After the Day

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After the Day Page 17

by Matthew Gilman

  “Daddy, this one is hard.” She said looking concerned.

  “Don’t pull to hard. Work with the fish but let it know who is boss.” Bruce was repeating lines his father had told him.

  “Daddy look,” Aurora said.

  “Yes honey you’re doing fine,” he said.

  “No, a girl, look.” She said looking further in the water.

  He saw the partial outline of a woman floating by. He dropped the pole he had in his hand and told Aurora to stay put. He dived in and swam to the woman. Hooking his arm under her arm pit he swam back to shore trying to keep her face above water. He had never taken CPR and wondered what to do next. He crawled out of the water and pulled her to shore laying her on her back. She was young, maybe early twenties. She had a back pack on and a rifle slung around her torso. He thought maybe she fell into the river upstream hunting.

  He tried to check her pulse but didn’t know how. He saw water in her mouth and decided to try mouth to mouth. He pinched her nose and placed his mouth over hers. Her eyes opened and she coughed spitting the water out. She looked around and saw a man and little girl standing around her.

  “Daddy you saved her! You saved her!” Aurora bounced around with her fishing pole.

  The woman sat up and pushed herself away from the two people. Her eyes were large and in a panic. She felt like her memories were a dream. Had she truly tried to kill herself? She removed the back pack and rifle. Tears ran down her face as she realized what had happened. Again she had lived and she didn’t know why. So many people had committed suicide during the first year of the collapse and yet she wasn’t able to succeed at that.

  Bruce grabbed the rifle and placed it away as he stood behind the woman. He placed a hand on her shoulder for some comfort. She turned and grabbed his leg, hugging it. Bruce lowered himself and the girl embraced him crying. Aurora dropped her fishing pole and joined the hug.

  “It’s ok,” Aurora said placing her cheek against the woman’s arm.

  Bruce didn’t know how long they had sat at that spot like that. He didn’t know anything about the girl, she could be a threat. He felt like he should try talking to Norah first before bringing her back to the house. He did know how to do that.

  Eventually Aurora gathered the fishing gear and Bruce helped the girl to the house two miles away while carrying her things.

  They made it back to the house before sunset. Norah met everyone at the door and was surprised to see the new addition to the group.

  “I see you caught a big one.” Norah said putting a small blanket over the woman. “Come in, we have a fire going.”

  Bruce looked at Norah and used his lips to say “We need to talk,” without saying the words. Norah nodded back and took the woman to a seat next to the fireplace.

  “You warm up here. I’ll find you some dry clothes to change into. Don’t need to get sick. You look about my oldest daughter’s size before she left home. I’m sure she still has some clothes here.” Norah left the room and Bruce walked in behind her.

  “I have some hot chocolate here for you. If it tastes weird we used dried milk instead of the real stuff. We don’t have any cows here.” He said.

  Isabel didn’t say anything. Shivering she grabbed the cup and it hurt her hands. Her skin tingled as it heated up too fast. She sipped from the cup and placed it on the table next to her chair.

  Norah was in a room down the hall rummaging through a closet in Aurora’s room. Bruce met her in there and quietly closed the room.

  “I’m sorry I brought her here. I didn’t know what else to do.” Bruce said. In his mind it was still Norah’s house and she had the final say of all decisions.

  “What else were you supposed to do? If we are not going to help one another then what is the point?”

  “I think she tried to kill herself. Plus what if she is one of the cannibals?” Bruce asked.

  “If she was one of them than you and Aurora would be dead. It would have been a trap to catch you both. Besides I doubt they are ever coming back after the last time they stopped here. We have all been through a lot. That girl included. I’m sure we will learn plenty about her in the future but whatever she has been through she needs to get over in her own time.”

  Norah grabbed the few clothes she found and left the room.

  Norah placed the clothes on the coffee table in front of the girl.

  “Some of them are out of date but I think they will fit you. Oh what am I saying? It’s not like we have style anymore. Take your time and you can change into these when you’re ready. We will be in the kitchen. We have a wood burning oven in there too so don’t worry about us.” Norah said walking towards the kitchen.

