by Sain Artwell
His deep, rumbling voice oozed fatherly kindness, as if he were always speaking to afavorite hatchling. “Mlevanosk. It must be said, I am overjoyed to see you are already awake.”
“Rasdrev. I did not expect you until tomorrow,” Mlevanosk replied.
“Now, now. Can old friends not meet on a whim?”
“No. I’m glad you’ve come. We’ve much to discuss.”
“Indeed. Regrettable as it is, our time together may be drawing to an end. I can feel him call out to your vestiges, a presence tickling at my brain like a scalpel. I presume you’ve been made aware of his arrival by your adorable little ones already,” Rasdrev said, the slightest regret tinging his voice as he continued, “I must stress my disappointment at this outcome. Would it have hurt to wait another decade?”
“You know full well this is not by my design. A suspiciously great number of stars had to align for the daughter’s broken ascension to coincide with the mother’s escape. Our ambitions were transparent, and now we pay the price. What’s left for you to make is a simple decision. Do you choose your legacy or life?”
Rasdrev paced the room, slowly and soundlessly circling Mlevanosk’s containment device. “Sorcerer King will offer to bargain with me, once he sees where I’ve come, and I suspect it will be a splendid opportunity indeed. You have but one specimen, whilst he possesses the methods of their creation.”
“And yet, I can see the hesitation in your eye,” said Mlevanosk.
A strange half-choked-chortle emanated from Rasdrev, as he paused to stare at the brain in the jar. “I would like to allow you a chance to make a counter-offer.”
“How generous of you,” Mlevanosk stated.
“I am nothing if not benevolent to my old friends.” Rasdrev glanced at Ivar, who was frozen solid.
Sofi shared every cold drop of his dread. Much of what was being spoken went over her head, despite her being privy to more secrets than half the clan elders of the Ascendancy. Even so, whether you understood what was spoken or not, this was not the sort of information one could walk away from alive.
Rasdrev continued addressing Mlevanosk, “Give me the missing variables to my equations.”
“Missing variables? You will have to enlighten me.”
“Let’s not play coy, my old friend. Your little ones have kept you informed of Project Sourcefire. I wager you would not be quite so eager to place your bets on Alron had you not discovered the secrets of overcoming the limits of draconic vis. You’ve always possessed an enviable attitude at binding the intangible abstract down into coherent numericals. Give me the missing pieces, and I assure you, your name shall echo across eons as the genius mind who uplifted wyrmkin from the tyranny of ascension cycles.”
Limits of draconic vis? Sourcefire? Now that perked Sofi’s ears.
She’d always known Mlevanosk had some kind of master plan for what to do after taking her body, but the details had been kept secret to everyone.
Mlevanosk waited moments before replying, “That future is not for you to ride, Rasdrev. But do not be mistaken. Despite your methods, I acknowledge the importance of your work. Cooperate with me. Do not let it fade into obscurity for the sake of your pride.”
“How refreshing. Your company is truly refreshing, I would like you to know that. Few others would be as bold as to lay threats upon me in your situation.”
“If you did not wish to be bested by a brain in a jar, you should have killed me when you stole my vestiges,” Mlevanosk replied flatly.
It was at that moment that Sofi realized Rasdrev possessed the rest of Mlevanosk’s vestiges. They needed to kill him to complete her masterpiece.
Rasdrev sighed heavily.
A metal plated tail shot from beneath his robes, impaling Ivar through the chest. Sofi clasped a hand over her mouth to stifle a gasp. Ivar’s eyes searched for her, his lips mouthing a voiceless ‘help’. Sofi prayed to the stars for an apology for killing the boy.
While the boy slowly bled to his death, Rasdrev continued, “Is there anything else you’d like to say, old friend?”
“I will not change my mind, if that is what you mean. You will not have my help, unless you stand openly against Sorcerer King.”
“Very well.” Rasdrev stepped to the console and produced a long key, which he inserted into a socket.
The machine hissed as a cartridge dispensed a steady trickle of red fluid into the vat. Mlevanosk’s voice distorted as she gurgled. Immediately, Sofi recognized the concoction as an interrogation formula—a potent toxin meant to erode the subject’s self-restraint and personality in order to make them more compliant. The machine howls of Mlevanosk’s anguish chilled her spine.
