Dragon Vanquished: A Reverse Harem Fantasy Romance (Dragon Gladiators Book 4)

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Dragon Vanquished: A Reverse Harem Fantasy Romance (Dragon Gladiators Book 4) Page 13

by Zara Stark

  "Nope, not at all," I bit out as Cobalt slapped his hand down on my other cheek. The gentle sting of his hand and his cock pressing hard into my belly was almost too much to bear.

  "Are you lying?" He asked, slapping me again. Making a strangled whimper of pleasure escape me. "Maybe I should check if you are."

  "What are you--" I was about to ask when his fingers spread my thighs and traced over my folds.

  "Liar," He bit out with his deep voice, thrusting his cock harder into my belly. He slapped my ass again as he slipped two fingers inside of me. "Do you like that?"

  "Oh Gods," I squeaked, biting my bottom lip hard.

  "Now what did I say about calling for them when I'm right here?" He chastised as he pulled his fingers out of me and began to trace circles over my clit. He brought down an even harder slap on my ass as he continued to work my clit. The sensation was so overwhelming, a long moan escaped me.

  "Oh Cobalt," I bit out. "That feels so good."

  "What? This?" He asked as he pressed harder on my clit and slapped me again. The pleasure-pain of both at the same time was too intense.

  "Y-yes, fuck," I panted. "Cobalt it feels amazing."

  "Louder, Octavia, I want the sailors listening outside the door to hear you scream my name, I want them to know you're mine," He growled over me. One of his fingers continued to work my clit as two more slipped inside of me again, curling inside of me.

  "Cobalt!" I screamed out as he spanked me again. The sensation of him fingering me as he slapped me and massaged my most sensitive part sent my mind spiraling off into an orgasm.

  My insides squeezed his fingers.

  "Did I say you could come yet?" Cobalt hissed at me.

  "I didn't know I needed permission," I gazed back at him, breathing heavily.

  "Looks like this method of punishment isn't working," He glared at me, letting go of me momentarily in his lap. He wrapped both of his arms around me again and stood, swinging me around until I was face down on the edge of the bed, my sandaled feet hitting the wooden planks of the floor. He let me go for a moment, bent over the bed and ass in the air. Without warning, he gripped my hips tight, slamming into me roughly, with one smooth motion he had entered me if I hadn't been so wet it would've been painful.

  I cried out as Cobalt began to punishingly thrust into me, back and forth. The slick sound of our bodies and our heavy breathing the only sound. Cobalt was so rough post-shift, I could get used to this.

  "Please, Cobalt," I moaned as he continued to fuck me. The rough blanket on the bed was hitting my clit just right and with his perfect rhythmic thrusts, I could feel another orgasm coming on.

  Cobalt groaned as he continued to work his body over mine. One hand kept its grip firm on my hip while the other traveled under me to squeeze my breast. He started to massage my breast as he moved with me. Leaning down in that position, he kissed the crown of my head.

  I tossed my head back and arched my spine. Cobalt groaned as it changed the angle of his cock inside of me.

  "Cobalt!" I screamed as another orgasm hit me, this time a violent one that shattered in my mind and sends my body into violent shakes.

  Cobalt was right behind me, the sensation of my inner muscles clenching him tight must have sen him over the edge. He collapsed on top of me with a groan, his hands slamming down around me to keep his weight off of me. He buried his face into my hair as he continued to lazily pump inside of me.

  "Wow," I sighed, planting my face into the blanket.

  "Yeah," Cobalt grunted. "Fucking amazing."

  Cobalt stood and lifted me up into his arms. He carried me over to the head of the bed, pulling back the scratchy covers. He placed me down gently, kissing my forehead.

  "I just can't get enough of you," He whispered to me. "Are you okay? I wasn't too rough?"

  "No," I grinned up at him. "I'm oddly enough, super into it."

  "You've never?" He asked, looking at me in shock. "I thought you said you had a lot of experience."

  "Oh I do, the thing about trading out boy toys every few weeks is that you don't really have the time to do anything but vanilla stuff. That was definitely my first sexual spanking and I have to say, that was hot," I chuckled.

  He sat down on the bed next to me, the cheap mattress sinking under his bulk. "So back at thecastelliwith Nevada and Azar?"

  "First threesome and first, you know, double penetration," I felt my cheeks burn and I slapped my hand to my cheeks. "Am I blushing?"

  "Yes," He gave me a wicked grin. "Was it the phrase double penetration?"

  "Maybe," I laughed.

  "Double penetration," Cobalt rumbled.

  "Stop!" I laughed harder feeling my blush burn down my chest.

  "So you don't want to do that with Azar when we find him?" Cobalt asked, his eyes going half-lidded. He leaned closer to me.

  If it was even possible, I felt my blushing cheeks darken further. I giggled a little bit. "Maybe, I mean, if you're into that kind of thing. No pressure. I mean Azar is into it but you don't seem like a sharer in that sort of way. Uh, what was I saying? I'm rambling aren't I?"

  "I'm into it. When Raiden and I walked in on you guys, I went from six to midnight," His eyes flashed a black for a moment and I laughed a little bit at his phrasing.

