Red as Blood

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Red as Blood Page 8

by Anna Santos

“They already spend the day together, why do you want them to spend the evening with us? Speaking of which, where’s Snow? Is she oversleeping again?”

  “She probably spent the night reading,” the king said. He raised his cup. “More coffee, please.”

  The servant behind him poured the black liquid into the cup.

  “We should send a maid to check on her. She should read during the day and not strain her eyes at night. We’ll have to send her to an elf doctor if she starts losing her sight.”

  The king folded his hands and smiled at her. “Let her sleep. I want to enjoy your company a while longer.”

  “I’m here and awake,” Snow’s voice echoed in the room.

  The queen’s eyes widened, and her body tensed. She turned around and saw the little minx alive and well. “How? Why?”

  “Good morning, Mother,” Snow greeted, taking a seat at the table. “Are you okay? You look pale.”

  “Your mother was worried about you reading at night and straining your eyes, but you look well and rested,” the king said.

  “I slept very well and had pleasant dreams,” Snow informed. “Though,” she raised her hand and looked at the queen, “I had a fright before getting in bed.”

  “What happened?” the king asked.

  “Yes, do tell,” the queen insisted as she grabbed the fork to eat the food on her plate. She took a bit and forced herself to swallow.

  “I found a spider between my sheets. Can you believe that?”

  “Oh, a spider? You must have been frightened,” the queen said. “What happened to it?”

  “Nothing at all. I love spiders, but I was afraid that it might be dead because it wasn’t moving. I will take it to the alchemist this afternoon, so I know what species it is. Do you know what spiders like to eat, Mother?”

  The queen clenched her jaw. “I have no idea.”

  “Flies, mosquitos, all sorts of insects,” the king replied. “If you plan to keep that spider as a pet, make sure it’s not poisonous.”

  “Will do, Daddy,” Snow complied with a huge grin.

  The queen snapped her mouth shut, unsure of what had gone wrong. Was that creature impossible to kill?

  Minutes later, she entered the room where she kept the magical mirror and her witchcraft items and slammed one of the chairs across the room.

  “I take it, your plan didn’t go well,” the mirror said with its serious voice.

  “You know very well that it didn’t go well!” the queen shouted.

  “You look as if fire is about to come out of your ears.”

  “Quiet! It’s impossible. The spider should have bitten her. Instead, she’s excited to have a new pet. That child is cursed!”

  “Or blessed,” the mirror retorted.

  The queen froze in place and aimed her glare at the mirror. “Do you know something that I don’t?”

  “Like what?”

  “That girl has a guardian spirit protecting her. She never gets ill, never breaks anything, never complains about anything, either. She’s always happy and seems oblivious to how hard it is to have anything in this world. Love came to her without her looking for it. Her father loves her more than me, despite my efforts to change his mind about her. Prince Dorian is a vampire, but he seems to be the one enthralled by that creature. What sort of deal did her mother make for Snow to be born? Why can’t I kill her?”

  “Whatever it was, I don’t have access to that information,” the mirror replied. “Maybe it isn’t Snow’s time to die. You should leave her alone.”

  “For now, until I think of a better plan,” the queen stated. Brushing down her clothes, she paced around with a pensive stare. “Since my plan failed, and we aren’t mourning the death of the princess, I have to focus on making the special fertility potion for tonight. The king is going to my chambers, and I need to help him perform.

  “What about your new lover? Aren’t you meeting with him this afternoon?” the mirror questioned.

  “I have no time to deal with him, and I want to create a potion to rend a man insane.”

  “For the king?”

  “No, I’ll need it to seduce the prince. I’m going to give it another try. If my beauty isn’t enough, I’ll try a love potion.”

  “You’ll need special ingredients that you don’t have.”

  “Yes.” The queen smiled. “A few strands of the prince’s hair and a special herb that only grows in the Black Forest.”

  Chapter ELEVEN

  Snow’s POV

  One week turned into two. Our innocent kisses turned into passionate ones stolen under an oak tree in the gardens, behind the curtains in the tearoom and library, and under the moonlight after dinner. I was falling for Dorian hard. I couldn’t remember a happier time in my life than being in love with my vampire prince.

  “I’ll have to go back home in a few days,” he announced one night. “I’ll start the preparations for our wedding.”

  I nodded, ecstatic.

  Dorian’s face shadowed mine, and I drowned in his loving eyes. “Do you love me, Snow?”

  We held hands as I leaned in for a kiss. “You are my sun and my moon.”

  Dorian smiled. “You are my stars and my heart.”

  “Once we marry, we’ll never be apart. We’ll sleep together, eat together, talk together, and read to each other.”

  Dorian chuckled. “Snow, you are so cute. I can’t live without you, either.”

  I pouted. “You might forget about me while you’re gone.”

  “Never.” He placed a loose strand behind my ear. The touch of his fingers sent shivers of pleasure down my spine. “But my kingdom needs me, and I want to prepare everything for your arrival. I’ll send word for you to join me, my love.”

  Kissing his lips, I grinned. “I want to see where you live. It must be beautiful, though cold.”

