Shadow of The Marked: Divine Series

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Shadow of The Marked: Divine Series Page 21

by J. G. Maltos

  "You are the only one with the compassion to guide them," Aries pushes. "You truly are the heir to all the Kingdoms, Princess."

  I sigh as I move pebbles next to my feet. "I hate when you're right."

  Aries stares at me again, and this time, it carries the weight of something else. "I would help carry that weight if I could, Princess."

  My heart picks up at his words. I turn toward the waterfall before standing up again and dusting the final specks of dirt off of my clothes. "Were you able to collect any more information about my new ability?"

  Aries shakes his head. "There aren't many shadows left that are coherent I'm afraid. Many of them have taken full shadow form." He runs a hand through his short hair.

  I catch a glimpse of worry in Aries's eyes. I forget he, too, has people in the shadows. It can't be easy for him to see his people succumb to the very things they control.

  "Information I was able to receive was nothing more than rumors."

  “How does that work?” I ask.

  Aries’ head turns toward me. “How, what works?”

  I point at him. “You. The whole Shadow Realm. How does it work?”

  Understanding clouds his eyes as he goes into deep thought on how to answer my question. “Imagine a thin veil between you and me.” He smiles at my confused expression. “Let's call this veil a cloth. It’s thin enough that you can see and hear through, but you are not physically on the other side. You can just watch. Nothing you do affects the world.”

  “Like an out-of-body experience? But, how can I detect you near?” I ask to clarify.

  “Yes, a lot like that.” He clears his throat. “I honestly don’t know how you are able to tell when I am near. Maybe you can explain to me what alerts you?” His voice deepens.

  I grab a handful of pebbles and roll them around on my palm needing to feel distracted, “Have you ever felt like you are being watched? It is so strong that it causes a chill running up your back, making the hairs on your arms stand on their ends?” I throw a pebble. “But, you just can’t see who is looking at you. You just feel the weight of someone's eyes on you.” I throw another pebble into the lake, watching the ripples spread wide. “It’s like that, but I can feel it down in my stomach. It’s an unsettled feeling.”

  “Extraordinary,” he breathes.

  “What is?” I turn to him, away from the waterfall.

  “You.” His golden eyes bore into mine.

  My heart flips. “That seems to be the problem lately.” I force out a laugh.

  “I say this in complete seriousness, Princess.” Aries' velvet voice melts with the sound of the waterfall making it sound more whimsical.

  “What’s so extraordinary about me being able to detect when you are near?”

  “You know I’ve been around for centuries, and I don’t remember ever coming across something that could sense me in such a way.”

  “I can’t detect any other Shadow beings, just you,” I clarify.

  “I am an Elite, per se, of the Shadow Kingdom. I have developed skills beyond what my people could do when they were around.” He stands up abruptly. “I can overshadow a body without leaving almost any damage to the host.” He looks at me with regret. “We still leave something behind, it's the price for overshadowing. I can create Shadow Soldiers that can fight. I can create dark weapons that can slay anything with a mere swing. I can end, pause, or revive a body with a shadow.” He crouches down in front of me so close that I can make out the dark shadows swirling around his eyes. “It is a painful and scarring experience. I can manipulate the darkest corners of your mind and make you believe you are being consumed by it.”

  I feel dazed as I stare back at him. His dark eyes turned back to the golden hues that I have become too familiar with. I don’t know what he is capable of doing. The fear of his immense powers is something to be afraid of, but the thought that all kingdoms fought to bring them down, as powerful as they are, can be somewhat frightening.

  Aries' serious face turns playful as he is still close to my face. “Do I scare you?”

  I nod as a response, not trusting my voice.

  Aries' smile falls slightly at my nod. “Don’t be. I will never hurt you. My abilities were forced on me, and I will never force mine onto you. My upbringings were anything but pleasant.”

  I feel a twinge of sadness as I look at Aries. “Forced?”

