More Than a Cowboy

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by Tyler, Paige

  More Than a Cowboy

  Special Two-Book Set


  Karleigh’s Cowboys


  And The Ranch Hand Makes Three

  By Paige Tyler

  Copyright © 2012 by Paige Tyler

  All Rights Reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in

  any form by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission from the author.

  Cover Design by Gemini Judson


  With special thanks to my extremely patient and understanding husband, without whose help and support I couldn’t have pursued my dream job of becoming a writer. You’re my sounding board, my idea man, my critique partner, and the absolute best research assistant any girl could ask for!

  Thank you.

  Karleigh’s Cowboys

  Two ranch hands are better than one!

  Karleigh Blake hasn’t take a vacation in years, so when her friend talks her into coming out to her Colorado ranch for some fun and relaxation, she jumps at the chance. Once there, she meets up with two hot and hunky ranch hands named Holden Donnelly and Mav Ryan who definitely know how to show a girl a good time.

  It starts as two separate rolls in the hay, and she’s concerned she isn’t going to be able to hide that she’s sleeping with both of them. She's surprised when the two cowboys compare notes and decide they don’t mind sharing her – as long as they can do it at the same time!

  Chapter One

  Two weeks with no telephone, no internet, no meetings and no deadlines. Karleigh Blake’s plane had just landed in Colorado Springs and she was already having withdrawals. How the heck was she supposed to survive for two weeks with nothing to do but stare at the scenery?

  She pushed her long, blonde hair behind her ear and gazed out the small window at the snow-capped mountains in the distance. Her friend Heather was right. They were beautiful. She sighed. Maybe this was exactly what she needed. She hadn’t taken a vacation since going to Florida for spring break her senior year in college five years ago. Unless she counted coming out for Heather’s wedding last year. But did flying in on Friday just in time for the rehearsal dinner, then leaving on Sunday right after the wedding reception really count as a vacation? More like a weekend getaway, only without the hot guy to go along with it. She groaned. Another unwanted side effect of working fourteen-hour days, she supposed.

  Ignoring the urge to turn on her BlackBerry and check her messages the moment she stepped off the plane, Karleigh followed the signs to the baggage claim, where Heather—and hopefully her suitcase—would be waiting for her.

  She spotted Heather’s head of curly red hair immediately. Her petite friend was searching the crowd, her face a mix of anticipation and concern. Like she was afraid Karleigh had backed out and decided not to come. She cringed at the thought of how close to being right her old college roommate had been. Ashamed, Karleigh hoisted her bag higher up on her shoulder and hurried over to her friend.

  Heather squealed the moment she saw her. Arms wide, she ran over to Karleigh and wrapped her in a tight hug.

  “I can’t believe you’re here! I feel like I haven’t seen you in forever,” she said. “How was your flight? You didn’t have to sit next to anyone annoying the whole way, did you? Did they give you something to eat on the plane? Of course not. Airlines don’t do that anymore, do they? Unless you count a bag of peanuts, I suppose. We could stop and grab something on the way to the ranch, if you want. Or… ”

  Karleigh laughed. She’d forgotten how fast Heather could talk. After rooming with her all four years of college, she should have remembered. But that kind of stuff got kind of lost in an email.

  “To answer your questions in the order you asked them,” Karleigh said. “The flight was fine. No, I didn’t sit next to anyone annoying. And no, they didn’t give us anything to eat. Not even peanuts. I had something before I left New York, though. Which was hours ago, now that I think about it.”

  “I figured.” Heather gave her a knowing grin. “We’ll hit Starbucks on the way out.”

  Karleigh’s suitcase was one of the first on the conveyer belt, so she didn’t have to wait long for her skinny latte and cinnamon coffee cake. She ate as Heather drove, chatting with her friend between bites.

  “So, what’s going on with Steve?” Heather asked as she changed lanes. “You haven’t mentioned him once.”