  “Yes, it’s cold and dark. You should prepare yourself for the change in your life. Do you think you’ll like it there despite the absence of pretty gardens and warm days?”

  “I don’t mind, Dorian, as long as you are with me.”

  “Once you are old enough, I’ll turn you into one of us. Would you want that?”

  “Am I not old enough yet?”

  “It’s not safe to turn someone before they turn twenty-one winters.”

  I nodded. “That’s okay. I don’t mind waiting. You said we could have babies together. Do you remember that?”

  “Of course. Even with you as a human. Though, I’d rather wait until I turn you.”

  “As long as I don’t die while giving birth and leave them alone. I don’t want that.”

  His hand caressed my cheek. “It must have been hard for you.”


  “Growing up without a mother.”

  “Marlena doesn’t really count as a mother, you’re right. Daddy never blamed me, but I think Mom would have lived longer if she didn’t have me.”

  “I won’t let you die. I don’t want you to leave me alone,” Dorian said, kissing my forehead. “Eternity without you would be hell.”

  “You’ll just find someone else like Father did.”

  Dorian cupped my face and looked into my eyes. “Vampires rarely remarry, my darling. You should know that.”

  “Like werewolves?”

  He smiled. “Like werewolves who found their fated mate.”

  I hugged him and breathed in his floral scent. Dorian always smelled divine, and I loved to have his arms around me, keeping me warm and safe. “Don’t ever leave me alone, Dorian.”

  Dorian received the news days before he planned to go back home. A messenger was sent by the Vampire King, ordering Dorian to return to help defend their border against their enemies. It didn’t say what enemies, and Dorian didn’t elaborate. He looked worried. Knowing that Dorian was leaving for war made my heart clench and my body tense with fear.

  “I will be back for you, I promise,” Dorian said as he held my hand tightly.

  The chaperone clear
ed her throat, and I glared at her.

  “No contact,” she warned as she narrowed her eyes at me.

  “We’re just holding hands,” I argued.

  The prince let go of my hand. “Don’t worry. Look at me.”

  I obeyed, and his caring eyes dissipated my bad mood but not my anxiety. “Will you be in danger? Do you really have to go to war?”

  “I need to defend our borders and prevent the creatures from spreading along the continent and reaching your kingdom.”

  “Are they dangerous?”

  Dorian nodded.

  I entwined my fingers and pressed them together. “Can’t I go with you?”

  “Snow, it’s dangerous even in the palace.”

  “How will I know you’re safe?”

  “I’ll write to you, and you’ll write to me. Will you feel better that way?”

  A sense of relief washed over me. “Can we do that?”

  “Of course. It will make me happy to receive your letters.”

  A tiny smile spread across my lips.

  “Also…” Dorian got up and stood before the chaperone. “Dear lady, would you look into my eyes?”

  The startled lady-in-waiting glanced up. “What are you doing?”

  “Sleep.” With this simple order, the woman closed her eyes and lost consciousness.

  I held my breath. “When are you leaving?”

  “Right after I say my goodbyes to you.” He closed the distance between us and held me in his arms. “I can’t leave without kissing you and giving you something.”

  “What do you want to give me?” I asked, tilting my head back. “Just kiss me. I might burst into tears if you don’t.”


  “I don’t want you to leave me.”

  Dorian’s lips smashed against mine, and I wrapped my arms around his neck. Our bodies molded against each other, and I let my pain melt against his scorching touch.

  “If you die, I die,” I whispered against his lips. “Don’t die.”

  He kissed my eyelids, and his thumbs wiped the tears that began rolling down my cheeks. “No crying. I won’t be gone for long.”

  Another passionate kiss ensued, and my legs trembled. His departure made me want him more. “I wish we’d be married already.”

  He chuckled and broke the kiss to hug me tighter. “My sweet Snow, don’t ever change.”

  I rested my head against his chest when there was nothing else to say that could make me feel better about him leaving for war.

  “Snow, I have something to give you before I go.”

  “What is it?”

  “Look at me and give me your hand.”

  I stepped back and complied. His hand felt warm in mine.

  “I have this ring,” he said, showing me what looked to be small vines wrapped together and covered in golden metal. “It’s a wedding ring. I want you to wear it as an engagement ring.”

  “It’s beautiful.”

  “I know it’s nothing fancy, but my people believe that every couple needs to have a plant representing their love. I chose the vines.”


  “Would you rather wear something with a rose or a carnation?”

  “No, but I’m curious about your choice.”

  “Because they can climb anywhere and over anything, wrapping around and getting stronger as time passes by. They might not be pretty or very colorful, but they are sturdy. My love for you isn’t going to fade away with time. It’s going to get stronger.”

  My heart fluttered at his words.

  Dorian put the ring on my finger. “Do you like it?”

  I nodded. “I love it.”

  “It looks good on you.” He raised my hand and kissed it before pulling me in and kissing my mouth. “I’ll return to you, my love. I promise.”

  “I’ll write you every day.”

  “Will you be careful while I’m not here?”

  I blinked, recalling the unpleasant memories of the near-death experiences I’d had. “Nothing bad has happened for the last week.”

  “Still, the poisonous snake and spider were strange events.

  “I’ll be careful.”

