Dragon Core

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Dragon Core Page 27

by Sain Artwell

  “Really?” A lick of incredulity visited the girl’s giggle. “If you say so, Master Alron. Please be understanding, your ways are different from Mlevanosk’s. We could learn though, if you’d guide us.”

  “Hm.” Alron continued to admire Fei.

  “Elders of our organization have negotiated peace with several of the surviving oldblood clans. They are interested in pleading their support to you, should you accept the position. The City wills to be beneath the rule of someone new and powerful, someone capable of bringing about change, someone with strength to oppose Sorcerer King. Should you but say the word, we could arrange everything. Likewise, I would gladly submit. Men like you are a dying breed in the City, we need you.”

  “My gratitude, for mending the wounds,” said Alron, detaching from Radiyana. Seeing his approach, Fei sat and made a show of crossing her legs.

  “I hope I did not misspeak, Master Alron,” said the girl, growing anxious. “I assure you, Friends of Mlevanosk are prepared to compensate for your leadership in any way possible. If you’re displeased with myself, we could arrange for some of Yeeshuto’s fleshbenders to be yours. You enjoyed their company greatly, I’m told. Please be understanding, Master Alron, we simply have not quite understood your long term designs with the City yet, and are eager to hear of your plans.”

  Fei groaned, muttering a quiet curse.

  Alron gave the girl a passing glance. “Do you speak on behalf of Mlevanosk’s cult as a whole?”

  Radiyana winced, then cleared her voice. “On the part that recognizes you as a chance for a future… and the parts that appreciate your abilities.”

  “Hm.” Alron contemplated his answer, whilst resting his gaze on the squishy way Fei’s thighs stacked upon each other. As his hand wandered from knee to thigh, she shimmied backwards, giving him a ‘pound me against this wall’ look. “Radiyana…” Alron began.

  “Yes.” She sat straight, her heartbeat quickening.

  “I am a man of war, not a ruler of nations. To your cult, I offer protection for evacuation should you wish to flee the City before it falls into complete chaos. Nothing more. Can you take this message to the others and make sure we are not disturbed further? I did not exaggerate the importance of satisfying my desires. Pleasuring this woman is, as unbelievable as it may seem, the sole thing holding me from ascending and destroying everything you know.”

  Radiyana bowed stiffly and excused herself. The door remained open, however. A hushed argument began between the girl and two other voices, one of them Sofi’s.

  “Let her enter,” Alron commanded.

  Sofi earned herself a scowl from the rejected fleshbender, and one last whisper from a redcloak. She replied wryly something along the lines of ‘it is not in my power’ and slipped in, closing the door behind her. Clumps of hair hung over her swollen eyes, and the weight of three heavy bags slumped her shoulders. She set them and Alron’s jadegold glaive on the floor, producing from a bag a long, transparent tube filled with liquid.

  “The liquid vis you wanted. Looters snatched the rest before us.”

  “Much appreciated,” said Alron.

  Fei nudged his inner thigh with her foot, her toe brushing by his cock. “Alronnn… Hurry.”

  “Oh, don’t mind me. Go ahead and proceed.” Sofi waved, putting the tube back in the bag. “Though, do you mind if I collapse in that corner there momentarily? Everything keeps piling up and I haven’t had a chance to breathe since… Drat, must’ve been back in the pipes when…” She trailed off, suddenly fascinated by the decor of a nearby wall.

  “Dearie, of course you can stay. But only if you strip and lick Alron’s seed off of me.”

  “She jests. You may stay without licking her,” Alron corrected.

  “Psht, spoilsport.”

  Sofi sighed, flashing a weary smile. “Thanks.”

  “Spoilsport?” Alron gripped Fei by the root of her bun, gently but firmly, turning her to face the wall. Shifting her thighs, she teased him with her upturned rear. Alron rewarded her with a flick across the cunt, to which she moaned in delight, giving him a mischievous smile. Even without the bond feeding him her surface emotions, Alron would’ve known what she wanted. He gave the next spank with enough force to jiggle her, and with a full palm, again right across her sex. Her moan grew in pitch and pleasure. Tightening the grip on her hair, Alron continued. Fei’s moans grew huskier, her sex wetter. The only one spoiled here is you, my pain thirsting nympho.

