The Heart You Break (Wilde Ways Book 4)

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The Heart You Break (Wilde Ways Book 4) Page 17

by Cynthia Eden

“Um. Not saying you’re wrong about those things.” He moved lazily, easing even closer to her. His hand slid under her chin. “But I’m more, too.”

  He was a lot more than she’d expected. “I need you to stay safe.”

  “And I need you in my life.”

  Her eyes widened.

  “I don’t let people close. Most people don’t want me. Not the real me. So there is no point in letting them in my life. But you, hell, you like me despite the fame, don’t you?”

  “It’s not exactly a turn-on.”

  His lips quirked. “No, I don’t guess it is.” A pause. “So why do you want me?”

  Because when she was with him, something seemed to click. “I’ve heard you make a really good steak.”

  That smile of his stretched a little.

  “And…you aren’t spoiled. You aren’t arrogant. Though you may be a bit vain.” With good reason. Sexy as hell.

  “Oh, baby, you’re gonna make me blush.”

  She searched his eyes. “I want you because when I told you that we had to get out of your cabin…instead of running, the first thing you did was grab me.”

  “Of course.”

  No, no, there was no of course to it. “Why?”

  “Because I wouldn’t have left the house without you.”

  A shiver slid over her. She reached for his hand. A dark band circled his wrist. The bruising from the handcuff would last for a while. “Why did you fight so hard to get out of the handcuff?”

  “Because you were in the cabin and it was on fire, and I wasn’t going to let you stay in there.”

  Tears wanted to fill her eyes. He was willing to risk himself for her. She couldn’t remember wanting anyone more. Bran might think he was a bastard but he kept proving what a very good man he truly was. Daniel had faked being a hero. Bran was the real deal. “I’m supposed to protect you.”

  He pressed his lips to hers. A soft, gentle kiss. “And I’d give my last breath to keep you safe.”

  A tear slid down her cheek. That was what she feared. This wasn’t just lust between them. Just a fierce physical attraction. They were both in too deep. She’d lost her objectivity and almost cost him his life. As for Bran…

  He would get himself hurt—possibly killed—because he wanted to protect her. She was worried about the threats to him, but the truth was that she was the biggest threat to him. As long as she was close, he was in danger.

  Because he would do anything to keep me safe.

  “Why are you crying?” His lips moved to her cheek.

  She didn’t answer him. There wasn’t a point in telling him that she was crying because he mattered. Because he’d gotten to her. Because he was the guy she was looking for.

  No, that wouldn’t help anything. Not when she had to leave him. He was in danger, and he’d be in even greater danger as long as she was the one next to him. So she just sank her fingers into his hair. She slid her body over his. Julia gave herself one more time. One more time with Bran. One more time to kiss him and to caress him.

  One more time to love him.

  Their bodies came together slowly. Not with the wild, frantic rush for pleasure. Her knees pressed down on either side of his body. Her mouth feathered kisses over his chest. She licked his nipples. Gave him a soft, sensual bite. Down, down she went.

  His cock was heavy and strong, surging toward her. Her fingers curled around him. Warm steel. So big and full. She pumped him, squeezing him, then she licked the moisture away from the broad head of his cock.


  His hands fisted around the sheets. His hips arched toward her.

  She smiled as she teased again. Softly and sensually. No rush. Savoring. Her mouth opened. She took his cock inside, licking over the head, sucking, pulling him in and bobbing toward him as she enjoyed the feel of having him in her mouth.

  “Oh, fuck, baby, I will not last.”

  She didn’t want him to last. She just wanted him. Every single bit of him. She licked and sucked. She took him in deeper. Julia took him as—

  He yanked her up. “In you.” His face had gone savage and hard.

  He rolled her across the bed. Yanked on a condom. Drove into her.

  So much for easy and slow. So much for savoring. So much for— “Bran!”

