Operation: Unknown Angel

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Operation: Unknown Angel Page 5

by Margaret Kay

  “I’d say let’s not get ahead of ourselves until we see how this is going to play out. I know Madison appreciates all the offers to help her, but I’d suggest you all let it lie until Madison tells us what she needs,” Lambchop said.

  The group dispersed.

  Within Shepherd’s office, Cooper took hold of Madison’s hand under the table.

  “You’re sure about this?” Shepherd asked, his eyes on Madison.

  “About taking in Hahna?”

  Shepherd nodded.

  “I can’t explain it,” she said, her eyes darting between Shepherd and Lassiter. “I just couldn’t leave her there. My heart told me I had to bring her home with us. Holding her in my arms, there was no question that she was my responsibility.”

  “This sounds like more than an emotional reaction,” Lassiter said.

  “Joe, it was emotional. I won’t argue with that. But it was more. At the moment I knew I had to bring her home, I’d already thought out how we could care for her and still meet our responsibilities to our jobs. In the past, whenever Cooper and I discussed having a family, the conversation focused on the changes to my career that would be needed. In considering taking Hahna in, I came up with solutions that didn’t necessitate I change my availability to cover Ops at all hours or go away on missions. Taking her in does not mean I can no longer be an Operator.”

  “And those solutions involve Angel and the other women,” Shepherd said.

  Madison nodded. “I’m sorry the others breached security by discussing Hahna with their wives. It was done on my behalf. Doc and Jackson offered to have Angel and Elizabeth round up some things we’d need, clothes, a car seat. Garcia, Sloan, and Sherman all guaranteed me that the girls would help with her too. Several of them even offered to set up rooms at their houses for her to stay the night when I need her to be cared for overnight.”

  “Cooper, are you onboard with this?” Lassiter asked.

  “Joe, you know I love Madison and will support her, no matter what. She feels strongly about this. That’s good enough for me.” His gaze went to Shepherd. “Alpha Team has become more of a part-time field team. The timing couldn’t be better for this.” He paused, still eyeing Shepherd. “Will you be able to work this out with the State Department?”

  A smile settled on Shepherd’s face. “The discussion has been initiated. Let’s just say we have friends that can make this happen, so I am not anticipating any problems.”

  For the first time, Madison relaxed. “Thank you,” she said softly with an emotional voice.

  Shepherd nodded. “You’re welcome.”

  “This is going to be a hell of an adjustment,” Lassiter said. “For you both.”

  “We have some things to work out,” Madison agreed. “I know I didn’t act like a very good partner, didn’t consult Cooper, just made the decision. But I know that he and I can adjust to this.”

  “To becoming parents,” Lassiter said. “Call it what it is. You are taking on the responsibility for a child. You are becoming parents to a child that doesn’t speak English, parents to a child who was given to human traffickers by her parents. There will be some abandonment issues and emotional scars to work through.”

  Cooper squeezed Madison’s hand. “It’s a good thing that we have you Joe, to help us deal with all of that. And Madison is already teaching Hahna English.”

  “She’s smart. She’s picking it up quickly.”

  “Watching cartoons with songs will help her learn English,” Joe said. “We’ll meet every few days until Christmas.”

  “Alpha Team will be on leave from Christmas Day through New Year’s Eve,” Shepherd said. “I’ll push to have some official recognition of guardianship approved so that you can travel with her without worrying. I know you wanted to go to see your parents in Arizona over Christmas. I’m assuming that hasn’t changed.”

  Madison smiled. “No, you are correct.”

  “And I will want to meet her. She’s part of your family now, your daughter. I’m sure you will want a tracker for her. I’ll meet her when you bring her back in to see Michaela for it,” Shepherd offered.

  Madison smiled with great relief. “Thank you, Shepherd. Yes, we’ll set that up within the next few days.”

  “I look forward to it.” He rolled out from the table. “I need to see my physical therapist in my apartment now. You can use my office to finish your meeting.”

  Mother slid behind the wheel of his pickup, not really having a destination. It was nighttime when he exited the parking garage and pulled onto the street. His eyes flickered to the clock. How did it get to be past eighteen hundred? He knew he was in a funk, just as affected by the conditions they found in Algeria as the rest of the team was. He pulled into the Portillo’s parking lot and dialed up Claire, a woman he had what he’d describe as a casual relationship with.

  “Danny, I’ve been wondering when I’d hear from you,” she answered.

  “Hi, Claire. I just got back into town, was wondering if you’re free.”

  Claire laughed that naughty laugh of hers. “I shouldn’t be, but I am. I could go for some vodka tonight.”

  “I’m by Portillo’s. Can I pick you up anything for dinner?”

  “Sure, make it a cheesy beef with giardiniera.”

  “Will do. I’ll be over soon,” Danny said and then disconnected.

