The Complete Works of Pat Parker

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The Complete Works of Pat Parker Page 4

by Pat Parker

  eat dinner

  all at one table with their family

  the television silent

  & bless the food,


  we thank


  & their maids


  with their families

  & everyone rested

  until the Sunday

  when the rains


  and crashed

  thru the wind

  moving away the dirt

  but somebody didn’t

  stop it

  and the

  little river




  till the cars

  and televisions

  and blankets

  and people – all

  washed through the

  streets and past

  their neighbors

  for blocks

  and blocks

  The troops came on Wednesday

  The water had


  the wet

  merged with the dirt



  all over


  the troops shook their heads.

  They could not


  the dead.

  In the

  death murk

  they could not tell




  the white.

  Pied Piper

  She sits,

  ebony skinned,

  drawing sun rays.

  Children cluster;

  a jagged circle

  presses inward.

  Sand-covered feet


  in homage to

  the High Priestess.

  The classical reed

  will not suffice.

  A Conga

  Willowy notes

  are not heard.

  Deep, tense, beats

  climb down the drum,

  Jumping out in the air,

  Lions roaring at children.


  Black hands

  beat the skin;

  a white bred

  with sweat.


  Drum beats

  dance over the waves,

  & children’s kayaks

  drift inward.

  The priestess rests.

  Her fingers cuddle

  the drum head.

  Children query, with

  eyes showing no hate,

  “What kind of drum is it?”


  “You play good;

  Is it a message?”


  “Yes, what does it mean?

  What song is it?”

  “It’s a Mau Mau death song.”

  i wonder

  how many matches

  it would take,

  to lay a single-file trail

  from here –

  to richard nixon’s ass.

  It’s probably not a good idea.

  I can see him now –

  Waving his singed prick

  on nation-wide television,

  telling how it was saved

  by a tub of confidence

  provided by

  his silent majority.

  Where do you go to become a non-citizen?

  I want to resign; I want out.

  I want to march to the nearest place

  Give my letter to a smiling face.

  I want to resign; I want out.

  President Ford vetoed a jobs bill

  Sent to him from capitol hill

  While we sit by being super cool

  He gets a $60, 000 swimming pool.

  I wanna resign; I want out.

  $68,000 to Queen Elizabeth to not grow cotton.

  Yet there’s no uproar that this jive is rotten.

  $14,000 to Ford Motors to not plant wheat

  I guess the government don’t want wheat all over

  the seats.

  I wanna resign; I want out.

  The CIA Commission was in session for 26 weeks long

  Said the boys didn’t do too much wrong

  They gave out acid – a test – they tell

  Yet if you and I used it – we’d be in jail.

  I wanna resign; I want out.

  And from Taft College – a small group of fools

  Chased all the Black students out of the school.

  And good citizens worries about property sale

  Chased away Black teenagers from picturesque Carmel.

  I wanna resign; I want out.

  The Little League after using all excuses up

  Says a 10-year-old-girl must use a boy’s supportive cup.

  An international Women’s Congress in Mexico to make plans

  Elected for their president – a white-liberal man.

  I wanna resign; I want out.

  The A.P.A. finally said all gays aren’t ill

  Yet ain’t no refunds on their psychiatry bills.

  A federal judge says MCC is valid – a reality

  Yet it won’t keep the pigs from hurting you or me.

  I wanna resign; I want out.

  I wanna resign; I want out.

  Please lead me to the place

  Show me the smiling face

  I’m skeptical – full of doubt.

  I wanna resign; I want out.

  “Don’t let the fascists speak.”

  “We want to hear what they have to say.”

  “Keep them out of the classroom.”

  “Everybody is entitled to freedom of speech.”

  I am a child of America

  a step child

  raised in the back room

  yet taught

  taught how to act

  in her front room.

  my mind jumps

  the voices of students


  insults threats

  “Let the Nazis speak”

  “Let the Nazis speak”

  Everyone is entitled

  to speak

  I sit a greasy-legged

  Black child

  in a Black school

  in the Black part of town

  look to the Black teacher

  the Bill of Rights


  us all the right

  my mind

  remembers chants

  article I article I

  & my innards churn

  they remember

  the Black teacher

  in the Black school

  in the Black part

  of the very white town

  who stopped us

  when we attacked

  the puppet principal

  the white Board

  of mis-Education

  cast-off books

  illustrated with

  cartoons &

  words of wisdom

  written by white

  children in the

  other part of town

  missing pages


  of hanging niggers –

  the bill of rights

  was written to



  my mind remembers

  & my innards churn

  conjures images


  break up

  illegal demonstrations

  illegal assemblies

  conjures images

  of a Black Panther

  “if tricky Dick

  tries to stop us

  we’ll stop him”

  conjure image

  of that same Black man

  going to jail

  for threatening

  the life of


  every citizen

  is entitled to

  freedom of speech

  my mi
nd remembers

  & my innards churn

  conjure images

  of jews in camps

  of homosexuals in camps

  of socialists in camps

  “Let the Nazis speak”

  “Let the Nazis speak”

  faces in a college


  “You’re being fascist too.”

  “We want to hear what

  they have to say”

  faces in

  a college classroom

  young white faces

  speak let them speak

  speak let them speak

  Blacks, jews some whites

  seize the bullhorn

  “We don’t want to hear

  your socialist rhetoric”

  socialist rhetoric



  the supreme court

  says it is illegal

  to scream fire

  in a crowded theater

  to scream fire

  in a crowded theater

  causes people to panic

  to run to hurt each other

  my mind remembers

  & now i know

  what my innards


  illegal to cause


  to panic

  to run

  to hurt

  there is

  no contradiction

  what the Nazis say

  will cause


  to hurt


  To My Vegetarian Friend

  It’s not called soul food

  because it goes with music.

