Radioactive Revolution: A Dystopian, Post-Apocalyptic Adventure

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Radioactive Revolution: A Dystopian, Post-Apocalyptic Adventure Page 29

by Richard Hummel

  Kirgor and Scarlet could also carry one or two people at any given time. Jared wasn’t sure when Kirgor made the changes, but it was clear he and Pete steadily increased their understanding of the nanites and the robots.

  Both Pete and Casey had advantages over the rest of the water folk. The nanites being technological and biological hybrids allowed both to understand them much easier and faster than anyone else. It was a good thing too since both held vital roles to their success. Casey being their only medic was literally their lifeline for anyone injured in a fight. If Pete could figure out the technology and how the robots communicated with the cities, they had a real chance of capturing a drop ship to use as a boarding party.

  “Hey, Scarlet, I was just thinking about the work Pete and Kirgor are doing, and I might have a viable way to infiltrate the cities. So as far as I know, there are at least two floating cities. There may be more around this continent, but I’ve only heard of two. One on the east coast and another on the west. I’m fairly certain the one in the east is now sitting over Cayuga Lake by the old colony.” Jared hooked a thumb over his shoulder in the direction they’d come from. “What we don’t know, and need to find out, is if the two cities have the same drop ships.”

  “I see…” Scarlet said, swiftly making the connection. “It could work.”

  “We’ll use them against each other, and they’ll be none the wiser. Obviously, the ships would need to be the same, and we’d need to be certain they don’t communicate with each other differently.”

  “Which means we will need to capture a ship from both. Preferably intact so as not to damage any possible communications mechanisms. It is a risky endeavor, but I see the value. If we pulled it off, we could capture as many ships as we need from one city to ferry the whole group to the other.”

  “I don’t think we’d want everyone up there. I mean, we have dragons that can fly and potentially more in a few weeks. No, I’m thinking about a smaller strike force that can get in and disable any defenses the cities might have. Myself, Elle, and Pete for starters. With Elle’s camouflage and Pete’s technical genius we should be able to figure it out and hopefully stay under the radar. I also have the uniforms we took from the various drop ships that should help us avoid immediate detection.”

  “That is a dangerous proposal.”

  “It is, but what are the alternatives? We attack from the air only to find out they have a massive fleet of drop ships, or well-fortified defenses that pick us off before we ever get close enough?”

  “I am not keen on this plan, but I see the wisdom in a stealthy approach. If you succeed and disable any defenses, then we will have unfettered access to the cities.”

  “This is all hypothetical, anyway. I’m just trying to find alternate paths to take the fight above.”

  Jared walked in silence for several hours, thinking through the various ideas. Scarlet had said nothing further and no doubt she also thought through possibilities. The walk throughout the first day proved enjoyable. Everyone still rode the high from having their bonding and having the technovirus cured.

  People were genuinely happy for those that’d found a companion in Scarlet’s brothers, and hoped they would also find a companion when Malsour and the others returned. In the meantime, they enjoyed the wide-open world, walking through the wastelands with more protection and a sense of safety than they had in their entire lives. Nothing dared attack them with seven dragons and a giant cat patrolling the area.

  Shortly after the first day, Johan sidled up to him, hesitant to speak. Jared gave him some time to articulate the thoughts churning through his mind. He’d had a couple days bonded with Midri now and no doubt wanted to discuss something they’d talked about.

  “Jared, Midri and I...we have been talking, and I think we should attempt to find supplies along the way to Colorado.”

  “What kind of supplies? We’re already scavenging along the way for clothes and other needs. What more do you want?”

  “Well, I want to get some raw materials to make explosives.”

  “Explosives? What are we going to do with those while we’re walking?”

  “It wouldn’t be actual explosives, just the raw materials. Most of them are completely benign until synthesized. Midri is something of an expert in alchemy. He says there are plenty of explosives we can make, and the materials are relatively easy to find. We’ve got the grenades you got from the armory, but they don’t pack a lot of punch compared to what we’ve got to deal with, you know?”

  “Agreed, they wouldn’t make much of a dent. Even if you threw one into the cargo hold of a drop ship, I don’t think it’d be enough to take one down.”

  “Have a look.” Johan handed him a crumpled scrap of paper with a list of components on it.

  Jared scanned the list, immediately recognizing some components from the explosives manual he’d read. “So, this alchemy, it’s basically like chemistry?”

  He didn’t see the rarer components like barium nitrate, but there were entries for sulfur, calcium, barium, magnesium, and a few others he didn’t recognize. There were entries for dynamite and other already made explosives, but the chances they’d stumble on any of that stuff was improbable. The armory he’d found was already a miracle and the fact that the explosives hadn’t degraded to the point of uselessness or instability was a second miracle.

  “Basically, yeah. They didn’t call it that before Midri went underground.”

  The natural components on the list were something they could look into. He didn’t know the first thing about finding them, but if Midri had an idea, then it wouldn’t hurt to look along the way.

  “So, this alchemy is for building bombs, right?”