  He steered his pickup truck into the drive thru. As he waited, he thought about Claire. They were compatible. The sex was good. He contemplated asking her about expanding their relationship. Christmas was in four days. He was approved for leave beginning on the twenty-seventh and he planned to go home to San Jose to see his family. He knew that Claire spent the holidays alone. Maybe she’d go with him?

  None of the guys who had a woman in their lives had to make a call to have the companionship they wanted tonight, nor did they have to consider inviting their woman to spend the holidays with them. It was a given. He’d realized during the flight back from Algeria that he did long to have what several of his brothers had, a real relationship.

  He’d watched the dynamics of Sherman and Brielle’s relationship while they’d stayed with him. He’d never seen Sherman happier. Brielle was good for Sherman and fit perfectly into his life. And the truth was, having them both, and Sherman’s brother, Bobby, stay with him had made him happy. But they’d be closing on their house in just over a week and they’d be moving out.

  After he cleared the drive thru with their meal, he stopped at the liquor store and picked up the vodka. Then he drove straight to Claire’s apartment. She greeted him at the door that she opened as he approached. He stepped in and brought the bags directly to the table in the small kitchen. Then he took her into his arms, and he kissed her.

  “Hi, yourself,” she said when their lips parted.

  He glanced over her face. Her makeup was on fresh and heavy. Her blond hair was pulled into a ponytail. He caressed over her jawline. “You look good. I’ve missed you.”

  “Don’t go getting all sappy on me.” She pulled away and took two glasses from the cabinet. Then she pulled the food from the bag. She held up the container of cheese sauce that went with the fries. “We should save some of this, will taste good licked off your dick.” She smiled seductively.

  “Your nipples too,” he added as he drew her in for another kiss.

  She held up one of the Italian beef sandwiches. “This beef first. I’m starving. Thank you for picking it up.”

  She poured their drinks. The two of them ate, drank, and made small talk. She knew better than to ask anything about his job. She knew he was an ICE Agent assigned to some special task force. That was all. He traveled often and when he got back into town, he would dial her up.

  Tonight, his mood was intense. She’d seen him like this before. Whatever had gone down must not have been good. She could always tell. What it did mean, though, was that the sex would be powerful and lengthy. It always was when he was like this. She was glad she’d picked his call up and inv
ited him over.

  They took the drinks and the remnants of the cheese sauce to her bedroom. The sex did not disappoint. His kisses traveled over her entire body, followed by his hands. His member was steel against her from the first moment his pelvis touched hers. He was insistent in getting their clothes off the second they neared her bed. The encounter lasted hours, and she came numerous times in several energetic positions.

  After Mother knew he’d satisfied Claire, he turned himself loose, a mission he focused on with every thrust he made into her. It was what he needed to clear his mind of the containers and the faces of the women and girls who had been inside of them that were haunting him. He knew he pounded into her relentlessly. His brain blanked out, the mind-blowing sensations around his cock all he was aware of. Finally, he exploded, seeing stars, and nearly passing out.

  “Oh, fuck, that was good,” he murmured when he could again think and speak.

  Claire chuckled. “It was. You were possessed.”

  He rolled her to her back and hovered his head over hers. He kissed her. “I’d like to repeat that.”

  “I need another drink,” she said. She pointed to the nightstand where their two glasses and the bottle sat.

  “Christmas is a few days away. You got any plans?”

  “I have to work. The bar will be busy with our regulars that don’t have anywhere to go.”

  “What about after? Do you want to spend some time together around the holidays?”

  Claire chuckled. “If you bring it like that again, we can fuck every day this week.”

  “What about New Years? I’m going home to San Jose. Come with me. We’ll do it up big on New Year’s Eve.” He felt her instantly go rigid beneath his touch.

  “Look, Danny, you’re a great guy and what we have works. I thought we had an understanding that this is what our relationship is and that neither of us wanted it to be more.”

  “I’m just saying, we get along great when we’re together. Why can’t it be more?”

  “Because I don’t want more. I’m not good at more. I’ve already been married and divorced three times. Do you understand that?”

  “I’m not saying I want to marry you. All I’m saying is, consider us spending more time out of bed when I’m in town.”

  “That right there is the biggest problem with what you want. It’s all around you and your schedule. That’s not a relationship I can do. I like it the way it is. We’re sexually compatible, and it’s great. Why would you want to ruin that and try to make it more?”

  “Never mind then.” Mother got up and pulled his pants on.

  “Where are you going?” She demanded.


  “Come on, don’t be like this.”

  “Merry Christmas Claire and Happy New Year. If you change your mind and want to spend some time out of bed together, let me know.”

  He sat in his truck for a few minutes, his thoughts reeling. He didn’t want to go home. Sherman would be there with Brielle and he wasn’t up for seeing their happy bliss. He drove back to the office and went straight to the gym. He put himself through a grueling workout and then planned to pass out on the couch in his office.