  Aries's eyes harden and he stands slowly. He takes a few steps aside, putting distance between us both. I look back at the mouth of the cave. It’s twilight. A most calming and beautiful part of the day as we see it come to an end, or possibly a new beginning. Can I be the twilight of my life, to embark in the darkness that is my hidden soul that was, too, forced on me?

  I don’t take it personally as Aries doesn’t answer my question. But, having his demeanor change makes me wonder what was forced on him that would make him gain so much power. I sigh in defeat. "We should be heading back."

  Aries nods and follows suit, his mind still far away. "I'll walk you to the edge," he offers. "Wouldn't want you walking alone for too long."

  My hand grazes the surface of the waterfall, welcoming the coolness it provides. "I've come to realize that I may not always be alone."

  Aries stays silent and I worry that I may have said something wrong. The words catch in my mouth, wanting to ask about his sudden change in mood, but instead I turn and walk out from behind the waterfall and back toward the meadow. We walk in silence most of the way back. The question hangs on my tongue, but he keeps his distance from me and I know I won't be getting much of an answer if I ask, so I settle for the second-best option.

  "I'm sorry if I said something to offend you." I turned to him too quickly and he almost runs into my shoulder.

  Aries blinks back his obvious surprise. "You have done nothing of the sort. I apologize if my demeanor indicated otherwise. It’s just not easy speaking of my past." His lips split into a smile, but it doesn't quite reach his eyes.

  "Thank you," I add and lay a hesitant hand on his shoulder. "For helping me see the bigger picture, and for always being open with me. It’s refreshing."

  At this, his smile widens. He lays his hand on mine and gives it a light squeeze. "I am ever at your service, Princess," he says before disappearing.

  As I enter the camp, I notice how quiet it is. It is mostly empty now, with only a few people walking here and there. Lamps illuminate the already dark sky, and I realize everyone must be finishing their last-minute errands before readying for the night.

  I relax more when a couple cleaning the benches offer me a kind wave. Just as I'm about to turn, a small boy runs past me and toward the couple. He latches onto his mother's leg and giggles as she reaches down toward him.

  I smile at the exchange, but Aries' words ring again in my ears. This child is safe from the Lightning Kingdom, but there are many more less fortunate. The toothless boy spots me and gives a body jerking wave. I can’t help but laugh as I give him a wild wave of my own.

  Everyone is ready in their gear to head into the Earth Kingdom by the time I make it back to the meeting room, Davina and Rowan included. Rowan had changed into dark attire with matching black boots. Davina's platinum white hair stands out but it makes her look just as fierce as ever.

  Both Davina and Rowan are putting on their jackets when I notice a light engraving on their shirt. It was a symbol of a bird, its wings outstretched, with a key in its claws. I look at Aesir and he is wearing the symbol as a pin on his chest. It must be the symbol of Phoenix Rising.

  Koura helps latch something on Zee's hip when he notices my presence first, causing everyone to turn. I shy away from their glances and walk toward them.

  Zee hugs me tightly and grips my face between her delicate hands. "I was wondering where you ran off to. Luckily Rowan let us know you just needed some air. We are with you always."

  I smile in response and hug her.

  "You ready for this, Al?" Koura asks as he hands me my jacket.

  I lay a hand on my mother's necklace that hangs on my neck. "Ready as I'll ever be."

  Rowan steps toward us. "Although I am aware Koura is in charge of your team, I think it would be helpful if you all follow our lead the rest of the way to the Earth Kingdom." He glances at Bash and Nathaniel. "We have passageways we use when we extract civilians into our camps.”

  “We'll be using those tunnels to enter the Kingdom. There is a family who is well informed about the current inner workings of the kingdom," Davina continues as she glances toward Rowan’s direction. I catch the secret exchange, but I stay silent.

  "We can start there to find information about the Earth crystal," he finishes.

  Koura looks at his men. “We will follow. You are familiar with the path.” Both Nathaniel and Bash give one solid nod accepting their captain's decision.

  I walk to Aesir. A feeling of sadness nicks at my heart. My world splits in half. The world with who I used to be, and the world with who I will become. But, what world do I choose? Being near him reminds me of the young girl I used to be. The small innocent girl who did not know the hardships of the real world. How can I be the girl they want me to be when I don’t even know who I want to be.

