The Heart You Break (Wilde Ways Book 4)

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The Heart You Break (Wilde Ways Book 4) Page 10

by Cynthia Eden

  Gideon lifted a brow. “I don’t think he was happy to see you on his property. Folks up here—we don’t take real kindly to trespassing.”

  “Is that why you’re here? To cite me for trespassing?”

  Gideon’s stare raked him. “You got a lot of tats.”

  “Nice of you to notice,” he murmured. “Designed a lot of them myself.”

  Gideon’s eyes narrowed. “Some of them are military.”

  Some were, yes.

  “What branch were you in?” Gideon asked.

  “Why are you wanting to know that?”

  “Because you arrive in town and then someone immediately takes a shot at Bran Copper. You’re conveniently at the scene of the crime. And now, you’re found skulking around his property.”

  “Skulking?” Cole winced. “Okay. I was jogging, not skulking. I got lost. Saw the woman and stopped for just a moment.” He waved his hand vaguely. “Why don’t you ask her? She’ll back me up. I didn’t threaten her or Bran in any way. I wouldn’t.” He smiled. “I’m a fan of Bran’s music.”

  “Like that shit is supposed to be reassuring? You know the people who freak out the most on celebrities? Fans. It was a fan who broke into Bran’s house a year ago and slipped naked into his bed.”

  “Uh…okay. I won’t be doing that. Tell him not to worry on that score.”

  “It was a fan who broke into his dressing room when he was in Orlando and stole all of his clothes because she liked the way he smelled.”

  Hello, weird times. “I didn’t notice anything about his smell, but, again, I won’t be doing that. Don’t worry.”

  “You think this is some kind of game? He’s had four restraining orders taken out on fans in the last two years. People get obsessed. They can’t tell where fantasies stop and realities begin.”

  Cole’s shoulders straightened. “I assure you, I am no threat to Bran Copper.”

  “Hmmm.” Plenty of doubt in that sound. “Ran your license number and plate after our meeting yesterday.” Gideon cocked his head to the side. “You’re a photographer from Atlanta?”

  That was the cover Wilde Securities had set up for him. Cole nodded as he let his eyes stray past the sheriff. “The trees are beautiful this time of year. You can get some great shots.”

  Gideon moved to block his view of the trees. “And you’re not here to aim your camera at Bran Copper?”

  “That’s not the kind of photographer I am. Strictly nature shots. Bran has nothing to worry about as far as I’m concerned.”

  Gideon didn’t relax. “I guess you think I’m just some stupid country asshole, huh?”

  Someone seemed to be feeling feisty. “No, I don’t think that.”

  “I mean, you show up. She shows up. And yeah, I did find someone who could put the two of you together in a car. You taking her up to Bran’s place, I mean, that was just a dumb move. Surely you realized someone would see you? Hideaway is a small town.”

  Cole didn’t let his expression waver. No, I didn’t think anyone would see us. A storm was coming. We had to move fast. He didn’t remember noticing anyone when he’d transported Julia to Bran’s place…

  Maybe the sheriff was bluffing.

  “It’s been years…” Gideon said with a considering air. “Since anyone was able to knock me on my ass. But she did it without any problem last night.” He took a slow step toward Cole. “Despite my questions, Bran’s manager Hathway is still backing her up. Swearing to me when I interrogate him on the phone that she’s clear. That she has his full backing, and I should let the matter drop.”

  Sweat trickled down Cole’s back.

  “Know what that tells me?”

  “I have no idea.”

  “It tells me that Hathway is protecting her. That he wants her here for a reason.” Gideon took his measure once more. “Know what I see when I look at you?”

  Cole waited. This should be good.

  “I see a man who ran to danger, not away from it when the shot fired. I see a guy who keeps his body battle ready. A man who keeps turning up close to Bran…or maybe close to Julia Slate.”

  “You seem to see a whole lot.” Cole gave him a hard grin. “Must have twenty-twenty vision.”

  “Cut the bullshit. I’m the sheriff here. I need to know my people are safe. I need to know the truth.”

