings that had hidden us during our moment.

  “So you left Kaito and Cam in there with Gran?” I asked with mock horror.

  “Dude, she’s showing them her dance moves. She’s using Cam as a stand-in pole, claimed he was a little thicker than what she was used to working with, but she could make do.”

  My mouth dropped open, and all three of us laughed like hell.

  “That woman is savage. She called Cam thick? I wish I could’ve seen his face.” Sloane wiped his eyes, and his deep laughter got us all going again. This was the first time I’d seen him let loose more than a chuckle, and the sound was like music to my ears.

  “Honestly, she’s not fit for public consumption. I’m going to have to apologize to them,” I wheezed, short of breath after laughing so intensely.

  My bright mood dampened slightly as I led the guys to a garden that looked particularly terrible. All of my beautiful plants were dry as a fucking tumbleweed, and damn, if that sight didn’t send a wave of fury through me.

  “Fix them, and then I’ll see if I can sense anything that feels off in your magic,” Sloane instructed.

  Suddenly, I felt anxious. What if it was me? Maybe I was sick or cursed, and this would keep happening for the remainder of my life. What would I do if I didn’t have my green magic? I love my affinity. Watching life erupt from my palms, creating beauty, connecting to the earth when my hands plunge into the soil, I need that. Damn these demons who have caused such a clusterfuck in my life. I’ve never even gone further than a few miles outside of town. I have done nothing to deserve this bullshit. White hot energy rolled through my body, my skin prickling with each second that passed, rage building inside of me so fast I felt like my skin would split if I didn’t release it.

  I vaguely registered hearing my name being said, but it was
overpowered by heat and fury. Blink. I was on my knees. Blink. Hands in the cool dirt, searching, seeking. Blink. Magic was pouring out of me. Blink. Can’t stop. Blink. So much power. Blink. Fix it, fix it, fix it. Blink. On my back, looking up at the sky. Blink.

  Not moving, I sucked in deep lungfuls of air. I felt like I’d just broken through the surface of the lake, seeking oxygen like a flower sought the sunlight.

  “Sweetheart, can you hear me? Fuck, Sloane. She’s just staring. What the fuck was that?!” my reserved mage barked, his distress clear in the way he raked both hands through his hair.

  “Fine... I’m fine,” I nearly whispered, my voice shaking. The statement didn’t sound believable, even to my own ears.

  Sloane scoffed, his voice full of ice shards and then a dose of wonder. “Like fuck you’re fine, Red. Look at what you’ve done.”

  His stern face came into view, hands reaching for my arms, and then I was standing. The world spun, and I squeezed my eyes shut, trying to get my bearings.

  “Holy. Shit.” Fischer’s whispered words had my eyes snapping open.

  “What the hell is all of this?” I shrieked, spinning in a circle, eyes widening to take in the state of my garden.

  Cam, Kaito, and Gran’s concerned voices carried to us on the wind, but we couldn’t see them. We couldn’t see shit. Every single plant within one hundred yards had exploded to triple its starting size, including the grass and trees. The dried up plants I’d set out to repair had been a mix of summer flowers, and not only had they been restored to health, but they were also exploding with blooms.

  Fish called out to the others, telling them we were all okay. He grabbed my hand just as Sloane claimed my other.

  “Well, Red. Doesn’t look like your magic is failing you, but it is changing. Growing, becoming much more powerful. It’s still carrying your specific signature, but darker. I don’t know what those fucking beasts are up to, but they’ve done something to you,” Sloane explained, searching my face. I’d never seen him look anything other than pissed off or indifferent before tonight. Right now? Wonder, curiosity, and alarm were cycling on repeat, and an alarmed Sloane was something that scared me to death.


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