Surprising the Billionaire with a Baby (Blue Ridge Mountain Billionaires Book 2)

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Surprising the Billionaire with a Baby (Blue Ridge Mountain Billionaires Book 2) Page 9

by Elizabeth Lynx

  “That’s crazy. Just don’t tell her. If she does not understand it was you, she need not know.”

  I rubbed my brow. This was the part I was dreading. Would he say that after he knew what happened next?

  “Considering I knocked her up, and she gave birth a month ago to my son, I feel like I should tell her.”

  The fork in his hand stopped mid-air. Red sauce dripped from the ravioli down to his plate.

  His mouth opened and closed a few times as if he wanted to speak but didn’t know what to say.

  Hamish put down the fork and turned in his chair to face me. “I know what my father would say. He’d tell you not to say anything and not to employ her ever again.”

  I swallowed, trying to hold down the bile that was rising from my stomach. That wasn’t what I wanted to hear. Even if Hamish wanted me to do that, I never would.

  “But I’m not my father. My dad’s an asshole. He’s spoiled and thinks the world revolves around him. But it doesn’t. The world revolves around the love and happiness that you let into your life.”

  The profound speech my friend gave surprised me.

  He slapped me on the shoulder. “Money and work and objects,” he pointed to his car parked on the street that had gathered a crowd of gawkers, “they’re nothing. It’s people that count. You have a son; don’t you want to hold him?”

  Yes. Yes, I did.

  Chapter 14


  “IT’S FINE. IN CASE you were worried.” I reached over and squeezed Jami’s hand.

  She looked up from the book she was reading and stared at me.

  “I said it was fine. I will be okay.”

  She nodded. “Yes.” Then she turned her gaze back to her book.

  My lips thinned. She wasn’t listening to me, as usual.

  I quit my job yesterday and spent the last twenty-four hours wondering if I made a mistake. This had never happened to me before.

  Not the quitting part—I quit jobs all the time. That part wasn’t hard. And every time I quit, I felt relief, like there had been hands around my neck that instantly slipped away.

  But this time it was different. No relief, just worry, doubt that I went too far.

  “Perhaps I should have stayed for the entire week. It was only one more day.” I reached over the round breakfast table and grabbed another mini muffin from the plastic container.

  The first thing I did when I left work was take the bus to the grocery store and fill up on pity party food. Lots of baked goods, chips, and dip that turned my breath into mustard gas.

  Once I got home, I held Nathan a lot . . . more than usual. He was my comfort blanket for the day. It felt good to cuddle him. All he wanted from me was milk and to change his diaper. I looked at it as an even exchange of goods and services.

  “Did you bring Nathan to see Monty?” Jami asked while her nose remained buried in her book.

  “No. Why would I bring Nathan?”

  My sister loved that baby as if he were her own. Jami wasn’t the most social person, and I worried how she would react to Nathan. Some people just aren’t baby people. I wondered if my sister would be like that.

  But she was the opposite. Everywhere we went, she’d tell people about Nathan. When I came home every day, she’d update me on everything he did. Everything.

  If he burped, I knew about it. If he farted, she told me about it. If he cooed, she recorded it.

  “Monty must know about Nathan.” She shut the book and stared at me.

  Oh, this was serious.

  “Jami, I know you love Nathan. You’re the best aunt to him, but Nathan can’t come everywhere with me. When I’m at work, well, was at work, I had to focus on the tasks there. I wouldn’t be able to get my work done and care for Nathan.”

  She nodded.

  Good, she understood.

  I put down the muffin, having lost my appetite. I wasn’t hungry anyway. The food was more for dealing with stress than actual hunger.

  “It’s time for Nathan’s afternoon walk.” My sister stood, as did I.

  She paused when she saw me follow her. “You’re coming?”

  “Since I’m here, I thought I would join you two.” I smiled.

  She didn’t.

  “I need to get Nathan.” She held up her hands to stop me.