  "Six to midnight huh?" I asked him.

  "Hard as fucking diamond," He grinned. "I'll let Azar take the front this time but we're fucking in front of a mirror, so I can see the pleasure on your face as we're both inside you."

  "You're killing me here," I fanned at myself. "I think I'll die if we don't get to do that."

  "We will," Cobalt nodded, running a hand through my messy hair.

  "So you really think we'll get Azar back?" I asked him, my voice sounding needy. "Honestly?"

  "Yes," He scoffed, shaking his head. "Of course. I'm back so why wouldn't he be able to come back too?"

  "I don't know, I never doubted you guys but it didn't stop from Tartarus and Team Wildcard from telling me that bringing you guys back to your right minds was a suicide mission, that I was stupid, naive, foolish and insane," I sighed, leaning into his touch as he massaged my scalp. "Those jerks better apologize when I see them again."

  Cobalt's fingers ran down the front of my hair, touching the phoenix feather. "You can give this stupid thing back to Tefra as well. I don't like you wearing the mark of another man."

  "I can't take it out or they'll come to find us but as soon as I have all four of you back, I'll pull it out, I promise," I rose up on my knees and hugged Cobalt to my chest. "You see these marks on my chest? That means I'm yours and you all are mine. Don't forget that."

  "Never," He hugged me back.

  "By the way, a little birdy told me that the second you all put your marks on my neck, you took my last name, is that true?" I asked him.

  He nodded against my chest. "Yes, I'm Cobalt Alexander now."

  "Is it weird not being an Aurelius anymore?" I asked him.

  "Not really, it might sound strange to you but our entire lives we knew we were going to end up being Alexanders instead of Aureliuses, it's the dragon way," He shrugged.

  "It doesn't sound strange, I kind of like it, I do like it," I sighed. "It's just crazy to think about."

  "Yeah, to go from kids without a care or worry in the world to adults fighting for our lives, training to become killers and somehow managing to fit a little romance in along the way," Cobalt continued massaging my scalp until my stomach growled.

  "You're starving! We never did eat this morning," Cobalt abruptly let me go, pulling some of the fabric off of the floor and wrapping it around his waist like a towel. "I'll go get you food. Keep your cards on you. Those guys are terrified of me but one guy might be desperate enough and be willing to die for a chance at you."

  He grabbed my thigh holster from the floor and tossed it at me. I caught it and pulled my cards and coin out.

  "Do you want me to see if any of these pricks got some dice?" Cobalt asked.

; "No, don't take what little entertainment they have on this ship from them, I'll get some in the next city we stop in," I ran my fingers over my tarot cards. "I'm sorry I had to leave your cards behind."

  "It's alright, your deck was half-gone anyway," Cobalt shrugged. "I'll work on making some more as soon as we're done traveling. It will be far easier now that I'm at full draconic power and I consumed so much metal. Do you want me to make your old deck again or do you want tarot cards?"

  "Both maybe?" I fanned the cards out in my hands. "I've been afraid of the power of the tarot forever but I think I wasn't ready to wield them yet. Now I am."

  He smirked at me and went to look for food. I sighed and laid back on the bed, clutching my cards to my chest. What a wild year. Librarian to gladiator slave to Underworld prisoner to dragon rider and outlaw and hopefully back to librarian again. A month ago, I was crying by myself on a rickety ship, hoping and praying, beseeching any and allGodsto answer my prayers and now once again I was back on a ship but this time smiling and glowing after sex with one of my mates. I wondered where I would be months from now, home safe with my guys or killed by the Concilium or Tar?

  I closed my eyes and forced myself to think of the good. It would do us no good to focus on the bad that could happen, all five of us had done surprisingly well with our coping through this trauma. Breaking down now wasn't going to help anyone. I chose to focus on the good, letting my mind conjure up Azar, Nevada and Raiden's smiling faces.

  We're coming for you guys, I promised.

  Cobalt came back with stale bread, cheese, and grapes. He let me more of it and I gobbled it down. I hadn't even realized how hungry I was until that moment. After that, I fell asleep against Cobalt's chest and for the first time in a long time, I felt like I was safe.

  Cobalt kissed me awake the next morning, telling me it was time to go. I quickly dressed in my strophion, tearing a small piece of the fabric off to tie up my wild hair. No more lion mane for me! Cobalt didn't bother to dress and I sure didn't mind. His sleek muscles and dark skin shined in the morning light as we made our way on deck. The sailors gave us a wide birth, backing away.

  "Can you shift here or will you sink the ship?" I asked him.

  "Calling me fat are you?" Cobalt teased.

  "Not fat but massive yes," I shook my head with a smile.

  "I was thinking about it but you're probably right, this ship will snap like a twig if I try and shift on it," Cobalt sighed, running a hand through his long hair. "I'll have to shift in the ocean and you'll have to jump on."

  "Jump on?!" I asked.

  "Yeah, just like jumping in a pool except there is a wild current and sea monsters," Cobalt flashed me his teeth. He swung his leg overboard and hopped into the water.

  "Well, I guess that wasn't up for discussion was it?" I groaned. "You sure are asking a lot of a decaffeinated Octavia you know?"

