Fifty Shades Freed

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Fifty Shades Freed Page 11

by E. L. James

  ""(rood surprise?" lie whispers, and there's a hint of an.iel> in his oice

  "Oh, (. hrtsttan, fantastic surprise." I run my hands up his chest, curl them

  around his neck, and kiss him.

  "When did you organize this?" I ask when 1 pull away from him, stroking his


  "Last night, when I couldn't sleep. I e-mailed Ldliot and Mia, and here they

  prisoned. A shiver runs down m spine as ! recollect die snapping cameras and

  "Come. We'd better take our seats — Stcphan will be taking off shortly." He


  "Please be sealed, ladies and gentlemen as we'll shortly begin taxiing for

  takeoff." Stephan's voice echoes calmly and authoritatively around the cabin. The

  brunette woman — um . . . Natalie? — who was on the flight for our wedding night

  appears from the

  name 's Natalia.

  "Good morning Mr. Grey, Mrs. Grey," she says with a purr. Why does she

  make me uncomlotl ,11 ' v l lx n 111 i In >t n n B his own admission,

  Christian doesn't usualh emplox brunettes because lie find-, them attractive. He

  gives Natalia a polite smile a- he slides in behind the table and sits down facing

  Elliot and Kate. I swiftly hug Kate and Mia and give Ethan and Elliot a wave

  before sitting down and buckling up beside C lirislian. He puts his hand on my

  knee and gives it an affectionate squeeze. He seems relaxed and happy even

  though we're with compam . Idl . ! wonder « h he can't always be like this — not

  controlling at all.

  "Hope you pud, d voi 1 i i >k b s his voice warm.

  "We're not going skiing?"

  "That would be a challenge, in August," he says, amused.

  Oh, of course.

  "Do you ski, Ana?" Elliot interrupts us.


  C lirislian move i n e lo clasp m hand

  "I'm sure my little brother can teach von." blliol winks at me. "He's pretty

  last on the slopes, too."

  And 1 can't help m hli hen I glan i [ u 1 i t n I nu

  passively at Elliot, but I think he's in ing to suppress his mirth. The plane surges

  Natalia runs through the plane's safety procedures in a clear, ringing voice.

  She's dressed in a i 1 ii rl-sk < shin aid n ng pencil skirt Her

  makeup is immaculate — she really is quite pretty. My subconscious raises a

  plucked-lo-w ithin-an-inch-of-its-life eyebrow at me.

  "You okay?" Kate asks me pointedly. "I mean, following the Hyde

  I nod. I don't want to think or talk about Hyde, but Kate seems to have other


  "So why did he go postal?" she asks, cutting to the heart of the mailer in he;'

  inimitable style. She tosses her hair behind her as -.lie prepares to investigate the

  Eyeing her coolly, Christian shrugs. "I fired his ass," he says bluntly.

  "Oh? Why?" Kale tilts her head lo one side, and I know she's in full Nancy

  Drew mode.

  "lie made at pass at me," 1 mutter. 1 try to kick Kate's ankle beneath the

  table, and miss. Shit!

  "When?" Kate glares at me.

  "Ages ago."

  "You never told me he made a pass at you!" she splutters.

  I shrug, apologetically.

  "It can't just be a n gc ! ml hat. surel line i hi a ion is way too ex-

  treme," Kale eonlinues. hul now she directs her questions al Christian. "Is he

  mentally unstable? What about all the information he has on you Greys?" Her

  grilling Christian this way makes my hackles rise, but she's already established I

  know nolhing so she ean'l ask me. The ihoughl is annoying.

  "We think there's a connection with Detroit," Christian says mildly. Too

  mildly. Oh no, Kate, please give it up for now.

  "Hyde is from Detroit, too?"

  I S "I I L I J I I I 11 1111, II I 11 11

  al me reassuringly, lie knows I hate lakeoll's ami landings, lie squeezes my hand

  and his thumb strokes in> knuckles, calming me.

  "What tlo you know ahoul him'.'" Llliol asks, oblivious lo the fact we are

  hurtling down the runway in a small jet about to launch itself into the sky, and

  il livious to CI in ji M p ( i ii u K ilc Is. ilc Ic ins I'or-

  "This is off the record." Christian says directly lo her. Kate's mouth sels in a

  subtle but thin line. I swallow. Oh shit.

  in a bar. His mother drank herself into oblivion. He was in and out of foster

  juvie. His mom got back on track through some outreach program, and Hyde

  turned hiniscll'around. Won a scholarship lo Princeton."

  "Yep. He's a bright boy." Christian shrugs.

  x i 1 i i' I righl 1 1c gol i i i Ihotmutters.

  "But surely he c in i I i i c Kate asks.

  Christian stiffens beside me. "We don't know yet." His voice is very quiet.

