by Emily Oster
Bringing Up Bébé (Druckerman), 252
bris ceremony, 9
British Medical Journal, 115, 118, 121–22
broccoli, 103, 195, 198
bumpers, 112, 124–25, 127
caesarean section (C-section), 5
average weight, 19, 19–20
peeing, 45–46
physical recovery from, 42, 43, 46–47, 48, 49, 58
caffeine, 106
newborn blood screening, 12
parental leave provisions, 154
cancer, 11
breastfeeding and, 80, 85, 300–301n
carrots, 192, 196
case-control studies, 72–73, 74, 78, 115, 118
cauliflower, 103, 251
causality, xxi, 15, 62–63, 82, 139–40, 151–52, 196
Centers for Disease Control, 138–39
cerebral palsy (CP), 211, 216
chest pains, after childbirth, 48
chicken pox, 146
chicken pox vaccine, 135, 143, 146
childbirth, 3–4, 5. See also caesarean section; vaginal birth
bleeding after, 44–45
delivery room, 25–27
emotional health after, 52–58
lingering consequences after, 46–48
peeing and pooping after, 45–46
physical recovery from. See physical recovery from childbirth
serious complications after, 48
childbirth classes, 41
childcare, 159–70
bottom line summary, 170
day-care option, 160, 161–65
day care vs. nanny, 166–70
decision tree, 160, 160–61
nanny option, 160, 165–66
work considerations, 155–57, 168
Child Development, 257, 261
child-led potty training, 244–46
choking, 194, 200
chore allocation, 276–78
Christakis, Dimitri, 222–23
circumcision, 6–7, 9–12, 27
benefits, 10–11
cultural traditions of, 9–10
pain relief and, 11–12
risks, 9–10
U.S. rates of, 9
Clostridium botulinum, 201
coffee (caffeine), 106
cognitive behavioral therapy, 56
cognitive development, 211. See also IQ
breastfeeding and, 67, 68–69, 86, 87
childcare and, 161–65, 166–67, 170
reading to children and, 262
sleep and, 117, 123
TV exposure and, 218
cognitive dissonance, xxiii
colds, 214–16
breastfeeding and, 76, 77
colic, 32–35, 39
as self-limiting, 34, 39
statistics on, 33
treatments, 34–35
colostrum, 18, 99
comparative advantage, 276–77
complications, after childbirth, 5, 48
“confidence intervals,” 76
“constrained optimization,” xxiii
contraception, 50–51
meal kits, xviii–xix
meal prep, xviii–xix
two-dinner option, xviii, xix
cord clamping, delayed, 25–26, 27
cortisol, 180
co-sleeping, xvii, 112, 114, 117–21, 126–27
benefits, 120–21
risks, death rates, 118–20, 119
sleep training and, 173–74
counseling programs, 279
couple therapy, 279
cow’s milk, 199, 200
crankiness, and vaccinations, 143–44
crib bumpers, 112, 124–25, 127
cribs, 111–12, 117–18, 124
no-stuff-in-the-crib recommendation, 112, 124–25, 127
colic and, 32–35
swaddled babies and, 301
“cry it out” method, 173–76
benefits, 177, 187
bottom line summary, 187
harm, 177–81
methods, 175–76, 182–83
data collection, 35–37, 40
sleep apps, 131–32
day care, 160, 161–65, 264–65
bottom line summary, 170
decision tree, 160, 160–61
evaluating quality, 161–65, 265
nannies vs., 166–70
daytime sleep, 129–33, 134, 183
decision-theory, 160–61
deformational plagiocephaly, 117
dehydration, 18, 21, 35–36, 45
delayed cord clamping, 25–26, 27
delayed milk onset, 99–101, 100
delayed motor development, 210–12, 216
delayed talking, 234–37
delivery room, 25–27. See also childbirth
physical recovery from childbirth, 42–43
“demographic transition,” 283
depression. See postpartum depression
developmental psychology, 219
diapers, 238, 241, 243–44, 247–48
diarrhea, 75, 79, 81, 216
diet. See also solid food introduction
for breastfeeding, 35, 103–6, 196–97
discipline. See toddler discipline
Dr. Spock’s Baby and Child Care, 86–87, 98, 115
domperidone, 101
dorsal penile nerve block (DPNB), 12
doulas, 55, 91, 93
Down syndrome, 212
drugs, and breastfeeding, 105–6
nighttime, 247–48
vaginal, 51
DTaP vaccines, 137, 141, 142
ear infections, 76–77, 79, 86, 215
Early Childhood Longitudinal Study, 236
early exposure to allergens, 188–91, 199–200, 203
early-life health, and breastfeeding, 74–77
early reading, 263
economic approach to decision-making, xvii–xx
eczema, 75, 77
Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale, 53, 54, 55