  Steve was her latest in a long string of now ex-boyfriends. They’d met through a mutual friend, but between her job at the magazine and his as a financial analyst on Wall Street, their schedules never seemed to mesh.

  “We broke up a couple weeks ago,” she told Heather.

  “Oh, no!”

  Karleigh shrugged. “It’s no big deal. I wasn’t really that into him.”

  Beside her, Heather looked skeptical. “Well, all the more reason you needed a vacation. Colorado Springs is full of hot guys.”

  Karleigh looked at her friend in surprise. “Heather Collins, are you suggesting I throw modesty to the wind and hook up with someone while I’m here?”

  Heather hadn’t hooked up with a guy in the whole time Karleigh had known her. When she’d gone out with someone, it was because he had the potential to be Mr. Right, not because she’d been looking for a roll in the hay. That approach had obviously worked for Heather. She was married to a fantastic guy.

  Her friend’s face colored, the freckles sprinkled across her nose and cheeks standing out even more. “I’m just saying. I mean, you’re here to have fun, aren’t you?”

  Yes, but she hadn’t considered the possibility of hooking up with someone while she was there. Of course, if she happened to meet an attractive guy who was looking to have some fun, too, then she certainly wouldn’t turn him down.

  Karleigh would have said as much to her friend, but Heather had already changed the subject and was talking about the new tractor she and her husband Clint had gotten for their ranch. Karleigh didn’t know the first thing about farm equipment, but she nodded and listened anyway.

  While she might not know a lot about farming, Karleigh had to admit she was impressed by her first glimpse of Heather and Clint’s ranch when her friend turned down the driveway an hour later. Heather had sent her pictures when they’d bought the place, of course, but seeing it nestled in the foothills of the mountains, it was even more impressive. She’d had no idea how big a thousand acres really was.

  “Wow,” she breathed. “Don’t tell me you and Clint run this place all by yourselves.”

  Heather laughed. “Of course not, silly. We have ranch hands. A lot of them.” She parked the SUV beside the house and opened the door. “Come on. We’ll drop your bags in the guest room, then I’ll show you around.”

  The redhead gave her a quick tour of the house as they went. Recently renovated, the downstairs consisted of the kitchen, dining room, living room and home office, while all four bedrooms were upstairs. Traditional, yet casual at the same time, it was warm and homey.

  Setting her suitcases on the floor by the four-poster bed, Karleigh quickly freshened up, then followed her friend downstairs.

  “I probably should have asked before,” Heather said as she led the way to the huge barn. “You can ride a horse, right?”

  “Yeah, but I haven’t been on one since I was a teen.”

  “It’s like riding a bike. You never forget.”

  Karleigh wondered if she should mention she’d never been very good at riding a bike. Unless it was the stationary, spinning kind. Heather must have seen Karleigh’s expression because she grinned.

  “Don’t worry. I’ll give you the gentlest mare we have.” />
  Karleigh relaxed a little at that. As long as she didn’t have to jump any fences or clear any ditches, she’d be fine.

  The barn was just as impressive on the inside as it was on the outside. Lined with spacious stalls on either side, it was home to fifteen of the most beautiful horses Karleigh had ever seen. But as much as she adored horses, it was the two hunky guys pitching hay sans shirts halfway down the center aisle who immediately caught her eye. Both tall with broad shoulders and killer pecs, not to mention some seriously lickable abs, one had dark hair and a sexy trace of scruff, while the other was blond and more clean-cut. When Heather said Colorado Springs was full of hot guys, she’d neglected to mention two of them worked for her.

  Karleigh leaned in closer to her friend. “Who are they?”

  “Two of our best ranch hands.” Heather’s lips curved in a knowing smile. “Come on. I’ll introduce you.”

  Karleigh was hoping she’d say that.

  The two men stopped what they were doing to look up at their approach. As their eyes—one pair of baby blues, one dark and soulful—met hers, Karleigh’s pulse skipped a beat.

  “Boys, I’d like you to meet my friend Karleigh Blake. Karleigh’s here on vacation from New York for a couple weeks.” Heather glanced at her. “Karleigh, meet Holden Donnelly and Mav Ryan.”

