Douluo Dalu: Volume 26: Xiao Wu’s Resurrection

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Douluo Dalu: Volume 26: Xiao Wu’s Resurrection Page 7

by Tang Jia San Shao

  Tai Tan said unhappily:

  “Old whitebird, I’ve discovered that, among us, you’re actually the most cunning one. Yesterday was all an act, in fact, you were willing as soon as you heard who Tang San was.”

  Bai He laughed out loud, saying:

  “You’re just putting on an act. I’m very happy that my grandnephew is skilled, but at the start I didn’t know he was my grandnephew! I find that I’m already starting to look forward to the future of the Tang Sect. At least out Speed Clan won’t have to worry about our livelihood again.”

  Ma Hongjun directly returned Tang San to his room, and left after making sure Tang San didn’t need anyone to protect him.

  Tang San didn’t rush to cultivate, his current expression seemed very monstrous, lowering his head, he looked at the Wishful Hundred Treasure Purse hanging at his waist without blinking.

  At this moment, he couldn’t even manage to consider what he was going to tell Yang Wudi in the afternoon.

  Tang San had a full grasp on the insides of the Wishful Hundred Treasure Purse. Relying on his prestigious memory, he clearly knew the position of each herb. Xiao Wu’s body was placed alone in a wide space.

  However, just now when he was going to stretch his hand inside to grab a Dragon Zoysia Leaf, he suddenly discovered that he felt a peculiar softness. A softness that absolutely shouldn’t be in his Wishful Hundred Treasure Purse right now.

  If he had to describe it, it would a a soft smoothness like recently peeled lychee, but not as icy cool, and rather soft and warm. What was it? Just what suddenly occupied this space in the Wishful Hundred Treasure Purse?

  Cautiously stretching his hand inside the purse, wanting to touch it again, Tang San discovered that the object he had previously touched wasn’t there. Everything seemed to be back to normal. Suddenly recalling Xiao Wu, he hurriedly pulled her out of the Wishful Hundred Treasure Purse.

  Rabbit form Xiao Wu was still curled up asleep, that frosty mist around her grown even richer. The tremendous energy fluctuations within her could even be clearly felt in the outside world. Yeah, after having eaten two first rate immortal treasure herbs, if not for a body that had once cultivated a hundred thousand years, perhaps she would have exploded long ago.

  Looking at the sleeping Xiao Wu, Tang San inwardly had a sense of disappointment. Even he himself didn’t know just what he had been hoping for.

  Tang San was indeed a bit tired. It was the first time he had experienced the Blue Silver Emperor right leg bone’s Wildfire Cannot Destroy the Grass, It Grows Again With the Spring Wind ability. By now the place he was injured before only itched, but he still felt very tired. He had spared no effort in his battle against Yang Wudi, using most of his tricks. In the end it was still because of Xiao Wu displaying that extraordinary sixth spirit ability that it came to this result. Now physically and mentally exhausted, he hurriedly ate a Dragon Zoysia Leaf, immediately lying down to sleep. Intuition told him that what his body needed couldn’t be provided by cultivation. Only completely relaxed sleep could replenish his exhausted vitality and vigor.

  Tang San’s decision was naturally correct. Even though his body was human, having obtained his mother’s spirit bone and spirit, a part of the Blue Silver Emperor’s immortal characteristics was already part of him. Only, now he still couldn’t completely unleash the power of the Blue Silver Emperor right leg bone, and in the battle today there hadn’t been a lot of blue silver grass in the surroundings. That’s why he felt so tired.

  Just as he was falling asleep, Tang San’s body began to radiate a faint blue light. This was a signal automatically issued by the Blue Silver Emperor. The Blue Silver Domain dispersed intangibly at its instinctive prompting. The size of this wasn’t large, just a kilometer or so. All the blue silver grass growing within this one kilometer range swiftly released their breath of vitality, pouring it into the body of their monarch. And they themselves also obtained the catalyst of the Blue Silver Emperor’s aura, giving them the chance of evolution.

  It had been a very long time since he had slept this soundly, his consciousness completely submerged in his own mind, isolated from all awareness of the outside world. Tang San’s vitality recovered at an extremely astonishing speed. But he wasn’t the only one to change. Xiao Wu, fast asleep at his side, began to grow larger and larger at the same time as Tang San healed.