  Yesssss… yes please. Mess me, tease me, hurt me. I need you to blank my thoughts.

  With the next hard strike, Alron dug in. Slipping past her panties, he manhandled her sensitive folds and ass, eliciting a series of hot breaths and whimpers with a touch too rough handling. She grew desperate for his cock, and, with need, her writhing too grew ever more erotic, highlighting how that tight little dress was made to be squirmed in. On the spur of a moment, Alron spread vis through it, dragonizing the fabric.

  In a flash, it transformed into a dark red hide with a glistening sheen. It was one with his senses, as though his hands were all over her body at once. Fei blinked, confused.

  “Did the color displease you?” she asked.

  Alron chuckled. “There’s something I’d like to practise, before I forget the sensation. Will you volunteer?”

  “I’m yours. Hurry up and use me.”


  He squeezed Fei’s ass with his hand, and her entire body with the dress, causing her to yelp in surprise. Unlike before, when he could only transform matter into inert pieces of his draconic body, this piece of dress was alive. This was the next evolution of dragonization, a step towards forging the body of a dragongod. Anything he’d dragonized, Alron could now control subtly, as if it were a piece of his body. If it were not for Fei’s delicious ass grounding his mind in carnal lusts, he’d never dare to practise such an ability out of fear of triggering draconic ascension. But, with her as his horny anchor to reality, there was little he dared not do.

  Fei’s claws scratched the wall. The dress cinched so tightly it pushed her erect nipples into her flattened tits. Her abs quivered against taut fabric. Bands of dragonized fabric on her back dug deep into her tan flesh. Panties tightened, parting her plump nether lips as they dug between them, flattening her clit against her own sex. Her choker began to embody its name. Fei gasped huskily.


  Alron stood, dragging her along by the hair as he moved to a coat hanger. He snapped a blunted end off of it, dragonized it, and pressed the phallic object against Fei’s lips.

  “Swallow,” he said.

  Despite slightly choking, Fei obeyed eagerly, keeping her mouth open while he deepthroated her with the toy. Alron felt her throat through it, but didn’t linger on that sensory feast. Instead, he plucked it out and lodged it in her rear-hole. He then repeated the procedure for her cunt, and tightened her panties once more to the point they could’ve been a rope wedged between her lips. Her holes puckered against his dragonized tools, sending shivers of pleasure through Alron. Stuffed with wiggling extensions of his draconic body, and bound by her dress, all Fei could do was gasp for air and struggle hopelessly. Her face was one big dumb lusty grin.

  “How is it?” he asked.



  In a strangled voice, she croaked, “Yesss please…”

  Alron sat on a bench and threw Fei on his knees, and lay smacks upon her upturned ass. He tightened every strap to the point she would start to slowly black out. All the while, he doubled on the tools’ motions into violent vibrations. Fei began to kick and flail, making piggish squeals as she fought. Alron’s cock was wrapped in resonant pleasures from the tools lodged in her holes, but his greatest pleasure was the pure euphoria of absolute control, of reducing his woman—a strong warrior who no torment could break—into a blubbering puddle, a slave to harsh pleasure. Fei’s eyes were slowly rolling up. She was getting close.

  “Come,” he said,
releasing the choke.

  Her thighs clamped together, limbs freezing. A mighty climax thrashed through Fei. Squirts of milky ejaculate smeared his fingers as they rested on her twitching cunny. Convulsions continued to run through her as she wheezed to catch her breath, her thoughts clouded in bliss, and would continue for a very, very slowly receding afterglow.

  Alron watched her pleasure, idly caressing Fei’s rear as she shivered. He couldn’t help but notice the look on Sofi’s face.

  “Something on your mind?” he asked.

  Her pinched expression betrayed a toppling tower of weariness built atop a chasm swarming with worries and painted by arousal. She met his gaze briefly, then studied the floor again. A pause later, she replied, “They asked me to try to convince you to stay. I know, I know, your answer is no.”

  “You don’t sound disappointed.”

  “No, I suppose not.” She drew a deep breath, tugging on her vestige claw. “It’s just…” She sighed. “…apologies, I shouldn’t distract your pleasure.”

  “All is good. Fei won’t recover for a few more moments. Besides, I meant to speak to you.”