  He grabbed her legs. Yanked them over his shoulders and thrust into her. Her mouth dropped open, and her eyes squeezed shut as pleasure surged through her. He was in her so deep, filled her so completely, and when his hand slid between them, when his thumb rubbed over her clit in that fast, steady rhythm—the climax hit her so hard that Julia couldn’t even pull in a breath. She could only feel, caught up in a storm that wouldn’t end. Lost and trembling, and holding as tightly to him as she could.

  He was with her. She felt his shudder of release, and she clamped her sex around him even tighter, squeezing with her inner muscles because she didn’t want this moment to end. She never, ever wanted it to end.

  I think I might love you, Bran, and I don’t want to let go.


  Bran was hiding. He’d run from his cabin and rushed back to town. He had a mini-army of protection. Big, bad Bran. He’d finally wised up and gotten security.

  Not that security would do him any good.

  He’d already messed up and shown exactly where he was most vulnerable. That was all it took, really. One tiny slip. One reveal to let you know just where you could hurt your opponent the most.

  With the right weakness, Bran would crumble. He’d be a puppet on a string. Willing to do anything and everything.

  But you know what happened to a puppet when its string got cut?

  The puppet didn’t dance anymore. Didn’t move.

  The puppet fell, it crashed hard on its stage and everyone in the audience got to watch the fall.


  Julia eased out of the bed. Tiptoed downstairs. She didn’t have any clothes with her. Those had burned in the cabin, so she would just be leaving with the clothes on her back. The shorts and t-shirt were ash stained, so they weren’t exactly going to get her far, but they’d work.

  For the moment.

  When she reached the bottom of the stairs, she heard the familiar voices drifting to her. Her head turned as she followed them, and Julia moved toward the study. The door was slightly ajar.

  “You’re not benching me,” Cole Vincent was saying as she entered the room. “I can still be useful on this case!”

  Rick shook his head. “You’re concussed. Do I really have to remind you about that for the fifth time?”

  She felt a smile curve her lips. Cole was there. He was safe. Alive. Looking enraged, yes, but he was okay. “Are you supposed to be out of the hospital?”

  His gaze immediately darted to her, and then he was surging toward her. He hurried to Julia and pulled her tight in a bear-hug. His body trembled as he held her, and Cole turned his head to whisper in her ear, “Thank you.”

  “You would’ve done the same for me.” She eased back.

  He didn’t smile at her. His gaze searched her face. “You walked into your worst nightmare to save me. I won’t ever forget that.”

  Her worst nightmare? Immediately, her attention shot to Rick.

  Red stained his cheeks. “It was the vodka. You know what I’m like when I have vodka.”

  “Yes, I know. That’s why you’re not supposed to have vodka!”

  He scraped a hand over his face.

  She’d get back to him, later. For now, she had to deal with Cole. “You don’t owe me anything. It’s what partners do for each other. You watch my back, and I watch yours.”

  He gave a slow nod. “I’m still trying to get used to this partner business.”

  “You’re lucky,” Rick cut in before she could speak. “You’ve got the best partner out there. I’m still pissed as hell that you got to be paired with her on this case, and I didn’t.”

  Rick might look giant and intimidating, but the man had a heart of pure gold. Daniel’s death
had been hard on him, but Rick had always had her back. One night, he’d even confessed to her that—before that last, terrible fire—he’d had misgivings about Daniel, too. He just hadn’t wanted to believe his friend was a monster. She understood. Julia hadn’t wanted to believe her lover was the devil, either. Until he tried to send her to hell.

  Rick was a good man. One of the few people she trusted completely, and that was why she knew he was the right person for this job. “I’m not going to be your partner any longer, Cole. Rick is taking point on this case.”


  Bran’s eyes opened. He reached out, but Julia wasn’t there. He was alone in the bed, and he didn’t like it. He sat up quickly. “Julia?”

  His gaze darted around. Maybe she’d gone downstairs. He’d hurry and join her.

  Um, after he showered. Because while she’d washed the ash and soot off her, he realized that he probably reeked to hell and back. How had the woman put up with him?

  He rushed toward the room he’d been given, heading straight for the shower.


