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Jingled Page 7

by Tana Stone

  True’s eyes grew wide. “That’s odd.”

  Dakar twisted his head to follow her gaze, seeing the back of Captain Varden as he talked with Dorn and Torven. “What?”

  True shook her head. “Nothing. I thought I saw someone, but it’s impossible.”

  Mandy sucked in a breath. “There they are, and they’re coming out of the bridal salon. I knew Monti and Randi were lying to me.”

  Dakar pivoted slightly to see Bridget walking hand-in-hand with a broad-shouldered man wearing red pants, and a red jacket edged with white fur and cinched with a wide, black belt. Even though he had a fake beard and a red floppy hat, Dakar could tell it was Kax.

  “Aren’t you glad I didn’t sign you up for that?” Ella whispered to him.

  “I love you even more than I did before, if that’s possible.”

  Mandy clapped her hands. “Now it’s really Christmas.” She took the Vexling’s hand. “Come on, Reina. We still need to find your guy and get you both under the mistletoe.”

  Reina gave them all a desperate look as she disappeared into the crowd with Mandy.

  “What’s mistletoe?” Dakar asked Ella.

  “A plant people hang over doorways at Christmas. If you find yourself underneath it with someone else, you’re supposed to kiss them.”

  “Really?” He nuzzled her neck, inhaling the sweet scent of her hair. “Where can I get some of this mistletoe? I have quite a few places I’d like to hang it in our suite.”

  She twisted, capturing his mouth and giving him a hard kiss. “As if you’ve ever needed mistletoe.”

  Chapter Twelve

  Torven rocked back on his heels, as he rubbed the smooth craktow tooth that dangled in the hollow of his throat. Feeling the cool surface and the familiar ridges calmed him, and right now he could use a bit of calm. “These reports came from Inferno Force?”

  Dorn gave a curt nod, glancing at Captain Varden, who had joined the party to find them and bring further news of enemy incursion.

  “An Inferno Force battleship was destroyed,” Varden said, his own hands clasped behind his back and his icy-blue eyes flashing with controlled fury. “Most of the warriors were able to abandon ship before it blew, but we did suffer casualties.”

  Torven’s free hand closed in a fist by his side, bile rising in his throat. As a member of the Drexian empire’s most elite—and most ruthless—fighting force, he’d been in countless battles against the Kronock, and never had the brutal creatures bested them. Not like this. The thought both enraged and terrified him. “Where are the Kronock now?”

  The muscles in Varden’s jaw tightened. He scraped a hand through the silver hair at his temple. “They jumped away, but it’s my belief the strike against Inferno Force was an attempt to weaken our defenses before a larger attack.”

  “On Earth?” Dorn asked, his voice a murderous rumble. “Grek. Is this the precursor to an invasion attempt?”

  It had been decades since the Kronock had made a run at the planet, primarily because the Drexians had been guarding Earth and protecting it from the violent aliens. Up until now, Drexian technology had been far superior to their enemy’s capabilities. But after a Drexian traitor had given both secrets and technology to the Kronock, the sides were not so unevenly matched. The creatures Torven had always considered stupid brutes had developed and evolved, as well, modifying their own biology to become more fearsome foes. All, it seemed, for the purpose of defeating the Drexians and finally taking Earth.

  “What do we do?” Torven asked, fighting the urge to bolt from the promenade and jump on a fighter.

  “I’ve increased the station’s fighter patrols,” the captain said. “I’ve also added a few warriors to monitor long-range sensors. Inferno Force is moving half their fleet closer to us. Now that the Kronock have jump technology, having our toughest fighters so far away doesn’t make sense. But primarily, we watch.”

  “Agreed.” Dorn let out a steady breath. “What we can’t do is panic. The enemy may have done this to send us scrambling. We need to maintain order and routine.”

  Easier said than done, Torven thought. He frowned as a group of giggling tribute brides pushed past them, holding bubbling red drinks. “We’re throwing a party while the enemy might be preparing to attack.”