  Holy crap. There could be someone working « ill) him? 1 turn and gape in horror

  at Christian. He squeezes my hand once more but doesn't look me in the eye. The

  plane lifts smoothly into the air, and I get that horrible sinking feeling in my

  "How old is he?" I ask C hi i i n. lean h o onl I can hear. Much as

  I'd like to know what's going on, 1 don't want to encourage Kate's questions. I

  know they're irritating Christian, and I'm sure she's on his shit list since


  "Thirty-two. Why?"

  "'Curious, that's all."

  Christian's jaw tightens. "Don't be curious about Hyde. I'm just glad the

  fucker's locked up." It's almost a reprimand, bin i choose to ignore his tone.

  "Do vow think lie's working with someone'.'" The thought that someone else

  might be involved makes me sick. It would mean this isn't over.

  "I don't know." Christian answers, and his jaw tightens once more.

  "Maybe someone who lias a grudge against you'.'" I suggest. Holy shit. I hope

  it's not the bitch troll. "Like Elena?" I whisper. I realize I've muttered her name

  out loud, but only h it she's deep in con-

  versation with hlln 1 1 i t her. 1 hum

  "You do like to i ii I i lis Ins eyes ind shakes

  his head in disgust. "She may hold a grudge, but she wouldn't do this kind of

  thing." He pins me with a steady gray gaze. "Let's not discuss her. I know she's

  not your favorite topic of conversation."

  "Have you confronted her?" I whisper, not sure if I really want to know.

  "Ana, I haven't spoken to her since my birthday party. Please, drop it. 1 don't

  want to talk about her." I le raises i ind and bri ny knuckles with his lips.

  His eyes burn into mine, and I know 1 shouldn't pursue this line of questioning

  "Get a room," thiol leases. "Oh right you already hac. but you didn't need

  it for long." He smirks.

  Christian glances up and pins Elliot with a cool glare, "fuck off, Elliot," he

  says without malice.

  "Dude, just telling yon how i; is." Elliot's ey es light up with mirth.

  "tike you'd know." Christian murmurs sardonically, raising an eyebrow.

  thiol rin ii ng il i ni ' ion marn u In i gi fri id I in >1

  gestures at me.

  Oh shit. Where is this going? I flush.

  "Can you blame me?" Christian kisses my hand again.

  "No." Elliot laughs and shakes his head.

  I flush, and Kate slaps Elliot's thigh.

  "Slop being an ass." she seold-, him.

  "Listen lo your girlfriend." Christian says to Elliot, grinning, and his earlier

  concern seems to have disappeared. I cars pop as we gain altitude,
and the ten-

  sion in die cabin dissipates as the piano lev eis oat. Kate scow Is at Elliot. I Imm . .

  is something up between them? I'm not sure.

  Elliot is right. I snort at the irony. I am — was — Christian's first girlfriend,

  and now I'm his wife. The fifteen and the evil Mrs. Robinson — they don't count.

  But then Elliot doesn't know about them, and clearly Kate hasn't told him. I smile

  at her tnd she gives no a conspii 1 nil I s i ire safe with Kate.

  "Okay, ladies and gentlemen, we'll be cruising at an altitude of

  approximately ihirly-ivvo thousand feel, and oar eslimaied flight lime is one hour

  and fifty-six minutes." Slephan announces. "You are now free to move around the

  1 t I ■'jll I II dl II

  "May ] offer anyone coffee'.'" she asks.

  Chapter TMrteen

  We land smoothly at Sardy Field at 12:25 p.m. (MST). Stephan brings the plane

  to a halt a little ua from the main terminal and through the windows I spot a

  large VW minivan waiting for us.

  "Good landing Chrisli nd shakes Sle| md as we get ready

  to file out of the jet.

  "It's all aboul the densit> altitude, sir." Stephan smiles back. "'Beighley here

  Christian nods at Stephan's first officer. "'You nailed il. Beighley. Smooth

  "Thank you, sir." She grins smugly.

  "Enjoy your weekend, Mr. Grey, Mrs. Grey. We'll see you tomorrow."

  Stephan steps aside I el i i ml i 1 nd laki my han Chustian leads me

  down the aircraft stc] i reTayl i by the vehicle.

  "Minivan?" says Christian in surprise as Tay lor slides open the door.

  Taylor gives him a tight, contrite smile and a slight shrug.

  "Last minute, 1 know." Christian says. immediately placated. Taylor returns

  to the plane to retrieve our luggage.

  "Want to make out in the back of the van?" Christian murmurs to me, a mis-

  1 giggle. Who is this man, and what has he done with Mr. Unbelievably

  "Come on, you two. Get in," Mia says from behind us, oozing impatience bc-

  snuggle against Christian, and he puts his arm around the back of my seat. "Com-

  fortable?" he murmurs as Mitt and Lilian take the seal in front of us.

  "Yes." I mils t In i i t I. And for some n fathomable reason

  I feel shy w ith him Unlay Why.' Last night'.' Being w ith company? I can't put my

  finger on it.

