Angel's Touch: Paranormal Angel Romance (The Cursed Angels Series Book 4)

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Angel's Touch: Paranormal Angel Romance (The Cursed Angels Series Book 4) Page 11

by Anna Santos

  “I thought I was dying and…I would never see you again. I would go to hell, and you would disappear…”

  His lips touched my cheeks. “But you are still here. I’m here. Nothing can stop us from being together. Your brother is safe. We can take the trial and get married.”

  I stopped crying as I drowned in his shining eyes. He was also crying. Silent tears trailed down his cheeks. I kissed his tears and nodded.

  “Jacob, how did Simon find us at the campsite?”

  Jacob gulped, his warm voice feathering my lips. “Cedric believes that he followed you when the prince grabbed you from the woods. With a specter on his side, the creature followed you to the secure location and led the werewolves there. Then, his men attacked the sentinels and the specter tried to blast the van with you inside. Cedric managed to pull you out before it exploded.”

  I puckered my lips. “How many people died?”

  “We had more injured than anything else. There were zero casualties for gargoyles or angels. Though, some of the vampires and wolves were killed. Once the Alpha died, the rest surrendered.”

  I nodded as my fingers caressed his handsome face.

  “Camille,” a voice shouted from the entrance to my bedroom. I looked up and saw Aaron’s smiling face with a bouquet of roses. “I’m glad you woke up. Jacob was going insane. I brought you these from all of us.” He showed me the flower arrangement.

  I frowned. “What are you doing here? It’s still daytime.”

  Aaron smirked again with a huge grin as he scratched the back of his neck. “Didn’t Jacob tell you?”

  “What?” I looked at Jacob.

  “He found a mate. A lot of them did. The rejected girls Simon kept in his compound, the majority of them restored their bond with their mates. However, a few didn’t and found a new match. Aaron was one of the lucky ones.”

  “Yeah, I’m here to see her. She’s in the medical ward.”

  With wide eyes, I asked Jacob as I tugged at his jacket, “Did Cedric find a mate?”

  “No.” Jacob’s face became gloomy. I looked at Aaron and saw the same sad face.

  “I have to check on my mate. I don’t want her to be alone for too long,” Aaron excused himself after giving the bouquet to Jacob. “Get well soon. I want you to meet my girl.”

  “Of course.” I waved him goodbye and watched Jacob put the flowers in a vase. There were other vases with flowers scattered over the metallic furniture.

  “Which one is yours?” I wondered.

  “The white lilies with the pink roses.” Jacob sat next to me again.

  “Good choice.”

  He held my hand. “I know I’m still weak. But, with your help, can I visit my brother?”

  “I’ll get the wheelchair.” Pressing my hand to his lips, he got up and left.

  Chapter Fifteen—WIngs

  It took me two days to fully recover from my injuries. Angels healed faster. I was eager to leave the Royal Hospital even though I met William here. He was my doctor and Cedric’s cousin. William was one of the nicest people I had ever met. He was passionate about science.

  During my stay at the hospital, Jacob showered me with gifts. Plus, I craved his presence all the time, and I couldn’t wait to get home, so we could be alone.

  Before leaving, I went to visit my brother. He was in bed, resting, while Monique read a magazine. I wanted to talk to Thierry about our parents before Jacob came to take me home.

  “Good morning, Monique,” I said, taking a seat next to his bed. “How is our patient today?”

  “Grumpy,” Monique replied. She put the magazine aside and smiled. “Are you leaving today?”

  “Yes. William said that I could recover at home. I’m just sore, mostly. No more broken bones or scars.”

  “Must be nice to have sacred angel blood coursing through your veins. Us, mortals, need to heal to the best of our abilities,” Thierry mumbled. He coughed when he tried to laugh. His hand searched for mine. “How are you, little sister?”

