His Bound Woman

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His Bound Woman Page 5

by Sophia Gray

  “What?” I demanded into the receiver. “What the fuck, Audrey? Can’t you just apologize at work like a fucking normal person?”

  She didn’t answer. I only heard the breathy sound of her sobs.

  “Enzo,” Audrey finally said in a broken, raspy voice. “Enzo, someone broke into my apartment.”

  A chill flooded my body. “I’ll be right there,” I snapped. “Don’t go anywhere, you hear me?”

  Twenty minutes later, I was in the back of a car racing across town. The sky had fully lightened, and the city was starting to wake up to the morning—homeless people were dragging their shopping carts full of possessions across the streets, and the first commuters were blearily approaching “L” stations, clutching briefcases and economy-sized containers of coffee.

  I closed my eyes and willed the driver to go faster, but we kept getting caught at one red light after another. My mind was racing. I couldn’t believe that someone would have attacked Audrey. Then again, she lived in a shitty neighborhood. It was possible that whoever broke in had absolutely nothing to do with LennoxCo. But I wouldn’t know until I saw it for myself.

  Audrey and her mutt, Pepper, were standing outside. She was wearing her pink parka and her usually pale face was red from the cold and from tears. She reached up to wipe a tear away from her eyes as I ran out of the car and stood in front of her.

  “We got home,” Audrey began in a shaky voice, “and Pepper was making a fuss, and I didn’t know what was bothering her because she never growls or barks like that! And she didn’t want me to go inside, but I dragged her anyway...” Audrey hiccupped, and her voice broke.

  When I realized that she was trembling, I pulled her into my arms and held her tight. Even though she was wearing that ridiculous marshmallow jacket, her frame felt thin and vulnerable in my strong arms. The dog whined and howled as I hugged Audrey, but I didn’t let her go.

  “Everything’s going to be okay,” I said firmly. “We’ll check it out together, okay? And we’ll make sure you don’t have to come back here.”

  Audrey blinked and swallowed hard. Her tongue darted out of her mouth and nervously licked her lips. “Okay,” she said in a shaky voice. “Here, take Pepper.” She held the leash out to me. “She’ll bark if you’re in danger.”

  I rolled my eyes. Pepper was a fat mutt who looked like she wouldn’t even be able to scare off a squirrel, much less a bunch of rabid burglars. “It’s fine,” I said. “You keep her. I’ll be right back.”

  Swallowing hard, I pushed my way into the apartment. It was a complete mess—it looked like someone had broken in and destroyed literally everything in sight. When I heard a noise behind me, I turned around to see Audrey standing there.

  “I told you to stay outside,” I growled out in a low tone. “Don’t you ever fucking listen?”

  Audrey blushed. “I feel safer with you,” she said softly. She still had her hand clamped tightly around the mutt’s leash. “And Pepper was cold.”

  “Whatever,” I mumbled, turning around and sweeping my gaze over the kitchen. “It looks like someone broke in looking for spare cash, Audrey, like maybe someone who needed it for drugs. Is anything missing?”

  “Not that I could see,” Audrey murmured. She stood there and trembled like a leaf in a slight breeze. “I mean, I didn’t look in the bedroom.”

  “Do you have any valuables? Jewelry? Anything?” I scrutinized her face.

  Audrey shook her head. “No. Um, well, there was the TV. But it’s broken. Whoever was here pulled it down, and it cracked the screen.”

  I frowned. “That’s strange. Normally when break-ins like this one happen, it’s because someone needs fast cash for drug money. Did you have any cash laying around in plain view? What about your neighbors, do you know them?”

  Audrey shook her head. “The people who lived upstairs moved out last month. And that apartment has been empty.”

  I scowled, kicking at a ripped cushion. The stuffing was scattered across the floor so that it almost looked like a snowstorm had ripped through Audrey’s place. “We’ll look together. Come on.”

  Chapter 7


  I stood there shaking, watching as Enzo rooted through everything on the floor. I could tell that he was angry—he wasn’t looking me in the eyes, and even though he’d hugged me when he’d first arrived, his body language wasn’t what it normally was.

  “Audrey,” Enzo said sharply. “Are there any other electronics here? Do you have a computer?”