education, 259–68
bottom line summary, 268
learning to read, 263–64
reading to your child, 261–62
types of preschool, 264–68
“Elimination Communication” potty training, 244, 248–49
elimination diet, 35
emotional health after childbirth, 52–58. See also postpartum depression
“encouragement design,” 70–71, 74–76
“endpoint-oriented” potty training, 243–44
epidurals, 43, 45, 100
evidence-based parenting, 76, 208, 245, 251, 252
exchange transfusion, 25
exercise, after childbirth, 48–49, 58
expansions, 282–88
birth spacing, 285–87
bottom line summary, 288
number of children, 283–84
Expecting Better (Oster), xix, xxiv, 25, 223
“Extinction” method, 175–76, 182
Extinction with Parental Presence, 176, 182
eye antibiotics, 26–27
Facebook, xvii, 6, 154, 239, 271
fainting, after vaccinations, 142
family expansions. See expansions
Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA), 154, 155
febrile seizures, 143, 146–47
fenugreek, 90, 101
Ferber, Richard, Solve Your Child’s Sleep Problems, 129–30, 172, 173, 182
fertility problems, 285, 287
fertility r
ates, 283
germ exposure and, 38–39
vaccinations and, 143, 146–47
fingernail cutting, 140
first postbirth bowel movement, 45–46
first three days, 5–27
bottom line summary, 27
delivery room, 25–27
the expected, 7–17
the unexpected, 17–25
first weeks at home, 28–40
bottom line summary, 39–40
colic and crying, 32–35
data collection, 35–37
germ exposure, 37–39
swaddling, 29–32
first year, 61–203
breastfeeding, 65–110
childcare, 159–70
sleep, 111–34, 171–87
solid food introduction, 188–203
vaccinations, 135–47
work decision, 148–58
fish, high-mercury, and breastfeeding, 103
flat head, 117
flavor exposure, 195–96
food. See diet; solid food introduction
food allergies, 192, 199–200. See also peanut allergies
early exposure, 188–91, 199–200, 203
food neophobia, 197–98
food refusal, 197–98
“forbidden foods” list, 200–201
formula, 68
colic and crying, 34–35, 103
Freemie, 106–7
free-rider problem, 146
“frequentist statistics,” 225
friendships, and breastfeeding, 67, 83–84
fruits, 191, 194, 195, 196, 200
fruit juice, 200
fruit purees, 200
fundal massage, 43
gender differences
household work, 276–77
language development, 229–30, 233–34, 237
work and parenting, 149, 150
general equilibrium theory, 33
Gentzkow, Matthew, 223–24
germ exposure, 37–39, 40
Graduated Extinction, 176, 182, 184
grapes, 200
group couples therapy, 279
gua sha therapy, 102
head control, 210, 211, 214
Head Start, 167, 265, 268
health economics, xvii
“healthy diet,” 195–96
Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Child (Weissbluth), 129–30, 172–73, 182–83, 184, 185
hearing loss, 13
hearing tests, 13
heel pricks, 6, 12, 23
hemorrhoids, 47
hepatitis B vaccines, 135, 147
herbal remedies, for milk supply, 101–2
“herd immunity,” 145–46
hip dysplasia, 31
HIV, 11
home front, 271–91
family expansions, 282–88
marital-happiness problems, 273–81
honey, 200–201
Hooker, Brian, 304n
blood and hearing tests, 12–13
delivery room, 25–27
newborn baths, 7–9
“rooming in,” 13–17
hospital blankets, 29–30
hospital nurseries, 13–14, 16, 17
household-work time, 276–78
HPV vaccine, 135
hydration, 106
hygiene hypothesis, 37–38
hyperlexia, 264
ibuprofen, 105
IKEA, 159, 178
illness, 214–16
incontinence, 47
Incredible Years, 252, 255
“infant attachment,” 167
infant botulism, 200–201
infant crankiness, and vaccinations, 143–44
infant health, and birth spacing, 285–87
infantile colic, 32–35
infant weight loss, 17–21, 27
average, 19, 19–21
supplementation for, 20–21
Institute of Medicine (IOM), 139–44
insufficient glandular tissue (IGT), 101–2
IQ (intelligence quotient)
birth order and, 284
birth spacing and, 285
breastfeeding and, 68–69, 81–83
language development and, 235–36
potty training and, 246
TV watching and, 222
iron, 202, 203
Israel, and peanut allergies, 188–89
jaundice, 21–25, 27
primary sign of, 23–24
treatment options, 23–25
Journal of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, 254–55