“Goodbye, old friend.” Rasdrev withdrew the key, and with a slow stride, left the room.
Sofi waited as the howls continued, counting moments in her head, trying desperately to judge how long it would take him to be out of earshot. When she could not wait any longer, Sofi shot out of her hiding spot and ran up to the console, trying to find the keyhole Rasdrev had used.
“Mlevanosk, hold on! I’ll turn it off at once!” she cried.
Through a shriek of pain, Mlevanosk bellowed, “No!”
“But…” Sofi paused, scrambling for her tools.
“He will know it was tampered with. You must leave at once, before you are apprehended. Enslave my claw. Complete my masterpiece. Without it, Alron will die.”
“But, what about the Sourcefire, or procedure. If your mind dies, it can’t work anymore!” Sofi hurried to gather her things, eyeing the exit.
“Fret not. I’ve withstood… before, and… withstand it…” Mlevanosk’s voice disappeared beneath crackling. Her systems were running out of the stimulant, which allowed speech.
“What about the ‘Sourcefire’?” Sofi insisted.
“…don’t die… will be clear…”
With one last scream of pain, the sounds turned into a static fizzle.
“Hang on just a little longer,” Sofi said, and fled the vault. She slipped out of the building just as it went into lock-down.
Sitting inside a musky, oil-stained firewagon headed for Draintown, Sofi mulled over the words she was going to tell Alron and Fei. Under no circumstances would it be safe to tell them about Mlevanosk’s torture. If she did, the two of them would waltz over to Cold Slab and get them all killed. Hopefully they wouldn’t see through her.
Just a few more days, Sofi reminded herself.
Chapter 12 - Steamy Enslaving
Heatless flames of soulfire scalded Alron’s veins, which themselves became part of the flame, erupting when he did. His dragonsoul’s grasp over Fei’s tightened, as she surrendered her conscious will, her mind becoming a mere thrall of his. Her pleasure was his, and his hers, and the tangled mess of the two burst out in a synchronized groan. Alron released it immediately, but the bond remained tight, and his vis crystallized the flickering, unstable echo of Fei’s morphcore into his own blood. Azure flames died, returning the room to dimness. Two more vestiges, and their old bond would be fully reforged.
Shuddering, Alron savored the final moments of pleasure before clarity, and drank in the sight. Hot steam condensed on Fei’s naked skin and matted hair. Rivulets snaked over her quivering abs. They were both loins deep in a pool of dark, hot water and glistening pale bodies of exhausted deepkin women.
Alron shoved a fleshbender deepkin off his cock, and leaned back. Fei released the woman’s face from the clench of her thighs. With a wet squelch, a long black tongue withdrew from her sex, eliciting another post-orgasm whimper from Fei.
“Mine…” Fei’s lust-hazed gaze centered on Alron’s slippery erection. She waded to Alron’s side. Lips smacking, Fei leaned in, leaving her arched back and rear above water for his benefit, while her tongue ran up the length of his erection. With an eager ‘aaahn’ she took his tip, and gulped all of him in one thrust.
Her throat clenched, and they both groaned as he gripped her horns. Fei reached to touch herself.
> For over a day, the two of them had been recuperating like this—reforging their bond, clearing their minds of the fog that Dente had cast them in. Although neither had broached the subject, Alron had a good hunch of Fei’s opinion on it.
She gagged. Spit spilled out through Fei’s nostril, and Alron drew her off his cock, allowing her to instead lick and nibble it. She served him without a pause, utterly enraptured by the task of cleaning the fleshbender’s fluids off his balls.
“Fei, I won’t kill her,” he said.
“Thank you… Thank you,” Fei murmured, kissing a trail up his shaft.
He stopped her from swallowing it again, holding tightly onto a horn. Alron spoke, “But you too must understand. She will not find sympathy for us, not until we’re long dead. Not if we destroy her homeland.”
“I know.” Fei frowned, licking her lips clean. Determination crystallized in her burning azure eyes. “I love her, but we can’t let her be tricked the way we were. One day, she may understand. And even if she doesn’t, at least she’ll be safe. And also, if we kill every oldblood clan elder and sovereign and patriarch and ruler! She’ll rule the continent! Imagine. Our daughter, the Empress of the civilized world.”