  It is a survival food.

  from the grease

  sprang generations

  of my people


  of slaves

  that ate the leavings

  of their masters

  & survived

  And when I sit –

  faced by

  chitterlins & greens

  neckbones & tails

  it is a ritual –

  it is a joining –

  me to my ancestors

  & your words ring untrue

  this food is good for me

  It replenishes my soul

  so if you really

  can’t stand

  to look at my food

  can’t stand

  to smell my food

  & can’t keep those feelings

  to yourself

  Do us both a favor

  & stay home

  For the white person who wants to know how to be my friend

  The first thing you do is to forget that i’m Black.

  Second, you must never forget that i’m Black.

  You should be able to dig Aretha,

  but don’t play her every time i come over.

  And if you decide to play Beethoven – don’t tell me

  his life story. They made us take music appreciation too.

  Eat soul food if you like it, but don’t expect me

  to locate your restaurants

  or cook it for you.

  And if some Black person insults you,

  mugs you, rapes your sister, rapes you,

  rips your house, or is just being an ass –

  please, do not apologize to me

  for wanting to do them bodily harm.

  It makes me wonder if you’re foolish.

  And even if you really believe Blacks are better lovers than

  whites – don’t tell me. I start thinking of charging stud fees.

  In other words – if you really want to be my friend – don’t

  make a labor of it. I’m lazy. Remember.

  Tour America!

  a T.V. commercial said.

  I will –

  there are things I need:

  travelers checks in new york

  gas mask in Berkeley

  face mask in Los Angeles

  National guardsmen to protect me

  – in the south

  Marines to protect me

  from guardsmen

  – in the mid-west,

  Police to protect me

  from hustlers

  – in the ghettos,

  Bullet-proof vest and helmet

  to protect me from police

  – everywhere.

  Tour America!


  it would be better

  to blow it up.

  I’m so tired

  of hearing about







  I am tired

  of hearing about







  I’m beginning to

  wonder if

  the tactics

  of this revolution

  is to

  talk the enemy to death.

  The What Liberation Front?

  Today i had a talk with my dog

  he called me a racist – chauvinist person

  told me he didn’t like the way

  i keep trying to change him.

  Dogs – he said – do not shit in toilets

  Dogs – like to shit outside & he didn’t

  appreciate being told to shit in the gutter –

  just because i didn’t like the smell of his shit –

  he informed me that the fish weren’t so hot

  about my shit either.

  & property – he wanted to know why

  people expected dogs to protect their capitalist interest

  he never watches television or plays

  records. & how come i put tags on him.

  My dog – he laughed. He is his own dog.

  And what’s this bullshit about his sex

  life. If he wants to fuck in the streets it’s

  his business & the genocide against dogs –

  now by this time he’s growling – & i just

  said – he didn’t have to get nasty – i was

  willing to study the problem. After all didn’t

  i buy him good bones and get him groomed

  once a month & then he starts hollering

  about if he wanted to get dirty &

  have long hair that was his right too.

  And another thing he said – if he wants to

  sit he’ll sit – so just shovel my shit about

  sit, lie, roll over, stand up. And finally

  he said standing up – the next time i patted

  him on the head & called him a good boy

  he was gonna lift his leg – With that,

  he got up & left the house saying something

  about a consciousness-raising meeting.

  Snatches of a Day

  Grey clouds floated past my window –

  & I ignored them,

  danced into the streets,

  stoned on life.

  A woman with brown hair

  like dirty corduroy,

  riding in a Malibu,

  with an olive green suit,

  & a big cigar

  stared at me.

  I stopped dancing.

  An old cripple dragged past me –

  I offered to carry her;

  She called me a nigger.

  I cut her throat,

  danced around her head,

  sang, “We Shall Overcome”

  hung her scalp over Woolworth’s candy counter.

  Cops started to arrest me.

  Said I couldn’t dance without a permit.

  So, I skipped slowly.

  Science teacher lectured for an hour,

  Never did tell me his name,

  So, I didn’t tell him mine,

  Just my student body & social security numbers.<
br />
  A friend gave me a God’s eye –

  Shocked me,

  Didn’t know He had eyes.

  My cousin died last week.

  He was a hero.

  Died defending my liberty –

  O sweet liberty,

  Land of the free

  & the great.

  Went to a dull move.

  Watched a guy masturbate.

  I want to go to sleep.

  My cat won’t let me under the covers.

  Boots are being polished

  Trumpeters clean their horns

  Chains and locks forged

  The crusade has begun.

  Once again flags of Christ

  are unfurled in the dawn

  and cries of soul saviors

  sing apocalyptic on air waves.

  Citizens, good citizens all

  parade into voting booths

  and in self-righteous sanctity

  X away our right to life.

  I do not believe as some

  that the vote is an end.

  I fear even more

  It is just a beginning.

  So I must make assessment

  Look to you and ask:

  Where will you be

  when they come?

  They will not come

  a mob rolling

  through the streets

  but quickly and quietly

  move into our homes

  and remove the evil,

  the queerness,

  the faggotry,

  the perverseness

  from their midst.

  They will not come

  clothed in brown

  and swastikas, or

  bearing chests heavy with

  gleaming crosses.

  The time and need

  for ruses are over.

  They will come

  in business suits

  to buy your homes

  and bring bodies to

  fill your jobs.

  They will come in robes

  to rehabilitate

  and white coats

  to subjugate

  and where will you be

  when they come?

  Where will we all be

  when they come?

  And they will come –

  they will come

  because we are

  defined as opposite –


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