  Heather gestured to each of the men as she said their names. Holden was the blue-eyed blond. Mav was the one with the smoldering, dark eyes.

  Both men took off their leather work gloves and held out their hands. Their hands were big and strong around hers. They were rough and slightly calloused, too, she noticed. Nothing like the men back in New York City. Damn, it was sexy.

  “Pleasure to meet you, ma’am,” they drawled as they shook her hand, each of them flashing her their own version of a heart-stopping grin.

  “Me, too. I mean, you, too. It’s a pleasure to meet you.” Her face colored. Darn it. She was normally poise and well-spoken, but concentrating on anything other than those two glorious bare chests in front of her was almost impossible. “Oh, and it’s Karleigh.”

  “I’m going to take Karleigh out riding and show her around the ranch,” Heather said. “Beauty hasn’t been out today yet, has she?”

  “No, she hasn’t,” Mav said. “It might take some doing to pry her away from Highwayman. They seem to have taken a fancy to each other.”

  Heather sighed. “I thought that might happen if we put them next to each other. Just don’t tell Loverboy.”

  Holden must have seen the look of confusion on Karleigh’s face because he explained, “We’ve been trying to figure out which male to breed Beauty with and were pretty sure she’d taken a liking to Loverboy, but then Highwayman went and wooed her, and now all bets are off.”

  “Ah,” Karleigh said. “I see. So, it’s a love triangle.”

  Mav rested both hands on the handle of the hay rake, flexing his big biceps and making them look even bigger. Karleigh bit her lip to stifle a moan.

  “My money’s on Highwayman,” Mav said.

  “Fifty says she picks Loverboy,” Holden insisted.

  Mav grinned. “You’re on.”

  Heather shook her head, but Karleigh saw a smile playing around the corners of her mouth. “Well, right now, she’s going to have to settle for a couple hours of girl talk with Honeysuckle because Karleigh and I are going for a ride. If anyone needs me, we’ll be out by the east pastures. See you guys later.”

  Karleigh would much rather have stayed and watched Holden and Mav flex their muscles some more, but she obediently fell into step beside Heather as the redhead led the way to where the mares were stabled. She threw a covert glance over her shoulder to get another glimpse of the two men working, and found both of them standing there admiring her instead. Or more precisely, admiring her jean-clad ass. The lust in their eyes made heat pool between her thighs and she squeezed them together to ease the sudden ache there. An hour ago she’d been flirting with the idea of hooking up with a guy if she happened to meet one. Now, she had two gorgeous guys to pick from. Choosing wasn’t going to be easy.

  Giving the men a sexy smile, she turned to see Heather leading out a chestnut-colored mare.

  “This is Beauty,” Heather said. “She’s as sweet and gentle as they come, so you’ll be fine on her.”

  Karleigh could see where Beauty had gotten her name. She was absolutely gorgeous. Reaching up, Karleigh ran her hand down the mare’s sleek neck. Beauty gently nuzzled Karleigh’s cheek with her nose. Karleigh laughed. Oh yeah, they were going to be fast friends.

  “Do you need help saddling her?” Heather asked.

  “No, thanks. I got it.”

  Thanks to summers spent on her grandparents’ farm, Karleigh knew how to saddle a horse, as well as ride. Since she hadn’t done it in a years, it took a little longer to get everything cinched up just right. Though that could have been because she was a bit distracted. Holden and Mav had gone back to pitching hay into the stalls, and the light sheen of sweat glistening off their combined muscles was extremely mesmerizing. It didn’t help that they glanced her way every now and then with heat in their eyes. She wanted to stop what she was doing and run her hands over all that glorious skin. She probably would have if Heather hadn’t spoken.


  Karleigh reluctantly dragged her gaze away from the two half-naked men. “Just about.”

