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The Elemental

Page 4

by Whiskey Flowers

  “I doubt it Sir” Mary replied. “Not with a bunch of strange men looking for me and assaulting my friends.”

  Allen watched the men as they slapped an angry mage awake and walked away with Wilson. The people in the crowd started laughing and cheering at the spectacle and those with drinks toasted Mary who took a small bow. Allen hated to admit it, but Mary handled that about as well as he thought anyone could have, she didn’t kill anyone but made it understood that she was not playing around. Allen thought about the exchange and decided he needed to hire some guards, they probably wouldn’t fight the Governor’s men but they would give Allen enough of a warning so he wouldn’t be taken by surprise.


  “Sorry about all of that” Mary said looking over to Phillip who had a silly grin on his face. “Phillip I would like you to meet Allen, he is almost like a big brother to me.”

  “Nice to meet you” Allen said as he sat down at the table on the balcony. “You should watch yourself Phillip, that brute from earlier will probably be looking for you. I am guessing he was a little jealous of you for dancing with Mary.”

  “That was Bruce” Phillip replied. “He is the son of the blacksmith and is home from war, he wont be around much longer, his leave is almost up.”

  “Why aren’t you at war?” Mary asked.

  “They asked for volunteers but laughed at me when I showed up” Phillip replied. “I am a baker by trade and they said I was um, too fat to do anything but die. So I am here while most of the men were sent off to fight the Gorgans. What about yourself Allen?”

  “No reason to fight” Allen replied. “It doesn’t matter to me if the Gorgans take over this whole place or not.”

  “If the Gorgans win, we will fall back under a monarchy” Phillip replied.

  “And what would that mean for you?” Allen asked.

  “Nothing I guess” Phillip replied. “I wasn’t old enough to know what life was like under the king but my mother said nobles were always walking around thinking they were better than regular people and a different set of rules applied to them.”

  “Do you think if you and the Governor committed a crime that the same rules would apply to you both?” Allen asked.

  “Probably not” Phillip replied. “I would still be nothing more than a baker.”

  “Being a baker is nothing to be ashamed about” Allen replied. “It is a respectable profession.”

  “Mary and I have been talking about baking” Phillip said with a smile. “I wonder how does she know so much about baking, even about milling the grain instead of just buying flour.”

  “Because Allen is in charge of my education” Mary said lightly tapping Allen on the arm. “He wants me to know about everything.”

  “Is that why you carry a dagger?” Phillip asked.

  “I can use a sword as well” Mary said proudly to Phillip’s shock.

  “A woman with a sword?” Phillip asked. “Not that I am complaining, I wish I knew how to take care of myself, I don’t even have the decency to be humiliated about having you fight for me Mary.”

  “No reason to be humiliated” Mary replied. “You are up here eating with me and that horrid man is someplace sulking. Maybe I can teach you how to fight?”

  “You want to teach me?” Phillip replied.

  “I can if Allen says its okay” Mary replied.

  “Our home is far away” Allen replied. “You would be welcomed but no one else. But you have a job here, I doubt your people will be happy if you are gone for a month.”

  “I don’t think they would care at all” Phillip replied. “I am their third son and they are wondering what they can do with me. Joining the army was their idea, me, my brothers and sisters are getting older, we cost more to take care of. Right now my folks are trying to save up to open another shop someplace far away so we can be sent there. Getting me out of their hair for a month will be like a blessing.”

  “Can he really come Allen?” Mary asked.

  “As long as he knows that doing something stupid will likely end in his death” Allen replied. “Phillip knows what I am talking about.”

  “I would never” Phillip said blushing. “It would also give me sometime to avoid Bruce, how much do you think it would cost to travel to your home?”

  “Don’t worry about the price” Allen replied. “There or back I have enough funds to see you through.”

  Allen looked over the crowd and heard some yelling followed by a lot of dusty men running. Allen looked down on the crowd and at first thought they were the Governor’s men but saw they were wearing different colors than what the men he had just fought were wearing.

  “Those are soldiers” Phillip replied. “The war should be at least two weeks away, what are they doing here?”

  “Looks like they are running from something” Allen replied. “If they are here, then the enemy cannot be far behind. Come Mary, this place will be on lockdown soon, especially if the Governor is anywhere around. Expect men to be pressed into service soon, no matter their age, shape or size. Phillip if you are coming you better run and find your people, I don’t mind putting them up but no one else. If they decided that they need to bring some close friend then my offer is off the table.”

  “Will you have enough room for us?” Phillip asked.

  “I will but me and Mary are leaving right now and I suggest you do the same” Allen replied. “Go east towards the mountains, I do not think you should worry about packing. Take what you can carry or risk being locked in here.”

