42 Hours

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42 Hours Page 14

by Bethany Lopez

  “Alright, blubbering time is over,” Calvin said. “Time to eat.”

  I guided Gaby to the table and sat her across from Shelly and Cal, and in between me and Rose.

  “How’ve you been feeling, Shelly?” Gaby asked as she placed her napkin in her lap.

  Shelly placed her hand over her swollen belly and smiled. “Much better. I haven’t had morning sickness in a couple days.”

  “Thank goodness,” Cal added, placing his hand over Shelly’s on her stomach. “You need to let Mommy keep her food down, so you can both grow healthy and strong.”

  “Were you just talking to the baby?” I asked with a chuckle. I loved seeing my best friend like this; it was great to see him so excited about becoming a father.

  “What of it?” Cal asked with a grin.

  “When do we find out what it is?” Craig asked as he bit into a roll, causing his dad to smack him upside the head for talking with his mouth full. “Hey,” he cried out around the bread.

  “The doctor said at our next appointment we could try to see what it is.” Shelly leaned around Cal to look at Craig as she answered. “So, about another two months.”

  “Cool,” Craig said after he’d swallowed the bite. “Boy or girl, I’m getting the baby its first glove.” Cal turned to place his hand on Craig’s head, ruffling his hair as he smiled at him.

  “I’ve got dibs on the first pair of Nikes,” I added.

  “I’m teaching him or her how to bake cookies,” Gaby put in with a grin.

  We spent the meal talking about Shelly and Cal’s baby, arguing over everything from baby names to who would get to be the first babysitter. I knew Gaby would be fine after she spent time with my family. She’d been coming to Cal’s family home since Cal and Shelly started dating, so she already knew and loved Rose and Calvin. In fact, that just made our relationship that much sweeter.

  Chapter 28 – Gaby

  The trunk of my car was loaded down with goodies. Cupcakes, tarts, and, of course, croissants. Suzy was looking cute in a new butter-yellow Bee Sweet V-neck T-shirt, her short hair framing her cute face. This was her first event outside of the bakery, and she was excited to be out and helping to cater the opening of Cal and TJ’s shop.

  We pulled up to a full parking lot and my eyes teared up a bit at the site. Shelly had catered the savory portion of the opening, and Suzy and I were coming at the end of the event to set up the pastries. I unfolded the cart and, as we were loading up, I noticed a large group of people coming to the front of the shop. Brock was standing up on a ladder, with TJ, Cal, Scott, Shelly, and Sasha all standing below, the large crowd gathered around them. I couldn’t hear what Brock said, but I watched as he lifted the tarp to reveal the large sign underneath. The sign said C.T. Custom Body Shop in bold letters. It looked like the sign had been hammered into a large piece of scrap metal, almost like the hood of a car. It was beautiful.

  As we walked closer, I saw Cal and TJ smiling broadly as they each threw their arms around Brock in one big man hug. By the time Shelly saw us and walked over, I almost had control of my sniffling.

  “Isn’t that amazing?” Shelly asked when she got close enough, motioning up to the sign.

  “It’s beautiful,” I agreed. “Brock surprised them?”

  “Yeah, had it custom made.” I noticed Shelly’s eyes were misty too, and we both laughed as we embraced each other. “Where do you want us?”

  Suzy and I followed Shelly into the open bay of the garage, where she had a table set up for us on the other side of the now empty food station.

  While we were setting up our display, I heard a throat clearing next to me and looked up, surprised and a little nervous to see Brady standing in front of me.

  “Hey, Brady,” I said in greeting. “How’s it going?”

  “Really good,” Brady replied, shuffling on his feet as if he was nervous. “TJ’s made awesome progress on my Malibu.” He looked outside of the doors and followed his gaze to where the car was on display outside.

  “It looks beautiful,” I replied. “TJ’s very talented.”

  “Yeah … Um, I didn’t come over here to talk to you about the car.” Brady took a breath and lifted his brooding eyes to me. “I wanted to apologize. About that day in the office. I was protecting my brother, but I shouldn’t have jumped all over you like that.”