  Elliot and Kate join us last as Taylor opens the liftgate to load the luggage.

  whisper of the coming tall c idem he and there in the ellowing tips of the

  leaves. The sky is a clear crystal blue, though there are darkening clouds to the

  west. All around us in the distance loom the Rockies, the highest peak directly

  ahead They're lush ami green, and the highest tire capped with snow and look

  like a child's drawing of mountains.

  We're in the winter playground of the rich and famous. And I own a house

  here. I can barely believe it. And from deep within my psyche, the familiar uncase

  that's always prescti I u it i t head nd ( It stian's wealth looms

  and taunts me, making me led guilty \ hat kue I done to deserve this lifestyle?

  I've done nothing, nothing except fall in love.

  "Have you been to Aspen before, Ana?" Ethan turns and asks, dragging me

  "No!' first time. You?"

  "Kate and I used to come here a lot when we were teens. Dad's a keen skier.

  Mom less so."

  "I'm hoping my husband w ill leach mo how lo ski." ! glance up ai my man.

  "Don't bet on it," Christian mutters.

  "I won't be that bad!"

  > i i "> i i ! i 1 is grin gone.

  Oh. I don't want to argue and sour his good mood, so I change the subject.

  "I low king have you had this place?"

  "Nearly two years. It's yours now, too, Mrs. Grey," he says softly.

  "I know," I whisper. But somehow I don't feel the courage of my convic-

  tions. Leaning in, I kiss his jaw and nestle once more at his side listening to him

  laugh and joke with Ethan and Elliot. Mia chimes in occasionally, but Kate is

  quiet, and 1 wonder if she's brooding about Jack Hyde or something else. Then 1

  remember. Aspen . . . Christian's house here was redesigned by Gia Mattco and

  rebuilt by Elliot. 1 wonder if that's what's preoccupying Kate. 1 can't ask her in

  front of Elliot, given his history with Gia. Docs Kate even know about Gia's con-

  nection to the hoi se i tl tu hei and resolve

  We drive through the center of Aspen and my mood brightens as I take in the

  town. There are squat buildings of mostly red brick, Swiss-style chalets, and nu-

  merous little turn of the century houses painted in fun colors. Plenty of banks and

  designer shops, too, betraying the affluence of the local populace. Of course

  Christian Ills in here.

  "Why did you choose Aspen?" I ask him.

  "What?" He regards me quizzically.

  "To buy a place."

  "Mom and Dad used to bring us here when we were kids. I learned to ski

  here, and I like the place. I hope you do, too — otherwise we'll sell the house and

  choose somewhere else."

  Simple as that!

  He tucks a loose strand of my hair behind my ear. "You look lovely today,"

  My cheeks ileal. I'm just w cuing no trav oiling gear: jeans and a T-shirt with

  i light lit na blue el I Dami Wh loi hi lake me feel shy?

  He kisses me, a tender, sweet, loving kiss.

  Taylor drives us on out of town, and we start to climb the other side of the

  valley, twisting along a nn.uni.-iin road. Hie higher we go. the more excited I get,

  and Christian lenses beside trie.

  "What's wrong?" I ask as we round a bend.

  "I hope you like it," he says quietly. "We're here."

  Taylor slows and turns through a gateway made of gray, beige, and red

  stones. He heads do i d final K pulls u| tsidc the impressive

  house. Double fronted with high-pitched roofs and built of dark wood and the

  same mixed stone as the gateway. It's stunning modern and stark, very much

  Christian's style.

  "Home," he mouths at me as our guests start piling out of the van.

  "Looks good."

  "Come. See," he sax ». an excited, though anxious, gleam in his eyes as if he's

  about to show me his science project or something.

  Mia runs up the steps to where a woman stands in the doorway. She's tiny

  and her raven-colored hair is dusted with grav Mia flings her arms around her

  neck and hugs her tightly.

  "Who's that?" I ask as Christian helps me out of the van.

  "Mrs. Bentley. She lives here with her husband. They look after the place."

  Mia is making inli luction I th n thci Kat I I io hugs Mis Bentley,

  too. As Taylor unloads the an. Christian takes my hand and leads me to the front

  "Welcome back. Mr. ( irey." Mrs. Bentley smiles.

  es n ime lakit n ; n i i ci

  "Mrs. Grey," Mrs. Bentley nods a respectful greeting. I hold out my hand and

  we shake. It's no surprise to me thai site's much more formal with Christian than

  the rest of the family.

  "I hope you've had a pleasant flight. The weather is supposed to be fine all

  weekend, though I'm not sure." She eyes the darkening gray clouds behind us.

  "Lunch is ready wh u i i I i dnkcye twinkling,

  and I warm to her immediately.

  "Here." Chrisli i I hits me off my feet.

  "V lita aiv you doing''" I squeal
br />   "Carrying you over yet another threshold, Mrs. Grey."

