The next evening, as soon as it was dark, they again started out. Forthree days they held their course straight through the woods, and,finally, releasing their prisoner, they bent their steps toward RedRiver, where, after many delays, they succeeded in securing a canoe.
They traveled entirely by night, and, in a short time reachedAlexandria, where they landed just above the village, and went ashoreto reconnoiter. To their disappointment they found that the place wasfilled with soldiers, and that a pontoon-bridge had been thrown acrossthe river, and was guarded at both ends.
After making all their observations, they retreated to the bank of theriver, and held a consultation. Should they abandon their canoe, andstrike off through the woods again? There were many objections tothis plan. The country, for miles around, was, doubtless, filled withencampments, and guarded by pickets, and their progress would involveboth danger and difficulty. Besides, they were almost worn out withtravel and constant watching, and, even had there been no obstaclesin their way, it would have been impossible for them to sustain along journey across the country. It was finally decided to follow theriver. They resolved to run the bridge, and hoped, aided by darkness,to escape discovery. It was necessary that some one should guidethe canoe, and, as Frank perfectly understood its management, he wasselected for the purpose.
As soon as the moon had gone down, Frank seated himself in the sternof the canoe, and his companions stretched themselves out under thethwarts, as much out of sight as possible. As soon as all was ready,he moved their frail craft from the shore, with one silent sweep ofthe paddle, turning it toward the bridge.
It was a dangerous undertaking; but Frank although perfectly awareof this, and knowing what his fate would be if he was recaptured, hadnever been more cool and self-possessed in his life. He remained athis station until they were within a hundred yards of the bridge. Hethen drew in his paddle, and laid on the bottom of the canoe, with theothers, awaiting the issue.
Propelled by the force of the current, the canoe rapidly approachedthe bridge, and, presently, they could distinctly hear the sentinelstalking with each other. They had not been expecting an enemy in thatquarter; but, in a few moments, that danger was passed. For milesbelow Alexandria, the river was lined with picket fires, andthe slightest noise would have betrayed them. But they were notdiscovered; and, after a week's journey--during which the papers Frankhad taken from the rebel lieutenant procured them food--they reachedthe Mississippi River.
To their disappointment they learned that Vicksburg was still inpossession of the rebels, and that they had two hundred miles furtherto go before they would be among friends again. After having come sofar, they could not be discouraged, but, taking a few moments' repose,they again set out.
The current in the river was very strong, and it was a month beforethey reached Vicksburg. One dark night, they ran by the city insafety, and the next morning, to their joy, they found themselves insight of a gun-boat, for which they immediately shaped their course.As they approached her, Frank thought there was something about thevessel that looked familiar; and when they came alongside, he foundthat it was the Ticonderoga. She had been repainted, and some ofher rigging altered, which was the reason he had not recognized herbefore.
Frank almost cried with joy when he found himself once more on his ownship; and all the dangers he had undergone were forgotten in a moment.He saw many new officers on board, and a master's mate met them at thegangway, who, probably, held the position he once occupied.
The captain stood on deck, but did not recognize him; and even the oldmate, with whom Frank had been an especial favorite, gazed at him asthough he were a perfect stranger.
"Walk up on deck, men," said the officer who received them, and who,doubtless, took them for rebel deserters, "the captain wants to seeyou."
Frank led the way up the ladder, and as they filed, one after theother, on to the quarter-deck, the captain inquired:
"Where do you belong, men?"
"I formerly belonged here, sir," answered Frank, raising his hat; "andI have the honor to report myself on board."
"Report yourself on board!" repeated the captain, in a tone ofsurprise.
"Yes, sir. I haven't been on board since we were down Yazoo Pass. Idid not intend to remain away so long, when I left the ship, but Icouldn't help it."
"Explain yourself," said the captain, growing impatient; "I don't knowwhat you mean."
"My name is Nelson, sir; I was captured at"--
"Why, Mr. Nelson!" exclaimed the captain, seizing his hand with a gripthat almost wrung from him a cry of pain, "is it possible this is you?I never expected to see you again. But who are these with you?"
"They are some of our soldiers, whom I met on the way down."
Their story was very soon told. When it became known that the rebellieutenant who was talking with the captain was none other thanFrank Nelson, the quarter-deck was filled with officers and men, whogathered around the young hero, congratulating him on his safe return.He was compelled to relate the particulars of his escape over and overagain; and, finally, he and his companions were taken down into thewardroom, and supplied with clothing more befitting their stationsthan that which they wore.
For two days Frank did nothing but answer questions and relateincidents that occurred during the flight from Shreveport. But atlength the reaction came, and he, with several of his companions, wereseized with the fever. For a month Frank was very ill; but he receivedthe best of care, and, aided by his strong constitution, the progressof the disease was stayed.