  Aesir looks deep into my eyes. I don’t know what he sees, nor do I want to know. "A ripple in a sea of war can cause a tsunami of destruction." I swallow the lump in my throat at his words. He grabs my shoulders bringing my focus back to him, “Be the ripple." I go in and give him a tight hug, never wanting to let him go. I take a large breath in and unclasp my hands.

  He bends down and gives me a small kiss on my forehead like he used to do when I was younger. I used to hate it, but now that is all I want. I may not know what the future holds but what I do know is that I want those who I love to be safe.

  Zee steps toward her father, her eyes red with sadness. She jumps into his embrace. I turn away and walk out of the room, not wanting to witness a private moment between them. Nathaniel is standing by my horse. His sapphire blue eyes shining in the night. He extends a hand toward me. "Hi, horse buddy,” He jokes, “I have come to realize that I am only here to get you on your horse."

  "Of course not!" I say as he lifts me. "I need help off the horse as well."

  Nathaniel's face turns serious. "None of us meant to let you fall.”

  I raise a hand. "And I didn't mean to make it physically impossible for you to do otherwise. So I call that even." I place a comforting hand on his shoulder, letting him know I am in no way unhappy with him. "I can't promise it won't happen again but will you stay by my side along the way?"

  Nathaniel places a hand across his heart and bows. "With my life." He then moves to saddle up on my horse, locking me in place.

  My eyes widen, but I bite back my surprise when I notice Davina is sitting behind Bash and Zee on Koura's horse. I guess we are riding with fewer horses. Rowan is riding alone. He signals and off we go.

  Nathaniel kicks the horse and I grip the reins as I feel my balance wavering.

  "I got you," Nathaniel grips my hips and moves me in place. "What would you do without me?"

  "I am not that defenseless," I bite back.

  "Whoa, I didn't mean it to discredit you, Althea. I have seen you use a fish hook as a weapon," he nudges me. "Trust me, once you get a hold of your powers you will be a force to be reckoned with."

  "Is that so?"

  "Trust me, I have had my share of trainees." His deep voice vibrates within his chest. "When soldiers develop their powers it takes years for them to fully develop their full strength and potential." His voice lowers, catching my full attention. "But, yours are surfacing all together. Like a fully pressurized bottle that has been shaken. And once you release it things will change."

  "That's quite a theory you got there."

  "Some say theory, I say fact. I've seen powers, but yours is something entirely different." I notice Aries' shadow figures appear and quickly disappear."What's wrong?" Nathaniel asks, his tone alert. His eyes are already scanning our surroundings for any immediate threat. He tilts his head towards the wind.

  Nathaniel's back stiffens, “Koura! Rowan! Bash!” They are all towards us. Koura rises from his horse and closes his eyes. I look at Bash and he too has his eyes closed, deep in concentration.

  Koura quickly sits and looks at Zee, “What do you feel?” He rushes out.

  My hands start to sweat at the sight of Koura's worried face. Zee knows exactly what he means and swings her legs over the horse. She jumps and lands with her glowing hands on the dirt. The dirt swirls around her like a storm.

  Zee's chest rises and falls quickly while we stare at her for an answer. “Six horses! I cannot say how many riders.” She looks up and looks at Koura.

  “Take Althea and warn the camp! We will hold them off!” he urges, turning his horse back toward the men.

  My hands light up light blue as the flakes in their skin branch up with their arms.

  Nathaniel jumps off our horse as a frost sword extends from his palm. Koura rotates his shoulders as a long jagged Frost shard appears in one hand and his sword on the other. I look down at Nathaniel who had jumped off my horse moments before. I try to hide my panic, but his heavy breathing does little to assure me of anything.

  “Take the horse back to camp. You will make it there quicker than running. Zemirah! Get on the horse,” He instructs harshly.

  Zee doesn't waste any time as the horse shifts under her weight. I look around frantically and notice something unsettling.

  “What about Davina?”

