Fox Hunt: The Stallions of the Hidden E Ranch

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Fox Hunt: The Stallions of the Hidden E Ranch Page 12

by Ellis Leigh

  “So,” I said as Quinn herded me across the attic. “Tripp knows you watch hentai porn.”

  He settled into the beanbag chair and pulled me down to sit on his lap, shoving me this way and that until he had me the way he wanted me—sprawled over his body with my legs spread on either side of his. Just like Liam had held me the night of our little show. Just like our first time fucking in that exact same spot.

  “Does that surprise you?”

  “No, but what does is that you wouldn’t have told me about that. Why are you holding out on me?”

  He leaned forward enough to drop a kiss to my lips, a hungry sort of moan vibrating through his chest. When he pulled back, his glasses were crooked again, and I had the utmost joy in watching him straighten the black frames.

  “I’m sort of surprised you know about hentai porn. It’s not the most popular thing out there.”

  I shrugged, watching as he typed something on his keyboard. “No, but that’s where all the tentacle porn lives.”

  “Fuck, Waverley. Fuck.” He slid his hand up and over my breast, his fingers pinching my nipple nice and hard. “Really? Tentacles?”

  I groaned, arching into him. “Yes. I like the…overtaking concept of it all. Reminds me of my stallions, actually. Too big and strong to say no to—not that I’d want to say no in the first place.”

  “You could, you know.” He nuzzled my neck, biting me once. Licking away the sting. “You could say no to any or all of us. Everything is about what you want.”

  “I know.” I turned enough to look him in the face, running one hand up into his messy hair. “I want things to be about what all of us want, though. And right now, I have a feeling you want to watch porn with me.”

  Quinn quirked his lips into a sort of grin. “I do.”

  “Good, because I want to see what gets you off. See? We can both get exactly what we want.”

  He stared down at me before attacking my mouth again, slicking his tongue against mine. Making me tremble and moan before breaking away to shift his focus to his keyboard. “You really are so goddamned perfect for us, do you know that, sweet girl? So perfect.”

  I did. I knew it, just as I knew they were all so perfect for me. I didn’t need to tell him that, though. I showed him instead. Rubbing my ass all over his lap to tease him. Bringing my arms up over my head to pull him closer, to give him a good look down my shirt—his shirt, technically—so he could see how tight my nipples were beneath the thin fabric. So he could know how much he turned me on. I rocked and rolled and dry-humped his cock until he finally grabbed my hips and stopped me.


  I grinned. “Never.”

  He placed a smacking kiss on my lips, then went back to typing, his eyes bouncing between screens until they all changed. A porn website opened up, showing the last eight videos watched by his account. I was familiar with the site—knew that if he scrolled down, it would keep showing videos he’d watched. But there was also a favorites icon with the number twelve next to it. He had videos starred to rewatch.

  “Show me your favorites,” I said, rubbing my hands up and down his thighs. Breathless and excited to see such a personal side of him

  Quinn clicked a button, and the screen changed.

  I stared at the titles, my eyes bouncing from one to the next as I tried to get a feel for his preferences. “These are the ones you watch the most?”

  “Yeah, I guess.”

  “You guess?”

  He leaned forward, growling in my ear. “Sometimes, you want something specific, you know?”

  I did know. My own starred videos were a mishmash of different kinks and pairings. Things I might want to watch again at some point, or videos I watched almost weekly.

  One video on his screen caught my eye, and I couldn’t resist. I took over the keyboard, using the trackpad to move the cursor until I could click on the title. Until that particular video filled the screens.

  A woman knelt before a man, both naked, while she held her breasts together. He fucked her tits, groaning and whispering corny lines as the woman stared up at him with a fake smile on her face. Not exactly the highest quality video, but I loved a good tittie-fucking scene. Loved it more than I probably should have. Something about all the power the woman had even while on her knees got to me, though. Something about him taking the pleasure she so willingly gave made me tingle.

  Quinn seemed to agree.

  As he watched the couple on-screen, he groaned and grabbed my arms, tugging me back against him. Reaching around to tweak my nipples and grip my breasts nice and hard. I’d called him as a breast man when he couldn’t stop staring at mine. Apparently, I’d been right.