  Varden clapped a hand on his arm. “There is something to be said for celebration, even if I do not understand these strange human customs. Especially if we may be in for some long battles. Trust me, you should take your happiness where you can find it.”

  Torven knew the captain was right. He and his fellow Inferno Force warriors were skilled at playing hard and fighting hard. It was the only way to stay sane when your life was constantly at risk.

  “I will keep you both updated,” Varden said, his eyes catching something over Torven’s head and widening, as his words drifted off. “It looks like some of the independent humans are here, as well.”

  Torven turned to follow his gaze, but the only independent he saw was Ella’s friend True, standing near Dakar and Ella at the base of the giant tree. He wondered how the captain recognized the shy blonde, or why he seemed surprised. Perhaps the Vexling in garish makeup that Mandy was propelling through the crowd startled him. The wild, blue curls atop her head were eye-popping.

  As Torven’s attention shifted away from the humans and Vexling, he spotted Trista exiting the inclinator alongside Katie. Although he found his mate attractive in the casual attire she preferred, and even the coveralls she wore while working on the hangar deck, Torven’s mouth went dry when he saw the dress she had on. Gold and shimmery, the fabric draped from thin strings at her shoulders and dipped low to expose the top of her cleavage. Most of her legs were also bare, as the dress ended around mid-thigh. The wavy, blonde hair she usually let fall around her face was swept up off her neck, with only a few wispy tendrils escaping from the sides.

  “Torven?” Dorn asked him. “Are you okay? You stopped breathing.”

  Clearing his throat, he attempted to wrest his gaze from his mate, but failed. She’d seen him and was walking toward him, and seeing her move in the dress that looked like liquid gold made all the blood in his body rush south.

  “I believe we should let our Drexian brother enjoy the festivities,” Varden said, amusement brimming in his voice.

  Torven barely noticed the two men leaving him as Trista made her way through the crowd. When she reached him, her cheeks were flushed pink.

  “You look…” He closed the distance between them and placed one hand on her hip.

  She tipped her head back to meet his eyes, her own blue ones sparkling. “Thanks, big guy.”

  “Hi, Torven.” Katie said, laughing as she stood beside them.

  He jumped, startled to realize his mate’s friend was with her. He’d been so focused on Trista, he hadn’t noticed the redhead on the emerald-green dress walking beside her. “Apologies.” He turned to her and gave a quick bow. “It is nice to see you again.”

  She grinned. “You, too.” Craning her head to peer around the party, Katie said, “I’m going to leave you two and try to find Zayn. He usually hates crowds, but he promised me he’d be here.”

  Torven gave her another bow as she winked at Trista then melted into the crowd of people. He turned his attention back to his mate. “I’ve never seen you in something so…bright.”

  The color in her cheeks deepened. “Mandy and Bridget talked me into it. They said I had to wear a dress to the Christmas party.” She smoothed a hand down the front. “Is it too much?”

  He pulled her closer, swallowing hard as he looked down at the swell of her cleavage peeking out of the top of the dress. “No, it’s perfect. You’re perfect.”

  She pushed against him playfully. “I’m hardly perfect.”

  “You are to me.” His cock throbbed as he ran a hand down her hip and imagined sliding the soft, shimmering fabric up over her round ass. “How long do we have to stay at this party, anyway?”

  “I just got here,” Trist
a said, pretending to sound outraged. “And it took Katie forever to get my hair up, so you are not dragging me back to our suite so soon. Besides, I’ll hear it from Mandy if I slip out early.”

  Torven groaned, readjusting himself as his cock strained in his pants. “It may kill me if I don’t get you naked soon.”

  Trista shook her head, but he knew she loved it when he told her how much he wanted her. “I’m sure you’ll survive for a little longer. I thought Inferno Force guys were supposed to be the toughest, most badass warriors in the galaxy.”

  He leaned his head down close to her ear. “Unless it comes to burying my cock inside you. Then I am completely at the mercy of your tight, little—”

  “Torv!” She pulled back, her eyes as round as her open mouth.