  My heart stopped in my chest, like all of the air had been sucked right out of my lungs. “Um, not exactly.” A blush rose to my cheeks, and I had to swallow and look away. “I mean, I had my work laptop. It was here.”

  Enzo clapped a hand against his forehead. “Oh my God,” he mumbled. “Are you fucking kidding me?” His voice grew sharper. “You had your fucking work laptop here?”

  I nodded. “Yeah,” I said guiltily. “I didn’t mean for it to happen, but, um, I forgot it yesterday when I came into work. That’s why you had to give me all those print-outs, remember?”

  A look of recognition and anger came over Enzo’s face, and he scowled. “Fuck. Are you fucking kidding me?”

  I bit my lip and looked at his face. His normally tan features were pale with rage, and I could tell that he was shaking with anger. “No,” I murmured. “I’m sorry, Enzo. Why are you so mad?”

  Enzo closed his eyes and sank down on my ruined couch. “Those emails... I emailed them to you yesterday before I gave you the printed copies. Now anyone who sees that laptop is going to know that you were looking into Hodges.”

  “But if someone only broke in for drug money, I don’t even see how that would be possible,” I replied.

  Enzo glared at me. “Audrey, I don’t think it was someone looking for drug money anymore. I think someone, someone bad, someone associated with Hodges, broke in, probably planning to scare you into silence. When you weren’t here, they went crazy and looked for everything they could find to use against you. The laptop is the only thing missing. Doesn’t that make sense?”

  I swallowed. “Um...”

  “Shut up,” Enzo said with a scowl. “Just shut up right now, okay? I have to fucking think, Audrey!” I watched as he paced around on the floor, kicking broken objects from one side to the other. “I have to fucking come up with a plan.”

  “Maybe now isn’t the best place to do that,” I said softly. “Maybe we should go into the office, and then we can talk there.”

  Enzo glared at me. “I’m not going in right now,” he said in a deadly serious voice. “And I suggest you fucking listen to me and stay here for the moment. You’re staying with me, by the way. I’m not leaving you alone again, not after this.”

  I stood up, feeling outraged. “What the hell, Enzo? You can’t treat me like this! I had no idea someone was going to break in and steal that laptop! It wasn’t like I planned for it to happen! And I’m not staying with you!” I balled my hands into fists as tears came into my eyes. No! I wasn’t going to be that person; I wasn’t going to be that dependent little girl! There was no way Enzo could get me to stay with him! No way in hell!

  Enzo came over to me and grabbed my wrist before I could move. His fingers tightened, and I let out a small yelp of pain. “Audrey, you are to listen to everything I say, have I made that clear?” His voice was a low growl.

  I shivered. “Okay,” I said in a shaky voice. “Okay, I’m sorry.”

  Being this close to Enzo was creating a reaction in my body that I couldn’t ignore. My heart was beating faster, and my skin was growing hot, even in the chilled apartment. As he stared into my eyes with his perfect gray orbs, I shivered and felt something hot grip the base of my spine.

  No, I thought desperately. No, I can’t be attracted to him! Not at a time like this! Not now! But my body wouldn’t listen. It was like my lust and desire for Enzo had taken hold of me and refused to ever let me be normal again. I couldn’t believe the feelings surging through
me—part of me wanted nothing more than Enzo grabbing me by the hair and dragging me off to the bedroom, while the other part of me never wanted to see him again.

  I missed my life the way it was before I’d met Enzo. I wanted everything to be uncomplicated again, simple, the way things had always gone. I’d liked those times. Even though most people would have called my life boring, that was how I’d preferred it. Every night was just TV and relaxing with Pepper. Every weekend was volunteering at Helping Hands.

  Enzo pulled me close to him, and my body slammed against his as I tripped over some debris on the floor. My heart was beating wildly in my chest, and as his light gray eyes bored into my own, I felt a thrill of arousal surge through my lower belly.

  “Audrey,” Enzo hissed out in a low voice. “You ran away from me.” His gray eyes flashed with menace and desire. “You ran away from me. Did you forget that I told you that you weren’t to leave?” He pulled me closer, shaking me when I didn’t answer. “Answer me!” Enzo demanded loudly. “Tell me that you know you were wrong! Apologize!”