  “You like this one?” I asked as I reached behind me to palm his dick.

  Quinn nodded, thrusting up into my hand. “It feeds a particular fantasy of mine.”

  I spun, facing him, dropping to my knees on the floor and holding myself up with my hands on his thighs. “Feeds a fantasy? Is that shorthand for gets you off while you dream about fucking some girl’s tits?”

  “My hand on my cock gets me off. That playing in the background is just a bonus.” He grabbed my chin, looking so serious. “And the only tits I want to fuck are yours.”

  “So why don’t you?” I grabbed the waistband of his sweats, pulling them slowly over his hips. Peeling them off him. He lifted his hips, helping me out, sitting deeper into his beanbag chair once I’d stripped him and set his cock free. Casual, never breaking his heated stare, he grabbed hold of his dick and started stroking from root to tip. Slowly. So, so slowly.

  “You going to fulfill my fantasy, sweet girl?”

  Yes. I pulled my shirt off and tossed it to the side before grabbing my breasts and lifting them together. “Got any lube?”

  His lips lifted into my favorite, naughty grin as he leaned over and grabbed a small bottle from the drawer in the side table. “What are you planning, dirty girl?”

  “You know exactly what I’m planning.” I grabbed the bottle and poured a small amount of lube into my palm. Instead of using it on my skin, I reached for Quinn’s cock, running my hand up and down the length of it as I held his gaze. His eyes darkened, and his breathing sped up with every pass. Every swirl of my palm over the tip. His hips rolled as I ran my thumb along the slit, as I wrapped my hand around the head and squeezed.

  “You ready?” I asked, moving into position and holding my tits together. For him. To give him this fantasy of his.

  He grinned again, leaning down to plant a kiss to my lips. “I’m ready for anything you’re willing to give me.”

  I leaned in, squeezing my breasts tight as he directed his cock to the underside. As he pushed forward, slipping between them. Thrust up into the space created by my holding them together. He grunted and moaned as he watched the tip appear and disappear, as he carefully, tentatively fucked my cleavage. But that wasn’t enough for me. I needed more. Needed to give him more.

  I needed to see him lose control again.

  On his next thrust, I leaned down to run my tongue over the tip of his cock. He grunted, jerking. Fucking a little harder. And on every thrust, every time the head of his cock broke through my cleavage, I licked or kissed or sucked it into my mouth. Moaning when the lube disappeared and I finally tasted pure Quinn. Shaking as he fucked into me harder, faster. As he gripped my shoulders tight and snapped his hips.

  As he finally came with a groan, partially buried in my tits. Partially sucked into my mouth.

  I swallowed all that I could, but it was too much and the angle was all wrong. A small thread of come leaked from my lips, dripping down my chin. Quinn stared at me, running a thumb over my lips when I finally released him, rubbing his come into my skin.

  “This is the filthiest thing I’ve ever seen, and I’ve watched some of that tentacle porn myself.”

  I laughed, climbing onto his lap and straddling him. Kissing him deeply and rocking over him. “Did I fulfill your tittie-fucking fantasy okay?”
  “Jesus, sweet girl. You rocked that.” He chuckled, his eyes bright. “Now tell me, what can I do for you? What do you want from your mate?”

  Damn, I loved it when he called himself my mate.

  “Make me come,” I whispered against his lips. “Your hand, your mouth, your cock—doesn’t matter. Just make me come.”

  And he did.

  Multiple times.

  All night long.

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  I woke up alone in Quinn’s bed, the buzz of conversation from across the attic pulling me from sleep to wakefulness in seconds.

  “Far west pasture. Camera eight. Cade’s on his way.”

  I slipped out of bed, following Quinn’s voice. Padding down the hallway in my bare feet with Quinn’s sheet wrapped around me. I spotted Liam first, standing behind Quinn, his face set in a scowl and his arms crossed over his broad chest.

  “How long?”

  Quinn typed madly, shaking his head. “Can’t tell exactly. Close to two hours, it looks like.”

  “Two hours? How the fuck was he able to make that camera loop for two hours without us noticing?”