One day the captain came into his room, and, seating himself by hisbedside, inquired:
"Well, Mr. Nelson, how do you prosper?"
"Oh, I am getting along finely, thank you, sir."
"Do you think you will be strong enough to travel, soon?"
"Yes, sir," answered Frank, wondering what made the captain ask thatquestion.
"How would you enjoy a trip home?"
"Oh, I should enjoy it above all things, sir I never was away fromhome so long before, in my life."
"Well," said the captain, as he rose to go, "you must hurry and getwell as fast as you can. The doctor told me that he thought you oughtto go North and recruit a little; so I wrote to the Admiral, andobtained you a sick-leave. The dispatch boat will be along in a dayor two, and I will send you up the river on her. I think it is nothingmore than right that you should go home for a couple of months, atleast, for you have been through a good deal for a young man of yourage."
The thought that he was soon to see his home again did Frank more goodthan all the medicine the doctor had given him; and, by the time themail steamer arrived, he was able to walk about. In two weeks theyarrived at Cairo. The steamer had scarcely touched the wharf-boatbefore Archie, who had seen his cousin standing on deck, sprang onboard.
We can not describe the meeting. To Archie it was like finding onerisen from the dead; for he had heard of Frank's capture, and hadnever expected to see him again. A multitude of questions were askedand answered on both sides; and when Frank informed Archie that hewas on his way home, the latter abruptly left him, and hurried to thefleet paymaster to ask permission to accompany his cousin. This, asbusiness was dull, and as Archie had always been very faithful, wasreadily obtained. They made preparations for immediate departure.After Archie had telegraphed to his father that Frank was safe--takingcare, however, not to say one word about their coming home--they tooktheir seats in the cars, and soon arrived safely in Portland. Frankremained there only one day, and then set out for Lawrence.
Only those who have been in similar circumstances can imagine whatFrank's feelings were, as he stood on the deck of the Julia Burton,and found himself once more in sight of his native village. Familiarobjects met his eye on every side. There were the weeds thatsurrounded the perch-bed, where he, in company with George and HarryButler, was fishing when he made the acquaintance of Charles Morgan,who was afterward the leader of the Regul
ators. Above the perch-bedwas the bass-ground, and to the left was Reynard's Island, wherethe black fox had been captured. Near the middle of the river layStrawberry Island, which had been the silent witness of many a sailingmatch between the yachts of the village; in short, every thing lookedexactly as it did when, just fifteen months before, he had sailed downthe river on that same steamer, on his way to Portland.
As soon as the steamer was made fast to the wharf, Frank gave histrunk in charge of a drayman, and set out on foot for the cottage;for, impatient as he was to get home, he wished to have time to enjoythe sight of each familiar object along the road; besides, he wishedto come in upon his folks (who little dreamed that he was so near to)suddenly, and take them by surprise. Every thing in the village, andalong the road, looked as natural as ever; not a tree, bush, or stumpseemed to have been removed. At length he reached the bend in the roadwhich brought him in sight of his home. He stopped to gaze upon thescene. Not a thing about the house or orchard had been changed. Henoticed that a part of the rose-bush which covered his window, andwhich had been broken off in a storm the night before he left, stillswung loose in the wind; and even his fish-pole, which he had hung upunder the eaves of his museum, had not been touched.
While he stood thus, trying in vain to choke back the tears, he wasaroused by a well-known bark; the next moment Brave bounded over thefence, and came toward his master at the top of his speed. He had beenlying in his accustomed place in front of the house; he had seen Frankapproaching, and had recognized him in an instant. Frank wound hisarms around the faithful animal's neck, and, after caressing him fora moment, again started toward the house, Brave leading the way, withevery demonstration of joy. As soon as Frank succeeded in quietinghim, he walked through the gate, noiselessly opened the door leadinginto the hall, and paused to listen.
He heard Julia's voice singing one of his favorite songs, while aloud clatter of dishes told him that Hannah was still in charge of thekitchen.
Brave ran into the sitting-room, barking and whining furiously, andFrank heard his mother say:
"Julia, I guess you did not close the front door when you came in. Bequiet, Brave. What is the matter with you?" and Mrs. Nelson, dressedin deep mourning, came into the hall. The next moment she was claspedin her son's arms.
* * * * *
Let those who have sons and brothers in the service imagine the joythat prevailed in that house! They had heard of Frank's capture,through Archie and the captain of the Ticonderoga, and, afterward,that he was killed at Shreveport, while attempting to run by theguards.
"Mother," said Frank, as soon as the greeting was over, "you told me,when I went away, never to shrink from my duty, but always to do whatwas required of me, no matter what the danger might be. Have I obeyedyour instructions?"
Reader, will you answer the question for her? and will you followFrank through his adventures before Vicksburg and on the LowerMississippi?
The End
Frank on a Gun-Boat Page 19