“Wouldn’t that be nice.” Alron chuckled, and hoisted Fei on his lap, and fucked her.
Beyond the sounds of groaning deepkin, sloshing of water, and slapping of their hips, a gentle rhythm of metallic strings played—likely an echo from another room. When he switched to using Fei’s rear-hole, Alron heard the slapping of feet on metal approaching the door.
Sofi burst into the dimly lit steam room, panting as if she’d run all the way.
“Who are these people?” she asked, gawking at the spread of naked deepkin women.
“No one important,” said Alron, while struggling against the steel-tight grasp Fei’s anus had on his cock.
“Apologies. Should I return later? I have some news…”
“No. You may come in.” Alron grunted.
Fei, whose taut ass was pinned between the wall and Alron’s hip, began to shiver and clench her teeth. “Yesss… Coming now, coming, coming…” She grunted, her thighs tightening. Alron had her pinned against metal, as she thrashed in her orgasm. His gaze turned to the girl by the door.
“There’s a lot going on around the City,” Sofi said. “We should move soon. Do you know where the claw is? I need to enslave it. Mlevanosk said so. Also, we should go to this grandforge to get her skeleton. We need to gather the vestiges…”
With dragging steps, Sofi delved into the steamy darkness.
Muscles around her eyes were drawn tense and twitched constantly, despite her drooping eyelids. She was at once wrung taut as a wire and one strand away from snapping, weighed by worries too large for her. Any more and she’d collapse.
Fei, do you remember what I said of courting her before?
“Mnnnhh… Yesss,” Fei cried, wiggling against him.
It seems she will not tell you this on her own, and she never forbade me to divulge it, so I shall tell you, but don’t let it show on your expression. Mlevanosk has prepared Sofi as her vessel, and the girl is destined to perish. Though she’s assured me she’s at ease with this, as it was her own choice, I suspect Mlevanosk groomed her to be receptive to this fate. Regardless, I promised to treat Sofi as a lover for the remaining time we share.
“Huh?” A brief flash of realization passed by Fei’s orgasm-blurred vision. She looked at Sofi, and licked her teeth. She does need a break. Shame it took this long. I’d have liked to play with her more, but I suppose as the body remains the same, having Mlevanosk inside will be even better.
“…one of you could help me with enslaving it. Once I can figure out the clues in the claw, we’ll be able to construct her masterpiece,” Sofi continued, repeating the same points as if there was something new to be gleaned from them.
Fei turned into Living Flame and flew off Alron’s cock. She materialized behind the girl, wrapping her claws over her shoulders.
“Sofi. My little dearie,” she purred in a sultry sing-song voice. “Relax a little, Fei is here, Alron’s there. We aren’t going anywhere, and the world won’t collapse on us overnight, not until we break it!”
Sofi shook her head. “There’s no time to waste.”
“We can take care of enslaving the claw to you.” Alron picked Mlevanosk’s disembodied vestige from the heap of clothes and possessions sprawled by the edge of the pool. He waded through the pool to Sofi. “It’ll be less painful if you’re relaxed. I know you may think I’ve forgotten my promise, but rest assured, I’ve every intention to fulfill your wish.”
With two clawed fingers, Alron tilted her delicate chin. With a thumb, he caressed her dark blushing cheek. Imagining Mlevanosk in her body, he gave the girl a warm smile, and spoke softly, “Come my love, I know you’re weary, and worried, but your body and mind have their limits. Fei is right. You need rest. It is not in the nature of wyrmkin to deny their urges for long. Your body and vestige must ache by now.”
“They do,” she sighed. Heat climbed to her cheeks and lust widened her pupils.
“And your nerves are wound in knots that won’t untangle.”
“They are,” she admitted, heartbeat quickening.
“Fei and I are going to step back into the pool now, and indulge in our desires. You may join us at your leisure.” Alron withdrew from her, stepping back into the hot pool of softly moaning deepkin.
Fei followed him, devouring Sofi with her eyes as she slid past her. He embraced Fei, and for a moment focused on the taste of her tongue and the svelte, slippery curve of her firm rear.