  “I’m fine, big brother,” I replied, leaning closer and holding his hand. It was missing the index and his little fingers. The nurse had recently changed his bandages. I looked at his face and tried to push away the guilt I felt for all the pain I knew he had endured because of me. His bruises were healing nicely and, soon enough, he could leave his bed and try to get back to his life. “Any news about our former pack members?”

  “I’ve been meaning to tell you. Mom and Dad are in Geneva. I sent them to Uncle Frederic’s pack, so Simon couldn’t use them against you.”

  I gulped and blinked as I processed the information. “Simon told me that he had killed our parents. I thought they were dead.”

  “I know that they…weren’t the best parents in the world, but I kept them safe.”

  I nodded. “I understand. Mom was always really fond of you.”

  “I guess she was. Now that Alpha Alfonse is dead, I have to step up and reunite our pack members. I just need to be strong enough for that. I have talked with Prince Cedric. He has relocated all of the prisoners. They are safe for the time being. I will need to go home to examine the damages. Simon set fire to our homes. Will you be coming back with me?”

  “My place is now beside my new mate and my new family. Going back would just bring painful memories. I have no wish to see our parents, either. I’m glad that you want to reunite our pack and be their Alpha, but my place is here now,” I said softly. As much as I loved Thierry, my angel side didn’t want anything to do with my former parents and pack. I had found a new home.

  Thierry tried to move but only grunted in pain. Monique got up and placed a pillow behind his back. They seemed to have become quite close.

  “What is going on between you two?” I asked, unable to contain my curiosity.

  Monique arched an eyebrow, and Thierry asked, “What do you mean?”

  “You said you weren’t mates, but Monique also said she had a mate. Yet, she’s here with you all the time, caring for you as if you are special to her. You don’t need to hide anymore.”

  “Jacob seems like a good guy,” my brother said.

  I frowned. “Are you honestly not going to tell me if she’s your mate or not?”

  “It’s Monique’s choice,” Thierry said.

  Monique sighed and sat back in her chair. “I’m a witch. A white witch,” she clarified before I could judge her by the deeds of others of her kind. “My mate was arrested. He will have to face trial. In the meantime, I don’t have a pack. I like Thierry. I believe he will be an amazing leader, so I would like to help him achieve that.”

  “And?” Thierry said as if she had forgotten something important.

  “I’m your half-sister.”

  “What?” I got up with wide eyes. “How old are you?”

  “Our dad met my mom before mating with yours,” she clarified. “I’m twenty-six. I’m three years older than Thierry.”

  I sat back and looked at my brother. “How long have you known this? Does Mother know about this? Is Father aware that he has a daughter?”

  “Your mother doesn’t like me very much. That’s why Dad comes alone to visit me, and I could never go to your home. But, I met Thierry some time ago, and we have kept in contact.”

  “She’s not going to be happy if you take our half-sister to be part of our pack.”

  “Mother can always look for a new pack,” Thierry said nonchalantly.

  I smirked.

  There was a soft knock on the door. “Hello!”

  I turned around to see Jacob. He smiled, and I walked to hug him. “Are you ready to come back home?” he whispered after kissing my lips.

  “Can Thierry and Monique visit us when he’s better?”

  “Of course. We can even find him a place to stay if he wishes.”

  “He wants to get back home to lead the pack.”

  Jacob looked at Thierry. “Everybody is going to contribute with a monetary donation to help rebuild the most damaged areas. We will ta
lk about that when you feel better.”

  I looked back and understood why Jacob had said that. Thierry couldn’t keep his eyes open. Monique was already making him comfortable by removing the pillow and tucking the blanket around him.

  “Go on home, Camille. I’ll be here to take care of him.”

  “I’ll come later to check on you, and I’ll bring new clothes for you to wear.”

  Monique nodded, and Jacob and I left.

  That night we went out to dinner.

  “Whose restaurant is this?” I wondered, staring at the fancy decor.


  “The King of the Vampires?”

  “Yes. He owns several restaurants and nightclubs. He’s a rich businessman.”

  “It’s beautiful,” I whispered, dazzled by the rich decoration and copious flower arrangements.