  He saw the sharp outlines of her nipples through the fabric of her dress and it was all he could do not to thumb them through the shiny gold. “You are sure we cannot sneak out?”

  Trista glanced over her shoulder. “Well, it is a holiday party, and it’s kind of an office holiday party since you all work together.”

  “What is an office holiday party?”

  “Honestly, I’ve never been to one, but they’re kind of notorious on Earth for being either super boring, or the time where people get way too drunk and do really stupid things.”

  He tilted his head at her. “That does not sound enjoyable.”

  She took his hand in hers. “Unless the really stupid thing is getting it on in the middle of the party.”

  “By ‘getting it on’ do you mean…?”

  Trista nodded as she stood up on tiptoes to peer over the crowd. “There must be a place nearby we can sneak off to without leaving the actual party.”

  His heart hammered in his chest as she tugged him through the throngs of people who now filled the promenade. Surely everyone around him could hear it, even though the conversation and laughter had swelled to a loud buzz.

  They avoided Kax sitting on an oversized chair in his Santa suit and looking tortured as they maneuvered past entwined pairs of Drexian warriors and tribute brides, as well as groups of aliens who worked on the station—Vexlings, Gatzoids, Allurans—before skirting the base of the towering tree. Torven knew it was holographic, but the prickly branches felt real as they brushed against his arm. When Trista reached the back, wedging them between the branches and the wall, she stopped.

  “No one can see us back here.”

  Torven didn’t mention that the spiky tree was pressing into his back. He didn’t care, as long as she didn’t care that they were only steps away from hundreds of partygoers. Cupping her breasts in his hands, he rubbed her nipples and they tightened into even harder points.

  She arched into him and moaned, the noise thankfully drowned out by the holiday music. He flicked the strings of her dress off her shoulders and pulled her dress down in one hard jerk, exposing her full breasts.

  She gasped, her blue eyes darkening as she locked her gaze on his. “You like to be a bad boy, don’t you?”

  “Only with you.” He spun her around so that her hands were splayed on the wall, reaching around to tweak one nipple as he slid her dress up over her ass with the other hand. He hesitated when he did not find any panties.

  She twisted her head to look back at him, a wicked smile on her face. “I’m going commando.”

  “Commando?” What did the military term have to do with her being bare under her dress?

  “It means I’m not wearing any underwear.” She wet her bottom lip with her tongue. “Easy access.”

  Torven thought his cock might explode, all ability to think disappearing as his mate wiggled her ass underneath his hand. He growled as he dipped a finger between her thighs, his cock throbbing as he felt her slickness. “You’re so wet for me. Does going commando arouse you?”

  Her only answer was a moan.

  He squeezed one breast gently as he teased her opening with his fingertip. “Even these feel bigger. Can they swell when you want to be fucked?”

  “Not swell,” she said through ragged breaths. “They get bigger if I’m expecting.”

  Torven stopped as he processed the word and its meaning. “Expecting?” He spun her to face him, his hands going instinctively to her belly. “Are you carrying my child?”

  Trista gazed up at him, smiling. “I think so. The past week I’ve been really queasy and my body is more sensitive. I wanted to wait until after the party to confirm it with a doctor, but I’m pretty sure.”

  A lump hardened in Torven’s throat and his eyes stung. After everything that had happened, he’d hardly let himself hope for a child. It had been enough that they were together. But, now…

  He dropped to his knees and showered her soft, round belly with kisses as she laughed.

  “Weren’t we in the middle of something?” she asked, tapping his shoulder. “I didn’t go commando for nothing, you know.”

  “Not here.” He stood, pulling her dress back up, and then capturing her mouth in his, savoring the sweetness of her as he kissed her deeply. His mate had never tasted or felt so good, and he was almost lightheaded when he finally pulled away.

  Trista looked dazed, as well, but she squealed when he scooped her into his arms. “What are you doing?”

