10.The Anime Trope System: Stone vs. Viper, #10 a LitRPG (ATS)

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10.The Anime Trope System: Stone vs. Viper, #10 a LitRPG (ATS) Page 18

by Alvin Atwater

  [Warning! You have not fully mastered this transformation. This is less than half of its true power.]

  Everyone stared in awe of Clyde and Melody, deity standing among them. They also had an eye on Airi, her bright aura lighting up the area like a mega-sized street light. The young man could not help but wonder about her true blood.

  “Sorry Clyde, I couldn’t invoke the form,” Alice said. Naoko walked over to her. The half-demoness looked at the kuudere loli curiously.

  “You must push past your emotional block,” Naoko said.

  As everyone casted all of their buffs and listened to the kuudere’s lecture to Alice, Clyde sensed the feeling of otherworldliness and intrusion spread through the air. The Falcon? Why in the fuck was he here? His territory alarm only covered the Nation’s seat.

  Then it hit Clyde. A man on a dragon. No fucking way…

  The young man’s luck seemed to plummet even further, because at that moment, a bone-shaking roar blasted through the air, citywide.

  A second roar met the first.

  “Two dragons,” Clyde said softly. “And we either take a stand or watch supernatural forces kill millions of innocent people. Well fuck.”

  He took a deep breath and exhaled. The aura that surrounded him intensified. “Airi, Melody, I’m counting on you.” He turned to Tear, an idea worming its way into his head. “Tear, you’re one of our strongest in offense, but there’s one more thing I need you to do, just in case.”

  Episode 54 (Part 5)



  Outside of the portal in a large empty parking lot…

  Aunder sat down his beer as Dire Jumped. Now that she was gone, he could finally move on with his revelation. He had no doubt she’d splatter the sidewalk with the Falcon’s blood. He taught the twerp more than she needed to know. The man would ask himself why , one day.

  This would be the time Su Yang would lecture him.

  It was time to avenge her…

  “Thor, we’ve made a deal. Now open the way.”

  Thor appeared out of nothingness, grinning.

  “Of all times, you call while I’m seconds from making love to my wife.”

  “I’m sure Sif can wait a few more seconds,” Aunder said. “You are soul-bound to me.”

  Thor shook his head.

  “To think you lured me into a trap and forced a deal. Well whatever, you’re doing us all a favor, anyway. That is, if you could actually touch her.”

  Aunder sighed.

  “Do not worry about me, thunder god. She let the soul of her most faithful servants fall into eternal damnation. I managed to pull them out and hide them somewhere soothing.” The man’s eyes flashed with raw anger. “And now…”

  “How?” Thor said, eyes widened. “This…it shouldn’t be possible for you.”

  “Hurry up and open the gate. I’ve had enough of your dishonorable stalling. No one is coming to help you. Hell, you should be grateful that I allowed you to live in your realm.”

  Thor frowned, but did as he was instructed.

  The world began to tremble. A storm ravished as the thunder god thrusted his palms forward. A dark chant oozed from his mouth.

  “Hoc veni in mundum, per auctoritatem investo eye meh. Egoh sum. Ego sum. Egoh sum. Veni veni. TE denegare nequit? RESPONDEO! RESPONDEO ubertatis O FILII ET FILIAE .”

  A rift of energy with the appearance of a starry night sky erupted in the center of the parking lot, its size equivalent to a small house. A woman whose beauty could not be matched by many was violently ejected from it.

  Thor let out a breath as he let go of the power.

  “I will be going back now. There is no need for me to get involved with that one.”

  Aunder nodded.

  “You enjoy your love making.”

  Thor laughed.

  “I will break from this and kill you, ya bastard.”

  The thunder god vanished, leaving Aunder with quite the angry goddess.

  “Lady Venus, we meet again,” Aunder said. “A shame it couldn’t be on better terms.”