  Mirages constantly appeared in the white mist enveloping her body, unclear due to the white mist cover. All that could be seen was that it was a humanoid shadow. Snow white skin, jet black hair.

  The white mist constantly released, and the whole room gradually filled with a faint misty haze. Within the mist, that constantly flickering shadow gradually grew more real, and fused together with that softly sleeping rabbit, constantly extending its body. The whole room filled with a kind of elegant fragrance, and within that fragrance, Tang San slept even deeper.

  In his hazy dreams, Tang San only felt as if something warm was pressed against his body, soft as cotton, surprisingly flexible, and as he turned over, he subconsciously pulled it close against his chest, continuing to sleep. In his dreams, he dreamt of Xiao Wu, dreamt of Xiao Wu returning to him once again, and they closely embraced each other.

  He didn’t know how long it was before there was a knock outside the door.

  “Third brother, are you alright?”

  Ma Hongjun’s loud voice echoed from outside.

  The soundly sleeping Tang San was roused from his dreams, then discovered to his astonishment that it was already dark outside.

  “Fatty, what time is it?”

  Tang San asked subconsciously. While he asked this, he suddenly felt that something was wrong, because his body felt very heavy when he tried to sit up, and his right arm was even a bit numb. Looking down at his chest with his hazy consciousness, in practically an instant, all his sleepiness retreated like the tide.

  Ma Hongjun said outside the door:

  “It’s already evening. Third brother, come eat something. That Breaking Clan leader is still waiting for your conditions.”

  Tang San then reacted,

  “Fatty, you go first. I, I ‘ll be there right away.”

  Ma Hongjun heard that Tang San’s voice was somewhat strange, but he thought it was because of Tang San’s body being too exhausted from that previous battle, and didn’t particularly mind. Agreeing, he turned and left.

  While Ma Hongjun left, Tang San pinched his thigh hard, his whole body trembled slightly.

  It hurt a lot. This moment he completely confirmed that he wasn’t dreaming.

  In Tang San’s embrace quietly lay a girl, a girl not wearing a thread of clothing.

  Black hair like a waterfall covered almost her whole body, her naked skin all pressed against Tang San, nestling up against him like a kitten.

  Tang San’s right arm was numb because she had used it as a pillow. Her head was buried against Tang San’s chest and her face couldn’t be seen, but that skin, so soft it seemed it might break from the wind, was enough to drive any man insane.

  Tang San could clearly feel his body temperature swiftly rising. He was a young and vigorous ordinary man, and still a virgin. Under such circumstances, instinctual reactions appeared almost instantly. This was also why his voice was a bit strange.

  Tang San basically had no idea when this girl had appeared in his embrace, he really had slept too deeply. Could this be Niu Gao’s scheme? no, impossible. Clan chief Niu Gao wasn’t that kind of person. Besides, he had just been injured, how could Niu Gao arrange a woman for him? But, if it wasn’t his plan, how come she was in his room?

  The moment before he fell asleep, Tang San had felt four Defense Clan clansmen guarding outside his door. Outsiders couldn’t easily enter with them there.

  Intense urges constantly assaulted Tang San’s heart, and he immediately grew alert. He couldn’t let desire conquer reason. And he could even less let down Xiao Wu. He twitched his right arm without hesitation, trying to pull it back. But when he
moved, the young woman in his arms seemed to wake up, slowly raising her head with a yawn.

  The rubbing against Tang San’s body as she did was another intense stimulation, but when that young woman had completely raised her head and looked at Tang San with empty and clear eyes, Tang San no longer felt any stimulation, his entire mind turning completely blank.

  That was a countenance as delicate as a fair, a pair of jet black big eyes with a hint of pink, peerlessly exquisite face without any makeup, but still so beautiful, and even more familiar.

  “Xiao…… Wu……”

  His trembling voice a bit hoarse, in just an instant, Tang San’s eyes were already completely red, and moist.

  Yes, that incomparably exquisite mien only belonged to the most beloved in his heart. Perhaps there might be another woman who could match her in beauty, but in Tang San’s eyes, she was the only one for him, and nobody could compare.

  The arms he originally wanted to let go with suddenly tightened, pulling that puzzled and helpless girl into his embrace, as if he wanted to merge together with her.

  Even though he had already pinched himself hard, Tang San was still so afraid, afraid that this was a beautiful dream. Hugging the completely naked Xiao Wu, his heart didn’t hold a single wicked thought, only boundlessly intense love.