  I grin as he carries me into the \ ide hallway, and a iter a brief kiss, he sets me

  gently down onto the hardwood floor. The interior decor is stark and reminds me

  of the great room at Escala — all white walls, dark wood, and contemporary ab-

  stract art. The hallway opens up into a large sitting area where three off-white

  leather couches sum i I tone I lace that initiates the room. The onl

  or is from the soft cushions scattered on the couches. Mia grabs Ethan's hand and

  drags hint farther into the house. Christian narrows his eyes at their departing fig-

  ures, his mouth thinning, lie shakes his head then turns to me.

  Kate whistles loudly. "Nice place."

  I glance aro i III hie I wonder again

  if she know s thai Ciia had a hand in this place.

  'Tout Chun I I h his mind about

  Mia and Ethan has gone. He's radiating excitement — or is it anxiety? It's difficult

  to tell.

  "Sure." Once again Tut overw helmed by the w ealth. I low much did this

  place cost? And I have contributed nothing to it. Briefly I'm transported back to

  the first time Christian took me lo Escala I was overwhelmed then. You got used

  to it, my subconscious hisses at me.

  till ii s I it t u I i I i 1 i hrough lit it ii

  The state-of-the-art kitchen I ] e i rble mi i id black cupboards.

  There's an impressive wine cellar, and an expansive den downstairs, complete

  w ith large plasma screen, soft couches . . . and a billiard table. I gape at it and

  blush when Christian catches me.

  "Fancy a game?" he asks, a wicked gleam in his eye. I shake my head, and

  his brow furrows once more. Taking my hand again, he leads me up to the first

  Hoor. There ate four bedrooms upstairs, each w ith an en suite bathroom.

  The master suite is something else. The bed is huge, bigger than the bed at

  home, and faces an enorni t elm "> hoi ig out i t spcn and toward

  the verdant mountains.

  "That's Ajax Mountain ... or Aspen Mountain, if you like," Christian says,

  eyeing me warily. He's standing in the doorway, his thumbs hooked through the

  belt loops on his black jeans.

  I nod.

  "You're very quiet," he murmurs.

  "It's lovely, Christian." And suddenly I'm aching to be back at Escala.

  In five Ion slrid i i I i i 11 it m ehtn and re-

  leasing my lower lip from the grip of my teeth.

  "What is it?" he asks, his eyes searching mine.

  "You're very rich."


  ""Sometimes, it just lakes me h surprise how w ealthy you are."

  "We are."

  "We arc," I mutter automatically.

  "Don't stress about this. Ana. please. It's just a house."

  "And what did Gia do here, exactly?"

  "Ciia?" lie raises his eyebrows in surprise.

  "Yes. She remodeled this place?"

  "She did. She di gned lite ml 1 ii LTli I did lit build." He rakes his

  hand through his hair and frowns at me. "Why are we talking about (ita'.'"

  "Did you know she had a fling with Elliot?"

  Christian gazes at me for a moment, gray eyes unreadable. "Elliot's fucked

  I gasp.

  "Mainly w omen. ! understand." Christian jokes. ' think he's amused by my



  "I don't think Kate knows."

  I'm shocked. Sweet, unassuming, blond, blue-eyed Elliot? I stare in disbelief.

  Christian tilts his head to one side, scrutinizing me. "This can't just be about

  Gia or Elliot's promiscuity."

  "I know. I'm sorry. After all that's happened this week, it's just ..." I shrug,

  leeling tearful all of a sudden. Christian seems to sag w ith relief. Pulling me into

  his arms, he holds me tightly, his nose in my hair.

  "I know. I'm sorry, too. Let's relax and enjoy ourselves, okay? You can stay

  here and read, watch god-aw ful TV. shop, go hiking fishing c en. Whatever you

  want to do. And forget what I said about L'lliot. flial was indiscreet of me."

  "Goes some way to explain why he's always teasing you," I murmur, nuzz-

  ling his chest.

  "He really has no idea about my past. I told you, my family assumed I was

  gay. Celibate, but gay."

  I giggle and begin to relax in his arms. "I thought you were celibate. How

  wrong I was." I wrap my arms around him, marveling at the ridiculousness of

  Christian being gay.

  "Mrs. Grey, are you smirking at me?"

  "Maybe a little." 1 acquiesce. "You know, what I don't understand is why

  you have this place?"

  "What do you mean?" He kisses my hair.

  "You have the boat, which 1 gel. you have Ihc place in New York for busi-

  ness — but why here? It's not like you shared it with anyone."

  Christian stills i 1 i an i i i 1 i i u lot you," he says

  softly, his eyes dark gray and luminous.

  "You are worth liting o V] C n > '1 tip m eh i up with his finger,

  "So are you." I smile. "Though 1 feel I like 1 cheated. I didn't have to wait

  "Christian, you are the state lottery, the cure for cancer, and the three w ishes

  from Aladdin's lamp all rolled into one."

  He raises a brow.

  "When will you realize this?" I scold him. "You were a very eligible bachel-

  or. And I don't mean all this." I wave dismissingly at our plush surroundings. "I

  mean in here." I place my hand over his heart, and his eyes widen. My confident,

  sexy husband has gone, and I'm facing my lost boy. "Believe me, Christian,

  please," I whispei an I lasp his face, p illing hi hps to mine. He groans, and I

  don't know if it's hearing v. hat I'e said or ins usual primal response. I claim him,

  my lips moving against his, my tongue invading his mouth.