  Venus seemed to be examining Aunder. She was a woman with a height of what seemed to be five feet eight or nine inches tall. Long, extravagant dark orange, almost brown hair, sapphire eyes, large breasts—she even sported her iconic toga.

  While no aura surrounded her… yet, the man still felt her raw power crackle through the air like cosmic lightning. He stood before someone that could actually kill him. Thrilling. Exciting. Finally. However, he didn’t drag her out here to enjoy himself.

  “You’ve done it now,” Venus said. “Violating the rules aside, why in sanity’s name would you possibly think this was a good idea?”

  Aunder chuckled.

  “You really don’t care about your most faithful servants, do you? They dedicated their lives in your service and in return, is sent to utter torment. You did not even meet with them.”

  “What are you talking about?” Venus said.

  “The Venus sisters,” Aunder said, shaking his head. “Do not pretend you know nothing of them.”

  Venus’s expression darkened.

  “You’ve got some nerve bringing up my servants, Viper.”

  “Just answer me this,” Aunder said. “Why did you let them fall to torment?”

  “Like I’ll tell my realm’s secrets to you,” Venus said. “For violating the law, I will personally carry out your punishment. The stone-viper games be damned.”

  “So that’s your answer,” Aunder said, shaking his head. “You have now sealed your fate.”

  With Dire gone, the man did not have to worry about a “hostage” getting caught in the crossfire. Sure, the princess was unnaturally powerful, but not a match for Venus.

  The analysis of the goddess made him excited, but also maxed his guard.

  * Venus, Goddess of Sex and Love *

  Level: ??? (level far exceeds Thor’s)

  Type: Goddess

  Special: ??? (it feels overwhelming!)

  Weakness: absolutely none.

  Resistances: ???

  Secret: ???

  [ Warning, you are in true danger !]

  “You are truly one arrogant piece of work,” Venus said, her sapphire eyes blazing with fury.

  [You have entered an ** ETERNAL DEATH SENTENCE **.]

  [Life and Death.]

  [Warning! This may not be a fight you can win.]

  Aunder grinned.

  “Come, deity.”

  Venus blinked to the man’s side, her hand already in motion to cast an instant-death spell. Aunder stomped the ground, creating a magical shockwave which would’ve knocked anyone off balance. The goddess didn’t flinch, forcing the man to dodge. Except…

  [Venus activated GODDESS TIER SKILL: Harmony of Solace. This is an unblockable and undodgable attack.]

  [Warning! This attack WILL kill you.]

  Aunder cast against it.

  [Aunder activated Special tier skill: Supreme Negation Wave.]

  A purple beam of magic burst from Aunder’s hands, a blue from Venus’s. When the magic collided, it exploded. The combatants didn’t waste time, starting the next moves immediately.

  Aunder was faster.

  ((Aunder triggered Plato of Weakness Minus))

  The chakra struck with enough force to smashed the goddess backward a few yards.

  [Venus’s HP has dropped.]

  Aunder counted on getting her inflicted with a status alignment, but his combat log revealed nothing. Venus blurred toward him, then disappeared. The man blocked a golden rapier that appeared from nothingness with his own orange-bladed sword. Sparks of magic and fire popped in between the contact points of the weapons.

  “An attack from behind?” Aunder said, still holding his block with just a single hand. “That’s beneath you, deity.”

  “You believe yourself to be on top of the world,” Venus said, “but you’ve made a fatal miscalculation.”

  Aunder’s eyes widened when the weigh
t of his sword suddenly increased. He let it go as not to be dragged down with it.

  “I’ll be sending this one to my love,” Venus said as she reached for the blade.

  “I don’t think so,” Aunder said, warping the soul-bound item back to his inventory. The goddess used that opportunity to call lightning down on the man.

  [Venus used GODDESS TIER SKILL: Judgment! This is an unblockable skill.]

  The feeling of intense heat, pain, and even regret coated the man.


  [Your HP has dropped to 225%]

  [You took intense shock and holy damage.]

  [Your HP has dropped to 25%]

  “Now begone!” Venus yelled, putting all her might into her next spell.