  I suspected I wasn’t welcome on this walk. A warm grin crept across my face as I watched Jami move toward the stairs.

  Despite the mess I made with my job, I was grateful to be surrounded by a family who loved my boy.

  My parents left right after Nathan’s birthday party, off on another cross-country trip. My parents deserved the adventure. They were young when they had Laura and me. By the time Jami showed up as a big surprise seven years after Laura was born, they were tired but happy. But they struggled with Jami. They took her to doctor after doctor to discover why their daughter took five years to speak, and then once she could speak, why she wasn’t hitting her milestones.

  It wasn't until she was ten that a doctor in D.C. diagnosed her with autism.

  Many people in this town shunned my family because of Jami. It was the twenty-first century, and they were acting like it was the nineteenth century. One woman told my mom, while I was standing next to her at the grocery store when I was a teenager, that Jami was punishment for all the sins of our family.

  I was about to reach over and slap that woman across the face because she deserved all the sins my hand could dole out. But my mom held me back and told her, “If Jami was brought from sin, then everyone needs to sin because she’s one of the sweetest, kindest, and smartest people to have entered my life.”

  Jami was my sister, and I loved her with all my heart, and if that woman had said that to me, I wouldn’t be as kind as my mother.

  I heard the front door creak and tried to catch her before she left, but that girl was quick. When I opened the front door, she was gone. I made my way out to the driveway to see if I could figure out which way she went, but once I got there, a big, black Volvo pulled in.

  Blocking the sun with my hand, I tried the see in the car, but the windows were tinted. Someone’s probably lost. We lived down a dirt road, and the local kids enjoyed throwing rocks at the street sign. They must have knocked it askew again.

  “Are you lost—” I called out as the door opened and a tall figure stepped out, but the words caught in my throat when I saw who it was.


  “No. I’m exactly where I need to be.”

  He looked amazing. He wore a navy button-up that molded to his body with the sleeves rolled up and gray slacks that fit perfectly.

  His hair was disheveled but purposefully. And he wasn’t wearing his glasses.

  “I, uh . . . quit. Remember?”

  There was a determination about him as he sauntered toward me. As if he came for me and was about to snatch me up and take me to his sex dungeon.

  Wow. My mind just went there, didn’t it? In my defense, he was lady-boner material. The way he walked, talked, and dressed was as if a conference of horny ladies got together and decided on a poster boy. Monty was their pick.

  “That’s why I’m here. To beg you to come back.”

  As he was saying the last part, he stepped right up to me, and his hot breath fanned over my cheeks and down my chest.

  I bit my lip to stop myself from ruining my chance at getting my job back. I wanted it back, but I’d have to discuss a few important things with him first.

  It wouldn’t help for my clit to do the talking for me because it very much wanted to.

  “I don’t see you on your knees,” I said with instant regret.

  Dammit, Julia. Focus on the job, not the hot boss who has wet dream potential.

  The corner of his lips ticked up. He watched me for a moment before he jerked his head toward the house. “You haven’t invited me inside, or do you expect me to beg you out here for anyone to see?”

  God, I wanted to fuck him so bad. I bet he was good at it too.
It was always the nerdy ones who made sure the woman got her O.

  I wondered how many orgasms he’d give me?

  He shrugged and said, “Okay, I guess out here.”

  Monty began to kneel before I grabbed his arm. “Sorry, something distracted me. Please come inside.”

  I waved him toward the house. Once we were in the house, he glanced at the stairs. Was he thinking the same thing I was? To take this straight up and into my bedroom and work out the details of the job in bed? Because my brain hadn’t stopped thinking about that since he said the word “beg.”

  “Would you like a muffin?” I asked as I directed him into the kitchen toward the breakfast table.

  Preferably my muffin . . .

  “No thanks, just ate lunch.” He pulled out my chair as I sat. Little things like that made me want to jump his cock even more.

  I watched him take a seat, pressing down his tie and looking totally fuckable. It was no use; I couldn’t stop thinking about riding his cock. I only hoped nothing slipped out while we were discussing my job.