  When we're bolh breathless, ho pulls a\ a>. eyeing me doubtfully.

  "When arc you i u> id through ,.i 1 plion IK thick skull that I

  love you?" I ask, exasperated.

  lie swallows. "One day," he says.

  This is progress. I smile and am rewarded with his answering shy smile.

  "Come. Let's have some lunch — the others will be wondering where we are.

  We can discuss w hat we all want to do."

  "Oh no!" Kate says suddenly.

  All eyes turn to her.

  "Look," she says, pointing to the picture window. Outside, rain has started

  pouring down. We arc silling .Mount! the dark wood tabic in the kitchen having

  consumed an Italian feast of a mixed aniipaslo. prepared bv Mrs. Bentley. and a

  ill ii I i ili. I'm repl id a little b in i i ilcohol

  scowls at him. Somcll i is dclmilel n 1 Hi i IV i e been relaxed with

  all of us but not with each other.

  "We could go inn i low n." Mia pipes up. Lilian smirks a; her.

  ""Perfect w eather for fishing." ( hrislian suggests.

  "I'll go fish," Ethan says.

  "Let's split up." Mm cbpv her hands. "< iirls. shopping boys, outdoor boring


  I glance at Kate, who regards Mia indulgently. Fishing or shopping? Jeez,

  "Ana, what do you want to do?" Christian asks.

  It i id mouth ling." Peril r. w ants to talk.

  "But I'm more than happy lo go shopping." i smile wryly ai k:He and Mia.

  Christian smirks, lie know s I hale shopping.

  "I can stay here with you, if you'd like," he murmurs, and something dark un-

  furls in my
belly at his tone.

  "No, you go fish," I answer. Christian needs boy time.

  "Sounds like a plan," Kate says, rising from the table.

  "Taylor will accompany you," Christian says, and it's a given — not up for


  "We don't need babysitting," Kate retorts bluntly, direct as ever.

  I put my hand on Kate's arm. "Kate, Taylor should come."

  She frowns, then shrugs, and for once in her life holds her tongue.

  1 smile timidh M 1 h lian 11' prcssioi remains imp ()1 I hop

  he's not mad at Kate.

  Hllio! frowns. "1 need lo pick up a ballery for my watch in town." lie glances

  quickly at Kate, and 1 spol his slighl blush. She doesn't notice because she is poin-

  tedly ignoring him.

  "Take the Audi, Elliot. When you come back we can go fishing." Christian

  "Yeah," Elliot mutters, but he seems distracted. "Good plan."

  pink silk and faux-French distressed rustic furniture. Kate follows us while Taylor

  "Say A Little Prayer" over the store's hi-fi system. I love this song. I should put it

  "This will look wonderful on you, Ana." Mia holds up a scrap of silver ma-

  "You'll look fantastic in it. Christian will love it."

  "You think?"

  Mia beams at me. "Ana, you have legs to die for, and if wc go clubbing to-

  night" — she smiles i ng i kill — "you'll look hot for your husband."

  Kate laughs at my expression. She seems more relaxed now that she's away

  from Elliot. "We should throw some shapes this evening," she says.

  "Go tij ll on I ii i i Hi In i inll I lie , Ibi il cha ng r< nn

  While 1 wait for Kate and Mia to emerge from the dressing room, I stroll to the

  shop window and look out, unseeing, across the main street. The soul compilation

  conlinues: Dionne Warw ick is singing "Walk On By." Anolher great song one

  of my mother's favorites. I glance down at The Dress in my hand. Dress is per-

  haps an o erstatement. It's backless and very short, but Mia has declared it a win-

  ner, perfect for dancii 1 i Jii i_v.ApparcnlK.ln ^ I n la

  chunky necklace, which we'll source next. Rolling my eyes, I reflect once more

  on how lucky I am lo have Caroline Aclon. my own personal shopper.

  Through the bonlique w indow I'm distracted b llie sight of Elliot. He has

  appeared on the other side of the leafy main street, climbing out of a large Audi.

  He dives into a store as if to duck out of the rain. Looks like a jewelry store . . .

  maybe he's looking for that watch battery. He emerges a few minutes later and

  not alone — with a woman.

  Fuck! He's talking to Gia! What the hell is she doing here!

  As 1 watch, they hug briefly and she holds her head hack, laughing anim-

  atedly at something he says. He kisses her cheek then runs to the waiting car. She

  turns and heads down the street, and 1 gape after her. II hut was that about? 1 turn

  anxiously toward the dressing rooms, but there's still no sign of Kate or Mia.

  I glance at T t I I i i He catches my eye

  have been caught snooping. Turning back. Mia and Kate emerge, both of them

  "Are you okay?" Kate's eyes widen.