  “Oh? Well, if it’s something I can help with.” She said the words, and meant them. But the brilliance in her molten rock eyes was clouded. Alron needed her mind at its sharpest if she was to make sense of Mlevanosk’s memory fragment. Furthermore, he owed much to Sofi and could not let her sink into this pit her mind was caught in.

  Alron waved his hand in gentle dismissal. “I may be as detached from the world as the Farmoon, but even I can recognize a troubled mind. Should you wish to speak, I can listen. Should you wish to hear my advice, I can speak.”

  Mouth open, she stared at him for several flickers. Her eyes then turned downcast in contemplation, the smallest smile grazing her lips. “Thank you…” she whispered. “I might want to speak, if that’s okay.”

  Alron nodded.

  “…I don’t know where to start to unjam it all. It’s just…” She snorted. “Heck, I thought I’d be dead by now. Was ready for it too. I was proud to become Mlevanosk’s vessel. Proud my little life could fix this rotten duct clog of a City from the ground up, proud to die for a cause. Now? Poof!” Sofi threw her hands up, making a gesture of her head exploding. “I’m here, the City is tearing itself to scrap, the others glare at me like I murdered Mlevanosk—they think I let Dente into the vault or something—and by stars, I do feel I did. But then, I’m also relieved to be alive. Or I think I am, maybe? I was shivering when I realized I didn’t have to die. I was happy! Can you believe it? But then, I realized I have to live now. And that’s a big drat. I didn’t prepare for this mentally. For the aftermath, for the City war, for any of this. Everything’s falling apart and I don’t know if there’s anything I can do anymore, or a reason for me to even try…” Sofi wiped her eyes, emotion thick in her voice.

  “Apologies. Must be like listening to some wet hatchling’s weeping. I don’t know what to do, or even what to think. I should hate Dente, or you for going easy on her, but I’m also bitter that Mlevanosk didn’t trust me at all in the end. I worshipped her. I did everything she asked, and would’ve done anything for her—except maybe eat hatchlings or… well, anything of that sort, but anyhow. Then she tossed us aside to give you a fancy sword! A SWORD? Can you imagine that? And what’s worse? I know if I live I’ll end up tricked by someone again for some stupid cause, ‘cos I’m a dumb ass slave and can’t have a single opinion of my own without pandering to some master or mistress, and… and. Argggh!” Sofi growled softly, hefting a fist at the world.

  A wave of embarrassment visibly swept over her anger. “Oh. P-please be understanding. I didn’t mean to insult her. I wasn’t in the right state of mind. Stars…” She wiped her eyes again, chuckling. “I still amn’t— aren’t. Drat. Dratting tongue…”

  Alron hummed softly, digesting her words. The momentary silence seemed to prove too uncomfortable for Sofi. She nodded towards Fei, who moaned softly on the ground, slowly recovering from her orgasm.

  “So, what’s that thing with the dress you were doing?” Sofi asked.

  “Hm. Familiarizing myself with a new aspect of a dragongod’s power.”

  She blinked. “Dragongod’s power…” A nervous chuckle. “…you do know what happens to people who toy with that, right?”

  “Most ascend.”

  “And kill a nation when they do.”

  “Hence, my experimentation. Fret not, I am not unaware of the risks.”

  “You not being aware doesn’t worry me so much as you not caring about them. Although, if you’re planning on ascending and consuming this country, now’s a good time. Once the embarrassment of what I rambled on about hits me, I might be ready to die again, even without a cause!” Sofi laughed wryly.

  Alron chuckled. With a deep shuddering breath, Sofi’s heartbeat began to slow down. The following silence was a comfortable one, albeit not a true silence, as Fei’s stirring moans punctuated it.

  “So,” Alron began, “You’ve laid your woes upon the rampaging madman on the cusp of ascension, while he had his cock out. What’s your next move?”

  “Was that a… joke?”

  “Not anymore.” Alron frowned. It had been a joke, and he thought it had been a rather good one.

  Sofi concealed a snort, though Alron suspected it was at his expense and not at his joke. Nevertheless, he allowed it to pass.

  “No idea.” She shook her head, chuckling out the last ember of humor. “I am open for suggestions.”

