My Determined Suitor

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My Determined Suitor Page 2

by Shelley Munro

  He headed her off, herding her against the rocks. When she glanced in the opposite direction, he growled long and low. Mean. Lana froze in indecision. Surely he wouldn’t hurt her?

  Duncan backed up, watchful and wary as he studied her. When she didn’t move again, he morphed to human. “Shift,” he barked.

  Lana hesitated, taking in the taut stance, the determined set to his mouth. Nerves fluttered in her stomach, underscored by a strange excitement.

  “Now, Lana.”

  Lana obeyed and seconds later stood in front of him. “What?” Her shoulder stung where he’d bitten her and she pressed the fingers of one hand to the aching spot.

  “You said you wanted sex.”

  “I’ve changed my mind.”

  He prowled closer. “Too late,” he growled, his heavy erection swinging enough to snare her attention. “I’m accepting.”

  Before she could move, he pinned her against the rocks.

  “Hands above your head. Now,” he snapped. “Do it.”

  Bemused, she obeyed, leaning into the warm rock. She placed her hands above her head. The move lifted her breasts, bringing to mind a sexual offering. She swallowed at the gleam in his eyes, her tongue darting out to moisten dry lips. Something had shifted between them. It wasn’t the kiss. Something else. Suddenly she became ultra aware of her body, his body and the entire male-female thing.

  Duncan trailed a finger across her collarbone, sensitizing her skin with the callused drag until it burned like a brand. A throb started at the juncture of her thighs and she shifted her weight. With an inward sigh, she gave in to the need to stroke and lowered her hands. He stopped touching her, stepping back to glower.

  “I’m not going further until your hands are above your head.”

  She glared, but he remained implacable. With bad grace she obeyed and his fingers trailed across the top curve of one breast. His finger circled the areola, leaving a trail of prickly sensation in its wake. At her sharp inhalation, he met her gaze. The heat and silent messages conveyed in that one glance bombarded her brain with lustful messages while her pussy creamed for him. God, she’d never guessed he’d be this intense.

  He bent his head and the slow slide of his tongue followed the path his finger had traveled. Lana quivered, her knees trembling under the sensual attack. Despite her lingering pique at his overbearing behavior, she craved more. The need, the desire after months alone demanded release. Begging words crammed her throat when he continued to tease instead of moving to a satisfactory conclusion. Finally, her desperation spilled free.

  “Please. Please do something.”

  “Say my name.”

  “Duncan, please. Please don’t tease me.”

  “Tell me what you want.”

  Hadn’t she made it obvious? She stared at him in bemusement. Defiance. Her pussy fluttered and a deep-seated ache fired between her legs. Lana squeezed her thighs together to assuage the sensual throb. The move made the ache worse, made her realize how wet she was for him, how much she craved his body.

  “Tell me,” he growled.

  “I want you.”

  “Do you want my finger? My mouth? Give me details.”

  Lana moaned low and throaty at the thought of his blunt finger invading her channel, pushing against the slick walls of her sex. Stretching her.

  “Yes,” she whispered, heat suffusing her body, pulling her nipples to tight points. She transferred her weight from foot to foot, the pervasive ache in her pussy driving her crazy. Maybe she shouldn’t rub her legs together? Lana widened her stance and moaned at the cool air brushing her swollen folds. It didn’t feel better. The ache had intensified.

  Duncan leaned closer, his breath a warm puff against her ear when he spoke. “Just my finger, Lana? Is that all you want?”

  Unbidden, she glanced at his erection. It was thick and pointed outward, blue veins visible beneath the surface. The head appeared swollen, a deep red, and as she watched, a pearl of liquid formed at the slit. She swallowed. “I want your cock.”

  He nodded in a thoughtful manner as if considering her request. Lana attempted to swallow and realized stress had formed a lump in her throat. Tension pulsed to life, tightening her muscles, almost replacing her sexual desire.