  Tm tine. Shah we pay'.'" I head lo the cashier joining Mia who has chosen

  "Good afternoon, ma'am." The young sales assistant — who has more gloss

  coating her lips than I hac eer seen in one place — smiles at me. "That'll be

  eight hundred and lifty dollars."

  What'.' For this scrap of material! I blink at her and meekly hand over my

  "Mrs. Grey," Ms. Lip Gloss purrs.

  I follow Kale and Mia in a daze lor she nexl two hoars, warring with myself.

  Should I tell Kate? My subconscious firmly shakes her head. Yes, I should tell

  her. No, I shouldn't. It could just have been an innocent meeting. Shit. What

  should I do?

  "Well, do you like the shoes. Ana?" Mia has her fsls on her hips.

  I end up with a pair of unfeasibly high Manolo Blahniks with straps that look

  like they are made from mirrors. flie> match the dress perfeclh and sel Christian

  back just over a thousand dollars I'm luckier w illi the long silver chain that Kate

  insists I buy t's a il I four dol

  "'(jelling used to ha> ing money?" Kale asks tan unkindly as we walk back lo

  lite ear. Vita lias skipped ahead.

  "You know this isn't me. Kale. I'm kind of uncomfortable about all this. But

  I'm reliably informed it's part of the package." I purse my lips at her, and she puts

  her arm around mc.

  "You'll get used to it, Ana." she saj s s mpalhelieally . "You'll look great."

  "Kate, how arc you and Elliot gelling along?" I ask.

  Her wide blue eyes dart to mine.

  Oh no.

  She shakes her head. "I don't want to talk about it now." She nods toward

  Mia. "But things are " She doesn't finish her sentence.

  This is unlike my tenacious Kate. Shit. I knew something was up. Do I tell

  her what I saw? What did I see? Elliot and Miss Well-Groomed-Sexual-Predator

  u i a I i 1 i i I ill i I I

  respect-your-privacy nod. She reaches for my hand and gives it a grateful

  squeeze, and there it is — a swift glimpse of pain and hurt in her eyes that she

  quickly stifles with a blink. I feel a sudden surge of protectiveness for my dear

  friend. What the hell is Elliot Manwhore Grey playing at?

  Once back at the house, Kate decides we deserve cocktails after our shopping ex-

  travaganza and whips up some strawberry daiquiris for us. We curl up on the sk-

  iing room couches in trout of the blazing log fire.

  "Hlliol has i I 111 i i I I i I mi i 11 ini

  flames. Kate and I finally have a moment to ourselves as Mia puts away her


  "And I think I'm in trouble for gelling you into trouble."

  "You heard about that?"

  "Yes. Christian called lilliot: 1:1 Hot called me."

  I roll my eyes. Oh, Fifty, Fifty, Fifty.

  "I'm sorry. Christian is . . . protective. You haven't seen Elliot s




  "I've fallen in lo e « uh him. Vi first I thought it w as just the great sex. But

  he's charming and kind and warm and funny. 1 could see us growing old togeth-

  er — you know . . . kids, grandkids — the works."

  "Your happily ever after," I whisper.

  She nods sadly.

  "Maybe you should talk to him. "Fry to find some alone time here. Find out

  li ho 's ceiling him, my subconscious snarls. I slap her down, shocked at the

  "Peihaps ou i i i i i in i .

  "Kate, I hate seeing you like this."

  She smiles weakly, and I lean over to hug her. I resolve not to mention Gia,

  though I might menlioi it to lite m hore hiniscl IF in he mess with my

  friend's affections like this?

  Mia returns, and we move on to safer territory.

  "Mia, do you know « here the wood for the lire is kept?" I ask as she sips her


  "I think it's in the garage?"

  1 I lii i 1 1 1 1 e i i opportunity I c

  The rain has eased off when I venture outside and head to the three-car gar-

  age adjoining the house. The side door is unlocked and I enter, switching on the

  light to fight the gloom. The fluorescent strips ping noisily to life.

  There's a eat in i i 1 ize it's the At iw Elliot in this af-

  ternoon. There arc also two snowmobiles
. Bn! what really grab-, my attention arc

  the two trail bikes both I lent ' I c ndeaoimg to teach

  me how to ride last summer flash through my mind. Unconsciously, I rub my arm

  w here 1 badly bruised it in a fall.

  I whirl around. "You're back."

  "It would appear so." lie grins, and I realize that Christian might say the

  same thing to me but « ilhout die huge, heart-melting grin "Well?" he asks.

  "Do you w

  arm to indicate we're alone, lie strolls toward the nearesl hike and swings a long

  denim-clad leg o er the saddle, sitting astride and grabbing the handlebars.

  "Christian has, urn . . . issues about my safety. I shouldn't."

  "You always do I I y L> i i i i e< t i k m his baby-bluc

  eyes, and I see a glimmer of the bad boy ... the bad boy Kate has fallen in love

  with. The bad boy from Detroit.