  Xiao Wu’s gaze was still vacant and lifeless, but in Tang San’s fiery embrace, her white lotus like arms slowly rose, very naturally holding his neck, her facial expression partly reluctant to let go, but the expression in her eyes still so vacant.

  “Xiao Wu…… Xiao Wu…… Do you know how much I’ve missed you? Why would you be so stupid, to sacrifice yourself for me. Don’t tell me you believe that, after losing you, I could still survive the longing? If not for the shred of hope for revival, I would already have followed you.”

  Tang San’s voice was choked with emotion, tightly pulling his most beloved against his chest, the softest places in his heart constantly trembling. Smelling the sweet fragrance Xiao Wu exuded, an unprecedentedly joyful feeling filled every corner of his body. He would prefer time to forever stop at this moment, forever, forever…..

  Chapter 180: Half Resurrection of Xiao Wu

  “En——” Xiao Wu crooned in his arms with slight pain, awakening Tang San who was thoroughly immersed in happiness and excitement. Not until now did he realize that he had embraced too hard, so he loosed his arms immediately and lowered his head to looked at Xiao Wu. He couldn’t look enough at that delicate face, even if he looked for a lifetime.

  No expected call “Ge”, what Tang San saw, was merely blank eyes on her pretty face with slight attachment. Even though she didn’t wear a thread of clothing, she seemed undisturbed like a pale cloud or light breeze in the sky.

  “Xiao Wu, sorry, I was too excited, did I hurt you?” Tang San apologized softly.

  Xiao Wu still looked at him blankly, without saying a word, but nestled her head on his chest.

  “Xiao Wu, what’s the matter with you?” His excitement had rapidly faded when seeing Xiao Wu’s blank eyes, and a ripple of freezing chill gradually rose in his mind.

  Xiao Wu kept doing it without answering him, just nestling up to him, without a sound.

  Now having woken from the excitement, Tang San looked at the bed; the rabbit had disappeared; there was only Xiao Wu on the bed except him. Yes, she was surely Xiao Wu. Tang San smelled the elegant fragrance Xiao Wu produced, which was exactly the same as the rabbit, then his brain operated rapidly and understood the situation before his eyes.

  It seemed that Xiao Wu who was nestling up to him had really resurrected. Moreover, Tang San knew, it was quite likely that Xiao Wu had already become a true human being.

  Both Yearning Heartbroken Red and Crystal Blood Dragon Ginseng were godly and holy materials, which could be regarded as depriving the Heaven and Earth of their creative powers. With their effects, Xiao Wu had reverted to human appearance, her body was even catalyzed to mature period directly. That is, Xiao Wu was a substantial human female now.

  However, Xiao Wu was not truly resurrected, only partly. She didn’t actually have her own soul, her existence was entirely given by two godly herbs. She only had the instinct of rabbits. Even if her body changed, her mind was no different from a rabbit as before. If he couldn’t accomplish the conditions given by Sky Blue Bull Python Da Ming, he was afraid that Xiao Wu wouldn’t resurrect entirely either. Even though she appeared alive before him now, she had only resurrected by one half.

  What Xiao Wu needed was the return of the Spirit Ring and Spirit Bone, with the Spirit Power of nine rings, to help her soul return to the body. He didn’t know whether the ten thousand year ninth grade Ginseng King was still needed, since Crystal Blood Dragon Ginseng probably played a role that would had been played by it, so it made Xiao Wu incarnate as a human being. As far as medical effect was concerned, unless it was an entire ten thousand year ninth grade Ginseng King, it absolutely wouldn’t do better than Crystal Blood Dragon Ginseng.

  Softly caressing the silky black hair of Xiao Wu, a kind of sadness appeared in his eyes:

  “I understand... You didn’t resurrect truly, but just recovered the body. However, Xiao Wu, it doesn’t matter. This is already a good start, at least I can see you in a human form from now on. I will cultivate harder, to endeavour to help your soul return earlier. OK? ”

  Of course Xiao Wu couldn’t reply to him, and Tang San also didn’t dare look at her body because he was afraid of violating his perfect lover in his mind. He swore deeply that before Xiao Wu’s soul returned to her body, he wouldn’t do any excessively intimate thing to her. He loved her, loved all of her, and not only her body.