  Him. By the vicious tone of Liam’s voice, he had to mean Chance.

  “What’s going on?” I asked, coming around the corner and letting them both see me. “And don’t give me some bullshit, ‘we’re taking care of it’ brush-off.”

  Liam gave me a weak smile. “We’re taking care of it, but that’s not a brush-off.”

  “Someone looped a video on one of our new security cameras. We’re missing almost two hours of footage.” Quinn sighed, running a hand through his messy hair. “I need to pull all the backups. No fucking way did he get past my systems.”

  Quinn was up and off to the far side of the room in seconds, sliding into a rolling desk chair and typing on another computer. One I hadn’t even noticed.

  “What is he doing?”

  Liam came up behind me, wrapping an arm around my shoulders. “Protecting you, sugar. What we’re all doing.”

  “How can I help?”

  “You help just by being here.”

  I turned, looking up at him, hanging on to his thick arms. “I want to do more.”

  “Liam,” Cade’s voice sounded through a speaker, making the man before me go from my sweet Liam to the protector. The lion.

  “Hang on, Waverley.” He moved to the side table, pressing a key on the keyboard. “Go ahead, Cade.”

  “We definitely had an intruder. I’ve got footprints underneath the tree where the camera’s mounted.”

  “Leading toward the house?”

  “No. Coming in from the far west pasture and walking back out that way. Nothing toward the house.”

  Liam frowned, his heavy brow furrowing. “Are you sure?”

  “Absolutely. We need to run a camera check on the others that are up and running, but I’m not sure we’ll get anything out this far. Garrett’s circling the property with Matthew now—he’ll need someone on camera duty to verify the cameras are all working normally.”

  Liam looked to where Quinn sat working. “I’ll do that. Call for me instead of Quinn.”

  “Roger. I’ll let them know.”

  “You following the footprints?”

  “Fuck yeah,” Cade said, sounding way too excited. “Dalton’s like a hunting dog on a lead waiting for me to be ready to go.”

  Definitely way too excited.

  Liam nodded as if the man on the other end of the radio could see him. “Get on it, then. And keep in fucking touch. No one goes out alone.”

  “Same to you. Keep our precious little fox secure.”

  Liam winked at me. “Roger that.”

  As soon as Liam closed the line, I grabbed him. Needing to touch, to feel. To steal some comfort from him. “Let me help. Let me do something.”

  Liam leaned down and planted a soft kiss to my lips before turning me to face Quinn. “He’s going to be beating himself up all night about the camera thing even though he wasn’t the one scheduled to monitor the feed. Go. Take care of him. That will be the biggest help for all of us.”

  He pushed me softly, starting me on the path toward my naughty professor. Not that I needed the help. My poor Quinn looked completely out of sorts. His shoulders sat stiff, his head shaking as he pounded on the keyboard and stared at the screen before him.

  When I finally reached him, I grabbed his shoulders, massaging away the tension. Trying to, at least. “What can I do?”

  He sighed and clutched my hand, pulling it to his mouth to kiss the palm. “Just sit with me. Okay, sweet girl? I need to know you’re safe.”

  I nodded and crawled into his lap, wrapping myself around him as he continued looking for…whatever he was looking for. But it was already so late, and we’d had a physically exhausting day. The warmth of his chest against my cheek and the rhythmic click of the keys made me drowsy no matter how hard I tried to fight it. I found myself falling deeper into a sleepy state as the time went on. He didn’t seem to mind, simply adjusted his position so I could rest my head on his shoulder.

  At least until he jumped up and hollered.

  “Got you, you fucking bastard.”

  I nearly fell off his lap, sitting straight up, my eyes darting immediately to the screen.

  And this time, I screamed.

  Chance’s face took up the width of the monitor, a dark, heavy hat on his head as if he’d been trying to hide beneath it. I couldn’t stop the tremble that shook me, the fear that tightened my throat and made my breath come too fast.

  He was here.

  On Hidden E property.

  He’d come for me.

  Quinn grabbed my chin and forced me to look away, holding me tight. “Sorry, sweet girl. I didn’t mean to wake you.”

  “Everything okay?” Liam appeared behind Quinn, looking worried.

