The Tales Of The Heptameron, Vol. V. (of V.)

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The Tales Of The Heptameron, Vol. V. (of V.) Page 3

by King of Navarre consort of Henry II Queen Marguerite


  In the morning the Lady Oisille went earlier than was her wont to makeready for her reading in the hall, but the company being advised ofthis, and eager to hearken to her excellent instruction, used suchdespatch in dressing themselves that she had not long to wait.Perceiving their fervour, she set about reading them the Epistle of St.John the Evangelist, which is full of naught but love, in the same wiseas, on the foregoing days, she had expounded to them St. Paul's Epistleto the Romans. The company found this fare so much to their taste, that,although they tarried a half-hour longer than on the other days, itseemed to them as if they had not remained there a quarter of an houraltogether. From thence they proceeded to the contemplation of the mass,when one and all commended themselves to the Holy Ghost in order thatthey might that day be enabled to satisfy their merry audience; and,after they had broken their fast and taken a little rest, they set outto resume their accustomed diversion.

  And the Lady Oisille asking who should begin the day, Longarine madeanswer--

  "I give my vote to Madame Oisille; she has this day read to us sobeauteous a lesson, that she can but tell us some story apt to crown theglory which she won this morning."

  "I am sorry," said Oisille, "that I cannot tell you aught so profitablethis afternoon as I did in the morning. But at least the purport of mystory shall not depart from the teaching of Holy Scripture, where it iswritten, 'Trust not in princes, nor in the sons of men, in whom is notour salvation.' (1) And that this truth may not be forgotten by you forlack of an example, I will tell you a tale which is quite true, and thememory of which is so fresh that the eyes of those that saw the piteoussight are scarcely yet dried."

  005a.jpg The Duke of Urbino sending the Maiden to Prison for carryingMessages between his Son and his Sweetheart]

  [The Duke of Urbino sending the Maiden to Prison for carryingMessages between his Son and his Sweetheart]

  005.jpg Page Image]


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