Journal of Pediatrics, 125, 240
Journal of Sleep Research, 132
Journal of the American Medical Association, 116
Judaism, and circumcision and, 12
juice, 200
juvenile arthritis, 80
juvenile diabetes, 80, 300n
kernicterus, 22–23
kitchen sponge etiquette, 273
Lack, Gideon, 188–90, 191
lactation, 98–102
lactation consultants, 5, 18, 91, 95–96
Lancet, 137–38, 144, 304n
language development, 228–37
Baby Einstein products, 219–20
bottom line summary, 237
childcare and, 161–65, 166–67, 170
distribution of words, 230–34
first words, 229
gender differences, 229–30, 233–34, 237
timing of, 234–37
vocabulary size, 231–34
lanolin cream, 95
latch, the (latching on), 66, 88, 92, 92–96
common interventions, 93–95
later health, and breastfeeding, 79–81
leukemia, 300–301n
Li, Dawn, 23, 184, 209, 214, 290–91
lingering consequences, after childbirth, 46–48
Lion Gets Potty Trained, The, 245–46
lip ties, 94–95
longitudinal studies, 161
loose skin, 46
low-allergen diet, and breastfeeding, 35, 103
lumbar puncture, 38, 40
MacArthur-Bates Communicative Development Inventories (MB-CDI), 231–34
“marginal value,” 150, 157, 168
marital-happiness problems, 273–81
bottom line summary, 281
household-work time, 276–78
sex-chore relationship, 276, 277–78
solutions, 278–80
“marriage checkup,” 279
mastitis, 96, 102
maternal hemorrhage, 44
maternity leave, 152, 153–55, 158
meal kits, xviii–xix
measles, 135, 136, 138, 142
measles inclusion body encephalitis, 142
measles vaccine, 135
meatal stenosis, 10
medications, and breastfeeding, 105–6
menstrual pads, 41
mesh underwear, 41–42
“meta-analyses,” 118
milk supply, 89, 98–102, 110
days until milk production, 99–100, 100
drinking and, 105
feedback loop and, 99–100, 110
herbal remedies for, 101–2
how to increase, 101–2
oversupply, 89, 99, 102
undersupply, 89, 99–102, 100, 107
Miracle Blanket, xiii, 30
mitten injuries, 28–29
MMR vaccine, 137–38, 139–47, 304n
Mommy Wars, xxii–xxiii, 61
ons, 135–36
work decision, 148
Montessori education, 266–67
“more chores, less sex,” 276, 277–78
“more chores, more sex,” 276, 277–78
Mother’s Encyclopedia in Six Volumes, 98
motor delays, 210–12, 216
multiple sclerosis, 141
multivitamins, 202
“mummy tummy,” 46
muscular dystrophy, 212
nannies, 160, 165–66
bottom line summary, 170
day care vs., 166–70
decision tree, 160, 160–61
hiring, 165–66
sharing, 168–69
naps (napping), 183
age range, 130, 134
amount of, 129–33, 131
Narratives from the Crib (Nelson), 228–29
Narvaez, Darcia, 174
Nathanson, Laura, 215
National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act of 1986, 137
necrotizing enterocolitis (NEC), 75
Nelson, Katherine, 228–29
neonatal abstinence syndrome, 14–15, 31
nettle tea, 89, 101
neurological diseases, 212
newborn baths, 7–9
first three days. See first three days
first weeks. See first weeks at home
New England Journal of Medicine, 189–90
New Jersey, parental leave provisions, 154
New York, parental leave provisions, 154
NICHD Study of Early Child Care and Youth Development, 161–65, 166–67
nighttime dryness, 247–48
nighttime sleep, 129–33, 134
nipple confusion, 96–98, 109
nipple pain, 89, 95–96, 102, 109
nipple shields, 93–94
nipple yeast infections, 95
No-Cry Sleep Solution, The (Pantley), 172, 173
nuts, 200
obesity, and breastfeeding, 79–80
observational studies, 71–72, 73–74
1-2-3 Magic, 252, 254–55
only child, 284
open-ended questions, 262, 263
opioids, and breastfeeding, 105–6
”opportunity costs,” xviii–xix, 226
optimal choices, xxiii
orphanage literature, 174–75, 179
overheating, xiv–xv, 31–32, 115
oversupply, 89, 99, 102
pacifiers, 14, 96–98, 97
painful nipples, 89, 95–96, 102, 109
painkillers, and breastfeeding, 105–6
pain relief, and circumcision, 11–12
pains, after childbirth, 48
Paltrow, Gwyneth, 102
Pantley, Elizabeth, The No-Cry Sleep Solution, 172, 173
parental discipline, 252–53. See also toddler discipline
parental education and income
breastfeeding and, 68–69
language development and, 235
parental leave, 152, 153–55, 158