Blood Legacy

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Blood Legacy Page 16

by C. M. Sutter

  “Yep, and I also took a picture of it, so I’ll forward that to Carson.”

  “Good, then you two head out. Don’t come back until you have something newsworthy that I want to hear. Get ahold of your contact in Livingston and find out if Tara Philips made it through the night. If she did, we’ll have to address that situation too. This weekend, we’re going to get rid of all the kids. We’ll start again after all this shit dies down. I’ll contact Bea Lewis at the agency and tell her to hold back the deliveries for now. If those unknowns were Feds snooping around, one can’t be too careful. They’ve got a lot of pull and a lot of contacts throughout the country. If they are Feds and get wind of our names or where the ranch is located, it could be over for us. Luckily, there isn’t a damn thing on this property that would indict us or indicate that we’re buying kids who were turned over to an illegal adoption agency by crackhead moms who didn’t want them.”

  Donny grinned. “And there’s plenty of those moms who don’t give a rat’s ass about their kids. We’ll start over with a fresh delivery in a few months. What are you going to do with the ones we have?”

  “Shoot them and bury them in the steer’s grazing pasture. Doubt if anyone would venture out there when you have twelve-hundred-pound steers staring you in the face everywhere you look.”

  “Got it. If you don’t mind me saying, I have a different idea you may like.”

  “Have a seat and explain it to me.”

  Donny ran his idea past Bart and waited for a response.

  “Okay, go ahead with that. Update Carson on his duties for the day and don’t screw up. Remember to keep that image of Clarence from last night fresh in your mind.”

  With a nod, Donny walked away.

  Chapter 47

  Sheriff Johnson was right. The motel and the breakfast were perfect for our needs.

  Renz and I headed to the hospital, where we hoped to find Tara awake and alert. We had no idea whether anyone like the hospital chaplain or a doctor had spoken with her about the crash. We took the elevator to the ICU wing and approached the nurses’ station. After showing our badges, we asked to speak to the doctor overseeing Tara Philips’s post-surgery condition.

  We were told that the daytime ICU doctor on duty was Gary Millburn and he had just begun his morning rounds. Renz explained that we needed to speak with him or somebody else who could talk to us about Tara, and we needed to speak to that person immediately. They obviously knew there was a reason a deputy was walking the hallways in that wing and that it had to do with Tara Philips.

  The nurse said she would page the doctor and ask if he could meet with us between patients. It was the best she could do. We thanked her and took seats in the small seating area near the elevators.

  Renz called Sheriff Burke in Meagher County and updated him. Renz told him we were in Livingston and couldn’t get back in time to retrieve the shell casings. He or a deputy would have to take care of that for us.

  “Sheriff Johnson told me about the crash on Highway 89. That’s terrible news about Byron. He seemed like a nice enough guy. And the baby, well, that’s a real shame,” Burke said.

  “A real shame about it being a murder too. I can guarantee you it’s the same guy who tried to kill Jane Doe. Keep your deputies alert for anything suspicious at the hospital. Meanwhile, we’re going to try to get Tara transferred to Mountainview. Having her and Jane in the same hospital will make things easier all around. We’ll be there, you and your team will be there, and the best news is, the killer lives nearby. We’re going to get him, Clay, and damn soon.”

  “I hope you’re right. We don’t need that type in our neck of the woods. Most folks here are honest, hardworking people who just want to live life in peace.”

  “Understood. Keep me posted and get those shell casings to the crime lab right away. We need to know if there are prints on them, and if there are, who they belong to.”

  Minutes after Renz hung up, a doctor walked toward us. I nudged Renz. “That must be Dr. Millburn.”

  “Good. We need to get the show on the road since we have a lot to accomplish today. We still need to find out from Taft if they learned anything from the auction house customer list in the other states or anything more about that corporation whose name was listed as a customer on a number of auction sites.”