  I gave him a small smile and replied, “You don’t have to apologize. I understand.”

  When he stood there another few minutes, as if unsure of what to do next, I offered, “Want a cupcake?”

  The smile he gave me was gorgeous, his white teeth contrasting against his tanned skin, and, as he took the cupcake, I knew everything was all right between us. I smiled as he walked away and was startled when Suzy squeaked behind me, “Who. Was. That?”

  I chuckled as I watched her watch Brady walk over to his car. I had to admit he was a very good-looking man.

  “That’s one of Brock’s brothers, Brady.”

  “Ho-ly shit!” Suzy exclaimed, slapping herself on the forehead dramatically. “One of his brothers? What does the other one look like? Were their parents Greek gods?”

  I laughed out loud and shook my head as I finished putting out the pastries.

  “I’m going to go out to my car to get the last box of croissants, can you hold down the table until I get back?”

  “Sure thing, Gaby,” Suzy said with an impish grin. “I’ll just stand here and check out all the man candy out there…” She moved her arm in a sweeping gesture. I looked around the crowd. “You’re right, it is a good-looking group.”

  “Wha … Who is that?” Suzy squealed again, her voice up a million decibels. I followed her pointed finger to the bay door entrance and saw Mr. Brandt walking in. I pushed her arm back down to her side and answered, “Scott’s boss,” before walking quickly out of the garage toward my car.

  I was walking back with the pastry box when I saw Brock walking over to me.

  “Hi,” I said with a genuine smile. “That sign looks amazing.”

  Brock looked back over his shoulder and up at the sign.

  “I thought it would fit what they were trying to do here. I’m happy they like it.”

  “I’m sure they love it,” I replied.

  “Look, Gaby, I know you have to get to work, but I just wanted to let you know that we’re good.” He gestured his hand between the two of us, and I felt a tension that I hadn’t realized I’d been carrying, ease.

  “Thank you,” I said simply. Honestly. As I walked to pass him, I paused in front of him, then lifted up on my tiptoes. Understanding what I was trying to do, he bent his head so I could kiss him briefly on the cheek. I left him standing there and went back to where Suzy was waiting.

  “Everything okay?” Scott was standing by the table talking to Suzy when I walked up. He nodded in the direction that I’d come, and I knew he’d seen me talking to Brock.

  I gave him a brilliant smile and answered, “Yes, things are great.”

  He met my smile with one of his own and kissed me soundly on the lips. “You taste like sugar,” he murmured as he pulled away.

  “One of the hazards of working in a bakery,” I replied cheekily.

  Scott leaned his forehead against mine and whispered happily, “The opening is going better than I’d hoped. Brandt told TJ that he has four vintage cars in his fleet that he’d like TJ to rebuild. I thought TJ was going to have a heart attack on the spot!”

  “That’s wonderful,” I replied, thinking Carson Brandt seemed sweeter every time I met him. It was obvious that he meant a lot to Scott, and I was happy to see that Scott seemed to mean a lot to him also.

  “I’m going to go see if the guys need anything. You good?” Scott asked, brushing his lips against my forehead briefly.

  “Yeah,” I responded with a smile. “I’ll just make sure everything is good here, then I’ll go find the guys to congratulate them.”

  People started to realize the desserts were ready, and the table got sl
ammed before I could go say anything to TJ or Cal. I’d see them later, so I focused on ensuring their guests were happy and their bellies were full.

  I was down to the last cupcake when Mr. Brandt walked up and said, “I hope you saved that one for me.”

  “Hello, Mr. Brandt,” I began, stopping when the teasing smile dropped from his face and he frowned at me. “I mean … Carson.” The smile came back and I handed him the cupcake. I was so happy that things were going well for my friends and I felt I knew him well enough to say so, so I kept talking. “Thank you so much for the business that you’re giving TJ and Cal. I know it means the world to them, and you won’t be sorry. They’re the best at what they do.”

  Mr. Brandt smiled at my gushing. I mean really smiled, not just the teasing of a moment before. The effect was amazing, and I could have sworn that I heard Suzy whimper behind me.