  Allen grabbed his weapons and nothing else as Mary followed him. The carriage he had bought stayed ready for travel as did the saddle bags that were kept near his horses. Allen walked down and had the stable boys hitch up the animals quickly, one stable boy was overcome with the excitement about the soldiers coming into town and had to be reprimanded to move faster. Allen would drive the carriage, it would take too long to hire a driver and he needed to move soon. Allen moved the carriage through the bustle of people until he hit the main road, to his surprise the fat little baker was already there with his entire family packed into a wagon, around ten people. Allen looked over at them, at least one of his brothers looked like he had a wife since the woman looked different from the rest of them. Allen said nothing and saw the bakery happened to be near the gate, Allen pointed to the gate and the wagon followed them out.

  “First night is going to be spent under the stars” Allen said after they had been on the road awhile looking over at Phillip who was driving the wagon next to him with a man that looked like his father.

  “Are you sure you have enough room for us Allen?” Phillip asked.

  “We can earn our keep” the man next to Phillip said looking over at Allen. “My name is Walt, Walt Roll and I’m Phillip’s father. I thought the war might leak over to our way, I just never thought it would happen so soon.”

  “You don’t need to worry about a thing” Mary said from the carriage. “Your women can join me in here, that wagon can’t be very comfortable.”

  “I can easily put you all up but I have my rules” Allen explained. “Break them and you will need to find a new place to sit the war out.”

  “As long as you are not doing anything illegal I don’t think it would come to that” Walt replied. “This is mighty nice of you Mr. Allen.”

  “Just call me Allen” Allen replied. “The last name me and Mary go by is Smith but none of us answer to it.”

  “Allen it is then” Walt replied. “You were smart to leave town when you did, in a few more hours the town may be locked down. I don’t know how the Gorgans did it but it will take some time before we can counterattack. I always thought we didn’t have enough troops out here at this part of the border.”

  “I make it my business to know things like that” Allen replied. “The Gorgans don’t worry me either, to get to my place you have to know someone that has been there. Even then it is kind of tough, of course getting there is only half the fight.”

  “You m
ake it seem like you live in a fortress” Walt replied.

  “I do” Allen replied. “And while you are there I expect for all of you to help me defend it if the time comes.”

  “We are not fighters” Walt replied.

  “You will be if you are coming with me” Allen said. “But that should be far in the future, I doubt the war will come to us no matter what happens.”


  Allen was happy they arrived at night, it made it easier to move the thorns he had blocking the path out of the way without being noticed. As the carriage and wagon passed through the path Allen closed it behind them, anyone who wanted entrance would have to fight to get through to his home. The sky was moonless so Allen wondered if the Roll’s could see anything. Allen opened the gate and could feel when his horse stepped on the smooth path leading to his home, the others started commenting in the darkness and Allen could hear Mary tell them that this was where she lived. Allen rode the carriage up to his door and got out, his dogs he knew were locked in the back. They had enough food in the back and they were good at hunting and killing the rabbits he kept back there in case food got scarce. Allen pushed open his front door and went about lighting the candles and torches he had around the place, Mary came in behind him and showed the Roll’s around. The rest of the night was spent by Mary getting the Roll’s settled in and Allen searching his home to make sure there were no intruders.


  “I saw someone” Frank, Phillip’s older brother said as he raced downstairs. “I saw a lot of people heading this way.”

  “What do you mean a lot of people?” Allen asked.

  “It looked like a big group of soldiers” Frank replied. “They look like they are held up by all the thorns. I wouldn’t have noticed them if not for the fire they are using to try and burn through, I think they have mages with them.”

  “Time to earn your keep then” Allen replied. “Gather your people and follow Mary’s lead.”

  “Why would we fight our own troops?” Frank asked. “Perhaps they are just seeking shelter.”

  “And I am not going to give them any” Allen replied. “I am not a charity.”

  “But you have so much space and so much food” Frank replied.

  “If you have a problem with it, you can go back home” Allen replied. “If any of you fail to protect my home you can also go back where you came from.”

  Allen disappeared through a door and let the ground suck him inside. He would have to show off his magic eventually and with a bunch of mages on his doorstep now would have to be the time. Allen followed one of his tunnels that led just beyond his field of thorns into a guard post. The thing was barely big enough for a man to stretch his arms out in and had no entrance or exit. It was solid stone with a small window made out of quartz and some slits for air. Allen made the earth propel him upwards as he made the floor of the shack open up and admit him. Allen could see the mages were trying to make some headway but the thorny vines were numerous and refused to burn on their own. The other men were trying to hack a path behind the mages large enough for the wagons and carriages and things they had with them, Allen recognized a few faces he had seen before in the crowd. The men kept looking behind them like they were waiting for something.

  “Get off my land” Allen said looking out at one of the men.

  “There is someone in there!” a helmed soldier said from atop his horse pointing towards the small structure holding Allen.

  “We are soldiers from the Republic of Atropia citizen” a man in shining armor and a bright red plume sticking out of his helm said. Allen thought he looked more ready for a play with the bright red cape he had on instead of a war. “We demand access to this keep.”

  “I don’t give two shits who you are, now get off my land” Allen replied.

  “The laws of the republic are clear regarding housing soldiers” the man with the red plume replied.

  “I still don’t care” Allen replied. “Right now you are destroying my property, you will get nothing from me but a quick death.”

