The Heart You Break (Wilde Ways Book 4)

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The Heart You Break (Wilde Ways Book 4) Page 7

by Cynthia Eden

  Immediately, Gideon appeared horrified. “I didn’t mean to—” He stopped, stepped back, and motioned vaguely with his hand. “Please, you take all the time you need. Get your things, and I’ll be right here.”

  She turned on her heel. Swiped her hand over her cheek again. And she headed for the stairs. “My room is up there.” She motioned vaguely. “I’ll be right back.”

  “Wait—I thought you came from the hallway before—”

  “Bathroom. I went to the bathroom there,” she replied quickly. “I have to go up to my bedroom.” Julia darted up the stairs, casting one quick glance back. Gideon had turned away, and he was pacing near the massive fireplace.

  At the second-floor landing, she barely slowed. Instead, she went straight for Bran’s room. Her fingers curled around the doorknob, and she threw the door open.

  Light filled the room, spilling from the lamps on either side of a giant, four poster bed. Bran stood near the bed, his muscled chest bare and his jeans hanging low on his hips. For just a moment, she allowed herself one long look to admire the ripple and perfection of his abs. Damn. Damn.

  After that moment of admiration, Julia shut the door behind her and settled her gaze on Bran’s face. “You aren’t kicking me out.”

  He blinked and looked confused as all hell. Precious. “What?”

  “You’re going to head back downstairs and tell Gideon to go back to town, without me.” Julia was proud of herself for giving him very clear instructions.

  Bran shook his head. “That’s not happening.”

  We’ll see about that.

  She headed toward him. Her steps were slow, and her mind was spinning as she tried to figure out what she could say that would convince him to let her stay. She couldn’t exactly blurt out the bodyguard truth since that would definitely get her ass kicked to the curb. “Every time I turn around, I feel like you’re trying to fire me.”

  “I did fire you.”

  “Why? Don’t you like me?” Now she was in front of him and getting very, very desperate.

  As she stared into his eyes, the strangest thing happened. The darkness of his pupils expanded as he gazed at her. The blackness bled into the gold of his eyes. “I like you…” His voice had gone guttural. “More than I should.”

  The man looked positively savage as he stared at her. Hungry. Wild.

  Her heart kicked up. She understood that look. Lust. A fierce need. He wanted her. She’d be lying if she said she didn’t want him, too. Only Julia wasn’t about to use sex to convince him that she had to stay. That wasn’t how she operated.

  “You like me, so you’re pushing me away?” Julia shook her head. “Sorry if I don’t buy that story.”

  His hands wrapped around her shoulders as he pulled her up against him. “Don’t you get it? I want to keep you safe. I can’t let anything bad happen to you!”

  “Nothing will happen to me.” When he’d touched her, Julia’s heartbeat had exploded into an even more frantic rhythm. “You don’t have to worry about that. I can take care of myself.”

  His head angled toward her. “You are out of your league here.”

  No, he was. That was why there was no way she could leave him alone. Why she would do everything within her power to convince him that she had to stay.

  His gaze locked on her mouth. “I can’t let you be hurt.” Again, his voice was the rough rumble that sent little shivers sliding down her spine. “If something happened to you because of me, I think I’d go fucking crazy.”

  Her breath caught. “We…just met.”

  “You think I don’t know that?” He pulled her even closer. “You think I don’t realize that I’m not acting rationally around you? I know I shouldn’t have my hands on you right now, but I need to touch you. I want to touch you more than I’ve wanted anything in a long time.”

  Julia liked having him touch her. Liked feeling those callused fingertips sliding over her skin, and she kept thinking about how good it would feel to have him touch her, all over. “If you kick me out…” If he is starting to care about you, even a little, you have to use that. “If you kick me out, I could become a target.”

  A furrow appeared between Bran’s dark brows. “No, that—no.”