  “Thank you,” Isabel said in a whisper.

  “You’re welcome.” Norah closed the door behind her.

  Norah met Bruce and Aurora in the kitchen where they talked about what had happened at the river.

  “Daddy saved a girl.” Aurora said excited about the day’s events.

  “I see that,” Norah said.

  Bruce sat at the table with Norah telling her about the fly fishing and how Aurora spotted the girl in the water. He told her about trying to do CPR and how the girl held on to him for so long afterward.

  Isabel stripped from her clothes and looked at the dresses and jeans that the older woman had brought her. There were flower pattern summer dresses, jeans, blouses, and a few skirts. Funny how the clothes that were left weren’t the type to help with survival. She was going to be happy not wearing the camouflage pants and olive green shirt anymore.

  “Are you going to be my new mommy?” Isabel heard from behind her.

  It was the little girl. The one from the river. She was dark skinned, with curly brown hair and green eyes. Nothing about her said she belonged to the man that she was with.

  Isabel smiled at the question. Instead of answering she asked her own question.

  “Is that your dad in the other room?” Isabel asked.

  Aurora nodded.

  “You’re pretty.” Aurora said looking at Isabel.

  It was then Isabel realized she was naked in front of the fire. She didn’t know how to feel about the little girl looking at her. It wasn’t a bad look, one of curiosity.

  “Norah told me to call her grandma if I want.” Aurora said.

  Isabel was starting to realize that no one at this house was related. They were working together to try and recreate a family. Where would she fit in?

  “What is your name?” Isabel asked the little girl.

  “Aurora,” she answered.

  “Aurora, that’s a very pretty name. I’m Isabel.” Isabel picked the flower summer dress and slid it over her head and shoulders. The fire had more than enough heat to keep her warm.

  In the kitchen Bruce and Norah continued talking about their new addition to the farm. Mostly it was a series of what ifs.

  “Isabel is really pretty.” Aurora interrupted.

  Norah and Bruce looked at Aurora not realizing she had gone into the other room.

  “I’m going to see if she needs more hot chocolate.” Norah said.

  Knocking on the door, Norah entered to see a very beautiful blonde standing next to the fire. At first she thought her daughter had come back home seeing her in the dress. Her daughter looked very different twenty years later and after three kids.

  “Would you like some more hot chocolate deary?” Norah asked.

  “Yes please.”

  Norah entered the kitchen closing the door behind her.

  “I still don’t know if it’s a good idea she stays here.” Bruce said still concerned about finding her in the water.

  Norah took the kettle of the stove and poured some hot water into a cup with powdered chocolate and milk already in it. Stirring it up she put the spoon on the sink. She handed the cup to Bruce.

  “You take it in to her.” Norah said.

  Bruce grabbed the cup and opened the door.

  “Hello?” Bruce said as he walked in.
br />   He saw the blonde standing by the fire in a flower pattern dress. Her body shapely, full breasts, and curved buttocks with a tiny waist. Her legs toned by her travels and her hair curly with a bounce as it dried in the warm air. She was very pretty like Aurora had said.

  “Um,” Bruce was confused.

  “Yes,” Isabel said.

  “Oh yes, um chocolate, hot. Here for you.” Bruce sat it on the coffee table.

  “Thank you,” Isabel said.

  “Bruce,” he put his hand out for a shake.

  “Isabel,” she replied grabbing his hand.

  “Yes, Aurora told me.” Bruce said.

  “She is very cute.” Isabel said.

  “Yes,” Bruce said, he didn’t understand the response he gave. His brain was no longer functioning as it normally did. “I’ll leave you alone now.” he said walking back to the kitchen.

  “It’s okay. You can come back out and talk by the fire if you want.” Isabel said.

  Bruce nodded and closed the door behind him.

  “I think she should stay.” Bruce said staring at nothing in the room.

  Norah smiled and took a sip from her coffee cup. After all these years she hadn’t forgotten how to manipulate men.