  Duncan moved lazily, stepping back, so he didn’t crowd her anymore. He dropped one hand to cup his erection. The air hissed out of her and she couldn’t help but watch. With a leisurely pull, he stroked his cock while watching her the entire time. He clearly enjoyed the touch and didn’t mind the audience, she thought, miffed at his exhibition. She wondered what he wanted to prove. That he could get himself off by masturbating? Newsflash—any fool could do that. The end result left one feeling empty and unsatisfied.

  He kept the strokes slow and even, his slit weeping as he fisted his shaft. “How do you want my cock? Inside that luscious mouth of yours? Or maybe inside your sweet little cunt?”

  Lana’s mouth dropped open in shock. She had never…no one had ever spoken to her in this manner before. She wanted to tell him she was a lady. Big, fat lie. She couldn’t deny the rush of arousal in reaction to his words and propositioning him wasn’t a ladylike action.

  While she watched, he pulled on his cock again and stroked a thumb over the head, sweeping away the liquid. Seconds later, another bead glistened at the slit.

  “Or maybe you’d like my cock in your arse, Lana?”

  She gasped, the throb in her pussy intensifying to downright painful. It seemed dirty talk turned her on, flipped her switches and took her from zero to ready-to-go in seconds flat.

  “What do you say, Lana?” Duncan’s eyes glittered, a dark jade green, his gaze intense and unrelenting. “How do you want me?”

  Lana clenched her muscles, excitement and trepidation warring inside her. She hoped it didn’t show on her face. “You…you decide. I don’t mind.”

  “But what if I decide on something kinky, Lana?” He eyed her closely, his large body tense.

  Oh heck. “How kinky?” Her question emerged with a squeak, and her stomach hollowed with the sharp whip of erotic fear. What had she set in motion?

  Chapter Two

  Duncan wanted to laugh at the panic dancing across her expressive face. It wasn’t nice of him to tease her, but he didn’t want Lana to think him easy. She would not wrap him around her little finger and make a yes-man out of him. No. Right from the start he needed her to know he enjoyed sex. He liked to do things his way and dominate in the bedroom. Outside the bedroom he wanted a partnership, but he’d learned enough about himself to admit he couldn’t tolerate anything except sweet submission in the sexual arena.

  He wasn’t a traditional guy. That frightened some women. His gut told him Lana would handle him, his needs, just fine.

  She licked her lips and sneaked a glance at his cock. A longing gaze. Oh yeah. Lana Sinclair would enjoy what he offered, and by the end of the weekend she’d crave him enough to keep him around. Cat and mouse. Confidence filled him when he caught yet another furtive peek. Good girl. Let’s give you a hint of pleasure and reel you in.

  “We’ll start slow.” Duncan almost laughed at her palpable relief. “No, leave your hands where they are.”

  “They’re sore.”

  “Just a little longer, sweetheart. Do it for me.” He noticed the subtle tremor of her arms, her uncomfortable fidgeting, and wanted to push her, take her farther than she’d gone before.

  She nodded, the acknowledgment lacking confidence. Duncan knew that would change. She’d learn how much pleasure awaited, how good it could be for both of them if she trusted him. He dipped his head to take one taut pink nipple into his mouth. He tongued it, forcing the bud against his teeth to give her an extra edge of sensation. Her soft cry and the tight grip of her hands burrowing into his hair brought an inward grin. Despite her disobedience, he couldn’t find it in him to discipline her for flouting his rules. Not yet. The sweet taste of her skin and the spicy honey scent of her pushed him to hurry. He sank to his kn
ees and gripped her thighs.


  “Shush,” he soothed. “Part your legs for me. Yeah. That’s it.” A burst of her spicy scent engulfed him. He panted, trying to tamp down his excitement. Knowing he would take her, fuck her soon, had his cock weeping, his balls so tight he feared bursting.

  Concentrate, he scolded himself. Get Lana off first, then you can take her while her pretty pussy is still pulsing from climax.

  He stroked his fingers across the tender skin of her inner thighs, gloried in her sharp intake of breath. This close her feminine scent enticed him and he imagined how sweet she’d taste on his tongue. With his lips he nuzzled the baby-soft skin of her mound and licked a wet path along the crease between leg and pelvis. He parted her pink folds, felt her searing heat seconds before he raked his tongue along her cleft. He grinned at her hungry whimper. Good, and far better than anything his imagination could conjure. She trembled at the skim of his tongue across her clit, and her fevered moan warned him of her tenuous control. Not much better than his. Time for action. He upped the erotic assault and pushed one finger into her, groaning aloud at the wet, silken heat. Her breathing hitched, and another tremor ripped through her body.