  “Taking the mother of my child to our suite,” he said, striding out from behind the tree and through the parting crowd. “And taking my time.”

  Chapter Thirteen

  Zayn leaned against the wall in an alley between the bakery and bookstore, enjoying the fact that everyone else was so preoccupied, drinking colorful cocktails and sampling the food on the various stations set up down the walkway, that they didn’t notice him tucked away down the dimly lit passageway.

  He preferred it this way. Ever since he’d escaped capture from the Kronock, loud noises and crowds bothered him. He traced a finger over the scars slashing his forearms, a reminder of the torture he’d withstood while in enemy hands. At least he was no longer in a dank cell, with nothing to look forward to but pain and guilt. Well, the guilt he still had, but it was lessening. Thanks to Katie.

  He surveyed the crowded space, looking for his mate. Usually, she was easy to spot, her mass of reddish-blonde curls making her noticeable in any gathering. She’d gotten ready for the party with Trista, so he was not sure what she would be wearing. Of course, he liked anything she wore, but his preference was for her to wear nothing. His pulse fluttered as he thought of her stretched out in their bed, her wild curls spilling across the sheets.

  “Is there room in there for two?”

  Zayn jerked his head up to see Vox, the recently rescued Drexian who’d been turned into a hybrid Kronock cyborg. The only trace of the warrior’s ordeal was a slim arc of steel around one temple.

  Stepping back, he waved an arm at the narrow alley. “Please.”

  “I need a break from the curious looks,” Vox said, leaning against the other wall and taking a sip of his bubbling, red drink. “I thought if anyone would understand, it would be you.”

  Zayn gave a dark chuckle. “I do know what it’s like to have an entire station look at you like you’re a walking bomb. Of course, in my case, it was partially true.”

  “How long did it take for you to be fully accepted as a Drexian again?”

  “Give it time. It’s only been a couple of weeks.” Zayn shifted from one foot to the other. “There are days I think I’ll never feel like my old self again, but maybe that’s not all bad. In my former life, I didn’t have a human mate.”

  Vox nodded. “I might have gone mad if it hadn’t been for Shreya.”

  “From what I hear, you’d be dead if it hadn’t been for her.”

  “That is also true.” Vox glanced out to the party, taking another big gulp from his glass. “Where is your tribute bride?”

  Before Zayn could explain that she was on her way, he saw a flash of red hair in the crowd. “I think she’s just arrived. You’ll have to excuse me.” He inclined his head at the Drexian, then cu
t his eyes to the warrior’s drink. “Be careful with those. Either they’re made with Palaxian Pleasure Tonic or everyone at the party is just extremely aroused.”

  He left Vox staring openmouthed at the drink and narrowed in on his mate, tracking her distinctive hair as she stood with Trista and Torven, then moved away. When he finally intercepted her and slid a hand around her waist, she jumped.

  “I am sorry if I scared you,” he said, not releasing his grip on her.

  “You didn’t scare me.” The guarded look disappeared as she stepped closer to him. “I thought you might be one of these horny, unmatched Drexians.”

  “They would never lay a hand on you,” he said, sweeping a dark look at the warriors around them.

  “Maybe not under normal circumstances, but everyone here seems pretty loose and happy.”

  She was right. Aside from a number of mated couples wandering off to dark corners, even the unmated Drexians were eyeing unattached females—human and non-human—with barely disguised desire. When he’d spotted the Neebix behind the bars earlier, he’d suspected that there might be a problem. That species loved nothing more than stirring up drama, especially of the sexual nature, and were known to go heavy on the Palaxian Pleasure Tonic. He and Katie had fallen victim to the inhibition-loosening liquor once, although his memories of that evening made his heart beat faster and his throat go dry.

  “Do you mind if we get out of here?” he asked.

  Her brow furrowed in concern. “Are all the people—and aliens—freaking you out?”

  “I’m fine, but I’d rather spend the evening alone with you than watching others embarrass themselves.”


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