  Swiftly taking out a garment from his Twenty Four Moonlit Bridges, he supported Xiao Wu and dressed her, and fastened the belt in case of exposure. Of course Tang San didn’t have underwear for girls, so these were all he could do.

  Tang San’s garment on Xiao Wu looked a little baggy, but it set off her delicate and lovable face more.

  “Come on, follow me, alright?” Hand in hand, Tang San stood up. Probably because of this, she stepped out with him, didn’t resist even though she only had instinct. Her pace wasn’t too fast, but very natural. She had once been human after all, the instinct of a human body still existed, even if she had lost her Spirit Power, Spirit Rings and Abilities.

  When the guards of Defence Clan outside the room saw Xiao Wu in Tang San’s hand, all of them were stupefied. Not only was Xiao Wu beautiful, but also gave them a feeling of purity that they had never seen, innocent as if she had never touched the mundane world.

  Tang San never cared about how others regarded him, just holding her hand forever, for him, was the biggest happiness.


  The dining hall.

  Bai He was sitting by Yang Wudi, talking about something.

  “What? Say it again, what does it look like?” Yang Wudi glared at Bai He with astounded eyes and face. In terms of medicine, the Breaking Clan really had original and effective methods. Just this morning he had a bloody nose and a swollen face, but now, even though there were trace in his face, it was much better.

  Except Tang San, everyone else was there. Bai He still decided to persuade Yang Wudi. Their relationship was better than others after all, and he was not fully confident in Tang San’s persuasion, so for the purpose of paving the way for his grandson, he decided to take the initiative.

  The astounded face of Yang Wudi right now was rightly due to the description of the appearance of Crystal Blood Dragon Ginseng by Bai He.

  When Bai He described it once again, the dim eyes of Yang Wudi suddenly lit, “Well, you good old white bird. You had such good thing but actually didn’t show me earlier. Alright, I understand. Don’t say anything else, give me that and I’ll join the Tang Sect together with you.”

  “Ah?” Bai He hadn’t expected Yang Wudi would actually agree so happily. He didn’t know too much about the Crystal Blood Dragon Ginseng’s value, and just knew i
t was precious. But how could Yang Wudi who had studied medicine his whole life not know? With the Crystal Blood Dragon Ginseng, he could make a crop of heavenly holy medicine. For Yang Wudi who was so crazy about medicine, nothing could be more attractive than this.

  Moreover, Tang San defeated him today, and also stirred him up a lot, in addition three other clans of four pure attribute clans had already chosen the Tang Sect, he might as well go like the donkey down the slope and join.

  Seeing Yang Wudi rub his hands with excitement, Bai He finally breathed a sigh of relief, and was wreathed in smiles. The four pure attribute clans could come together again, and he also didn’t offend his old fellow. Even at the cost of that valuable herb, to him, it was worthwhile.

  Just at that moment, Tang San arrived with Xiao Wu.

  Tang San went ahead, and Xiao Wu was behind him, led along by his hand. Apart from the four patriarchs, the people attending were Ma Hongjun, Tai Long, Niu Ben and Bai Chengxiang. When seeing Tang San came with a girl behind him, the two of them who reacted first were Ma Hongjun and Tai Long.

  “Xiao Wu?” They exclaimed simultaneously and stood up abruptly. Because of their abrupt movements, their chairs were knocked down behind them.

  Dressed in Tang San’s long robe, her black beautiful hair hung across her shoulders and her body, if not rolled up with another hand, it would reach the ground. Although she was not as young as when they parted five years ago, her overall appearance didn’t change a lot. Ma Hongjun and Tai Long recognized her immediately.

  All other males there, including four patriarchs over eighty, couldn’t help staring for a moment.

  Bai He deemed that his granddaughter Bai Chengxiang’s appearance had already be unparalleled in the world, but when he saw Xiao Wu, he found Bai Chengxiang’s appearance had been eclipsed by Xiao Wu, whether in appearance or temperament.

  Bai Chengxiang was herself dumbfounded, with a thoroughly shocked expression. For the past two days, Tang San had demonstrated his godly power, defeated Bai He and Yang Wudi one after the other, which impressed her very much. What girl does not want to be loved? Especially Tang San was such handsome and genteel. Unconsciously, a favorable impression of Tang San had already risen in her heart. But when now Tang San came with a girl who was that beautiful, she suddenly felt a mixed feeling.


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