  "No." I arch an admonishing brow at him. "But I'm trying to put that right,

  i !e has enough to w orry about without adding me to the mix. Is he back?"

  "I don't know."

  "You didn't go fishing?"

  Llliot shakes his head. "I I I i deal with in town."

  Business! Holy v/«V groomed hhiuk busini \! I inhale sharply and gape at

  "If you don't want to ride, what are you doing in the garage'.'" Elliot is


  "'I'm looking for wood for the fire."

  "There you are. Oh, Elliot — you're back." Kate interrupts us.

  "Hey, baby." He smiles broadly.

  "Catch anything?"

  1 scrutinize Elliot's reaction "'No. I had a lew thing* Hi lake care of in town."

  And lor one brier momcnl. I sec a Hash of nnceruiinly cross his face.

  Oh shit.

  "I came out to see what was keeping Ana." Kate looks at us, confused.

  "We were just shooting the breeze," Elliot says, and the tension crackles

  We all pause as we hear a car pull up outside. Oh! Christian 's back. Thank

  heavens. The n i hill I llin us ill. and the

  door slowly lifts to reveal Christian and Ethan unloading a black flatbed truck.

  Christian stops when I i ding in the gaiagc

  "Garage band?" he asks sardonically as he wanders in, heading straight for

  1 grin. I ,im reliecd lo sec him Beneath his wading jacket, he's wearing the

  "Hi. Nice coveralls."

  "Lots of pockets. Very handy for fishing." His oicc is soft and seductive, for

  my ears only, and w hen he gazes dow n al me. his expression is hoi.

  I llnsh. and he smiles a huge, no-holds-barrcd. all-ibr-mc smile.

  "You're wet," I murmur.

  "It was raining. What are you guys doing in the garage?" Finally he acknow-

  ledges that we are not alone.

  "Ana came to fetch some wood," Elliot smirks. Somehow he manages lo

  make that sentence sound smutty. "I tried to tempt her to take a ride." He is mas-

  ter of the double entendre.

  Christian's face falls, and my heart stills.

  "She said no. That you wouldn't like it." Elliot savs kindly — and innuendo-


  i I i i i 1 I Did she now?" he murmurs.

  "Listen, I'm all I 1 I ! lid next, but shall

  we go back inside?" Kate snaps. She stoops down, snatches up two logs, and turns

  on her heel, stomping toward the door. Oh shit. Kate is mad — but I know it's not

  at me. Elliot sighs and, without a word, follows her out. I gaze after them, but

  Christian distracts me.

  "You can ride a motorcycle?" he asks, his voice laced with disbelief.

  "Not very well. Ethan taught me."

  His eyes frost immediate!} ' i on made the right decision." he says, his voice

  much cooler. "The ground's very hard at the moment, and the rain's made it

  treacherous and slippery."

  \ 1 u I t It 1

  "Leave it, Ethan — Taylor will take care of it."

  "What about the fish?" Ethan continues, his voice vaguely taunting.

  "You caught a fish?" I ask, surprised.

  "Not me. Kavanagh did " And Christian pouts . . . preltiK.

  I burst out laughing.

  !i Bet ilt i 1 'h In lis back. Ethan grins ant d

  "Am 1 amusing you, Mrs. Grey?"

  "Very much so. You're wet ... Let me run you a bath."

  "As long as you join me." 1 le leans dow n and kisses me.

  I fill the large egg-shaped tub in the en suite bathroom and pour in some expens-

  mine. 1 think. Back in the bedroom. I start to hang The Dress while the bath fills.

  "Did you have a good time?" Christian asks as he enters the room. He's just

  in a T-shirt and sweat pants, his feet bare. He closes the door behind him.

  "Yes," I murmur, drinking him in. I have missed him. Ridiculous — it's only

  been what, a few hours?

  He cocks his head to one side and gazes at me. "What is it?"

  "I was thinking how much l'e missed you."

  "You sound like you have it bad, Mrs. Grey."

  ""I hae. Mr. Grey."

  He strolls tow ard nt mill ' iding in fro oi'i What did you buy?"

  ho whispers, and 1 know it's hi change the topic of conversation.

  "A dress, some shoes, a necklace. 1 spent a great deal of your money." I

  glance up at him, guiltily.

  He's amused. "Good," he murmurs and tucks a stray lock of my hair behind

  my ear. "And for the billionth time, our money." lie lugs m chin, releasing m>

  lip from my teeth and runs his index finget dow n she froni of my T-shirt, down

  my sternum, between my breasts, down my stomach, and over my belly to the

  "You won't be needing this in the bath." he w hispers, and gripping the hem

  of my T-shirt in boll hai I I nils it tip Lift your arms."

  I comply, not hiking m eyes off his. and he drops m T-shirt on the floor.

  "I thought we were just having a bath." My pulse quickens.

  "I want to make you good and dirty first. I've missed you, too." He leans

  "Shit, the water!" 1 struggle to sil up. all post-orgasmic and dazed

  ■"Christian, the hath!" I gaze down at him from m prone position across his

  He laughs. "Relax — it's a wet room." He rolls over and kisses me quickly.