  “It’s my pleasure, Gabriella. And I would have offered them the job even without the connection with Scott. Especially after I saw TJ’s work with the Chevelle outside. As a self-made businessman, I appreciate people who work hard to get what they want. No matter what the business. I have no patience for slackers or whiners. I’m happy to give business to people that I know are going to work hard to maintain my business.” I grinned at his assessment of my friends, and was proud that he saw them that way. “Thanks for the cupcake,” he added before leaving the table.

  “I’m having heart palpitations,” Suzy said from behind me, causing me to laugh loudly. I was really beginning to enjoy having her around.

  “Do you think you’ll survive a little longer? I’m going to go congratulate my friends, then I’ll be back to help you clean up.”

  At her nod, I walked through the garage and around the side. I didn’t see my friend amidst the dwindling crown, then I heard my name being called. Scott jogged over to me from the main office building and said, “Hey, we were looking for you. The guys wanted a private celebration real quick, before you pack up.”

  “Okay,” I said, placing my hand in his offered one.

  “Cal asked if we’d want to come over later tonight, and really celebrate the opening.”

  “Sounds good,” I replied as we walked into the main office.

  Cal, Shelly, Sasha, and TJ were all inside when we walked in. Cal was talking, his voice full of excitement, as Sasha poured champagne into glasses. Scott shut the door behind us, and as I walked over to Sasha, I noticed TJ looking like he was going to be sick off to the side of the table.

  “Are you okay?” I asked, detouring to make sure he was.

  TJ looked up at me, as if startled to see me, then he broke into an earthshattering smile. “You’re here.”

  I stopped, taken aback and confused as to why he’d be so happy to see me, but before I could ask, he walked into the middle of the group and began to talk. I grabbed a champagne flute from Sasha, and turned to listen.

  “Everyone is here now, so if I could have your attention for a moment,” TJ began. He looked handsome in his suit, rather than his normal uniform, the sparkle in his eyes making him more so. “First of all, I have to say thank you to Cal, my brother, for coming up with the idea for this place, and making it happen. You’re giving me the opportunity to do what I love, and make a living at it, and that means the world to me. Thanks to Scott, for being our silent, but there’s no way we could do it without you, partner. And to Shelly, the heart of this place, and of our group, thanks for supporting us in this venture. Gabs, without you, this group would be filled with cynics and naysayers. You always have our backs, and give us your optimism, when we need it. And finally, Sasha.”

  TJ turned to her, and the mood of the room shifted. It’s almost as if Sasha could tell something had changed, because she set her glass down and moved closer to TJ. She stopped when he continued, “Red … thanks for not only being our partner in this business, but my partner in life. We may not look like a match on paper, the girl who had everything, and the boy who came from nothing, but anyone who knows us, knows that we’re perfect for each other. I’ve never been happier than I was the morning you crawled into my bed.” Sasha laughed through the tears that began to fall down her face. “For more reasons than one … You’re the sexiest woman I’ve ever seen in my life, and although you’re flashy perfection on the outside, it’s the gooey mess on the inside that I love the most.”

  TJ got down on one knee, causing Shelly and I to gasp, and pulled out a small blue box. He flipped the lid and continued, “I promise to dissect all John Hughes movies with you. To hold your hair when you’re sick, and wipe your face when you’re crying. I promise to take you to the ocean, lakes, rivers, and any other body of water you want, until I can buy you a house on one. And I promise to love you fiercely, and with all of my heart, until my last breath.” The room was silent, except for the catching sound of sobs, until TJ finished with, “Will you marry me, Red?”

  Sasha fell to her knees in front of him, nodding because she was unable to speak, and as promised, TJ wiped the tears from her cheeks before she fell into his arms.

  I turned into Scott’s arms, hugging him tightly as I cried tears of joy.

  I heard Shelly yell her congratulations and I let Scott go so that I could go and congratulate my friends.

  “Thanks for letting us be here for this,” I cried as I squeezed TJ to me. “That was the most beautiful thing I’ve ever heard.”

  “Thanks, Gabs,” TJ said in my hair as he squeezed me back. “I’m just glad she said yes … Can you imagine how embarrassing that would be?”