  Dorian kissed me one last time before he woke the chaperone and left to find the escort sent to take him to his kingdom.

  Chapter TWELVE

  Snow’s POV

  Time never moved more slowly than when Dorian and I were apart. What kept me going was Dorian’s letters and my replies to them.

  Dear Snow,

  My heart hurts from being apart. I think of our nightly walks where we talked about everything and shared our hearts and souls, and I sigh deeply at how much I miss you.

  Sometimes, I reach out, hoping that you’ll materialize in front of me, so I can brush my fingertips against your cheek. The only thing that is keeping me sane is my love for you. War is sad and cruel. I have no wish to share with you the horrid details of what I’ve seen. Know this, I’m here fighting to keep you safe. If these creatures pass our defenses and reach the human kingdoms’ borders, destruction and death will follow.

  I have no other choice than to keep fighting for you, my love.

  Don’t forget about me.



  I re-read each of his letters before going to bed. I also talked to him through my own replies.

  Sweet Dorian,

  My days are boring, and my nights are lonely. Sometimes, I touch my lips and imagine that you kiss me in your thoughts. Do you?

  It hurts to be apart. I hope those creatures give up, and you can return safely to me.

  I often go to the balcony at night and whisper your name to the night breeze. It helps soothe my pain and longing. Despite that, I’m happy. We are in love. What more could I ask for from this life? Even if the distance makes us sad, the fact is, I’m happy because I have you. I’ve always felt alone and misunderstood. Yet, I know that under the same sky there’s someone who longs to talk to me and knows what I’m thinking. You care about my dreams. For that, I’m thankful. I keep smiling and imagining the time we’ll see each other again.

  With love,


  The war kept us apart for almost a month. Every three days, I got a letter from Dorian, and I delivered my letter to the courier. Then, no words arrived from the White Cloud Kingdom. I didn’t know if something was wrong. Maybe Dorian was injured and wasn’t able to write me back. I refused to think about the worst outcome.

  After one week without news, a messenger arrived with a letter from the Vampire King. It was addressed to my father and not me. My heart drummed and ached in dread. I looked at my father with anxiety to know what was written. Fear wasn’t far behind.

  I sat at the table as my father read the letter. My stepmother was in the dining room with us, and she kept eating as if nothing had happened. Perhaps, she didn’t care if Dorian lived or died, or if I was happy or sad. But Dad did.

  “What does it say?” I asked when he dropped the letter on the table and looked at me.

  “Prince Dorian’s father is inviting us to visit his kingdom.”

  “Us?” I asked.

  “Yourself included,” my father said to me. “It seems that the prince has arrived safely at the palace after the creatures withdrew. For the time being, the prince needs to be close to home in case of another attack.”

  “Are we going?”

  “The king says that our presence is required to announce your marriage to his son.”

  “That’s great news,” my stepmother intervened.

  I breathed deeply and nodded, trying to get my heartbeat under control. “Is Dorian all right? He wasn’t hurt, was he?”

  “It says that he has arrived safely. I’m assuming that he’s not hurt. Calm down, sweet child. Like your mother said, this is great news. The prince wants to marry you, and his father will announce it to their court.”

  “When are we going?” I questioned.

  “I don’t know. I’ve been tired lately. Leav
ing the kingdom unattended…”

  “You should leave as soon as possible,” Queen Marlena said. “I can stay behind. You go with Snow. She’s clearly eager to see her fiancé.”

  “You wouldn’t mind staying behind to take care of the kingdom’s affairs?”

  “Of course not, dear. You’ve been overworking lately. I’ll make sure that everything is taken care of. Go with your daughter to the White Cloud Kingdom and relax.” She smiled and looked at me. “Snow has barely left our borders. She’ll be surprised by how beautiful the White Cloud Palace is.”

  “Indeed,” the king agreed. “You’ve convinced me, dear wife. I shall make arrangements for us to leave as soon as possible. Meanwhile, I’ll write a letter to the Vampire King, accepting his invitation.”

  “I want to send a letter to Dorian. It’s been days since he wrote me back.”

  “He’s probably very busy. You shouldn’t be so impatient, Snow,” the queen rebuked. “Try to seem less eager. Men like demure women.”

  My lips curled into what I hoped to be a grin while fighting back the need to throttle her. “Thank you for your advice, Mother. I’ll try to contain my enthusiasm around my future husband.”

  My father laughed. “My kind daughter is a beauty. Prince Dorian should be the one containing his enthusiasm for marrying her.”

  I grinned at my father. “Daddy, I’m so happy that you let me choose my husband-to-be.”

  “That’s something to thank your stepmother for. She suggested we hold the party to meet the princes. I’m glad you and Prince Dorian fancied each other. He seems like a good man and a valuable warrior. I’m happy with your choice, dear daughter. He’ll be able to protect you when the time comes, and I’m not here.”

  “Daddy!” I pouted. “You’re still young. Don’t say things like that.”

  The king smiled. Cleaning his mouth with his napkin, he got up. Stepmother and I got up, too.

  The king waved for us to be at ease. “I’m not hungry. Finish your food. I’ll go to my quarters and write a reply to the Vampire King.”


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