  One week later Isabel had found her place on the farm. She had her own bedroom. Her chores were a mix of helping Aurora feed the chickens in the morning and tending to the garden. Bruce did much of the manual labor, turning the soil and adding fresh compost. Norah tending to the pigs.

  The days were filled with Norah teaching the other three how to preserve food and cooking skills. Aurora caught on the fastest. Bruce secretly dreamed that microwaves would come back along with electricity. Isabel worked hard at trying to pick up these skills since she never worked in a kitchen before.

  Sometimes Isabel wondered if she was pulling her weight. One afternoon she grabbed her rifle and ventured off the farm to try and say thank you to her new companions. It wasn’t long before she spotted deer tracks close to the farm. She followed them for a bit, traveling further into the woods she found a small hill overlooking an open space bordering a swamp. Cutting some shrub and branches down she made a small blind and tried her luck at hunting. She waited two hours. The sun was starting to set. The forest was silent. Chipmunks were the loudest creature in the woods as they shifted leaves around.

  Fifty yards away shadows moved and a doe peaked out into the clearing. It was a larger doe, pushing 160 pounds. Through the scope Isabel watched the leg muscles twitch as it walked around smelling and digging for fallen acorns. There were no other deer that she could see. Flipping the safety off, she took aim and waited for the right shot. The deer moved sideways giving Isabel a full view of its side. She aimed behind the shoulder like the other shooters at the Lord’s Army had taught her and fired. The deer threw its head back, legs buckled, and finally dropped to the ground.

  Isabel emerged from the blind and walked down the hill. She took her knife out and began gutting the deer. Part of her was still grossed out by the act. She had done it before after she left the city. She pulled everything out and stuffed the heart and liver back into the body so she could drag it home. Pulling rope out of her pack she tied it around the legs and head and marched back to the farm. She felt proud. She was no longer helping a child with her chores she was now providing for the group.

  Isabel could see Norah standing at the porch when she came out of the woods dragging the deer. She couldn’t see her clearly but felt that something was wrong. Norah didn’t normally stand on the porch waiting for anything. She was always up to something.

  Bruce came running through the field.

  “Did you fire that shot?” Bruce asked.

  “Yeah. I got this deer for us. Something different to eat for dinner.” Isabel said smiling. She wondered what the problem was.

  “Did you see anybody else out there?” Bruce continued.

  “No it was quiet. Nobody else. Why what’s wrong?” Isabel said.

  Bruce helped Isabel drag the deer to the house. Leaving the deer on the porch they went inside where Norah was sitting at the kitchen table.

  “She didn’t see anybody else but we don’t know if they heard the shot.” Bruce told Norah.

  “Who’s they?” Isabel asked.

  “The cannibals.” Norah answered.

  “Are you serious?” Isabel replied.

  “I’ve seen them. Dragging people back to their camp like you did with the deer. Slicing their throats to bleed them out. These are sick people.” Bruce said.

  “We’ve fought them off before. But whenever they are reminded we are here they come back thinking that things will change for them and they will get a meal.” Norah said.

  “I’m so sorry! I just wanted to help.” Isabel said.

  “I know dear. I’m not mad. We just need to be more careful from now on.” Norah said.

  Isabel nodded. A look of disappointment covered her face. She felt like she let them down and worse, put them in danger.

  Isabel went to her room and closed the door. She placed her rifle on top of her dresser and fell on the bed. She covered her face with the pillow and cried into it.

  “You should check on her in a few. I’ll take care of the deer.” Norah said to Bruce.

  Norah grabbed a few knifes from the cupboard drawer and walked out on the porch. Using the rope that was used to drag the deer Norah was able to string up the deer from a tree and start skinning and butchering the meat. She found the heart and liver inside the ribcage and smiled. She loved liver.

  “God bless you girl.” Norah said.

  Bruce knocked on the door to Isabel’s room and waited.

  “Come in.” She finally said. Her voice congested.

