King's Possession

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King's Possession Page 14

by Stone, Piper

  Another moment of raw tension settled in; discord I couldn’t stand after the beautiful day we’d shared together.

  “She’s very nice.”

  “She’s a free spirit,” he chortled. “But Angelique is very special to all of us, especially since…” He allowed the words to trail off.

  “Why didn’t you finish?”

  “Because it doesn’t matter.”

  “If you want me to obey or trust you, then trust goes two ways.”

  Damn him for studying me as if wondering if I deserved to know the truth.

  “All right. We had another sister, Bella. She was a beautiful soul, a perfect creation from God.”

  I inched closer. Sadness enshrouded him, a dark cloud that was entirely different than I’d seen. “What happened?”

  He gave me a stern look, his expression hard and cold, his eyes as soulless as I’d seen them the night we met. “She was murdered by one of our enemies. She was just a child. So, if you want to continue arguing with me about how dangerous it would be for you to venture out on your own, please don’t. No one in my family can handle another loss.” He turned away, walking back to the same damn window where he’d been before.

  Oh, God. I stood exactly where I’d been, a frigid chill shifting down my spine. At least twice I opened my mouth to say I was sorry, but I wasn’t certain if that was even good enough.

  “Now, I hope you can see that when I tell you something, there are distinct reasons behind it. You are… I don’t want anything to happen to you, but if anyone tries, they will regret the day they made that decision.” His nostrils flared, his entire body tensing.

  “I’m so sorry. I wish I knew what to say.”

  As expected, he didn’t comment, the man a damn statue. I wanted to reach out, to brush my fingers across the side of his face, but I feared he’d slap my hand away.

  He nodded, then tossed the subject aside. “Believe it or not, I don’t enjoy punishing you; however, it remains necessary. While you don’t understand the viciousness of the Morales cartel, I assure you that this prison of a house would be only a dream when your nightmare began. They would use you, keeping you chained, if for no other reason than you were important to me. And after they were finished shattering you into pieces, they’d find another game to play, keeping you in the treacherous nightmare until your mind finally gave in, succumbing to the darkness you were praying for.”

  The way he stated the words was just as terrifying as he wanted them to be. “You’re trying to scare me.”

  “You’re damn right I am, Genevieve. However, I promised you that I wouldn’t lie to you and I’m not. I suggest you remember that when you desperately long to get away from me.”

  My God, he issued the words in such a cold and stark manner, as if he’d lost someone to that very experience. He was a man unafraid of anything. I’d never met anyone who looked danger in the eye, as if he could live forever. The realization was just as terrifying as what he’d told me.

  Trembling, I gave him a respectful nod, only because I couldn’t seem to find my voice after his soliloquy. What was I supposed to say to him, that I would promise to be a very good girl, obeying rules, many of which I hadn’t been told?

  “Go to the bedroom and remove your clothes. Place two pillows in the middle of the bed. Then I need you to stand in the corner and wait for me. Do you understand?”

  I was being sent away like a bad little girl. Swallowing hard, I nodded at first then took a deep breath. “Maybe you can find it in your heart to share with me everything that’s expected of me.”

  He actually didn’t say anything. I felt saddened by the expression on his face.

  “Yes, I will do that. You’re right.” He took a deep breath and it was easy to tell he’d shut down the conversation altogether.

  I backed away after a few seconds, trying to rationalize why the significant change had occurred. Whatever was going on in his dark world, it was threatening to bring down his empire.

  As I walked up the stairs, a part of me felt defeated. I cared for the man more than I wanted to admit to myself, something I definitely wouldn’t allow him to learn. As I slid my hand along the bannister, I held my breath. It was time for me to grow the hell up. I wasn’t a kid any longer and I certainly wasn’t going to get my way by acting out like some bad little girl.

  Not that I knew any longer what my way consisted of.

  The bedroom was expansive, the furniture just as I would have expected, sleek and modern. His tastes were entirely different than I’d thought they would be. I stood still for a few seconds before tugging the pillows from under the comforter, placing them just so on the bed. As I started to undress, I realized my hands were shaking. I laughed nervously as I undressed, constantly looking over my shoulder.

  I half expected him to be standing in the doorway, watching me intently. After performing the task, then folding my clothes and placing them on one of the overstuffed chairs, I stared at the only corner appropriate for me to stand. A lump formed in my throat, my stomach churning as the apprehension increased.

  I’d never expected to be in the kind of relationship where I’d be punished for any infraction. It seemed so foreign to me, so unjust. But here I was, moving toward the corner like the obedient woman he required me to be. Quite frankly, this was far more embarrassing than any other punishment he’d given me.

  As I stood still, trying to keep from shaking, I thought about what little Lucian had told me. He’d obviously gone through several tragedies. I had a suspicion his entire family had. I wasn’t certain I could have but so much sympathy, except that nothing should ever happen to a child. Ever.

  I closed my eyes, wishing for so many things that I wasn’t certain were possible.

