A Hunter Found: A Paranormal Vampire Romance (Hired Hunters Series Book 3)

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A Hunter Found: A Paranormal Vampire Romance (Hired Hunters Series Book 3) Page 12

by Kimberly Forrest

  Nedra suddenly gripped Jamie’s arm in what looked like a painful clamp. “If this is Evangeline, you need to stay away child. She is evil.”

  The ferocity of that statement surprised Sophia and Jamie both. “How?” Sophia asked. “How is she evil?”

  Nedra licked her lips, her eyes skittering about the room as if she expected this Evangeline person to suddenly manifest out of the walls. Shaking her head, she finally said, “Not in here,” and snatching the ring off the map, she pushed it at Jamie and quickly left the room.

  A tree in Nedra’s living room was an unexpected sight, as was the thick body of a yellow and white python that was currently residing on one of the branches. Sophia suddenly recalled Jamie’s comment that Nedra had a thing for reptiles. Jamie, however, obviously did not, the vampire taking a seat as far away from the snake as possible, though she kept a wary eye on the thing as she did so.

  Sophia almost teased her that the python wasn’t going to suddenly sprout legs or wings to jump at her, but Nedra spoke up first, moving quickly about the room to close the blinds. “Are either of you familiar with the creation story?”

  “Which one? The one where God created the world in seven days?”

  “The supernatural creation story,” Nedra clarified.

  Jamie let out a chuckle. “Horny demons impregnated humans, and the result was the first of the Born vampires.”

  “And in response,” Sophia tacked on, “the gods created shifters, combining human and beast to make an entity stronger than both in order to destroy the vampires those gods saw as an abomination.”

  Nedra nodded, settling deeper into the recliner she’d chosen. “Yes. And the angels, wanting to leave their own mark, gifted upon a small number of humans, magical abilities, the first of the magic wielders – sorcerers, wizards, witches.”

  Sophia settled on the couch next to Jamie and listened with rapt fascination. She’d only heard her own species’ part in this story, had had no idea that magic had come from an angelic source.

  “That magic,” Nedra continued, “was passed down through generations, changing as bloodlines and powers comingled, or dwindling as wielders mated with non-magical humans who would dilute the gifts, but the power was freely given by those angels, meant to be held and utilized by humans.”

  Nedra fell into silence for a moment, her gaze clouding as she lost herself in either thoughts or memories. As if more to herself, she said, “Evangeline Duvalier was powerful, her bloodline nearly pure, but her head was filled with the idea that if she could just harness more power, she’d be able to fight all the injustice she saw in the world.”

  Nedra’s eyes cleared and she looked between Jamie and Sophia. “She hated that the Born were seen as more powerful, that they looked down upon the witches, and subjugated all supernaturals under their rule. Her drive for more power became an obsession.”

  “She achieved her objective, didn’t she?” Jamie asked. “Somehow she found a way to increase her powers.”

  Nedra nodded. “But at great cost. What power Evangeline now possesses was stolen, taken from a demonic source, and never intended for mortals. It infected her, corrupted her, twisted her mind until nothing of the girl she was, remained. What had started as a potentially just cause, has become nothing more than a power-hungry madness and greed. She will settle for nothing less than absolute control – of everyone.”

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Kane was going over talking points for tonight’s meeting with Edward on speakerphone when a call from Jamie came through. Telling Edward he’d call him back, he switched it over. “Jamie, girl. What’s up?”

  “Hey, Kane. Listen, Sophia and I went to see Nedra –”

  “You’re with Sophia?” he asked, brightening. “How is she?”

  “She’s good, but listen –”

  “So, ah, did she like, mention me or anything?”

  “Oh, my God, Kane. What are we? Twelve? Yes, we talked about you but that’s not why I’m calling –”

  “What did she say?” he cut in with a mixture of excitement and apprehension. What if Sophia had complained about him to Jamie? What if he hadn’t pleased her as much as he had thought? She had agreed to see him again tonight after his meeting – a fact he was eagerly anticipating – so he couldn’t have fucked things up too badly… Right?