  “Eric told me the plan.” Rick paused and cocked his head. “For the record, I think it’s a crap plan.”

  “Duly noted.” She rocked onto the balls of her feet. “Look, I need someone who can be one hell of a lot more impartial on this one than I can be. Bran’s life is at stake, and I can’t take any risks.”

  Cole frowned, his gaze darting between her and Rick.

  Rick strode toward her. His face softened as he stared down at her. “Like that, is it?”

  It was like that. “He can’t get hurt.” Just the thought of Bran being hurt had her stomach twisting into knots. “I’m not objective enough.” Her voice lowered because this was Rick, and she could tell him anything. “What if I’d missed the bombs at his place?”

  “You didn’t, though, Jules. Because you’re sharp as a tack.”

  She didn’t feel sharp. She felt beaten and battered and scared. “I need you to keep him safe. I’ll pull secondary security.”

  “So will he.” Rick jerked a thumb toward Cole. “Because that concussion is benching him.”

  “Hey!” Cole cried out.

  “Bench,” Rick declared flatly.

  “Shit.” Cole didn’t argue again.

  Rick’s gaze swept over Julia. “I brought a bag of fresh clothes for you. Why don’t you change and get something to eat? Then we can talk.”

  Changing, yes, that was a good idea. And her growling stomach said she needed food.

  “While you get changed, I’ll go check upstairs, make sure the target is all right, and then I’ll be right back down.”

  Uh, yeah, the target was all right. “He’s sleeping,” she blurted even as she felt her cheeks redden. Great. Now she was the one blushing.

  Cole gave a low whistle.

  Rick simply nodded. “I’ll make sure I don’t wake him up. I just want to get the lay of the house so I can assess the threats.”

  Rick was a professional, and he didn’t dick around. He’d never lost his objectivity like she had. Never made the mistakes she did.

  She followed him toward the stairs. Rick’s hand gripped the bannister. He looked up toward the second floor. “The fact that you care about him—you realize that doesn’t mean you can’t keep him safe.”


  “You think you’re the worst one for the job, I get that.” His head turned toward her. “But you’re wrong. You’re invested in him. You have a stake in his safety, something that I don’t have because I’m not in love with the guy.”

  Wait. No, no. “I didn’t say I was in love with him!”

  His smile was smug. “But you didn’t say you weren’t.”

  He climbed the stairs.

  And Cole gave another low whistle.

  “Don’t make me sorry I hauled your ass out of the fire,” Julia warned without glancing his way.

  He stopped whistling.

  Chapter Seventeen

  Bran wrapped the towel around his waist and shoved open the bathroom door. He’d been helluva fast because he wanted to get back to Julia. After everything that had happened, he didn’t want to let her out of his sight. Obsessive much? Sure, he was. But then, he’d never felt this way about anyone before.

  He heard the floor creak in the room next door. Julia. He surged toward the connecting door and twisted the knob. The door flew open—

  The man inside whirled toward him.

  Bran frowned. “You’re not Julia.”

  Rick gave a quick smile. More of a snarly grin. “Nice of you to notice.”

  Bran’s hand fisted around the towel. “What are you doing up here?”

  “Checking the perimeter. Since I’m taking over your security detail, I wanted to make certain I had everything covered.”

  A chill skated over Bran’s skin. “Where is Julia?”


  Bran whirled.

  “She’s done with your bodyguard work,” Rick added.

  Bran’s hand flew up and clamped around the doorframe. “Want to say that again?” Done? Did that mean she was leaving him?

  “Why? I’m pretty sure you heard me perfectly the first time.”

  Bran tossed a glare at him. “Why would Julia be leaving me?” And why did he feel like someone had just clawed open his chest?

  “Probably because she thinks she can’t keep you safe. She thinks she’s too close to you, and since you prissed your ass in her room wearing only a towel, I suspect you two are very close indeed.”

  Bran spun toward him.

  “Ahem, while you’re spinning all around, let’s make sure the towel doesn’t fall. I’d appreciate that,” Rick murmured.