  We stood, introduced ourselves, and asked the doctor if there was a private place where we could talk to him about Tara. With a tip of his head, he motioned to a corner grouping at the end of the hall.

  “We can talk there, but I only have about fifteen minutes to spare.”

  “Sure. It’ll have to do.”

  We didn’t have the luxury of going into detail, and we wouldn’t reveal too much of our case to civilians anyway. Renz paraphrased everything.

  “As you know, Tara is under the sheriff office’s protection. We have a young lady in White Sulphur Springs under protective custody at Mountainview, and we believe the same people or person is responsible for her injuries as well. Our case is based in the White Sulphur Springs area, and we believe Tara would be safer there, where we can keep eyes on her while we work the case. Can she be transferred there today? We’ll even drive along behind the transport vehicle to make sure she arrives safely.”

  “Um… geez, I’d have to review her chart and consult with Dr. Vallskey before we could release her.”

  “She wouldn’t actually be released from care, just moved to a different hospital. I’m asking you to work with us, Doctor, since we really don’t have a lot of wiggle room here.”

  He tipped his wrist and checked the time. “I can give you an answer in an hour.”

  “Okay, we’ll be back then.”

  Renz and I found the hospital cafeteria and waited there. I called Sheriff Johnson to find out about the search for shell casings along the freeway. He said deputies had been at the location for over an hour, and so far, they hadn’t found any casings.

  I groaned. “Another dead end, damn it. They probably made sure the casings ejected into their car.”

  I told the sheriff about our intentions to move Tara that morning and said we would head to White Sulphur Springs as long as we got the green light from the doctor. I asked the sheriff to keep us updated if he or his deputies heard any chatter about the shootings. He promised he would, and I ended the call. Next, I needed to update Taft on the shit storm that had taken place last night. The killer was beyond brazen, which told me that if he did have more kids in custody, they were likely in imminent danger.

  I couldn’t put Taft on Speakerphone because of the people in the room, so I would have to go over the call with Renz later. He went to the counter and bought two coffees while he waited on me.

  Keeping my voice low, I called our boss, and she answered right away. “Did you learn anything more about that corporation?” I asked.

  “We did, but we can’t get through the barrier they’ve created. The name of the corporation is Full Circle Enterprises, and it’s based in the Caymans.”

  “The name itself says a lot.”

  “I agree, Jade, but that’s the umbrella company name if you will. The plat book for Meagher County doesn’t show any property owned by that corporation. We’ve hit a dead end even though we know that company is likely the one owned by the killer.”

  “And nobody has to show a valid ID at the auctions?”

  “They probably do, but I’m sure it’s fake anyway or the owner could be sending his minions inside to do the bidding for him while he scouts areas to dump people.”

  I groaned. “But we’re so close.”

  “And he’ll screw up. Keep putting pressure on the sheriff, ask people in the area if they’ve ever heard of Full Circle Enterprises, and keep your eye on the hospital. There could be someone watching from the parking lot. They probably know you and Lorenzo are there, but they may not know who you are. Get those doctors to move Tara so both she and Jane are in the same hospital. It’s safer for both of them that
way. If the doctors need more convincing, give them my number.”

  “Yes, ma’am. So the Malcolm thing is a dead end too?”

  “It is, but continue to ask around when you get back to White Sulphur Springs. You never know who might have heard that name or spoken with a Malcolm at some point.”

  “Roger that. We’ll let you know soon about moving Tara. The doctor is consulting with another doctor and will let us know within the hour.” I hung up and thanked Renz for the coffee.

  “She have anything we can use?”

  “Unfortunately not. The name of the corporation is Full Circle Enterprises, though.”


  “I know, right? The problem is that the umbrella company is based in the Caymans, and they don’t give up personal information to anyone. Taft said the Meagher County plat book doesn’t show any property with that corporation name as the owner.”

  “So the owner could be any name under the sun, a person, or a subsidiary of that corporation.”

  “Sounds that way,” I said.

  “Anything else?”