  “About your job . . . I would like to apologize for my behavior yesterday. There was no excuse, and I can only say I’m sorry. It will never happen again. You may have worked at The Blue Spot for less than a week, but I feel you’re too good to let slip away,” he said with a hopeful smile.

  “I’m afraid I can’t accept the job because of the tension between us.”

  His grin faded, and he scooted closer. “I promise, what I did yesterday will not happen again. It will be strictly professional.”

  I pointed to him. “That’s the problem. Because right now, I don’t want it to be professional. I want it to be a lot more.”

  So much for not letting it slip out.

  Chapter 15


  SHE STARED AT MY LIPS with startling, vivid eyes. And any doubt I had that Julia wanted me evaporated.

  “By more, you mean . . .” I pointed between my legs like an idiot.

  I had come here right after Hamish dropped me off at The Blue Spot after lunch. I was determined to win her back, but I hadn’t expected her to throw in this twist. An unbelievably tempting twist.

  “Fucking,” Julia said without a hint of humor.

  I coughed and glanced down at the table. Muffins. I reached for one, not knowing what to do with my hands. My arms suddenly felt disjointed and awkward.

  Julia grabbed my hand and pulled it into hers. “Let me be clear. It’s been about ten months since I’ve had sex. Honestly, I lost count, it’s been so long.”

  I shifted in my seat as my cock hardened, pressing against my pants.

  “And while I don’t think it was appropriate what you did yesterday at the office, I’d be lying if I said I didn’t like your touch.” Her fingers slid through mine, sending a ripple of heat up my arm.

  “But I came here to—” I stopped myself because what was I doing?

  Why wasn’t I kissing her? I had been fantasizing about running into her for those ten months she mentioned. And this was the exact scenario that played out in those fantasies. She would claim to be horny and hadn’t had a good fucking since I last took her in the closet.

  Here I was, with an actual dream coming true, trying to focus on a job. Screw the job. It could wait until my fantasy came to life.

  I stood, pulling her up with me. “Where’s your bedroom?”

  A blush filled her cheeks and chest, and I wondered if this was how she looked when I told her I wrapped my cock up like a candy cane.

  Now it was her turn to pull me. She dashed down the hall while I tried to keep up as I held on to her hand.

  “Just up the stairs. First door on the right.” She pointed and then ran.

  Was this a contest? See who could make it to her bedroom first?

  She won, but I didn’t care. It was too much fun watching her ass bounce as she trotted along.

  Once we were inside the small room, I saw the black backpack on the wooden floor near her bedside table. There wasn’t much in the room except for a double-sized bed with no headboard; a square, wooden table by her bed with a brass lamp; and a tall dresser in the corner next to the window that overlooked the driveway. Even the bedspread was simple. No patterns or designs, just yellow.

  I turned toward Julia after scanning the room, and my eyes widened. She already had her top off and was trying to pull down her jeans.

  “You don’t waste any time, do you?”

  She tossed her head up, her golden hair flipping down her back, and said, “Not a lot of time before my sister comes back from her walk. Sorry to rush you, but there’s no time for romance.”

  I had forgotten what it was like to live with people in a house. When I lived with my brothers as I was starting my tech company, I had to either bring women home after everyone was asleep or hope they’d invite me over to their place.

  I tugged at my tie, and by this point, Julia had everything off but her pink cotton panties.

  Who knew cotton panties could be so incredibly sexy?

  She stared at me as I undressed.

  “Like what you see?” I asked, enjoying that she seemed fascinated by how I unzipped my pants.

  “Yes.” She moved to the bed and sat. I half expected her to break out a bowl of popcorn by the way she watched me.

  “Should I put on a show?”

  “This is the show. Just looking forward to the climax.” She winked.

  Oh, so was I.

  Once my pants fell to the ground, I tugged down my black boxer briefs and finally removed my socks.

  I was naked and standing before the mother of my child. That thought hit me like a bolt. Had I brought protection?