  He climbs gracefully off the bed and strolls into the bathroom. My eyes

  greedily follow him all the way. 1 1mm . . . my husband, naked and soon to be wet.

  M inner goddess licks her lips salaciously and gives me her wcll-fuckcd grin. I

  bound out of bed.

  We s i ( ai opposite ends of me balh. which is very full so full thai whenever we

  move, water laps over the side and splashes to the floor. It's very decadent. Even

  more decadent is Christian washing m feel massaging the soles, pulling gently

  on my toes. He kisses each one and gently' bites my mile toe.

  "Aaah!" I feel it — there, in my groin.

  "Like that?" he breathes.

  "Hmm," I mumble incoherently.

  He starts massaging again. Oh, this feels good. I close my eyes.

  "I saw Gia in town," I murmur.

  "Really? 1 think she has a place here," he says dismissively. He's not inter-

  ested in the slightest.

  "She was with Elliot."

  Christian slops la in rhat got hi Ik lioi W hen I open my eyes his

  head is inclined to one side, like he doesn't understand.

  "What do you n>, , ll L'lli I 1 i path cd ither lhan concerned.

  "Ana, they're just friends. I think Elliot is pretty stuck on Kate." He pauses

  then adds more quietly . ""In fact 1 bum he's pretty stuck on her." And he ghes me

sp; his I-have-no-idea-why look.

  "Kate is gorgeous." 1 bristle, championing my friend.

  He snorts. "Still glad it was you that fell into my office." He kisses my big

  ptoccss igain His 1 Hot did I tin I do not want to

  fight about Kate. 1 close my eyes and let his fingers work their magic on my feet.

  I gape at myself in the full-length mirror, not recognizing the vixen that stares

  my hair and makeup My hair is full and straight, nr. eyes ringed with kohl, my

  lips scarlet red. I look . . . hot. I'm till legs, especially in the high-heeled Manolos

  and my indecently short dress. 1 need Christian to appro',,:, though I have a hor-

  rible feeling he won't like so much of my flesh exposed. In view of our entente

  cordiale, I decide I should ask him. I pick up my BlackBerry.

  Subject: Does My Butt Look Big In This?

  Date: August 27, 2011 18:53 MST

  To: Christian Grey

  Mr. Grey

  I need your sartorial advice.

  Mrs. Gx

  From: Christian Grey

  Subject: Peachy

  Date: August 27, 2011 18:55 MST

  Mrs. Grc

  But I will come and give your butt a thorough examination just to make sure.

  Yours in anticipation

  Mr. Gx

  Christian Grey,

  LLC) ( il Lnt rpri I! 1 111 11 I utt I 1 t i

  threshold. His mouth pops open and his eyes widen.

  Holy crap . . . this could go either way.

  "Ana, you look . . . Wow."

  "You like it?"

  "Yes, I guess so." He's a little hoarse. Slowly he steps into the room and

  closes the door. He's wearing black jeans and a white shirt, but with a black jack-

  et. He looks divine. He stalks slowly toward me, but as soon as he reaches inc. he

  puts his hands on m shoulder* and lurns me around 10 face die full-length mirror.

  while he stands behind me. M> gaze finds his in die glass, llien lie glances down,

  fascinated by m nil Hi 11 il i is nd reaches die

  edge of my dress al [he small ol'nn hack, where pale llesh meets silver cloth.

  "This is very revealing," he murmurs.

  His hand skims lower, over my backside and down to my naked thigh. He

  pauses, gray eyes bn i intend nlo bh Hi s li rails his fingers back

  up to the hem of my skirt.

  Watching his long fingers move lightly, teasingly across my skin, feeling the

  tingles they leave in their wake, my mouth forms a perfect O.

  "It's not far from here." He touches the hem, then moves his fingers higher.

  "To here," he whispers. I gasp as his fingers stroke my sex, moving lanlalizingly

  "And your point is?" I whisper.

  "My point is . . . it's not far from here" his fingers glide over my panties,

  then one is inside, against my soft dampened flesh — "to here. And then ... to

  I gasp and make a soft mewling sound.

  slowly in and out of me. "1 don'l waul am one else to see this."

  'ni i i inv panting malchii he rhylhi i j i i 1 I liin

  him in the mirror, doing this . . . it's beyond erotic.

  "So be a good girl and don't ben J down, arid you should be fine."

  "No, but I'm not going to slop ou wealing it. You look stunning. Anastasia."

  to face me. He places the tip of his invading finger on my lower lip. Instinctively,

  I pucker my lips tnd 1 i i 1 i i i 1 1 rin. He puts his fin-

  ger in his mouth and his expression informs me that I taste good . . . real good. I

  flush. Will it always shock me when he docs that?

  He grasps my hand.

  "Come," he orders softly. I want to retort that I was about to, but in light of

  w hai happened in die pknroom yesterday. I decide against it.


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