  His patience at an end, Duncan pulled his finger free and scooped her into his arms. Ignoring her startled yelp, he placed her in a part of the sheltered hollow where the tussock grass grew thick. Hardly the perfect place for seduction. At this stage he didn’t care. For a long second he raked his gaze over her curvy form, letting it settle on the deep pink flesh between her splayed legs. The sun glinted off her juices while Lana watched him with big, wide eyes.

  “You ready?”

  “Yes! That’s what I’ve been trying to tell—”

  Lana watched him as he moved over her, predatory intent written on his face and highlighted by the sexual flush on his cheekbones. His hands dropped to cup her buttocks, he positioned himself at her entrance and penetrated her with a powerful thrust. Overwhelming sensations fizzled through her, heart thundering at the invasion of his thick cock. Nothing hurt. Instead she felt full and stretched, almost beyond comfort.

  The sensations—the weight of his body and the flicker of pleasure rippling from her swollen clit sated some of her impatience. Her eyes fluttered shut to concentrate on the unbearable pleasure of his possession. This, she had missed so much.

  Greedy, she ran her hands over his smooth back and lower to cup his buttocks, encouraging him to move. She dug her fingernails into the tight muscles and undulated beneath him in clear demand.

  He chuckled. “Lucky for you, sweetheart, my control is almost shot.”

  Before she could puzzle over his remark, he thrust. At first they were slow and even strokes. His mouth covered hers and she tasted his hunger along with the musk from her own body. The tang of arousal drifted around them, combining with the earthy flavors of the outdoors. Suddenly he grasped her hands and lifted them above her head, manacling them together using one hand. Then, he ground into her with hard digs of his cock, the frenzied plunges leaving her in no doubt of his sexual appetite.

  Enjoyment swirled in her, mysterious and fleeting. He wasn’t hitting her in the right spot. Desperate, she angled her hips, arching and letting out a fevered cry when she achieved the perfect alignment. The ripples of pleasure started, her pussy clutching at his shaft, pulsing in small tremors, desire consuming her.

  “Good. So good,” she whispered.

  “I know.”

  If anything his cock grew larger, the tight fit unbearably perfect. He snarled, his face contorted in a primeval mask, and the tension in her burst as she exploded with painful pleasure. She was dimly aware of his guttural shout. Deep shudders shook his frame and his seed jetted from him in powerful spurts. The storm quieted, and they lay entwined, still connected.

  Duncan released her wrists and pulled his weight off her, turning their bodies so they lay on their sides. “You okay?”

  Okay? Okay? Did a puddle-like feeling rate as okay? Her eyes opened to his scrutiny. “So good.” Her pussy contracted in a spasm around his cock, making her realize he still filled her with his hard length.

  “I didn’t hurt you?” Faint worry showed in the slight creases on his forehead.

  “No, why would you hurt me?” She wrinkled her nose, feeling relaxed and replete. “My only complaint is your pace. I could have come like that half an hour ago.”

  Duncan shook his head. “Complaints. You’re lucky I’m not near my ropes. I’d tie you up and punish you for failing to obey my instructions.”

  “What sort of punishment?”

  Working hard to suppress his grin, he ran his hand over her bottom. Full and curvy, the skin soft and creamy, her fine backside fulfilled his dreams. Damn, he could still remember his first sight of her wearing tight blue jeans. About to make a move until Jamie had walked up to her and slung his arm around her shoulders in clear ownership, he’d choked back his instincts and played the friend card. This ass was now his to touch and play with. After separating their bodies, he bent his head and took a bite.

  “Ow! If you’re hungry, chase a rabbit.”