  “If I stay with you, at least you can keep me close. I promise, I won’t go anywhere without you. I’ll stay by your side twenty-four, seven.” She kind of had to do that. Went along with her whole job description. “If the stalker is the one who took that shot today,” and she was really hoping it had been the stalker and that Bran didn’t have multiple people out to get him, “then he saw me. He saw me with you. So maybe I’m already on his list because of that. Maybe if I walk away, if I’m separated from you, he’ll come after me. For all we know, he could think we’re romantically involved. I spent the night here last night. If he knows that, then I’m a target. By leaving, I could be doing exactly what he—”

  Bran kissed her. His mouth took hers in a sensual, toe-curling, body-melting kiss. His tongue slid past her parted lips. He licked, he stroked, and desire surged through her. She could’ve pushed him away, but the only thing Julia actually did do…was kiss him back.

  Her nails dug into his arms as she kissed him. Kissed him with a wild hunger and hot lust. Kissed him with a passion that she shouldn’t be feeling. But she did, and her control was shot. She wasn’t thinking. She was feeling, and her emotions and desires were about to swamp her. She wanted to get as close to Bran as she could. Wanted to taste and savor. Wanted everything from him.

  Footsteps pounded up the stairs. “Julia!”

  Gideon’s voice.

  “Julia, there’s a call in town—I have to get back, now. Some drunk just drove his car straight into the side of Jake’s Diner.” Gideon was outside the bedroom, his voice louder.

  Bran lifted his mouth from hers. He stared down at her.

  She couldn’t look away from him.

  “Julia?” Gideon shouted. “Where in the hell are you?”

  “In here.” Hmm. That response had been far too low and husky. Raising her voice, Julia tried again, “In here!” She remained in Bran’s arms. Kept her fingers curled around him. She licked her lips, tasted Bran, and whispered to him, “Don’t send me away. You’ll make me more of a target, and I don’t want to leave you.”

  Bran’s jaw hardened.

  The door flew open. “Did you get your things—ah…damn.”

  Bran was half-dressed, his hands were clamped to her, and they were obviously in the middle of yep—something. Julia held Bran’s gaze a moment longer, then looked over her shoulder at Gideon. “Go take care of your business in town,” she told him with a nod. “I’m staying here.”

  His stare tracked over her and Bran. “Bran?” Gideon prompted. “What do you say about that?”

  Bran’s hold tightened on her. “She’s not leaving.”

  Julia didn’t let her shoulders slump in relief.

  “Yeah.” Gideon turned away. “Figured that when I realized she’d gone straight to your bedroom. Hope like hell you’re making the right call on this.” He jerked the door closed.

  His footsteps thudded down the stairs.

  Bran let her go. His face was completely unreadable, and she knew that was a very, very bad sign.

  Voice flat, Bran said, “After he’s gone, I’m going to make sure the front door is locked, and the security system reset. If you’re staying, I’m not taking any chances with you.”

  He slipped around her, being very careful—she was certain—not to touch her in any way.

  And that stung. “Bran?”

  His shoulders stiffened as he paused by the door.

  “I’m not…I didn’t kiss you to convince you that I had to stay. I’m not using sex as some kind of bargaining tool.” She wanted to be clear on that particular topic.

  He turned toward her.

  Wow. His gaze was blazing.

  Julia sucked in a sharp breath.

  “Then why did you kiss me back?”

nbsp; Her spine straightened. “Because I want you.” A desire she hadn’t expected when she’d originally taken the case, and truth be told, it was a desire that scared the ever-loving-heck out of her. What was she supposed to do with him? Or rather, she knew plenty she’d like to do with him, but…

  He was off-limits. A relationship between them was off-limits. Wasn’t it?

  “Go to your room, Julia.” A growl. “Shut your door. Lock it. And fucking consider wearing more clothes.”

  Her gaze slid over his chest. Anger stirred. So did hurt. “I think you should consider the same fucking thing.” She marched up to him.

  His hand flew out and wrapped around her wrist. “I haven’t…I can’t remember wanting anyone this badly.”