  Jamie let out a frustrated little screech before barking, “Kane! This is important.”

  He agreed. Sophia’s opinion of him was exceedingly important but for some reason, Jamie was talking about that witch, Evangeline. Wait. What?

  “Hold on. Back up. What about Evangeline? We were discussing Sophia.”

  “Nooo,” Jamie said with a frustrated edge to her voice, drawing the word out. “You were talking about Sophia. I was trying to tell you what we learned from Nedra about Evangeline.”

  Forcing himself to focus, he listened this time. The information wasn’t much different from what Jourdain had already shared except for one new addition: Evangeline was potentially holding the shifter female, Nicky, somewhere down by the river.

  What would a power-hungry witch want with Nicky? She was a low-level pack member, so the only reason would be to draw the pack alpha, Archer, out into the open.

  He said as much to Jamie, and he could hear a little humming noise as Jamie considered that for a moment before she offered, “Possible. Or Evangeline might be under the impression that you and Nicky are still an item and she’s trying to draw you out.”

  Saying he and Nicky had ever been an item was a stretch. Yes, he’d fooled around with her one time after making it clear he wasn’t interested in anything more than casual fun. The young wolf had outwardly agreed, but apparently, had taken his words as a challenge to try to change his mind.

  Jamie’s kidnapping hadn’t helped matters. Since Nicky had been the only woman he’d been around that the rogues may have seen with him, he’d assumed when he received a message from them that they had his woman, that Nicky had been the one taken, so he had sent Morgan to check on her. Nicky had taken that as a sign that he’d regretted his decision and only upped her stalker game.

  She’d begun calling him constantly, stopping by unannounced, even going so far as to convince the clerk, who worked in the store below the apartment he’d been staying in, to let her in so she could surprise Kane. He had been surprised, all right, but probably not in the way Nicky had hoped. He’d been pissed, and he’d let her know it, in no uncertain terms, as he marched her out of his place with the warning not to return. Ever.

  But as to the matter at hand, “I don’t see why Evangeline would need to draw me out. If we’re right, and she’s the witch in that footage, she already had full access to me for several hours, even if I can’t remember anything about it. No, more likely, she’s after Archer, so tell your mate to watch his back.”

  “I’ll let him know, but you be careful too. All of you are meeting tonight – you, Archer, Jourdain. If this is a power play, tonight would be an ideal target for her, maybe we should send more people to keep an eye on you guys.”

  “That’s assuming she even knows about the meeting.”

  “Not an impossibility.”

  No, it wasn’t, but Kane had told very few people, and he highly doubted that either Archer or Jourdain were openly announcing their plans, so if there was a mole, it was one that would hit close to home. “I’ll talk to everyone, share your thoughts, see if they want to bring anyone to watch their backs.”

  “Good. Now. How’s your nose?” Jamie asked with amusement.


  “Today, a shifter, a vampire, and a witch came together to help find a missing pack member,” Kane said in a low voice as he looked at the two other people at the table. “It didn’t matter what they were, only that they could help. That’s what I’d like to see happen more often in the future. I know under the previous regime, segregation was expected, even brutally enforced, but I am not Rodolfo, nor do I agree with how he ran this territory.”
/>   The meeting had been going well, even better than he had hoped. Jourdain had been stiff at first, his features severe, but the food had eased some of the tension in the man’s broad shoulders and he was listening. Kane had come here, half expecting the leader of the Order of Witches to shoot down or scoff at every idea that Kane suggested before he could even finish speaking, but the man had been attentive, even leaning forward at a few points with interest.

  “I’ve read the files. I know that Rodolfo set boundaries. Shifters were to keep to the bayous, witches limited to the Quarter. I will not be enforcing those boundaries, as far as I’m concerned, there are no boundaries. Live where you want, work where you want, play where you want.”

  “And what do you get out of this?”