  “Open up this guard shack and drag this fool out” the man with the red plume said as several soldiers stepped forward.

  “Stand down” said an old man wearing a fine suit. The man then looked over at Allen and began to speak, “Are you the owner of this place?”

  “I am and you aren’t getting in” Allen replied.

  “I am Governor Willoughsby” the old man replied. “I am the leader of this fifth of the Republic, elected by the free citizens of Atropia.”

  “None of that means shit to me” Allen replied. “Now go away.”

  “I have heard rumors that you believe you have the former princess of Atropia under your care” Governor Willoughsby began. “I assure you we mean her no harm.”

  “I do have Her Royal Majesty under my care and you still are not getting into my home” Allen replied. “Go back where you came from.”

  “Citizen, Gorgas marches on us and has put everything they have into capturing me” the Governor began. “If I am captured they will be one step closer to capturing the entire Republic.”

  “And why should I care?” Allen asked. “A bunch of traitors want me of all people to show them mercy?”

  “Sir I do not have time for all of this” Governor Willoughsby replied. “Whatever supplies my men use will be repaid to you along will more money for our room and board.”

  “Do I look like I need your money?” Allen replied. “You have nothing you can offer me.”

  “There are over 200 men here” the Governor replied. “Some of them are mages, if we have to cut our way through to you we will. Once we do that you and anyone in that dwelling with you will be deemed traitorous.”

  “Well good luck then” Allen replied. “Have fun getting through all of that, the only reason I came out here is because you can’t follow me.”

  Allen was about to turn back when he heard a horn blowing, Allen looked across at the forest several miles away from his home and could see a large gathering of people pouring out of the forest. Judging from the yells and fervor of cutting through the thorns from the Atropians, Allen guessed the people coming were probably the Gorgas army.

  “Sir, if this army comes for us, you will be next” Governor Willoughsby replied.

  “They can try” Allen replied. “Just like you can.”

  “They have mage killers with them” Governor Willoughsby said frantically. “And they have at least four mages.”

  Allen thought about what the Governor was saying. Mage killers were a specialty of Gorgas, they were specialized troops whose only use were taking down mages. Any magic thrown at a mage killer fell apart, lightning fizzled and fire went out. In addition mage killers soaked up the magical energy of any mage in proximity to them, being within a hundred feet of a mage killer would rob a mage of the energy they needed to cast spells. There were ways around mage killers though, while they could break apart pure magic attacks it was believed they couldn’t break down magic attacks in conjunction with more normal means. A pure mage fire attack would fizzle out, however if a mage set fire to a field that fire would be deemed non-magical and could destroy a mage killer. What Allen wasn’t sure about was if a mage killer could get through his thorny vine field, Allen had planned on growing it as an enemy cut it down as a delaying tactic. If mage killers could stop this then it would make his defense plan a lot harder.

  “Mage killers are former mages?” Allen asked. Allen already knew the answer but was just buying time. Allen wasn’t sure what Gorgas did to make mage killers but knew the troops were mainly used to fight off enemy mages, Allen still thought it was reckless for them to wreck a mage’s ability to use magic.

  “Yes and they are the reason the Gorgans have been besting us at every turn” Governor Willoughsby replied still looking behind him at the advancing enemy.

  “If your men disrespect my home I will kill them and hold you responsible” Allen began.

  “Just let us the fuck in” the
man with the red plume screamed. “Already some of my men will die because you didn’t let us through in time.”

  “Fuck you and your men” Allen said angrily.

  “Major Welch calm down” Governor Willoughsby said. “We have a deal.”

  “Then you need to hurry” Allen said and pointed to the field of thorns. Allen made the thorny vines pull apart and a path started opening up, the Atropians were unsure of what was happening at first but soon got the idea as they began to press forward. The leaders in the crowd started issuing orders, making sure people were moving in an orderly fashion and getting their supplies inside. Allen watched them go inside and started growing and closing the path behind the last of them, the Gorgas were about a mile away and Allen had to move fast. The Governor brought about two hundred men with him, the enemy looked ten times that amount as they poured out of forest and were close to his land. Allen hoped the little bit of coverage he could give the Atropians would be enough to hold the Gorgans briefly, Allen still needed to tell Mary of his plans. Allen sunk back through the ground until he reached his tunnels and started running, a few minutes later he was at his front gate and found Mary there already dressed for a fight.

  “I am going to let them inside” Allen stated. “No one goes inside of our home for any reason no matter who it is.”

  “I thought you didn’t want any company” Mary replied.

  “Just keep the Rolls’ inside and make sure no one else comes in” Allen replied.


  “You are a mage” said a woman in a brown robe. Allen looked her over and could see she specialized in earth magic and looked to be at least five years younger than he was. “How were you able to command the vines like that? I could make them move out of my way but not fast enough that I could get everyone through. A mage of your strength should be well known.”

  “He is a coward” Major Welch replied. “But we can get to that later, Mage Davina I need you to stand back at least to that balcony up there in the keep. That should keep you far enough away from the mage killers.”


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