  “I’m hungry all right, but first there’s a little matter of disobedience.” He pushed her flat on her stomach, cupping his hand around one buttock before lifting it and giving her a sharp smack. She jumped. He held her in place with his hand in the small of her back. The pink imprint of his palm brought intense satisfaction. His. He smacked her again, the sharp crack making the blow sound harder than it was.

  She wriggled, trying to evade his touch. “Enough! I’m not a naughty child.”

  “No, you’re a very sexy woman who won’t obey even when my instructions are given to enhance pleasure.”

  A snort emerged and, grinning, he brought his hand down for a third time, admiring the fiery blush and the contrast to the rest of her pale skin.

  “Why is this making me hot?” she muttered in an undertone, obviously talking to herself.

  “You like that?”

  “Yes. No! That was a private conversation with myself. I don’t enjoy having my bottom tapped like a naughty girl.”

  It sure as hell made him hot and ready to fuck her again. “Part your legs for me. Let me see how wet you are. Yeah. Just like that. Perfect.” Duncan stroked his finger across her labia, spreading the wet, swollen folds. He bent to blow a stream of warm air on her slit, closely attuning to her reactions because he wanted to learn what made her hot.

  “Do I get a turn being boss?”

  “Nope. You asked for a weekend and I said yes, but on my terms.”

  “Bully. Are you going to let me up?”

  “We haven’t finished yet, kitty. Not by a long shot.”

  “Don’t call me kitty. I hate it.”

  Duncan grinned again, aware he’d had more fun today than he’d had in a long time, not that he’d suffered from lack of female attention. Women adored cowboys and weren’t shy about letting him know. He wouldn’t be male if he hadn’t indulged in carefree fun. Sharp desire rippled through him to settle in his balls. “Push up on all fours for me. I want to fuck you from behind. After I color your sweet arse some more.”

  Lana trembled, obeying him, lifting to her hands and knees. His cock bucked, his balls drawing tight. This time he intended to pace himself. He smacked her lower, so the sting ran across her sex. After another smack he noticed she lifted so the flat of his hand struck in the same place. He parted the globes of her ass and trailed a finger across her rosette. She started, body tensing. He repeated the move while he slid two fingers into her sodden pussy. Her soft groan made his shaft buck, the curving glans sliding across her hip.


  She said his name so sweetly and with such longing he strummed his thumb along her cleft, skimming the edge of her clit to give her a hint of sensation. He curved his fingers inside, seeking her sweet spot while he continued to tease her hard nub. Each move of his thumb came closer until she strained beneath him, moaning when he ma
ssaged her internally.

  A shudder racked her body, and he increased his assault, determined to give her pleasure. By the end of the weekend she wouldn’t be able to look at him without thinking of sex and the thick slice of pleasure he offered with each touch. If he showed her how good they could be together, she might come to believe there was only one alternative for them.

  “I don’t think torture is meant to feel this good.”

  “Only good. I must be doing something wrong.” His cock throbbed at the spurt of juices in her tight pussy. He massaged, bending his head to nibble the glowing skin of her buttocks. With a groan that came close to a wail she came, channel squeezing his fingers while the scrape of his teeth brought a violent flutter. Her hands gave out, her forearms dropping to the ground while her pussy still grabbed at his fingers. Hell, she was hot.

  “Nothing a little practice wouldn’t hurt,” she muttered.

  Duncan smirked. Practice he could do. He removed his hands, and she turned to face him, her hair in wild disarray, her eyes sparkling. Absently, he sucked his fingers clean while he stared at her pretty face. His. The word kept echoing through his mind in an endless litany.

  “Up on your hands and knees again.”

  A furrow formed on her brow. “Why?”

  “Because I want to take you from behind.” And because his feline was riding him hard, simmering below the surface and threatening to take over, marking his territory before he’d romanced Lana to his way of thinking.

  She frowned, suspecting something, but Duncan maintained his easygoing expression, letting a hint of humor shine through and leering at her breasts. Anything to lull her suspicions.

  Without haste, she resumed her former position and Duncan’s breath eased out in a whoosh of relief.

  Giving in to temptation, he moved behind her and reached out to cup one breast before rolling the nipple between finger and thumb. “You have pretty breasts, sweetheart.”


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