  Jourdain may have posed the question, but Archer Langley seemed just as eager to hear the response, the pack alpha straightening up from his seemingly casual slouch.

  “A little teamwork,” was Kane’s reply. “If you know a flood is coming, you don’t keep that information to yourself, even if you think you can hold it back on your own. We talk to each other, help each other when and where we can.”

  Archer shook his head. “Your idea looks good on paper, man, but you’re asking us to tell our people to put aside centuries of mistreatment and trust that if we stick our necks out you and your people aren’t going to bite.”

  Kane grimaced. “I know I’m asking a lot, and I don’t expect it to happen right away. I don’t believe in miracles, but I believe it starts or ends with us.” He made a circling motion with his hand over the center of the table covered with empty plates and discarded napkins from their dinners. “A friendship between the three of us that begins with a simple meal and a little conversation.”

  They talked a bit more after that, keeping it casual, and the meeting had concluded with both Archer Langley and Destin Jourdain giving him a “We’ll think about it,” as their response. But that wasn’t a no, and thus, Kane would take tonight as a win. He had understood going into this that neither one of those men would pounce blindly on his offer of cooperation. He fully expected his sincerity to be put to the test. In fact, he expected both of them would be calling him within the month to ask his assistance on some matter or another – contrived or genuine – simply to see how he would respond. He would rise to the occasion.

  And speaking of rising to the occasion… Kane nearly rubbed his hands together with glee at the thought of seeing Sophia again. Checking the time on his phone, he saw he still had fifteen minutes before she was supposed to meet him at the little club he’d told her about that was a mere few doors down from this restaurant. Loathed to keep her waiting, he dismissed the extra people he’d brought with him on the off chance that a certain witch might descend upon them, power limning her fingers and cackling maniacally, and headed out, whistling a cheery little tune and practically skipping out the door.

  It had begun to rain, he realized as he stepped out onto the street. A cold drizzle that had pedestrians huddling deeper into their jackets and hurrying their steps to get someplace dry. Kane had always rather liked the rain, so he lifted his face and closed his eyes, taking a second to enjoy the feel of the mist on his skin, and breathe in the cleansing scent before he continued on his way.

  He’d just reached the alley between the restaurant and the next building when he felt a tingle down his spine, a whisper of something compelling halting him in his tracks. A woman emerged, tall, beautiful, lush, and that whisper invaded his head, his lips moving to form the words, “My queen.”

  “Yes, my love,” she purred as she glided toward him, her arms reaching for him, her fingers touching his face. “I am here.”

  She was a goddess, that whisper continued, a vision of loveliness too good for him. But he would make himself clean, make himself worthy to kneel at her feet. He would do anything for her.

  Her hands cupped his cheeks and he felt the urge to weep as she pressed her lips to his. He was unworthy.

  “Come, my love,” she murmured, taking his hand as another thought whispered through, that he would follow her anywhere. He fell into step behind her.


  Sophia had arrived too early, eager to see Kane again. She’d taken extra time with her appearance, had chosen her most flattering outfit, done her make-up to perfection, and had even managed to fairly reproduce what the stylist had done with her hair the other day. She had to admit, after seeing her reflection in the mirror, she looked damn good and hadn’t been able to wait to show herself off for Kane and see his reaction.

  Of course, it had decided to rain which had put a bit of a damper on her mood, especially when she had to cover up her fabulously sexy ensemble with a raincoat, but she supposed Kane seeing her for a few minutes in a bright yellow slicker was better than him seeing her looking like a drowned rat with mascara leaking down her cheeks.

  Smiling at a couple that was rushing for the door to the bar to get out of the rain, Sophia checked the time again and grumbled before craning her neck to see if she could spot him. Her heart practically leaped into her throat with joy as she saw him come out of the restaurant. He was dressed in his signature black – black leather jacket over a black T-shirt tucked into black jeans, with equally black biker boots on his feet. He would be a shadow if it weren’t for the number of street lights and lit signage that illuminated his powerful form.