  Johan hesitated, his brow furrowing in thought. “Not entirely, but that’s certainly a part of it. He knows how to make various combustible compositions and potions.”

  Jared mirrored Johan’s furrowed brow. “What exactly is a potion? I’ve heard the term before, but I don’t really understand it.”

  Johan shrugged. “Midri said it’s like medicine or an elixir.”

  Smirking, Jared asked what an elixir was and received nearly the same response. Jared resolved to speak with Midri about it himself. It was clear Johan was out of his depth here, but Jared had to admit the idea of creating explosives and potions appealed to him.

  “Don’t you think that’s kind of dangerous?”

  “Yes, but that’s the second part of what I wanted to talk with you about.” Johan looked nervous and hesitated before continuing. “I know you want us all to work on our Mind enhancements, and I will, but I also want to enhance my reflexes and endurance so I can handle these materials without blowing myself up.” Johan blushed crimson and looked away from Jared. He cleared his throat and continued. “There’s this one combination that produces PETN.” Johan pointed to a cluster of ingredients with the label. “It’s more powerful than TNT, but less stable and requires precision to make. The ingredients are easy to gather or synthesize. If we get enough, we can fly it above the city and drop it down on top. Boom!” Johan smashed his fist into his hand, imitating the explosion.

  “Can we transport all the ingredients safely? I don’t want to carry volatile explosives for weeks.”

  “Yes, we need to dissolve the ingredients together and do a few other processes to create the crystals. Even then, it requires a strong shock to detonate. Not as strong as TNT, but it won’t spontaneously explode.”

  “Okay, get with Midri and figure out where we’ll find some of this stuff. Do you have any idea what kind of medicines he can help create?”

  “Not really. He rattled off a few things, but I have no idea.”

  “Maybe grab Casey and have him talk with Midri. He might understand some of them. Also, do you need any equipment for this stuff?”

  “Well, it would be easier for sure, but we’ll figure it out.”

  “All right, sounds like a plan. Thanks, Johan! If Midri comes up with any other ideas, please let me know. As for your enhancement paths, that is completely up to you. I made a suggestion, but I won’t dictate anything to you. If you think it’ll help you do this and provide greater benefit to our cause, then you have my support. Do you want me to help guide you through it?”

  “Yes, please. I tried, but I’m not sure how to do it.”

  Jared explained the process and coached him through the selections.

  Johan Nanites Available – 100%


  Physical Augmentation

  Body Manipulation – 20%

  Physical Enhancement

  Reflex – 40%

  Endurance – 20%


  Brain Augmentation

  Intelligence Enhancement – 20%

  “You sure you want to split your assignments like that? I meant what I said. If you want to push more into reflexes and endurance, I have no issues with it.”

  “No, I think this is good. You’re right that we need to increase our intelligence. Many of these things Midri talked about, I couldn’t understand.”

  “Okay, once you’ve confirmed the selections in your mind, it’ll allocate them, and you’ll go through upgrades when you sleep. When Midri is ready, you’ll do the same thing, only think about his status screen to pull it up.”

  “Thanks for the help!”

  After Johan dropped back with the others, Jared glanced over at Scarlet in wonder.

  “Your brothers are…” Jared didn’t know what to say. The diversity of their knowledge and talents amazed him. When they’d first settled at the cliffs, he’d considered finding another colony to get equipment and training for various professions, but it turned out they didn’t need to after all.

  “Not to sound callous, but all the water folk are babies in many respects. Only two or three of them were adults by human standards when Razael imprisoned them. Most were teenagers and some adolescents. My brothers are thousands of years old and have seen many, many human generations come and go. You saw how they used to live with some humans side by side. Many of those humans were incredible and smart, but sadly there were not enough to fend off the hordes that came to claim their lives.”

  “The more I hear about your brothers and your history, the more I want to know. I wish we knew why and how you came to be. Mankind has many theories of our origination such as a divine creator or evolution from a microorganism. Personally, I can’t see how something so complex as a human evolved from nothing. You told me you had a creator even if you don’t know who. You’re just as complex as a human, if not more, so it stands to reason that we also had a creator. The more I learn about my own body and my mind, the more I’m convinced someone created us.”

  “I wish we knew. It is something our water kin may know more about. I told you before, they are immensely wise and have thought about our purpose and inception often. Still, I do not believe they know the answers to your questions either. There is an instinctual part of us that knows we had a definite point in time where we came to be.”

  “If there were answers to these questions, you’d probably have found them already after so many millennia.”

  “The answer may not exist on this planet.” Scarlet looked into the sky.

  “You think you’re not from the earth?”

  “We are definitely of the earth. As stated, there is a point in time we came to be on this planet. That was our inception. This we know. What we do not know is how it happened. Did our creator also create humans?”

  “Do you think there is life beyond the earth?”

  “Why would you think otherwise? You believe yourself created, yes?”

  “Well, yes—”

  “Then your creator, are they of this world? Someone or something that could create all this would relegate themselves to a singular planet? You have seen the stars and planets in the heavens. Surely, there is more out there.”