  The truth? Well, that was simple. “I am not a threat to Bran Copper.”


  Bran Copper had over fifteen million Instagram followers. He received hundreds of emails every single day. His social media profiles were filled with adoring messages from fans. And with some creepy messages.

  Lots of nude pics.

  Way too many nude pics—both from men and women, and they needed to stop sending that crap.

  Stop sending this shit. He is not interested. Okay, she typed that a few times. It was her job, wasn’t it? As his assistant?

  She went back to his email after she’d checked those profiles, and when she saw the message that had just arrived—only moments before—she stilled.

  The subject line was what caught her eye.

  For Julia.

  She clicked on the email.

  You think you know him? You don’t. He’s evil. A user. He uses and he destroys, and he will do the same to you. I’m giving you a chance to get away. Take the chance. Don’t wind up like her.

  Then…there was a link.

  Looked like a link to some old news story. New Orleans Tribune?

  The link could be a virus. But Bran should have freaking virus protection on his system.

  She clicked the link and read the article that was revealed.

  The community mourns the death of eighteen-year-old Fiona Hawke.

  “What are you looking at?”

  Julia jumped. Her hand flew out as she slammed the laptop closed. “How do you sneak up on me?” She glared, letting him know she didn’t appreciate his sneakiness, and then her gaze dropped to his feet. Bare feet, so, yes, no squeaky shoes, but still… “You are huge. You shouldn’t be able to walk like some ninja.” When he kept sneaking up on her, it was just embarrassing.

  He wore jogging shorts. Sweat slicked his shoulders, and a towel looped around his neck. “Funny you should say that.” But he didn’t smile. “I’ve had plenty of training. When you’re in my line of work, you can’t exactly be defenseless.”

  She’d known about his Krav Maga classes, and that he’d gotten a black belt in Tae Kwon Do. That info had been in his background file. She’d just never seen him in action. Or rather she hadn’t seen him in action yet. “It’s good to be prepared.” This brought up another point. She stood, moving her body so that she blocked the laptop from his view. “If you’re going to continue staying at this cabin, we need to upgrade the security.”

  His hands gripped the edges of the towel.

  “I’m speaking as your assistant. As someone who is supposed to help you make everything easier.” Her lips pressed together a moment, before she added, “You’re exposed out here. You need a security system that will alert you when anyone gets within one hundred yards of your home.” At least 100 yards. “You need security cameras outside. You need motion sensors—sensors that won’t go off if a rabbit hops near the devices, but will let you know if something bigger is coming your way.”

  He didn’t speak.

  “I know someone,” she rushed to add. “A guy who can come out and install a top of the line system in no time. It would be safer for you, and…” Truth. “I would feel one hell of a lot better if you had one in place. If you’re being bait, then we need to make sure that we’re both secure out here.”

  Bran stepped toward her. He’d let go of the towel, and his hands fell to his sides. “This fellow you know—you trust him?”

  “His name is Rick Williams, and yes, I trust him. One hundred percent.” He’d been her ex-partner at Wilde Securities, but more than that, Rick had known her before Wilde. He’d been running from his own fiery demons.

en call him.”

  Heck, yes.

  “Do whatever you want in terms of security.”

  She planned to do exactly that. “While we are on the topic, there is one other thing.” She flashed a wide, innocent grin. “I’m taking care of transportation, too.”

  “What? Why do we need transportation? We’ve got the motorcycle—”

  “Yeah…no.” A shake of her head. “We can’t go back and forth to town on that. We’ll be totally exposed. We need an SUV—a freaking bullet-proof one if someone is gonna be out there taking shots at you, and I do have to recommend, while I’m telling you this security stuff, that you get a bodyguard—”

  “No.” Flat. Hard. Final. “I’ll get the system. I’ll get the ride. But I’m not having someone come out here and stand between me and the freak who wants me dead. I won’t have someone else hurt.” His golden eyes glittered. “That’s why you shouldn’t be here.”

  That was exactly why she had to be there.