  “Only that she wants us to ask around on that company name and the name Malcolm. She couldn’t find any information on a Malcolm in the county.”

  Renz rubbed his forehead. “Damn it. Chasing ghosts again.”

  I smiled. “Aren’t we always?”

  Chapter 48

  After gulping the last swallow of coffee, I checked the time. “It’s been almost an hour. Let’s head upstairs.”

  Minutes later, at that same corner grouping where we’d been sitting before, I let out a long puff of air. “I wonder what the doctor has decided.”

  Renz frowned. “It isn’t really his decision. We just want to move Tara to another hospital. All they have to do is put her in a medical transport vehicle and drive an hour north. It’s not like she’s hooked up to a respirator or some other lifesaving equipment. I don’t see the problem.”

  “I don’t either, but we aren’t the ones making the call.” I chuckled. “Although Taft said if he had any issues with moving Tara, he should contact her.”

  “Uh-oh.” Renz’s eyes twinkled as he laughed.

  I looked up and down the hallway, and saw one person in the seating area by the elevators. “The doctor should be looking for us by now. Maybe we should sit closer to the nurses’ station so he sees us.”

  “Sure, if you want to.” Renz pointed. “Let’s sit by the elevators.”

  I nodded at the man who’d looked up when Renz and I sat down. There was plenty of space between us so our conversation with Dr. Millburn wouldn’t be overheard. We waited another five minutes, then I saw him.

  “There he is.” I watched as the doctor spoke with the ladies at the nurses’ station for a minute or two. One nurse pointed our way. He nodded then walked toward us. “Agents.”

  I spoke up as soon as he took a seat. “Well, can we take Tara back to Mountainview Medical Center? For safety reasons, having her and Jane Doe together makes the most sense.”

  He gave me a long look. “I consulted with Dr. Vallskey and the doctors at Mountainview. There is room for her there, and most of her needs now are to heal and rest. Her primary will be Dr. Ramsey. I’m sure Tara is going to need physical therapy after she’s released from the hospital too.”

  “We’ll give the family the unfortunate news after we head out with Tara and the transport vehicle. After Tara’s settled at Mountainview, the doctor can discuss all her needs with her family.”

  Dr. Millburn glanced at the clock behind the nurses’ station. “She’ll be ready to go in twenty minutes. An aide has moved her down to the transport area, and we’re just waiting on the driver to arrive. A paramedic will ride along in the front, and a nurse will accompany Tara in the back. I’ve given her a mild sedative so the ride doesn’t bother her. She’s been told that her husband and baby are deceased, and honestly, I think at this point, she’s happy to be sedated.” He looked around and lowered his voice. “We didn’t remove the fetus yet. Dr. Ramsey said he’d take care of that.” He shook his head. “She’s been through a lot. That’s for sure.”

  I nodded. “Such a sad situation.”

  Renz took his turn. “Where should we meet the transport?”

  “Go around the building to the ambulance entrance and wait there. The transport driver will let you know when he arrives, then Tara will be wheeled out.”

  I extended my hand. “Thank you, Dr. Millburn. We appreciate your help.”

  Renz and I returned to the main level and out to the parking lot, then we drove around the building, where we waited.

  “We’ve got to find out who owns Full Circle Enterprises. That person is probably the killer.”

  “Not necessarily, Jade. If that’s the parent corporation with smaller companies under it, then the killer could be a hired hand, the ranch foreman, or who knows who. Maybe that Malcolm character was the killer.”

  I shook my head. “Not possible. He was dead before Jane Doe was attacked.”

  “So maybe someone was ordered to take over his duties after that. I’m guessing the owner of that corporation has clean hands and is just the mouthpiece.”

  “But why? What’s in it for him to have teenagers killed and have the new guy go after Tara and Byron?”