  Bran held the towel in place. “What happens between me and Julia is no one’s business but ours.”

  “Not technically true. When it impacts your security detail, it tends to involve me and the other Wilde agents. Kind of a need-to-know thing, you see.”

  “Where is she going?” Hell, it sounded like he was being strangled. How pathetic.

  “Relax, rock star. I said she was done being your bodyguard. Didn’t say she was done with the case. She’s not going too far. She’s taking secondary security. She’ll be close by, but not your personal bodyguard. That would be me.”

  So…Julia wouldn’t be the one standing between him and a bullet—or an explosion any longer. It would be Rick. “I don’t want anyone getting hurt for me.”

  “Yes, to be clear, the plan isn’t for us to get hurt. The plan is for us to catch the guy after you and lock him away. Then you go back to that rock star lifestyle and we can leave you alone.”

  “Where. Is. She?”

  “She’s downstairs. Or at least, she was a few minutes ago.”

  Without another word, Bran strode back into his room. He hauled on the fresh jeans and t-shirt that he found in a drawer—Wilde Securities at its best, always being prepared—before he hurried down the stairs. With every step that he took, anger boiled inside of him. Anger at himself. At the stalker. At the situation that was well and truly screwed to hell.

  He heard their voices in the study. He shoved open the door and saw Cole standing close to Julia. She’d put on new jeans and a fresh shirt. Her hair was loose around her shoulders. She looked beautiful. Sensual. And scared.

  As she stared at him, he saw the fear in her eyes. Since when was Julia afraid of him?

  Bran froze in the doorway, his hands at his sides. “You’re leaving me.”

  She shook her head. “No. Rick is just taking over your personal protection. I’m not leaving Hideaway until this case is closed.”

  “Who made that decision?”

  She didn’t answer.

  “You did,” Bran realized.


  “When.” Had she already known that she was backing away even before they—

  “I made the decision when your cabin went up in flames and I could feel the heat lancing over my skin. I should’ve realized w
hat the stalker was planning, but I was too busy thinking about you. I’m not objective. I’m not what you need.”

  You’re the only thing I need. The only thing that I want. The only woman who’d gotten to him. “You’re right.”

  Her lips parted. Had that been a flash of pain on her face?

  “You don’t need to be my bodyguard.” Because he couldn’t stand the fucking idea of her being hurt. Yes, she was good. No, she was a million times better than good. But if she’d been hurt in the fire…

  His gaze slid from her to a watchful Cole. A Cole who was far too pale and sporting a massive bruise on his forehead. Bran swallowed. “I am sorry.”

  Cole’s eyes slit with suspicion.

  “I didn’t want you hurt, Cole. I didn’t want you hurt. I didn’t want your cabin burning. I didn’t want Julia caught in the crossfire.” His shoulders fell. “I don’t want Rick jumping between me and a bullet. I don’t want any of this. I wanted to be bait. I wanted the attention focused on me.”

  “Oh, you’ve definitely got her attention,” Cole murmured.

  Bran’s shoulders stiffened. “Her?”

  Cole looked at Julia. Then back at Bran. “Right before I blacked out, I thought I remembered hearing a woman laugh.”

  “That…that matches with the emails I’ve been getting.” Julia’s head moved in a tentative nod.

  Bran’s hands clenched and unclenched.

  She coughed. “While I was pretending to be your assistant, I had access to your email accounts, social media…” She waved her hand vaguely in the air. “Since working at Wilde, I’ve gotten some experience at ferreting out the contacts that are BS versus the ones that could be real threats. There was one message to you that stuck out to me. Mostly because the damn thing said, ‘I see you.’ We had reason to believe the stalker was keeping close tabs on you, so I engaged the perp, trying to get the focus on me.”

  His temples throbbed. “Julia…”

  “The perp responded and warned me away from you. Said that you were a user. Evil. That you destroyed the people in your life.”

  Bran didn’t speak. He couldn’t. Is that what I am? All that I am?

  “The stalker told me to walk away. Said I shouldn’t wind up like her.”

  Now he shook his head.


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