  I closed my eyes, seeing a hot flush of red behind my lids. “I’m sorry,” I squeaked out in a small voice. Tears dripped down my cheeks as Enzo gripped my arms and tossed me roughly to the side. I landed on the couch, on my back, with my legs spread. “I’m sorry!” I cried out again, feeling vulnerable even though I was still wearing my parka. “I had to leave! I couldn’t stay!”

  Enzo leaned over me. His features were a perfectly sculpted mask of calm. “Audrey, I instructed you to stay,” he said. “Just as I instructed you to get rid of those horrible clothes. Why didn’t you listen?”

  I flinched as he tugged my parka off, tossing it on the floor. Even though I was still wearing my jumper, turtleneck, and leggings, I felt exposed in front of him. Enzo crawled on top of me, pushing me down into the couch. When I first felt his mouth on mine, I moaned.

  My body seemed to betray me—even though I wanted nothing to do with him, I couldn’t stop myself from reacting to his touch. He knew exactly how to turn me on, exactly how to push me around just hard enough. Enzo kissed me roughly, pressing his teeth against my lips. He bit and sucked on my lower lip until I was crying out and wrapping my arms around him.

  Enzo broke the kiss and pulled away. He threw his jacket to the floor and pulled his shirt over his head. Seeing his muscular, bare torso over me kicked my desire into overdrive, and before I knew it, I was pulling down my leggings and spreading my legs. Enzo slapped my hands away.

  “No,” Enzo said harshly. “I get to strip you. You are not to touch yourself, or me, do you understand?”

  I nodded, feeling the blood rise in my neck and cheeks. “Yes, sir,” I whimpered meekly as Enzo ripped my leggings off and tossed them to the floor. He stared down at me with an arrogant, lustful look and I shivered, knowing that I was about to feel the amazing force of his cock once again.

  He leaned down, kissing me roughly. Enzo’s hands tangled in my hair and yanked my head back, exposing my neck. His mouth on my neck felt amazing, and I moaned as his hot lips and tongue trailed down the exposed skin. When his hands touched my bare thighs, I moaned more.

  There was something so naughty, so sensual, about being taken with most of my clothing on. The desperation turned me on more than ever before, and my clit throbbed with lust.

  Enzo fumbled with the buckle on his belt, then tossed his pants out of the way. As always, the sight of him completely naked took my breath away. Even with an angry expression on his gorgeous face, he still had the perfect body of a Greek god. I whimpered as he crawled between my thighs, feeling the head of his cock poke at my labia.

  “You’re gonna take me hard,” Enzo grunted in my ear as he positioned himself on top of me. “You’re gonna let me fuck you until I’m done, you hear me?”

  “Yes, sir,” I whimpered as Enzo’s hips pushed me hard into the couch.

  As he slipped inside of me, I groaned. His cock fitted perfectly, stretching me until I felt full. I closed my eyes and wrapped my arms around Enzo’s neck, struggling and pushing my body against his. The rhythm of his hips against mine was incredible, and I strained and moaned, desperate to match Enzo’s pace with my own.

  As his cock thrust in and out of me, his torso pressed against my body and I whimpered. Enzo snaked a hand between our bodies and began to rub my clit until I was screaming with pleasure. The feeling exploded in my belly like a firecracker, and I knew that tears of pleasure and desire were streaming down my face by the time I came harshly.

  When it was over, Enzo pulled away and climbed off of me. He was panting and sweating. I could barely look at him. I felt half ashamed, half completely sated. If my house hadn’t been an absolute mess, I could have crawled into bed and slept for hours.

  Enzo tugged on his clothes and flopped back down on the couch. Modestly, I tugged the hem of my jumper down to cover my bare knees. I was overly warm even though the apartment was cold; my skin was flushed hot with the lust that had just pumped through my body.

  “I’m still mad at you for leaving,” Enzo said in a sotto voice as he folded his jacket and sat down with it on his lap. “You shouldn’t have done that. It’s dangerous in Chicago, Audrey, this isn’t a safe city. You could have been raped or mugged.”