  She finished buckling the breast collar, then made sure the back cinch was snug before stepping back to check her work. Her grandfather had been adamant about always making sure the saddle was in place properly and that the straps were tight. Satisfied, she put her foot in the stirrup and swung up onto the saddle. Heather was already on her horse over talking to Holden and Mav.

  Taking the reins in one hand, Karleigh gently nudged Beauty forward to follow Heather and Honeysuckle. Holden and Mav flashed her a pair of devastating grins as she rode past, telling her they’d see her later. Karleigh hoped that was a promise.

  Remembering how to ride a horse was much easier than riding a bike, and Karleigh had no problems as she rode alongside Heather through the lush meadow. Heather kept up a steady string of conversation, pointing out a new herd of cattle here and a place where the fences had been mended there. Karleigh nodded, replying at the appropriate times, but it was the two cowboys back at the barn she was really interested in. Now that she was seriously considering hooking up with one of the men, she needed some help choosing between them. Since Heather had brought it up on the drive to the ranch, Karleigh thought she would bring it up again, but her friend hadn’t mentioned Holden and Mav once.

  “So,” she said, trying to make the words as casual as she could, “have Holden and Mav worked for you and Clint long?”

  “Since we bought the ranch.”

  “Are either of them married?”


  “Seeing anyone?”

  “Nope.” Heather gave her a sidelong glance, her lips curving in amusement. “Why?”

  Karleigh shrugged. “Just wondered, that’s all.”

  “Uh-huh. Do you want to hear about the rest of the hands we have working for us, too, then?”

  “Are they all as attractive as Holden and Mav?”

  “Not nearly,” Heather admitted. “Well, there is Dax, but he’s married.”

  “Oh. Then no.”

  The redhead glanced at her again. “So, which one do you like?”

  “Heather, I’m not picking out a prized horse.”

  “It’s not so different. They are some pretty fine studs.”

  Karleigh laughed. Her friend could say that again. “Yeah, well I’m as indecisive as Beauty here. Choosing between Holden and Mav is as hard for me as choosing between Loverboy and Highwayman obviously is for her.”

  Heather sighed. “Poor Beauty. I saw her looking longingly at Highwayman while you were saddling her.”

  Karleigh shook her head. It was a regular soap opera at the Collins’ ranch. In all seriousness, tho
ugh, she was going to have to figure out which cowboy she most wanted to sleep with so she could start flirting with him.

  She was still considering that as she and Heather stopped at a creek to water the horses a little while later. She had never had a “type” when it came to guys. She wasn’t one of those woman who always went for blonds, or guys with dark hair. If a man was good looking, tall and well-built, then he was her type. Since both Holden and Mav fit that description, she was going to need to narrow it down some.

  Karleigh was about to ask Heather if she could tell her anything more about the men when the sound of horse’s hoofs interrupted her.

  She turned to see a man riding toward her and Heather. She shielded her eyes with her hands, squinting behind her sunglasses as she tried to make out who it was. But the man’s cowboy hat hid his features, making it impossible. He had big, broad shoulders, though.

  Could it be Holden or Mav? Her pulse skipped a beat at the possibility.

  She held her breath as she waited for the rider to get close enough, finally catching a glimpse of blond hair. Holden. In addition to the cowboy hat, he had a plaid shirt on, and although it covered up that amazing chest of his, Karleigh had to admit he still looked sexy as hell atop the bay steed.

  Reining in his horse, he dismounted and walked over to her and Heather. Giving Karleigh a grin, he tipped his hat to her before turning his attention to the redhead.

  “Sorry to interrupt, but Clint needs you to come back to the house. A grain delivery just came in and they screwed it up again.”

  Karleigh’s brows rose. What, they didn’t have cell phones out here on the ranch? Not that she was complaining, of course. Holden could deliver a message in person anytime he liked.

  Heather groaned. She gave Karleigh an apologetic look. “I hate to cut our ride short, but I’ve got to go back. I handle all the purchases. I love Clint, but he’s clueless when it comes to that stuff. If I don’t take care of it, we’ll end up getting double-billed or something.”


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