  It was as if she read my mind.

  “I got a brand-new box of condoms in the drawer. I’ve been looking forward to this moment for a while. Made sure I was prepared.” She pointed to the small table by her bed.

  I tilted my head. “With me?”

  “Uh, no offense, but just with a decent man. A decent man with a cock who wouldn’t mind giving me a few orgasms.”

  I nodded. I understood, but it hurt a little that she wasn’t thinking about me for this. Which was stupid because she thought she just met me a week ago.

  “None taken. Now lie back and spread your legs.”

  A wicked smile crept up her lips. “Yes, sir.”

  I grabbed my cock and gave it a stroke. Being able to see her this time made it even better than the first time. Watching her skin darken and her nipples harden made the wait worth it.

  Now I didn’t have to imagine how she’d react when I sank my cock deep inside her. Would she roll her eyes back? Would her mouth fall open from bliss?

  She would answer all those questions in the light of day.

  I wanted to fall to my knees and nuzzle my face between her legs, but first, I had to do something I never had time to do the first time.

  I leaned over her, placing my hands on either side of her head, and lowered until my lips brushed hers.

  For the first time since I met her, I got to kiss Julia. It was soft, and she opened immediately, letting me explore her with my tongue.

  She whimpered when I bit her bottom lip. I shifted onto my elbows and cupped her head. Our kiss grew deeper. She wrapped her legs around my torso. I groaned as she held me tight.

  My fingers slid down her side, and I cupped her breast. The softness of her skin was addictive. She pulled her head back and gasped.

  “I hate to be a buzzkill, but avoid the nipples since I’m breastfeeding,” she pointed out.

  “Right. Yes.” I leaned over and kissed the tip of her nose. “There’s so many more places I can explore. Who needs nipples anyway? Besides, I wanted to kiss you for a long time.”

  She giggled, and a shiver ran down my back. I loved making her laugh.

  “Was it worth the wait?” Her laughter died as she watched my mouth.

  “No,” I answered.

  She frowned.

  “I now realize how mu
ch I missed by not kissing you the first time we met.”

  “Oh. You know there are other parts of me that would like to be kissed.”

  She bit her lip, and I pounced. My mouth crashed into hers. The sweet kiss from before was gone, replaced by my savage bites and licks.

  Julia moaned, arching her back as I traveled down her neck. Her skin tasted sweet and salty, and I couldn’t get enough.

  I trailed a line with my tongue down between her tits, finally ending at the seam of her panties.

  Looking up, I said, “I think it’s time we get rid of these.”

  When I tugged, she lifted her hips, and within seconds, her undies were on the floor.

  Her beautiful pink lips glistened between her legs. I pushed her thighs apart even farther and trailed my thumb over her clit. She made a hissing sound every time my thumb rubbed her clit.

  Lowering my head, I breathed her in and groaned. It had been too long since I inhaled her. My mouth watered as I nuzzled my nose into her small patch of hair.

  Not being able to wait any longer, my tongue darted out. I lapped her up and wondered if I would ever get enough.

  My finger slid inside her core, and it wasn’t long before I added another. Her body was incredibly responsive to my touch.

  She was tightening around my fingers, and I knew Julia was about to come. Her fingers curled into my hair and pulled me closer. Her hips moved wildly as she cried out a few curse words and, finally, my name.

  I smiled hearing my name on her lips. Her grip loosened, and I took one last lick before I stood. Walking over to the table by her bed, I opened the drawer. There, right inside, was the box of condoms she promised. I tore into that box and grabbed one as if my life depended on it.

  It felt like my cock’s life depended on it. It was achingly hard and dripping. I had the condom rolled on before I got back to Julia.

  She lay there, her legs still wide and inviting, with a satisfied grin on her face.

  “You’re big,” Julia said as her eyes gazed at my cock.

  “You frightened?” I cupped my balls, tugging as I watched her.

  “I’ve had bigger. I’m sure I can handle you.”

  I raised my brow. “You are?”


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