“Uh… Should I need to do something to please you?” asked Sofi from the edge, nervously pulling at her thumb.
How adorable… Fei’s smile dipped into a predatory grin. She squeezed Alron’s chest, staring at Sofi. My dearie is like Oqhizt used to be. She’ll do as you say, she wants to please like a little slave! I want to bully her now, to see her squeal, to test how she bends.
Take it slow, see what she likes.
Alron spoke to Sofi, “Remove your clothes. Fold them, and come sit by us on the edge.”
“Okay,” Sofi replied with a small voice, and got to work.
While enjoying Fei’s body with lazy gropes, Alron watched. Sofi unclipped her tool harness and laid it down, then began to struggle with the wet black sleeveless shirt glued to her. Wet dark pants peeled off of her like a second skin. Her undergarments rolled into dirty rags when she dragged them down her pale gray thighs and placed them upon the pile of sweat-stained clothes.
Fiddling with her hands, Sofi walked on the pool’s edge to where Alron and Fei were entangled in a deep, wet kiss. She sat down cross-legged to watch them. Water trickled down her heavy breasts in dancing trickles as she breathed, staring at them in a daze. Twitching, her fingers slid from an erect dark nipple towards her sex.
“Can I?” she paused to ask.
If Fei’s smile prior had been a predatory grin, it now became a sadistic leer. Alron chuckled softly. This girl. She was driven and brave beyond her diminutive strength. So reminiscent of Oqhizt: Defiant of authority, yet unquestioning in her loyalty, and secretly longing for a strong hand to hold her leash short and tight. But how tight exactly? Alron decided to push a little.
“No,” Alron said. “Sit on your knees, so we may see you better. Keep your hands behind your back.”
Her heart skipped a beat.
“O-oh? Okay…” Sofi obeyed.
Now wasn’t that a pleasant sight. Soft, voluminous legs squished against one another. Her generous breasts drooped ever so slightly with their weight. She bit her lip, smoldering silently in her arousal whilst keeping her arms folded behind her back. Her eyes fluttered, ashamed to meet his. She seemed to struggle to keep her back straight. Alron’s breath shuddered.
“I should’ve made you mine on the battleship,” he said.
Sofi blinked, eyes wide. “Uh…”
“Bound, gagged, bl
indfolded, and utterly helpless. Would you have liked to be ravaged when in such a position?” he asked.
Sofi swallowed, head bobbing downward as she bit her lip hard. “Nnmmm…”
“Keep the hands behind your back, and sit straight.”
She snapped upright, shifting her thighs.
“Do you like pain?” Fei’s voice was a soft, sinister hum of lust.
Sofi shook her head.
“You liked watching us,” Fei said, a statement which the girl did not deny. Fei continued, “You are very cute.”
“Thank you,” Sofi peeped.
“Do you enjoy watching us do this,” Fei asked, gripping Alron’s ass possessively while licking his chest. As she traced a line down towards his abs, Alron gripped her horn and placed her mouth on his cock. Slowly, savoring, he slid into her throat until he was buried in the hot clench of her throat. Moaning, gulping, Fei began to lick him.
Several of the deepkin stirred, swimming over to watch. Two pairs of them began to touch each other while glancing at him, attempting to coax Alron’s attention. Three others watched, their heads above water, fingers working submerged slits.
“Sofi, do you like to be watched as well?” Alron asked, whilst leisurely fucking Fei’s face.
Mouth gaping, the girl eyed the deepkin as everyone’s attention turned to her nude form. Alron sensed a dash of panic in her heartbeat as it raced even higher.
“Sit straight,” he reminded her.
Gasping for air, shivering, the girl complied. Her dark gray nipples stiffened. She liked being watched, and being made to show herself. In the deep dark corners of her little heart, she must’ve longed to be controlled. He could push her a little further still.
“Open your legs.”
Still on her knees, the girl shuffled laboriously to meet his demand. She’d shaved at some point, but new stubble pushed from her mound. Light gray folds parted ever so slightly, revealing folds of glistening pitch-black sex. Arousal and condensed water dribbled from her nether lips, falling to the puddle beneath her.
“Like this?” Sofi asked, voice smaller than her heavy breaths.