  "Surely you haven't had coffee in more than a month now," He called out from below.

  "Don't call me Shirley," I stuck my tongue out at him.

  He laughed.

  Cobalt began his shift, his transformation rocking the boat, sending water crashing against the hull.

  I peeked over the edge and saw dragon Cobalt glaring at me. He had retracted all of his spikes, what a gentleman.

  "Okay, I'm coming you overgrown iguana," I hugged. I took a second to look back at the sailors and gave them a weak smile and waved.

  "Thanks for the room and food," I said, even though my language wasn't invented yet and they wouldn't understand me.

  I climbed over the side and carefully jumped over the side, landing gracefully on dragon Cobalt's middle back. I stuck my arms out to maintain my balance as I walked to my seat right at the nape of his neck. As soon as I sat in the right spot, his golden spikes shot out all at around me.

  "Ready to roll?" I slapped his scales twice and he began to swim away from the boat. The sea water lapping at his sides. He swam until the boat was about a hundred feet away from us. He stretched his scales wings above us, the drops of water glittering against his ebony scales in the morning light. Dragon Cobalt shook the water from his wings and tool to the sky. I looked back as Cobalt beat his wings, water streamed behind us like ribbons of rainbow light, sparkling as the drop plummeted back to the sea.

  I turned back around and squeezed Cobalt's spikes. Drifting away in my mind, pushing my worries away.

  It took only seven days to reach the port city of Salernum. Seven days and seven nights of flying and sex. We landed just outside of the city to let Cobalt transform away from prying eyes. We still didn't have clothes for him so I gave him part of my clothing I got from Tartarus. I gave him the black cloth to wrap around himself, leaving me to fashion the gray fabric into a short-skirted strophion.

  Chapter 13

  We went into town, taking in the sites. Salernum had once belonged to the Etruscans, even though it had been under Roman control for centuries, hints of Etruscan art and architecture were everywhere. Finely painted vases and pots sat on almost every merchant's stall. Salernum had once been a strategic military base, a Roman fort still stood proudly in the middle of the city. But its prime location had turned it into a thriving port city full of trade and culture. Hints of Sicily, Carthage, and Sardinia, their major trade partners were everywhere. I linked arms with Cobalt as we explored the city.

  "What do you want to check out first?" Cobalt asked gently.

  "Not much, clothes, dice and food. That's it," I told him. "I know you aren't much of a window shopper and I'm pretty eager to go looking for Azar."

  "Thanks for that," Cobalt chuckled. "I agree but I think we should stay the night."

  "Of course you do," I laughed, elbowing him in his side. “While I would love to stay the night. I really think we should at least get to Nuceria first.”

  He burst into loud laughter, making the people in the marketplace jump in alarm.

  "Look at you, making friends everywhere we go," I took a look at the people around the marketplace. We sure did stand out. Eyes all around us locked on the marks on my neck, then to Cobalt and then to the skies, looking for the other three dragons that were mated to me.

  Cobalt who was used to being gawked at from years in the gladiator ring and he either didn't notice or care. Knowing Cobalt, he didn't care. We found quickly found an area full of fabric carts.

  "Pick whatever you want," Cobalt gruffed. "I got plenty of gold to spare. I was thinking, would you rather me make you some dice out of metal? Didn't you freak out when you found out your dice were made of human bones."

  "That would be amazing!" I swung my arms around him and hugged him tightly. I had gotten used to the bone dice out of necessity but I hated what they were made of. It was disconcerting. It kind of disturbed me with how desensitized my guys were to the fact that my old dice had been made of human bone. Were they so desensitized to violence that they didn't care or was it that it was made out of a different species than them. Woah, that was a weird though. All four of my guys were a different species. Could we have children? I felt my eyes go wide. Holy crap, the last week with Cobalt, we hadn't been using any protection at all. Admittedly, I hadn't had a period since I got to Rome but that was from stress. My cycle always stopped when I was stressed. Finals in college and battles to the death did that to a girl.

  "Earth to Octavia, are you there?" Cobalt had bent down to get close to my face, his crimson eyes glaring into mine. "Where'd you go?"

  "Uh, I was thinking about how we haven't used protection or even the pull-out and pray method this entire week. Can we even have children?" I word-vomited out at him. In typical guy fashion, at the mention of children, his eyes went wide and he froze in alarm. I would have laughed at his expression if I wasn't freaking out myself.

  "Can we have children? Yeah probably, I haven't really checked but you can't have a child without all four of us being involved," Cobalt cleared his throat, stretching out to his full height. He looked away for a moment. Poor, tough dragon wa
s feeling awkward.

  "Involved?" I enunciated. If he was going to embarrass me and make me blush about a threesome with Azar then I was going to embarrass him about this. It was only fair. "Like how involved? All of you without protection on the same night?"

  "Yes," He nodded, gritting his teeth.

  "So just to clarify," I paused for a moment, a cheeky smile stretching my cheeks. Cobalt groaned. "You all have to ejaculate inside of me on the same night?"

  "Ejaculate is such an ugly fucking word," Cobalt shook his head. "But yes."


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