  He’d been at it for nearly two hours and was physically exhausted when the familiar figure of Dr. Joe Lassiter appeared in the gym. Mother checked his watch. It was nearly midnight. “What the hell are you still doing here?” He called as the good doctor approached, his limp a bit more prominent than usual tonight.

  “Just finishing up talking with those I needed to tonight. I’ll meet with the rest of you tomorrow as planned,” Lassiter replied.

  “Your wife must hate your job,” Mother remarked.

  Lassiter’s lips tipped into a grin. “No more than Angel, Sienna, Elizabeth, Kaylee, and Brielle hate it.” He named off the women who were with the other Operators.

  “Did Madison and Cooper take that little girl home with them?”

  Joe nodded. “It was very nice of you to offer to take shifts from Madison in Ops while they get that little girl settled.”

  “Whatever I can do to help,” Mother said, wiping his sweaty body off with the towel.

  “That whole operation hit a lot of the team hard,” Lassiter said.

  “It was pretty fucked up,” Mother agreed, shaking his head. “They were tagged like cattle going to auction. The sight and smells in those containers are not something that will get out of my brain any time soon. I can only imagine what it’s done to the guys with kids or a woman. Frankly, I’m not surprised Madison reacted the way she did. If she wasn’t going to take that little girl, I was considering it.” He paused, his mind replaying what they’d seen when they opened those containers. “I’m still shocked none of those women in that container were looking after her.”

  “I expect they were all too worried about themselves,” Lassiter said. “Besides, what I’m told is that she wasn’t crying, just sitting quietly in the corner. Is it true she didn’t even get up when all the others were taken out of the container?”

  “Yeah. She just sat there with her head down. We weren’t even sure she was conscious.”

  “For what it’s worth, I think she’s in the right place. Madison’s made a connection with her.”

  “Is the State Department going to let Madison and Cooper keep her? Grant them some sort of legal custody?” Mother asked.

  “Shepherd’s working on that.”

  “The way I see it, she’s already here. So why not? Given the job we do, I think granting legal custody is the least the State Department can do.”

  Lassiter’s lips tipped into a grin. He wouldn’t admit it, but he agreed with Mother. “So, what are you doing here at this hour?”

  “I visited a friend earlier and didn’t want to go home. Thought I’d let Sherman and Brielle have the place to themselves. I know Sherman’s brother, Bobby, is still working second shift. Besides, I knew I wasn’t ready to go to sleep so I might as well work out.”

  Lassiter considered what Mother wasn’t saying. “I thought everything was going okay with Sherman staying with you?”

  “It is. I’ve liked the company.” He smiled wide. “Brielle’s a good cook. I think I’ll miss her cooking the most.”

  “They’re just moving across the street from you. I’m sure you can finagle dinner invitations. After all, they owe you for letting them stay at your place.”

  Mother laughed. “They don’t owe me anything. As I said, I’ve enjoyed the company.”

  “So why are you here? They had several hours to have the place to themselves, which was very considerate of you, giving them privacy in your own home.”

  Mother felt Joe’s eyes scrutinizing him. “No issues, with them, with me. I visited a friend and then wanted to work out. I’m heading home now.”

  “Short visit with your friend,” Lassiter remarked casually.

  “It was long enough,” Mother replied feeling guarded. He knew that Lassiter was trying to get inside his head. It was not a coincidence that Lassiter was there. He didn’t have his coat with him. He didn’t swing by as he was leaving the building.

  “Let me ask you this, what do you think should have happened to those running that human trafficking operation?”

  “We should have shot every last one of them in the head and ended it right there,” Mother answered honestly.

  Lassiter considered that. “At least you didn’t want to shoot their dicks off like the Birdman did. He called it projectile castration.”

  Mother laughed out loud. He could see Sherman saying that. “I thought it was bullshit we turned them over to the Algerian authorities. I’d bet you anything that they have already been released and have picked up where they left off.”

  “I hope that isn’t the case,” Lassiter said.

  “Yeah, me too,” Mother said. “So, when do I need to swing by and see you?”

  “As far as I’m concerned, we just had our check in. Reach out to me if you have any issues, otherwise, you’re cleared,” J
oe said. “Check the schedule. I believe you are scheduled in Ops at ten hundred tomorrow.”

  “Thanks Joe,” Mother said as he watched Lassiter leave.


  Mother sat at the desk in Ops. He was in, taking one of Madison’s shifts so that Madison could get Hahna settled at home. He still couldn’t believe that Cooper had agreed to it and was stepping into the role of dad. But Cooper did love Madison and Mother knew that Cooper would do whatever he could to make Madison happy, and Madison felt called, no make that compelled - to take Hahna in.


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