  Suddenly, my attention was caught by the red-haired woman in the silky golden dress strolling her way to the lounge area. A memory flashed through my mind.

  “Do you know who that is?” I asked Jacob as she moved to the counter and asked for a drink.

  “As a matter of fact, I do. That’s Mara. She’s Philippe’s girlfriend. Do you know her?”

  “No. It’s just her hair.”

  “What about her hair?” Jacob asked after drinking water.

  “It’s red.”

  “Yes, it’s quite different but not unusual.”

  “When I was a prisoner in Simon’s compound, I overheard a perplexing conversation about red hair and something about a Red Angel. Have you ever heard of it?”

  “A Red Angel? Were those the exact words?” Jacob questioned, frowning.

  “Yes. They were saying that they needed a red-haired angel. And, I wouldn’t do because I had blonde hair. At least, I thought they were talking about me.”

  Jacob folded his hands over the table. “The Red Angel is more like a myth to us than anything else. It’s told to be one of the most powerful angels walking the Earth, an Archangel, for that matter. Do you remember anything else about that conversation?”

  “I don’t think so. But, I have no idea who was talking about it. I don’t even know if it was a dream or not. Seeing her hair reminded me of that.”

  Jacob’s hand grabbed mine over the table. “Simon is gone. Whatever he was planning, it’s over. Now, we just need to bond and be happy.”

  I smiled at him.

  “Camille, do you think we can love each other more than we already do?”

  “Yes, of course. Our love grows more every day.”

  “I feel really close to you with all that we had to endure in the past few days.”

  “I feel it, too, Jacob.”

  He smiled before whispering, “We share more than a physical connection, don’t we?”

  “Of course, we do.”

  “After dinner, I want to show you something,” he told me, his eyes shining.

  A waiter approached us with a bottle of champagne in his hand. “Compliments of the house. Mr. Duchamp sends his regards.”

  I looked around to see if I could find the Vampire King, but he was nowhere to be found.

  “Tell your master that we thank him,” Jacob said politely as the waiter popped the cork and served the chilled liquid into the flutes.

  After dinner, Jacob teleported us to the garden of the palace. I was completely happy for the first time without the dark cloud hanging over my head. Our stroll led us to the lake where we sat, holding hands and contemplating the dark sky.

  His voice shattered the silence, “I can’t see myself living without you.”

  “I feel the same, Jacob.”

  “So, it doesn’t really matter if we wait two more weeks or one week to get married, does it?”

  “What do you mean?”

  “We are already in love. True love. From now on, we can only love each other even more. Therefore, we don’t need to wait for the deadline. We can take the trial whenever we want. We can say our vows and marry tomorrow if we wish.”

  “What are you saying?”

  Jacob stretched his arm, showing me a black velvet box. “I’m asking you to marry me. I want to give you this ring,” he said, opening the box which held a breathtaking sapphire solitaire mounted in white gold.

  I covered my mouth. “It’s beautiful!

  “I’m ready to take our vows whenever you feel ready,” he said.

  “I’m ready, too. But, we can’t just marry tomorrow. I need to buy a wedding dress and invite people to the event. Find the perfect shoes and write our wedding vows.” I was breathless when I stopped talking.

  “Is that a yes?” he asked with a lopsided smile.

  I waved my hand in front of my heated face. My eyes teared up. “It’s a yes.”

  “I want you to have the wedding of your dreams.”

  “You really took me by surprise. I didn’t expect you to propose here.”

  “It was where we kissed for the first time. Besides, everybody can say they were proposed to in a restaurant full of strangers, but not many can say they were asked for their hand in marriage in another realm under an alien sky.”

  “No, they can’t.” I wiped my tears away and offered him my left hand.

  Jacob’s hands trembled when he placed the ring on my finger. Before I could say anything else, his lips locked with mine and stole the little air I had left in my lungs.

  “Are you ready for another surprise?” he asked after our kiss.

  I nodded, unsure what more he could do to surprise me.