  I frowned, feeling my brow crease with the effort. “That’s not true,” I replied sharply. “I had Pepper with me. She would have protected me.”

  Enzo glanced at the dog laying on the floor of the ruined kitchen with her snout hidden under her front paws. “I doubt she could fend off a child,” he said mildly. “You’re coming and staying with me, no question about it.” He glared at me. “And I’m not leaving you here until you agree.”

  A shiver went through me as Enzo’s eyes penetrated me with gray fire. I almost wanted to say no, just to see if he would fuck me again. I shivered. I hadn’t ever imagined that angry sex could be more exciting than regular sex, but it had been absolutely incredible.

  “I don’t know,” I said, frowning. “I don’t think I’m ready to do that. I feel safer here. I have Pepper, you know.”

  Enzo sighed. He relaxed, letting his head fall back on his shoulder as he stared at the ceiling. “Why did you leave those things?” He turned and looked at me. This time, his voice was softer. “I bought everything for you. I thought you’d like it.”

  I winced at the implication of his words: that any other woman, anyone but me, would have been thrilled. I frowned. “I don’t know,” I murmured. “It’s hard to say. I didn’t feel like me when I was wearing that stuff.”

  Enzo snorted. “So you have to be wearing dumpy clothes to feel like Audrey? That’s a first. I feel like Enzo even when I’m naked.”

  I blushed, thinking of his perfect, sculpted body. “No, I... It’s hard to explain, but I feel like a traitor. I feel like I don’t deserve to wear nice things. I feel like I haven’t earned them, or that it would be a betrayal to my parents.”

  Enzo raised his eyebrows. “A betrayal to the parents who couldn’t even afford to have a kid, and yet they had you?” He smirked. “I would have thought you’d be all about trying to indulge now that you’re an adult who could afford it.”

  My stomach twisted in my gut and I had to look away. When Enzo talked like this, I had a hard time imagining that we had anything in common.

  “That’s not it, I just... well, I feel like a phony. Or a fraud, I guess. I feel like wearing clothes like that don’t make me any better, so I might as well stick with everything that I have now. Does that make sense?”

  Enzo shook his head. “Not really. You know, years ago, I was poor, too. I couldn’t afford to shop at places like RH Shoes. And when I finally had the money to indulge in whatever I wanted to indulge in, it felt good.” He smiled, closing his eyes at the memory. “I felt like I finally deserved something nice. And who knows, maybe I enjoy it more because I didn’t always have it.” Enzo raised his eyebrows at me. “Have you ever felt like that?”

  I swallowed. I hadn’t ev
er felt like that, and I couldn’t imagine that changing. “I don’t think so,” I said. But Enzo’s word had an unintended effect.

  Now, suddenly, I saw him as someone like myself, someone who had risen from poverty. The only difference was that Enzo was proud. And I wasn’t. Or rather, it wasn’t that I didn’t feel proud, but I didn’t feel any differently than I ever had, and I still didn’t feel entitled to anything. Maybe that was the difference.

  When the words came from Enzo’s mouth, they were softer than before. “I didn’t mean to offend you,” he said. “I just wanted you to know that you deserve nice things, Audrey. I thought it would bring you joy if I helped you with that.”

  I scowled. He definitely hadn’t brought me joy, but his confession had made me feel like there was a chink in Enzo’s armor. I had to believe that he didn’t confess his poverty-stricken childhood to every woman that he slept with—it wasn’t Enzo’s style, not by far. And somehow, the fact that he’d told me the truth made me feel even more for him.

  You love him, a little voice in my head said sharply. And you’re a fool if you think you don’t.

  I felt an uncomfortable feeling in my chest, like my heart welling up with unwanted emotion. It was true—I was falling for Enzo. I loved him. So why couldn’t I let myself just fall all the way?

  Chapter 8


  I couldn’t even think straight. I was so angry—at Audrey, at Hodges, at myself—that I couldn’t make heads or tails of the situation. Deep down, I knew that Audrey really wasn’t to blame. Even though she lived in a shitty neighborhood, the chances of her place being broken into were fairly slim. It wasn’t like her windows were filled with ostentatious displays or anything like that. I had a feeling that Hodges had known exactly when to wait and attack.


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