  “I can’t have you hurt,” Bran told her quietly. His right hand lifted, and his knuckles stroked her cheek. “I’m going to stand between you and any threat. You understand?”

  That wasn’t the way it usually worked. “I’m not the rich rocker.” Julia gave a soft sigh. “And I’m not the one with a target on her back.” If anything, the stalker’s email had been a warning for her to stay away from Bran. It had implied that he was the threat.

  She didn’t believe that. She was staring straight into Bran’s eyes, and she didn’t see anything evil there.

  He was nothing like what she’d expected.

  But he might be what she needed.

  His head lowered toward her. Her lips parted. They were supposed to be professional, but she really wanted his mouth on her and—

  “What were you looking at on the laptop?”

  Her eyes narrowed on him. Was he playing her? Oh, no. Not happening. “Your millions of Instagram followers. I’m sure they want content from you, but I don’t recommend posting anything that will tell them where you are. If you feel you must keep up your social media profiles with everything that’s happening, I’d recommend some close-up shots of your guitar or a short video of you playing your guitar or—”

  “Yeah. Yeah, we can do that later. After I shower.”

  Okay, the visual of him in the shower, the water pouring down his naked body immediately filled her mind.

  “Want to join me?”

  Absolutely. “I…need to call about your security. Have to do my job. I also need to, um, make sure the groceries are delivered from town and that your truck’s broken windshield gets repaired.” With some bullet-proof glass.

  His gaze was all hot and hungry on her.

  Julia rocked back on her heels. “You know that what happened between us…it didn’t change anything. I mean, I’m still your assistant, I still have things to do, and I still—”

  “You’re still the best lover I’ve ever had.”

  She stared at him. It was nice of him to say and all, but…

  He shook his head at the doubt that must have flashed on her face. “Why don’t you believe me? Baby, I think you have trust issues.” His smile was a little teasing as he turned away.

  “I do.”

  Bran stopped. “I didn’t mean anything by—”

  “I do have trust issues.” Her stomach twisted. “It’s incredibly hard for me to trust all but a select group of people.”

  Bran faced her again.

  “I keep secrets.” She was trying to warn him because she didn’t like the lies she seemed to constantly give him. “I don’t open up easily. And I don’t normally jump into a man’s bed so soon after meeting him. That’s not how I work.”

  His face could have been carved from stone.

  “I trusted the wrong man once, and that relationship ended in a real blaze of destruction.” A blaze that had burned down the life she’d once known. “I thought he was the hero. Everyone thought he was the hero. The golden boy who could do no wrong. I bought that story, just like everyone else. I never looked beneath the surface deep enough, not until it was almost too late.” She bore the scar to prove it. “But now I know that you always have to look past the surface. That what you see is not even close to what you are going to get. Everyone said he was good. The perfect guy…” Her words trailed away.

  “And everyone says I’m trouble. A guy who lives to party and dance on the edge.”

  “Yes.” She wanted to touch him so badly. Her hands clenched. “I very willingly climbed into your bed because I don’t believe stories that other people tell me.” And that stalker out there, trying to convince her that Bran was the bad guy? Why the hell would she believe him? “I make my own decisions about people, and I decided that I wanted to be with you.” She gave a small inclination of her head. “But that has nothing to do with the job.” She wanted him to understand this, especially when he finally did find out the truth. “I slept with you because I wanted you, no other reason.”

  “I was with you because I’ve never wanted anyone more.”

  She wanted to kiss him. Wanted to jump into his arms, wrap her legs around his hips and hold tight. Since she wanted that so badly, Julia took a step back. Better to avoid temptation. “I should get busy with all my calls and plans.”

  He stood there, looking all sexy and sweaty. “Yeah, and I need to go take an ice-cold shower.”

  Her lips twitched. “You do that.”

  He smiled back at her. “I love that little dimple in your cheek. Every time I see it, it makes me happy.”

  Her what? Her dimple? Her chest felt warm as he turned away. She watched him leave—it was a killer view—and Julia wanted to pretend that everything was fine. That they were simply two new lovers. They could just explore each other and be happy.