  Jacob stepped back. He loosened his tie and removed his jacket and shirt.

  “Are we going for a swim?” I asked.

  He folded his clothes neatly over a rock. “No. I’m taking you flying.”

  He rolled his shoulders, and his black shining wings erupted from his back, making me gape at him with widened eyes.

  “You have wings,” I stated the obvious. “Since when?”

  “Well since we defeated your…Alpha Simon’s men. I was waiting for the right moment to tell you. Plus, I had to practice flying with my new wings before testing them with you.” His hand touched my face. “Do you want to touch them?”

  “Can I?” I asked, folding my hands against my chest.

  “Of course.”

  I stretched my arm out and brushed my fingers against his feathers. He turned around to let me have a better look. “They are beautiful. Does this tickle?”

  “A little because it’s you touching them.”

  I boldly caressed his feathers and giggled when he moaned. I must have been torturing him because he turned around, grabbed my hand, and hugged me against him with lustful eyes.

  Jacob’s breath tickled my ear and sent shivers down my spine. We haven’t been together since the other day in the hotel. He was giving me space.

  “Are you ready to fly?”

  “Are you going to be gentle?”

  “Always,” he whispered back, lowering his lips to meet mine. “Wrap your arms around my neck. This may be scary at first,” he warned before stretching his wings and using his inhuman strength to propel us up, defeating gravity.

  Needless to say, I screamed and held on tight until I felt it was safe to open my eyes and enjoy the ride. I rested my chin on his shoulder and looked at the ring on my finger. I was beaming. However, we still needed to survive the trial to live happily ever after.

  Chapter Sixteen—The Trial

  We were outside the Sacred Room where the trial would take place. Everybody had a different experience. To keep the trial even more secretive, no one else but the couple could enter the room. If we passed, both of us would come out. If we failed, only I.

  I was nervous beyond words. I didn't want to fail and lose Jacob. What if I didn't love him enough to break his curse? It had only been twenty days! We were crazy to go in so soon! But, we wanted to be together forever, without there being more to fear. Ten more days wouldn't matter if we weren't madly in love by now.

  I smoothed my we
dding dress. It was made for a princess and taken out of a fairy-tale story. My hair was done in an up-do with diamond hair slides and pearls entwined in my braids. Jacob was wearing an elegant cream-colored tuxedo with flowers matching the bouquet of lilies and petunias I held in my right hand. I was so nervous!

  Cedric was in front of us with an anxious face despite the smile. He was gripping onto the doorknob really hard.

  "Let's replay this. You put your hands over the sacred orb. You repeat your vows, claiming the intention of being together for all eternity. Something will happen. The Orb will test you. If everything goes according to plan, the curse will be lifted, and you can join us to celebrate your union. If not..." Cedric paused and looked at Jacob.

  "If not you will welcome Camille and treat her as if she was your sister. You will give her my fortune and will make sure no one hurts her until the day she dies," Jacob reminded him of his promise, and my heart fluttered once again at how generous Jacob was.

  I didn't want to lose him. Tears prickled at my eyes, and I had to fight the urge to cry. I would keep my poker face on and pretend that I wasn't a bundle of nerves.

  Cedric stepped forward and put his hand on Jacob's shoulder. "You have my word."

  "I'm ready. Let's get this over with. I want to dance with my wife tonight."

  We chuckled, trying to lessen the seriousness of the next step.

  Cedric opened the door, and we stepped into the enormous room with vaulted ceilings.

  The orb was on the opposite side of the room and not in the middle as I would have thought. Once we were around the pedestal, the door closed with a dry sound, and we were left alone.

  I looked up to see Jacob's expression. He was smiling. On the other hand, I had forgotten how to breathe.

  "Relax, everything will be okay."

  I took a deep breath and nodded. It helped to clear the fog inside my head.

  "Tell me again what we need to do," I requested.

  He asked for my hand.

  I placed my bouquet on the floor and put my left hand in his. I was shaking.


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