  Renz cocked his head. “Tara and Byron were targeted because of Jane. Maybe Malcolm and the person with the rifle were looking for Jane and that’s what set the wheels in motion.” Renz’s eyes widened. “Jane is the nexus. She’s the teenager who got away and the only one who could identify all of them, their names, and the ranch’s location. Of course, they went after her, Malcolm had an accidental fall after the mountain lion attack, then the guy with the rifle finally found Jane that next morning. He saw Tara, circled around and snapped a picture of their vehicle, and was told to go after them that next night when they were heading back to Bozeman.”

  I frowned. “Then that means he was following us yesterday, and we had no clue.”

  Renz agreed. “It sure seems that way.”

  The thought made me shiver. The man who killed Byron and nearly killed Tara and Jane was watching us, but we didn’t know who he was. He was likely using a different vehicle too. Otherwise, a dark-colored pickup might have caught our attention.

  We were on the hunt for someone we couldn’t identify, an unknown vehicle we couldn’t put out a BOLO on, and as long as we kept them safe, Tara and Jane were the only ones who could help us solve the case.

  We watched as a vehicle parked at the back of the building. A man walked toward the ambulance access doors, pressed a code into a keypad, and opened the doors. He disappeared into the building for several minutes then reappeared and walked toward our car.

  “That has to be the driver.” Renz lowered the window and waited for the man to reach our car.


  “That’s us,” Renz said. “Agents DeLeon and Monroe. I assume you’re the transport driver?”

  “That’s correct, sir. I’m Tyler Jens.” He shook Renz’s hand.

  I lowered my head, looked past Renz, and gave Tyler a nod.

  “I’ll be driving. A paramedic, Carly Brant, will ride shotgun, and a nurse, Sheila Donnigan, will be in the back with the patient. This should be an easy transport. Straight north on Highway 89 to White Sulphur Springs an hour away.”

  “Are we ready to go?” I asked.

  “They’re loading the patient now, so five minutes or so. You’ll be following us?”

  “Yep, that’s the plan,” Renz said. “Let’s have your cell number in case we have to call you during the ride.”

  “Sure, no problem.” Tyler rattled off the number and patted the doorframe. “Okey dokey. We’ll head out in a few.”

  Chapter 49

  Donny chuckled into the phone as he explained his good fortune to Bart. “Sure as shit, Boss, I’m not kidding. The last thing I expected was to come across those two unknowns at the hospital in Livingston. Apparently, they’re agents, so I’m
assuming that would mean FBI agents.”

  “No shit? That is good news. FBI agents, huh? They must have been sent because the bodies were found in five different states. How they pinpointed Montana as the state to do their investigating in is disturbing, though. How did they connect the dots?”

  “No idea, but according to the conversation I overheard them having with the doctor, they’re moving Tara Philips to Mountainview.”

  Bart laughed into the phone. “They’re playing right into our hands.”

  “It appears that way. I can see them from my location now, and they’re about to head out. The woman is in a transport van, and the agents look to be pulling out behind them. What do you want me to do?”

  “Kill the agents. Watch your surroundings since it’s broad daylight and a pistol isn’t easy to hide while driving a motorcycle. Shoot into their car. If we’re lucky, they’ll swerve across the traffic lanes and have a head-on collision with oncoming traffic. Don’t forget, they’re likely armed too. After that, take out the transport van and get your ass back here. I’ll follow up with Carson at Mountainview. He’s got his eyes on Cassie’s room, and as soon as the deputy takes a piss break, he’ll make his move.”

  “Got it, and I’ll see you soon.”

  “Don’t forget that image of Clarence.”

  “Understood, and I won’t let you down.”

  Chapter 50

  I smiled at Renz and let out a relieved sigh.

  He gave me a side-eyed glance. “What?”

  “It’s finally coming together. Tara will be in the same hospital with Jane, and after she comes out of sedation, we can talk to her.”


  I frowned. “On what?”

  “When they’re going to remove the baby.”

  I stared at my lap. “Oh yeah. Maybe they’ll keep her sedated until that’s over with.”


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