  I slapped him, laughing, and said, “Oh, shut up. You knew that was never an option.”

  Then I turned to Sasha and squealed, “Oh. My. God. You’re getting married!”

  “I know!” she squealed back, and we both started jumping up and down with our hands joined.

  Shelly ran over and stuck out her tongue when Cal cautioned, “No jumping, Shel,” before squealing with us, “We get to plan a wedding!”

  “Oh, lord,” one of the guys said from behind us. It didn’t matter who it was, the guys didn’t have any say in this anyway.

  We stayed and celebrated a few minutes longer then returned outside to clean up and see off the last of the guests.

  “Can I have your keys?” Suzy asked when I returned. She had everything loaded up on the cart ready to go.

  “I’ll help,” I began to argue, but she held out her hand and said, “I’ve got it.”

  I folded up the table when she left, placing it up against the wall for the time being.

  “Hey,” Scott said as he came up behind me and wrapped his arms around me. I turned and put my arms around his waist as well, leaning into him and breathing deep. He smelled fantastic.

  “Did you know?” I asked him, content to be in his arms.

  “TJ told us he was going to propose, but he didn’t say when,” Scott admitted. “But when he said he wanted us all to gather together, I figured that’s what he was going to do.”

  “It was beautiful,” I said with a sigh, laying my head against his chest and listening to the beat of his heart. It was steady and strong, just like him.

  Chapter 29 - Scott

  When we arrived at Cal and Shelly’s, the excitement in the house was palpable. Rose, Calvin, and Craig were already there, along with TJ and Sasha. As soon as we walked in, Gaby went to the kitchen to join Rose, Shelly, and Sasha and help them set out the food. I could hear Sasha happily telling Rose about TJ’s proposal as I joined the guys in the living room.

  “Congrats again, brother,” I said, clapping TJ on the shoulder.

  His face was alight, perma-grin in place, as he responded, “Thanks, man.”

  “Can’t say I’m surprised,” Calvin said with a grin for TJ. “The two of you look great together. I’m sure you’ll have a long and happy marriage.”

  TJ, obviously emotional at Cal’s dad’s words, just nodded to the older gentleman, his pleasure apparent.

  “What a fantastic day,” Cal chimed
in. “I can’t believe we actually did it.”

  I watched Gaby move through the house with plates full of food, and my heart clenched at the site of her. Maybe it was the love and happiness that filled this house, or maybe it was the small smile on her lips and the way her body swayed as she walked, but I was suddenly so overcome with emotion, that I felt I had to tell her how I felt. Immediately.

  Oblivious to the guys smiling after me, I walked into the dining room after Gaby and took her hand in mine.

  “Scott?” Gaby looked confused as I dragged her through the hallway and into the bathroom. I shut the door and leaned against it. “What’s going on?” Gaby asked as she turned to me.

  I probably looked half-crazed, leaning against the door, breathing as if I’d just run a marathon.

  I was half-crazed.

  I looked down into her sweet, honest, and always open face and told her what was in my heart.

  “I love you, Gaby. I love who I am with you. You make things easy and carefree, and you give me the opportunity to try new things, and make mistakes. I love the way you smell like cupcakes and never take anything for granted. I love the way you are with your family, always there for your mother and sister. You’re so generous, Gabs. I want to build a family with you. You can teach me how to raise our children with love and patience. I want to live my life making you happy. I’m a better man when I’m with you … Tell me we can do this, that we can make this real and long lasting.” My eyes pleaded with her as I spoke.

  “We can do this,” she assured me as she ran her hands up my chest and clasped them around my neck. “I love you, Scott.” I let out the breath I hadn’t realized I was holding at her declaration, and I brought my forehead down to rest on hers as she continued, “I love the man you are, with or without me, and I love the way you’ve always supported me. I know we’ll have a happy and fulfilling life, and you will be a natural father, you won’t need me to teach you.”

  My throat tightened at her words. I closed my eyes while I tried to compose myself.

  “I think you were always the person I was meant to be with, Gaby. I just needed to see what life was like without you, to truly appreciate what life is like with you,” I said when I had my emotions in check.


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