  But her gaze darted back to the laptop.

  He’s evil. A user.

  She eased out her phone and sent a quick text to Cole. I need to know everything you can discover on a woman named Fiona Hawke. She died in New Orleans when she was eighteen years old.

  Only, Fiona hadn’t just died. According to the newspaper account, she’d been murdered.

  Chapter Ten

  “I’ll have the security system up and fully running for you by noon tomorrow.” Rick Williams inclined his head toward Bran as the guy stood in the cabin’s doorway.

  Rick Williams was big, wide, and had a face that looked like it had never seen a smile. Since meeting him earlier, the word grim kept coming to mind for Bran. The man spoke only when he had to do it, and his growling voice rumbled. Dressed in jeans and an old sweatshirt, Rick had arrived around two. Rick had gone straight to work with his crew. Bran had to admit, he was impressed by the job he’d seen Rick organize.

  The motion sensors were already in place. Cameras were positioned all around the property. The security cameras were feeding right to the monitors that had been set up in the cabin—and to both Bran’s phone and to and Julia’s phone.

  “Your perimeter is secure,” Rick added in his gruff voice. “No one will be getting close without you knowing it. Just have to add a few extra touches tomorrow, and you’re good.”

  Julia stepped forward. “I can’t thank you enough, Rick.” She reached for his hand. Smiled.

  The guy’s fingers curled around hers. Bran’s eyes narrowed. Rick wasn’t much of a talker and he kind of looked like a grizzly bear with a shaved head—the kind of fucking bear you did not mess with in the woods—until the fellow looked at Julia. Then his hard eyes softened just a little bit. Some of the tension whispered from his body.

  She’d vouched for Rick instantly, and she’d gotten the fellow to haul ass with his whole crew up from Atlanta at a moment’s notice. Close most definitely described their relationship, and Bran couldn’t help the knot of jealousy that settled in his gut. For a man who didn’t normally get jealous about anything or anyone, he was sure feeling green-eyed lately. Green-eyed and pissed.

  “Anything for you, Jules.�
�� Rick inclined his head toward her.

  Yep, dammit, Bran’s jealousy got worse. The dude had a nickname for her?

  She pulled her hand back. Beamed at her friend. “I’ll see you in the morning, Rick.”

  Rick turned toward Bran, and any trace of warmth disappeared from the man’s eyes. “You can work the system?”

  “Yes, I’ve got it.” Bran was guessing the bear was not a fan of his.

  Rick grunted. “And that’s your new fancy-ass ride I saw outside?”

  Julia had been working miracles left and right. The SUV had arrived. All bullet-proof, as Julia had explained with her killer smile.

  The groceries had arrived, too, and Bran’s truck had been towed away so the windshield could be repaired. Julia had been taking care of business.

  At Rick’s words, Bran lifted an eyebrow. “It would seem so,” he allowed.

  Julia eased closer to him. Her arm brushed against his.

  Another grunt from Rick. His gaze darted to Julia. “You okay?”

  Bran stiffened. “She’s fine. I’ve got her.” His hand reached down and caught hers. His fingers twined with Julia’s. When she gave a little start of surprise, he thought she might pull away from him.

  Especially when Rick glowered.

  But she didn’t pull away.

  “Thanks for all of your help,” Bran told Rick. Time to move it along and stop glowering at Julia. “Are you staying in town tonight? I know it’s getting late and you probably want to go…” Hint. Hint.

  “I’ve got him and his team set up in a local bed and breakfast,” Julia interrupted smoothly. Her dimple flashed for Rick. “You should have everything you need there, Rick.”

  Only Rick wasn’t leaving. He was staring at Julia’s hand. The hand linked to Bran’s.

  As Rick kept looking, Julia did pull away.

  Bran locked his back teeth together. He didn’t like Rick’s narrow-eyed glance. “I’ll see you out,” he told Rick. Because obviously, if he didn’t show Rick to the door, the guy was going to linger all night and glower at Julia. No, not happening. They needed to walk outside and maybe clear some shit up.


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