  Ring City, Terravon…

  “Nyaan, I sense an Omen’s sphere,” Neko said as the group prepared to face their pursuers.

  “Yellow dragon or white dragon?” Clyde said.

  “My sister wouldn’t have such a thing,” Kimiko said.

  “You really do love your sister, don’t you,” Toru said.

  Kimiko didn’t respond, just looked to the sky where the massive disturbances of magic and power moved.

  Naoko stepped forward.

  “If you want, onii-chan, I can start with the dispatchment of these threats.”

  “Threats?” Kimiko said.

  “The man and the dragon,” Naoko responded without missing a beat.

  “I hope you can wave your sister down fast enough,” Kitome said.

  Kimiko folded her arms and harrumphed like a tsundere. Before the blue-haired magical girl could retort, another roar blasted through the sky.

  “Alright everyone on guard,” Clyde said.

  “Onii-chan, you hadn’t answered my question,” Naoko said. Kimiko looked as if she was about to say something again, but Tear’s glare kept her silent.

  He nodded.

  “Don’t hold back.”

  [Your relationship with Naoko has increased to friend level 5 and ???.]

  [Your relationship with Fuyoko has increased to friendly-associate, interested, and respect level 6.]

  [Chika’s state has shifted to Zero Control .]

  Clyde didn’t have time to look at the yandere as a shadow and wing flaps made him look up to see a giant fucking menace aggressively hovering above them. She was a western-style dragon with white scales, some fur, and stood at least thirty or more feet tall.

  The young man gulped. This was it. Two dragons or one.

  He couldn’t keep the negative thoughts out of his head. What will stop Kimiko from telling her sister to fry everyone?

  The orange-haired girl stared at her sister for what felt like a long moment of silence. The white dragon suddenly landed—and everyone prepared for the fight, which never came.

  The white dragon instantly changed into one fucking beauty of a woman with long white hair and…well, every man’s eye wouldn’t miss them. Dressed in a blue and white flowery kimono, she gave off an aura of grace.

  “You said there was an elder dragon headed this way,” the woman said to Kimiko. “How do you know this?”

  “I don’t know for sure, Chiyo,” Kimiko told her sister, “but the prophet girl’s description and the possible future only points to it. Who or what else among us would behave so reckless without a care for society. There’s only one yellow elder dragon I know of that will come out this way.”


  “Risa may be your friend, but we can’t let her kill innocents,” Kimiko said. “Even elder dragons have to follow the new law.”

  Chiyo sighed.

  “I didn’t take her slip-ups about admiring the Disciple seriously. I’ll get her to stop this madness.” She turned to look at Team Stone. “There sure is a lot of them. To think you’ve made new friends so quickly.”

  “Well, I wouldn’t exactly call them—”

  Tear threw an arm around Kimiko.

  “Oh don’t be distant, we’re new friends.” She looked at Chiyo. “And as you can see, we’re quite the diverse group. Included in our family is one you may consider an ancient enemy.”

  Chiyo shrugged.

  “I’ve known about the kitsune living here for some time now. Only the elder dragons who follow the Disciple would care about her.”

  “I sure hope you can talk your friend down because we will defend ourselves,” Tear said.

  “I can see that,” Chiyo said, giggling. “Besides you, who is not the ordinary noble succubus, you have a…Who is he? What is he?” Her eyes stopped on Clyde. She licked her lips. A new giant roar interrupted her and a Chinese-style yellow-scaled dragon, at least twice Chiyo’s serpent size, dipped from the sky. And as Clyde suspected, Sol was on her back.

  “Holy shit,” Clyde said.

  “This is not what I had in mind for a winter vacation,” Kitome said.

  Chiyo looked up to her and like Kimiko, said nothing. The young man figured it was telepathic speech.

  Just then, Clyde heard a giant, deep inhale from wave above. The feeling of absolute dread sunk into his gut.

  “Risa, no!” Chiyo yelled.