  Isabel looked at the window and tried to hide her face from Bruce to keep him from seeing her tears. She was still lying on the bed.

  “I brought you some tea,” Bruce started. “Look, I’m sorry we didn’t tell you sooner. I think all of us were afraid you would leave if you found out. Norah likes you here. Aurora adores you. And I like having you around.”

  “Do you like me?” Isabel asked Bruce.

  “Yes I like you.” Bruce said.

  “You do?” Her tears clearing up.

  “Of course. Why wouldn’t I?” Bruce said.

  Isabel stood up from the bed and hugged Bruce. He placed the tea on top of the dresser and put his arms around her. She moved her head back and looked at his face. It was covered with a thin beard and his blue eyes were shining from his dark complexion. She liked his rugged look and thought he was handsome. She stroked his hair. He didn’t know what to say. She kissed him on the lips.

  He didn’t fight. He kissed her back. She slammed him against the wall and attacked him with kisses. Bruce slammed the door shut and threw Isabel on the bed where she pulled her clothes off and Bruce did the same at the foot of the bed.

  “Grandma!” Aurora ran up to Norah who was busy skinning the deer. “Daddy and Isabel are fighting!”

  Norah stopped and listened for a minute. She heard the panting and groans of passion coming from the house.

  “It’s ok dear, they are fine. Nobody is getting hurt. They just need to let their aggression out.” Norah said as the sound of broken glass rang through the air. She thought back to those early years with her husband.

  “Oh ok,” Aurora turned around to go back to the house.

  “Oh honey, could you help me with the deer?” Norah said coaxing Aurora back to her.

  “Ok Grandma.”

  Norah thought it best to leave the two love birds to their activities as long as she could. Once in a while she heard Isabel calling out. Norah would smile to herself and think you lucky girl.

  A week later Bruce and Isabel started taking turns sleeping in each other’s rooms. They didn’t know why they were hiding their relationship but it seemed like the thing to do. They weren’t married. While Bruce never brought it up he did think to himself how ridiculous it was since there was no way
to get married. Still they kept up their practice as long as they thought they needed to.

  During the day they would eye each other and sneak notes between them as they worked the farm. One day they even snuck out to the barn when Norah and Aurora were out picking blueberries in the field. The best part for Isabel was that the sex she was having was nothing like she experienced before. That day in her bedroom was her first time, pain and all when her hymen tore. Maybe Bruce thought she was on her period. She didn’t tell him. She didn’t know how he thought of her and didn’t want to ruin what they had going.

  When they were done in the barn Isabel went back to the house to freshen up. Things were coming together. She had a family now. Norah was like a mother. Bruce would be a good husband and father. Aurora was a wonderful daughter. She thought about letting Aurora call her mommy but thought it was too soon. She went to the bathroom and took some water from the bucket. She cleaned the hay off her face and pulled it from her hair. She was sore down there. Bruce made her feel like a woman.

  Screams came from outside. Isabel dropped her wash cloth and ran to the window. Norah was running with Aurora in her arms toward the house. A group of men were following them through the field.

  Isabel ran to her room and grabbed the rifle off the dresser. She stuffed two spare magazines in her pockets and pulled the bolt back loading a round in the chamber. She ran to the porch and looked down the field through the scope. She counted three men and they were catching up to Norah fast. Isabel kept the rifle up. Norah was in the way for a clear shot. Isabel was thinking.

  A loud whistle rang through the field. Norah looked at the house and spotted Isabel. Norah grabbed Aurora and fell to the ground. The three men cheered at what appeared to be their easy victory. One of the men pulled out a knife and licked his lips.

  “Dinner!” He said.

  A series of three shots rang out. A red mist exited the torso of each man before they dropped to the ground. Norah looked back and saw the dead men. She stood back up and finished running to the house while Isabel kept an eye on the field. She continued looking through the scope and watched the tree line. She spotted a man on the outskirts of the trees. He was watching through binoculars. Isabel continued to hold her rifle up and flipped the man her middle finger. The man replied with his finger.


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