  She turns from where she sits behind Bash. The wind blows her hair in a craze, but there is no hiding the anticipation that sat on her brow. A flame blazes through her fist. “Don’t worry about me.”

  I turn to Bash. He has always been a quiet soul but he has covered his mouth with a mask. His sword hangs from his side as he sits high on the horse ready to fight. He looks deadly.

  “Bash?” I want to beg him to turn the horse around, to have everyone retreat into safety with Zemirah and me, but I know that was selfish of me to ask.

  “Do not worry, Princess.” He bows his head and turns back towards our enemies.

  I chew on my lower lip. This cannot be happening. How did they find the camp?

  “We will hold them off. Now go!” Koura all but yells. I look at him with worry but grab the reins and turn my horse around back into the camp. Zee's arms tighten around me in worry as she turns back towards our men waiting for the people to approach.

  A large crack smacks from a distance. It’s an all too familiar sound that brings back several unwanted memories. The Lightning Guards are approaching.

  Chapter 14

  I push the horse faster while another sound of thunder cracks the sky. The beautiful looming blue horizon has turned into a shocking black. People in the camp hear the frightening sounds and scatter around like sheep from wolves. Another crack sounds from above us and before we know it we are flying headfirst into the dirt.

  Our horse lies limp on the floor. I gurgle back a cry as I notice the root-like markings left by the electric current. Zee is first on her feet. She limps towards me and grabs my arm. I look at her wide-eyed as she pulls me towards her.

  “Run!” Koura’s voice booms from a distance.

  I fumble to my feet and start running. Zee runs beside me and we run straight to Aesir.

  “They found us!”

  His body goes rigid, but there was no surprise in his voice.“It’s about time.’

  I look at Zee. He has truly lost his mind. Men are heading toward the camp entrance as Aesir steps next to me.

  “What are you doing? What do you need me to do?” I ask frantically.

  “Stay hidden. That’s all you can do. You cannot be captured, do you understand me?” His stern voice brings a rush of nervousness.

  “Rowan! Koura! All of them are out there!” I say distressed. “They need my help.”

  “What they need is not to be worried about you. I have men also. Th
ey are heading there to help them now.” Aesir runs a frantic hand through his hair. I catch sight of root-like scars trailing up his arm, just like I had just seen on the lifeless horse. He sees the exposed scars and quickly pulls down his sleeve.

  A buzz-like sound rings from a distance. A loud crackle rings through the camp as the lightning bolt hits a home. It all happens so fast. One second, the house is fine and the next it’s engulfed in an inferno, sending debris and ash into the air. We all duck from the impact.

  “Hide!” Aesir demands. “Take Zee with you. She can help you.”

  My heart pounds against my chest. The last time I had to leave people behind, it didn’t end well for anyone.

  “Be safe, dad.” Zee hugs her father before he rushes toward the front of the camp. We stare after him as he blends in with the crowd of men rushing to the entrance. A woman lets out a heartbreaking cry as her home continues to be engulfed in flames. Zee yanks my arm as I try to run toward the burning home.

  “I have to help her!” I won’t be useless again. I’m supposed to be their queen. How can I run the other way from this? “I can’t just leave her there!”

  She looks at me in disbelief. “Did you not hear what my father said? We need to hide you! They cannot find you!” She yanks my arm once more, but the woman’s cry sparks something in me and Zemirah immediately lets go of my arm, a look of pain on her face. I don’t stop to see the burn on her hand before running to the weeping woman.

  “Are you okay?” I look over her body, trying to find any obvious wounds.

  She shakes her head and pushes me away. “My boy! He’s in there! I can hear him, but I can’t get through!” She looks back at the raging fire, “My boy!”

  Another crack sounds echoing through the camp. I flinch from the noise as my ears ring, but my feet move on their own accord, leaving a screaming Zemirah behind. I raise my shirt to my nose, blocking the smoke with one hand. My other hand stretches out before me as I tear down the wooden front door with one hard kick. Fire blazes through the house, but I don’t feel the pain of heat. It’s like the flames repel against me, leaving an open path of ash in their wake.


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