  “I’m not under such hubris as to think myself qualified to give life advice. But I could offer my thoughts on how to find a path forward from this fog you find yourself in.”

  “Sure. Let’s go with that.”

  Fei’s groan interrupted them. “Mmhn… That’s a… wasssa nice, nice… Oh? Hi there, dearie. Didn’t realize you were here.”

  “Hi,” said Sofi.

  “You should try…” Fei drew a heavy breath and wiped drool from her face. “Choking is… Aah, mm-hm! Nice.”

  “Clears the head, right?” Sofi crossed her arms, cocking a sceptical brow.

  Fei nodded. “Mmh… Uh-huh.”

  “Apt timing,” said Alron.

  “Very clever how you two coordinate this”—Sofi gestured at the two of them—“With her waking up just so, ready to suggest… What else but sex?”

  “Heh!” Fei looked smug.

  “Hm. I intended on sharing an old vestige domination exercise to help focus the mind, and wrangle the herd of confusion into manageable thoughts.”

  “Ha-ha! Sure he did,” said Fei, turning to give Sofi a conspiratorial whisper. “He was thinking of pounding your ass”

  Alron glared at Fei. “Do not trick her.”

  “Oh no! And, if I do, what ever will you do about it?” The star damned mischief bit her lip, tugged her collar, and clenched her abdomen. Tools lodged within her sent a feedback of pleasure to Alron’s cock, drawing from him a low grunt. Alron, unamused by her antics, was about to lay down a few heavy words about respecting Sofi for all that she’d done for them, followed by a few smacks heavier still.

  Sofi spoke before he could. “I’d like to try.”

  Alron and Fei turned to her.

  Sofi shifted, as if uncomfortable in her clothes. She rubbed her neck and studied the lanterns. “Apologies, did you miss what I said?”

  “We did not,” said Alron.

  “We may have missed it. We’d like it a lot if you repeated it, in explicit detail, and a pleading tone,” Fei corrected.

  Alron flashed Fei a look, this one barely concealing his approving grin.

  “R-really? Come on.” Sofi blushed at the idea.

  Alron nodded confirmation. “Hm.”

  “Gah! Well, seeing as it’s the last time I’ll have a chance to, I was wondering…” Sofi licked her lips, stealing a glimpse of Alron’s half-hard cock. “There could be merit to trying out Fei’s suggestion. That is to say that what I’m saying is not exactly
very explicit or detailed is it?”



  “Eugh. Could we ease into it? The two of you have been at this for a while, and it makes me feel a bit awkward to barge in after a long day of running about and managing chaos, and then try to be smooth.”

  “Dearie, you aren’t supposed to be smooth. We enjoy your squirming as much as you do.”

  “Oh. Right.” Sofi proved she could blush further, turning dark gray.

  “We can take the slow path,” Alron conceded, “if pleasure is your wish. Though be warned, my desires run hot and deep tonight. It may be a good while until I allow you to think of anything but my cock, or what else I allow you to worship. We can speak of our life choices tomorrow.”

  Sofi let out a groan, her eyes fluttering. “Then, would it be proper to call you Master again?” she asked, lust thickening her voice. Funnily enough, she could hate the idea of being owned or influenced, whilst hungering for the decadent freedom of being treated as nothing but a servile object of pleasure in sex.

  Alron did not laugh, however. Sofi’s contrasting attitudes only strengthened his desire to dominate her.

  He gestured to her to approach. “I’ll allow it. Now come.”

  “And me you may call Mistress.”

  “Not tonight.” Alron’s words startled Fei, who gave him a quizzical look.


  He reached to enclose a claw around Fei’s collar. “No. Tonight, if I am to be satisfied, I require my two playthings under my control. You may act defiant, of course, if that is how you wish to earn your punishments.”

  “Ah… Worry not Master, I’ll behave,” said Fei, though her grin was an answer by itself, and not entirely compatible with her promise. With Fei, Alron preferred a little defiance anyway.

  He released her. “Good. Now, go and get her changed into something more appropriate.”

  “As you wish.” Fei strode to Sofi, wrapping an arm around her waist. “Come now, let’s ease you out of these, slowly behind the curtains.” The two fantastic rears retreated into one of the many walk-in closets, and closed the door behind them.


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