  Could there be? Jared wondered. Are we merely one among many species in the universe? “You know, there were rumors that the people in the cities figured out a way to venture into space indefinitely.”

  “That would be incredible to experience. Our air kin can fly much farther into the upper atmosphere than the rest of us. They can easily withstand the extreme cold and minimal oxygen levels. However, to venture out into space is another matter entirely.”

  “Someday we’ll find out the truth to that rumor. After discovering dragons exist and seeing the insane creatures roaming about, it wouldn’t surprise me in the least. My expectations of the world and what is real no longer mean anything.”

  With thoughts of the stars and what might exist beyond their tiny world, Jared walked in silence the rest of the day. Occasionally, one of the water folk joined him to ask questions. Vanessa hadn’t joined him for a while, and he determined to spend more time with her soon.

  Later that night, he took the time to walk everyone else through their status screens, enhancement paths, and the benefit of each.

  Carla, Casey, and Pete backed him up, explaining that the extra understanding was invaluable and would help them make more informed decisions. It would also allow them to communicate better with the dragons.

  Scarlet interrupted his explanation partway through to let him know she planned to meld with her brothers and show how they could best help their companions as well.

  Jared thanked her and dove back into his instruction without missing a beat. “Johan brought up a good point yesterday. I won’t change my stance that Mind is the way to go at the start, but there are other things you can work on in the meantime. For instance, eventually we will want to engage with other people and settlements. Please don’t take this the wrong way, but your current appearance may exacerbate any encounter we have.”

  Jared held up a hand to forestall any arguments and continued. “I know it’s not your fault and I have no issues with it.” Jared looked at Vanessa while he said it and smiled. “That said, other humans may not accept you as you are—not at first. I don’t know how many nanites you’d need to put into Body Manipulation for you to change your forms back, but please consider it.

  “Another good point Johan brought to my attention is how he can best support the group. He’s got projects where it makes sense for him to enhance some physical attributes. Midri knows how to create powerful explosives we can use in our upcoming fight. However, the substances are volatile when mixed, and Johan increased his reflexes and endurance to make sure he has a steady hand while mixing the components. These are both valid reasons to assign nanites to other areas. I only ask that you consider all angles, and if you are unsure, please talk it through with myself and Vanessa.”

  There was no dissent from the group, and Jared suggested they rest up and be ready to head out early the next day.


  “Hey, Vanessa, what’s up?”

  “Thank you for teaching everyone and for always helping everyone. Also, thank you for your acceptance of our...appearance.” She smiled up at him and gave him a quick peck on the lips. Her touch made his skin tingle and warmed his cheeks.

  “You’re welcome. I meant every word. I’ll admit, at first it was a little disconcerting, but now I rarely notice any of the mutations. The only time I do is when I’m talking about it like this.”

  “I want to assign some to Body Manipulation tonight. A quarter of those available. The rest I’ll put into Mind. Out of all my people, I should be the one to focus on reverting my features back. If we make any deals or negotiations with the colonies, I need to be there. We don’t need everyone to revert right away. They can do it in time, and the two of us, plus Elle, can interface with those in other colonies.”

  “Good idea. I think at a minimum, people should think about assigning a small amount into Regeneration to repair t
heir eyesight. Many still have trouble seeing very far.” Jared paused, glancing around him for Carla. “You know, I didn’t even think about it, but I wonder how Carla is doing. After she got those spider abilities, her eyesight changed a lot.”

  “She can see better, but she still can’t see at a distance. The vision allows her to see the vibrations, in the dark, and a couple other perks, but it didn’t sharpen her vision.”

  Jared felt the shame heat his cheeks. He should’ve checked in on her, and said as much to Vanessa.

  “Yes, you should have.” Vanessa smiled coyly and tapped him on the nose. “You’ll get there, Jared. I know you’re still learning how to be a good leader, and everyone here recognizes you didn’t choose this. You remember those thoughts you heard questioning our choices and ability to lead? I found out who it was and had a chat with them. It was born out of frustration and fear. I firmly believe that everyone here is with us, but it won’t be without bumps along the way.”

  “Thank you.” Jared drew her into a hug and held her tight, enjoying her warmth and closeness. “There’s so much more I need to learn from you about all of this.”

  “I think you’re doing an amazing job.” Her coy smile appeared again, and Jared lowered his lips to hers, giving her a polite kiss so as not to make those around them feel awkward.

  “Okay, so we’re agreed, then? Everyone should add a small amount into Body Manipulation.”


  Jared raised his voice once again. “One more note before I’ll shut up and let you rest. Vanessa and I both agree that you should all assign some into Body Manipulation. The first thing you should do after is push them all into Regeneration to repair your eyesight. Once back to normal, you’ll want to re-assign them to Remodeling to revert your appearance back. Regeneration won’t help you there because your body believes the mutations normal. Scarlet can work with you and her brothers to help you along your path because it will require intense focus and knowledge of your anatomy to get it done. Thanks for listening, everyone.”


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