  She searched his eyes. Truth or lie? Just a line he was feeding her or—

  Her breath caught. She could read the truth in his eyes. A need that terrified her and thrilled her.

  “You can’t be hurt,” he whispered. His finger slid around her left wrist and…

  She saw the furrow between his brows.

  He’d touched the scar on her wrist. It wasn’t that she’d hid the scar from him. She didn’t hide it from anyone. But it was on the inside of her wrist, and he hadn’t exactly been looking there before this moment.

  She knew he’d been distracted by other things.

  Now, though, he lifted her hand. His touch was so careful. Oddly tender when she had never expected tenderness from him.

  “What in the hell happened?”

  It wasn’t a small scar. Or, actually, it was, considering the damage that she’d seen others sustain. The scar started at her wrist and slid up toward her elbow. Red, raised skin. “A fire.”

  His eyes were so bright.

  She tried a smile. It wobbled. “You see, I can be hurt. Anyone can be hurt.”

  He brought her hand to his mouth. Pressed a kiss to the scar that had marked her and changed her in so many ways. When his lips feathered over her skin, her instinctive reaction was to pull away because a surge of vulnerability swept through her.

  But Bran tightened his hold. Held her carefully but in a strong grip.

  He pressed another kiss against the skin.

  “I want to know how you got burned.”

  For a moment, she could hear the crackle of fire. Julia gave a hard, negative shake of her head.

  Bran offered her a tender smile in return. “You think I won’t learn all of your secrets? Ah, Julia, you are so very wrong.”


  Her fingers were shaking as she sent her text to Cole.

  Bran knows he has a stalker. The local sheriff is working with him on some kind of bait plan.

  She strained to hear beyond the door. She was back in her bedroom. She’d fled there when Bran had gone to set the alarm and make sure the house was secure. Securing the cabin was her job, though, and she’d be sure to go behind him in a few moments and make certain there were no threats waiting.

  Her phone vibrated. Cole’s text had come through almost immediately. That sounds bad.

  Yeah, because it was. Her fingers flew as she typed, Learn everything you can about the sheriff. I’m going to push Bran and see what else he’s been holding back. She hesitated, then added, The stalker contacted him directly. Bran said the guy stabbed one of his security members, a man named Charles. After that, Bran didn’t want anyone else getting hurt.

  Had she just heard the wood creak beyond her door?

  She rose from the bed and tip-toed closer to the door. Her wrist seemed to tingle where Bran had kissed her. She didn’t understand him. He was nothing like she’d expected, and…far too much like everything she wanted.

  Julia glanced down at her phone. He wanted me to leave. Were her fingers trembling as she sent that text? Maybe. But I convinced him I had to stay.

  Cole’s text came through with a soft vibration. How.

  Not a question. Typical Cole. She wasn’t going to get into the whole how response right then because she was sure she’d just heard another creak.

  Quickly, Julia texted, He’s coming. We’ll meet up tomorrow at seven a.m. and talk.

  She turned the phone to silent. Shoved it on the nearby table and opened the door.

  Bran stood there. Hands loose at his sides. Still clad in his jeans and nothing else. His stare was so bright and hot.

  A stark and stunning realization hit her. There had been something about Bran that seemed familiar to her, something that unnerved her, and she hadn’t been able to quite figure it out before now.

  But…he was like the fire. So hot. Burning bright. Out of control. Dangerous.



  “No.” His voice was flat. Rough. “You don’t ever need to look at me that way.”

  She blinked.

  “I would never hurt you. You need to know that.”

  There were a million things that she didn’t know about him.

  And a few that she did.

  She wanted him far too much. So much that she wasn’t thinking clearly.

  He made her ache. He drove her crazy with a touch. He sent a surge of adrenaline through her, one that was as strong as the fires she’d once battled.

  “Get some sleep, Julia. We’ll talk in the morning.”

  He turned away. She still felt as if she’d been burned. Claimed. Not by the fire. By the man.