  “Yeah. I got a little excited and woke up Sleeping Beauty here.”

  “You weren’t the thing that scared me.” I pointed at the screen. “Chance.”

  Liam scowled. “Motherfucker. You found the unlooped feed?”

  “Yeah. The guy’s got some tech experience—that splice was a good one. It even overrode the backup drives. But I found a copy of the original feed that had video right up until he fucked with it.”

  “Good job, Quinn. Cade and Dalton followed the tracks but lost them at the creek. They can review the tape and formulate a timeline for when that bastard was on our property.”

  “I can do it,” Quinn said, reaching for the keyboard again even as he yawned. That wouldn’t do. Thankfully, my other stallion seemed to agree with me.

  “No.” Liam settled a hand on Quinn’s shoulder, giving me a wink. “Go to bed. Protect our girl. We’ve got this, brother.”

  I smiled up at Liam, knowing a good night’s rest was exactly what Quinn needed. He could start fresh in the morning, dig deep into his data and drives to find more information. The others could back him up for a few more hours.

  “C’mon, Quinn.” I grabbed his hand, tugging him out of the chair. Holding him upright when he wobbled. “You’re exhausted. Let me take you to bed.”

  Quinn didn’t argue. Instead, he followed me down the hall to his bedroom. Once I had him behind closed doors, I stripped him of his clothes, running my hands over his tired muscles. Massaging him softly. There was nothing sexual about my actions—this was about care and concern. Intimacy. Making sure my mate had what he needed.

  And what he needed was rest.

  He was half asleep before his head hit the pillow, but he still reached for me. Pulled me in close and wrapped his body around mine. Held me tight as he kissed my shoulder and slid his hands over my back and ass.

  “Thank you, sweet girl.”

  “For what?”

  “Showing up.”

  I couldn’t help but smile. “Well, thanks for being here when I finally made it to the ranch.”

  “Tripp’s going to wake us up at the ass-crack of dawn, you know,” he m

  Tripp. My jock. The next in line to spend time with me. As much as I liked my day with my naughty professor, I couldn’t help but look forward to what was next.

  To spending time with the rest of my stallions.

  “I’ll try to keep him from waking you up.” I grinned, wiggling in Quinn’s hold.

  “Sleep, Waverley,” he said, rolling me halfway underneath him. “I need you rested.”

  My heart jumped. “For when Chance comes?”

  “No, for when you do. I intend to wake you up with my face between those gorgeous thighs once I grab a quick nap.”

  “Quinn, be serious.”

  “I am. There are six men downstairs right now making sure you’re safe. So rest while you can and enjoy every second. We’ve got you.”

  And they did. I knew it.

  But I also knew Chance wouldn’t give up. He was coming for me, had already been on Hidden E property.

  And my stallions were the only things standing in his way.

  Chapter Twenty-Six

  I woke up craving cinnamon buns and an iced coffee with extra cream and sugar. What I got instead was a roller coaster ride thanks to Tripp.

  “What the… Put me down!” I hollered, laughing as Tripp jostled me around. I hadn’t been fully awake when the big lug had barged into Quinn’s bedroom. Hadn’t yet gotten out of bed when he’d yanked the covers off me. I hadn’t even been wearing any clothes when he’d tossed me over his broad shoulder and carried me out of the bedroom. Tripp didn’t seem to care about all of that. The man had his big hand settled firmly on my bare ass as he carried me across Quinn’s attic and toward the stairs.

  “I’m not listening to you, doll. It’s my turn today, Quinn. Enjoy your porn.”

  Quinn looked up from where he sat at his computer, shooting me a quick smile. “I definitely will. Especially the homemade ones.”

  I’d like to say I blushed, but how could I? Those videos we’d made were hot as hell—I sort of wanted all my stallions to see them just so I could watch their reactions. Herd movie night? I needed to get that on the schedule.

  Tripp laughed all the way down the stairs and into the kitchen, where he set me on my feet in front of the island. Garrett sat at the table, while Cade and Dalton stood off to one side, chatting. At least, they were until Tripp exploded into the room with my ass in his hand. All of them turned to stare at us…more specifically, at me. I was still so very naked.


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