  Naoko lurched into the air, hovering, and released what the young man considered a fuck ton of magic.

  [Naoko activated Almighty tier skill: God’s Absolute Shield.]

  The kuudere loli’s barrier covered the entire team as Hell itself poured down on it. Less than a half-minute later, the fire vanished. Naoko couldn’t dodge the sudden giant claw. Kanako caught her before she could fly off to who knew where—anime logic and hit distance never made sense in these scenarios.

  “She’s not listening,” Chiyo said. “Why is she doing this? She…was my best friend. But to attack me—this is a declaration of war I will not stand for. She’s the youngest of the elder dragons, but so obsessed with being adopted into the Soulless family that it saddens me, really. I tried so hard to—”

  “Listen, you can stand there and be sad or help us,” Clyde said. “I certainly don’t give a shit about someone who’ll casually murder an entire city for laughs.”

  Clyde looked up to the aerial enemy, calculating, Natalia, Melody, and Airi flanking him.

  “We’ll have to bring her down. The Falcon seems to be just sitting, but isn’t this his territory? Why the hell is he letting this happen?”

  “Pervy-nii, you guys fight the dumb lizard while I prepare my super amazing attack,” Natalia said cheerfully. The young man wondered if the loli-witch lacked fear. She remained nearly happy-go-lucky, with no fucks to give, while everyone else felt panicky.

  “Alright, do your thing Natalia,” Clyde said. “And try not to take all day.”

  Natalia giggled.

  “No promises. It’s been a while since I needed to use this one.”

  Alice sighed. Tear chuckled.

  “Well, let’s go, those with wings,” Clyde said, while activating Fly.

  [Your party has entered a *SUPER BOSS* fight!]



  Aunder grinned as he reached for the power, perhaps for the first time. Venus’s eyes widened as she felt the pressure change, but her attack couldn’t reach the man.

  As crimson aura surrounded Aunder, his glowing purple eyes, darkened, then shined two times brighter.

  “Before you die, I will give you the luxury of seeing me go all out for the first time. I knew from the beginning that I shouldn’t have taken you so lightly. Even your peers fear you. But after what you did to Su Yang and Olivia, I’m going to break you.”

  Aunder snarled and pulled in the power. His hair shifted from black to blood-red and seemed to become slightly spiky. Transparent wings burst from his back. One was an angel wing, the other, a devil wing. Crimson magic dripped from both. Fierce fiery aura rotated in an outline around the man.

  [Aunder has invoked Full Anti-deity Viper Mode. ]

  [ Aunder’s immense unstoppable pressure .]

  Every corner of the mult
iverse felt this pressure, this power, this might, death and life, and fear. Nothing could touch this. Not even the Stone. The Viper was unbeatable—Aunder would never fall in battle, except to a truly worthy and stronger opponent. Could Venus be it?

  Aunder saw the utter fear on her face. She couldn’t Jump.

  Then in less than a millisecond, he was in front of her. A swift backhand sent the goddess on a brutal trip all the way across the planet and back. All in a second.

  [Venus’s HP has dropped to 50%]

  [Venus’s will to fight wobbles…]

  If she wasn’t a deity, the woman would probably be burnt to a crisp or torn into pieces.

  “I will make sure you can’t respawn,” Aunder said. “And your soul.” He chuckled. “Will be heading to the depths of damnation where it will never be recovered.”

  He slowly walked over to the woman. Wisps of his aura burned the ground around him with each step.

  “Why are you doing this?” Venus said softly. “I don’t care if you kill me, I will not beg for mercy. Send me to damnation if you want, but why? Is it because of the Watchers?”

  “The time for talking has ended,” Aunder said, aiming a hand. Venus closed her eyes.

  “I’m sorry Clyde, we won’t meet in person after all,” she said, tears streaming.

  Episode 54 (Part 6)

  Ring City, Terravon…

  An enormous cascade of unknown power and wind suddenly burst from nowhere, halting everyone.


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