  Chapter Seven

  The music was loud and savage. His fingers flew over the strings of the guitar as the beat poured through him. Fury and fire. So much fire. Rage that consumed and destroyed. Need, a twisting need that couldn’t be satisfied. A hunger that grew and grew.

  Pain and pleasure…twisting in me.

  Pain and pleasure…she is all that I see.

  And she was. When he closed his eyes and played the music, Julia was all that Bran could see. Wearing those little shorts. That thin tank top. Her nipples thrusting toward him. He could taste her. Smell her. He wanted to devour every single inch of her.

  He was out of control. Too close to the edge.

  Over the edge, come, come to me, baby.

  Over the edge, I have to sink into—

  The door opened. She stood there, just like his perfect fucking fantasy, with the light spilling all around her. The music stopped, screaming as it broke away and his fingers stilled.

  His heart pounded in his ears. He’d tried to sleep. He’d stayed in that bed as he’d tossed and turned, and the music had blared in his head. He’d finally gotten up and gone to his studio. Playing the guitar was the only way to exorcise his demons. Well, not the only way. “I…woke you up again.”

  She shut the door. Came toward him with silent steps.

  He put down the guitar. Surged to his feet.

  Julia stopped right in front of him. “I was dreaming about you.”

  She seemed like a dream to him.

  Hands off. Don’t touch her. Don’t—

  She put her hands on him. “That song you were just playing was different from the other one. Rougher. Wilder.”

  Because he felt rough and wild but, like the first song, the second one had been about her, too. About a man’s dangerous need for the one woman who’d gotten to him. About his need to take and possess. To have her skin to skin.

  Fuck, that was even the title of the song in his head. Skin to Skin.

  He needed to warn her. “You should walk away. Go back downstairs.”

  “Why?” Her hair trailed over her shoulders. She wasn’t wearing her glasses. Her eyes were big and dark and gorgeous.

  “Because I want to fuck you too much.” There, he’d done it again. Blurted out the stark truth. With her, he didn’t want pretenses or lies. He didn’t want anything between them.

  “I work for you. We’ll be crossing lines if we…” She licked her lips. “I don’t want you thinking I had sex with you for the job.”

  There was something about her voice. An edge that vibrated with emotion.

  “Because that’s
not who I am,” Julia added as she held his gaze.

  Did she think he didn’t realize that?

  “I didn’t expect this.” Her brow furrowed. “You aren’t what I thought. And the way you make me feel—I didn’t count on that.”

  “Baby…” His voice was too much of a growl. Way too rough, but that was how he felt. Far too rough around her. She seemed fragile and too breakable while he was rough and dangerous. “I know you’re not the kind of woman who sleeps with a guy for a job.”

  “You don’t know all my secrets.” The pain was there again in her voice. “No one does.”

  “I want to know.” He wanted to know every single thing about her.

  She tucked a lock of hair behind her ear. “I once promised myself that I wouldn’t hold back. If someone came into my life again…if I felt this way about someone again, I wouldn’t let the chance pass.”

  His heart drummed in his chest.

  “It’s too easy to lose people.” Her lower lip trembled. “Too easy to miss the moments that could be so important.”

  You’re not going to lose me. The words surged inside of him. There was something about her. Something that felt right. He wanted to grab tight to her and never let go. Yet he didn’t move a muscle. She’d come to him. He needed to hear what she had to say. Of course, she could have just come in the studio because he’d been blaring his music, and he’d woken her up again.

  “I want you, Bran.”

  Okay, hell, yes. Every muscle in his body stiffened.

  “This isn’t about the job. Tell me you understand that.”

  It took all of his self-control not to haul her against him and take her mouth. Voice even deeper, he growled, “I understand.”

  “Sex won’t change anything between us.”

  It would change everything.

  “I…I’ll still do my job.” Her gaze didn’t waver. “This is just…I can’t let you pass me. I can’t let this chance with you pass me by. You make me feel so much. And I swore to myself I wouldn’t be afraid again.”

  There was pain in her voice and eyes. He hated her pain. He wanted to take it all away and only give her pleasure.


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