  God, he was sexy.

  The thought had barely cleared her mind when Kane stopped as if looking for something. A woman stepped out of the shadows, tall, voluptuous, with flawless ebony skin and jet-black curls nearly to her waist that didn’t frizz under the drizzle but seemed to sparkle as the drops became like glittering gems in those perfect curls.

  The woman reached for Kane and Sophia waited, her breath locked in her chest, for him to duck away, perhaps with a sheepish grin and a pleasant refusal on his lips. He didn’t. In fact, he seemed to welcome her touch, a look of what could only be described as adoration on his face. Sophia felt her stomach roll with nausea.

  And then the woman kissed him, and he let her. A clicking growl rumbled out of her throat and smoke billowed from her nostrils. Perhaps any onlookers would think it was merely her breath clouding before her in the chill rain, but really, at that moment she didn’t care. Her focus was on Kane as that woman took his hand and led him away.

  Sophia lurched into motion. Hell no. They were not leaving together and Kane would not be leaving Sophia behind. He was hers. She’d grind that woman’s bones into dust and burn that faithless bastard to ash. How dare he set up a date with her and then kiss that woman mere yards from where they were to meet.

  She was too late, had waited too long to intercede. She watched, seething with anger as Kane and the unknown woman got into the back of a sedan and the car immediately took off. Her dragon writhed within, demanding to be released. She’d follow, use her claws to rip the roof off that vehicle and take back what was hers.

  “Miss? Are you all right?”

  Sophia snapped her head around and snarled at the man who had spoken. He stumbled back, catching himself on the wall of the building. “Jesus Christ!” he screeched, looking at her in horror, and Sophia suddenly realized that her eyes had shifted and she could feel the scales beginning to form, crawling up her back.

  Ducking her head, she quickly took off down the street. She needed to call Travis, needed to get herself back under control before she was driven by her anger to do irreparable damage.

  Stupid, stupid, stupid not to have borrowed a car for the evening under the assumption that Kane would bring her home. Now she was stuck in the heart of the city, in the midst of a painful partial shift she couldn’t seem to shake, as the man that her dragon had chosen as her mate went off somewhere to make love to another woman.

  Sophia was barely hanging on by her fingertips – or rather, claw tips currently – when her brother found her huddled behind a dumpster in an alley, scorch marks around her from where her fire had needed to be release
d before it consumed her from the inside. Her body was pulsing from a change she was desperately trying to suppress, scales having emerged over most of her body, and curved, deadly sharp talons topping her fingers.

  Travis must have broken every speed limit to get to her so quickly, and he practically threw her into his truck before speeding away, tires screeching on the wet pavement. To his credit, he didn’t ask what had happened to set her off, he simply gripped her clawed hand in his and said, “Hold on a little longer, baby girl. Almost there.”

  “It hurts,” she told him with a painfilled whimper.

  “I know, Soph. I know. But you’re strong, you’ve got this.”

  They were headed toward pack lands, she noted through the near-blinding agony, the city lights and buildings left behind them. But Travis didn’t wait for the turnoff, didn’t turn down any road but rather pulled his truck sharply into the trees, and without slowing down, set them on a bouncing course through a wooded area before he brought the vehicle to a lurching stop.

  He was out of the truck and opening her door within seconds to pull her free of the vehicle. “Do it,” he said, backing away. “Let her out. Now, Sophia. Let her out.”

  As Sophia released the teeth-gritted death grip she had on her inner self, her dragon burst free of her in a painful explosion of spiked wings and scales. With a prehistoric roar, she spewed fire into the sky, releasing with it, the last of her anger. What was left were seemingly unbearable pain and heartbreak. Worse even than Olivier Rodolfo’s dagger to her chest. It was a wonder to her that she wasn’t crusting over in stone to heal.

  Instead of taking to the skies in an attempt to find Kane as she had thought her dragon would force her to do, she bellowed three, sad-sounding trumpet blasts and hung her head.


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