  Getting to know him, every like and dislike.

  Spending alone time with him without fear of being attacked.

  And maybe one day being able to tell him that I did trust him completely.

  I had no idea how much time had passed, but of course, he was making me wait on purpose. The anticipation was far worse than the actual discipline. Right?

  By the time I heard his footsteps, I was shaking all over again. He did exactly as I thought he would do. He stood in the doorway for at least a minute basking in the glory of his conquest.

  “Get on the bed, Genevieve.” His command was dark and husky, the sound sending a wave of anxiety as well as a flutter of desire into my system.

  I couldn’t look him in the eyes as I obeyed, crawling onto the bed and sucking in my breath before lying down over the pillows. While I’d been certain I was devoid of the capability of experiencing emotions, many swept through me.




  I tried to shut them down as I fisted my hands, pressing my face against the comforter. While he took his time preparing, there was no mistaking the sound of him unbuckling his belt, sliding the thick leather through the straps. When I heard the sharp crack as he snapped a portion against his hand, I shuddered to the core and closed my eyes.

  Just get on with it.

  I dared not say the words, but they wouldn’t have mattered if I had. Lucian was the master of his own universe, refusing to accept or play by anyone else’s rules.

  He brushed the tips of his fingers from one side of my bottom to the other, taking his time then trailing his finger down the crack of my ass.

  I clenched my ass cheeks, fisting the bedding.

  When he replaced his fingers with the belt, sliding the end down my spine to the inside of one leg then to the other, I took a deep breath, trying to hold it in. Jolts of electric current followed the trail he used, leaving my pussy aching. How could I be aroused by what he was doing?

  I bit back a cry when he repeated the move, finding it difficult to breathe without moaning.

  When he snapped the strap across my bottom, I jumped, although all I felt was a slight sting.

  He rubbed his fingers in the same spot then ba
cked away.

  Bracing, I cinched my eyes shut, cringing the second I heard a whooshing sound as the belt was brought down through the air. The stinging sensations increased, trickling down both legs. I was shocked there wasn’t a heavy rush of pain.

  His wrist cracked as he brought the strap down in rapid succession, one strike coming after another.

  That was the moment pain blossomed into a full rush of anguish. “Oh, God. Oh…” I pushed up from the comforter, twisting back and forth involuntarily.

  “Stay in position.” Lucian pushed down on my back, waiting until I’d dropped down.

  This time, I buried my face in the softness, praying this would soon be over.

  But it wasn’t.

  He smacked me several times in a row, taking his time and covering every inch of real estate. While I’d promised myself that I could stay in position, the anguish was blinding.

  “Stop. I’ll obey you.”

  “Yes, you will,” he said casually, although I could swear that I heard glee in his tone. The man was enjoying himself.

  I kicked out, alternating my legs as the sting wrapped itself around my entire body.

  “If you don’t stay in position, we’re going to have to start again.”

  This was insane. I was ready to blubber like a damn kid, but even worse, my nipples were sore, aching from a sickening rush of desire.

  “Ten more. Then I think you will have learned a valuable lesson.”

  Ten? Why the hell not twenty or even fifty?

  I gasped for air, lights floating in front of my eyes. The entire room seemed to have been sucked into a vacuum, the sounds all around me muffled. I tried to keep from whimpering and did everything I could not to move, yet as the scent of my desire floated to my nostrils, I let out a frustrated cry.

  Then I heard his heavy breathing, could tell he was hungry. He hesitated before issuing the last few strikes, keeping them on an even rhythm. When he was finished, I wanted nothing more than to curl up in a ball and tell him to go the hell away.

  An entire minute passed, maybe two. Then I felt a pressure on the bed as he leaned over, tugging hair away from my face.

  “You did very well.”

  I held back a nasty retort. When he pulled me onto my feet, holding both sides of my face in his hands, I lifted my gaze, trying to blink back the tears. While I didn’t expect kind words, the ones he said sent a ripple of thunder into my heart.

  “There are several men who would stop at nothing to take what belongs to me. That will never happen. I will die first. That is my promise.”

  Chapter 11


  “Avoiding danger is no safer in the long run than outright exposure. The fearful are caught as often as the bold.”

  Helen Keller

  I’d begun to realize that the one aspect about my father I respected over and above anything else was his determination to live his life exactly as he saw fit. Even with his health scares, he enjoyed a good Cuban cigar at least once a day. Although he’d faced assassination on several occasions, he refused to lock himself or our mother in the dark confines of their house. He had his share of scars, brutal reminders of various attacks he’d faced, especially during his more youthful days. However, he’d never backed down from a good fight or the requirement for retaliation as necessary, no matter the odds.

  The trait I’d learned from my father, but at this point in my life, I felt more challenged by it than ever before. There were more than a dozen soldiers working both inside and outside the Throne Room, several positioned as nothing more than guests. We had enough firepower to start a war if necessary, but not unless pushed to the wall.

  The darkened space, a private and very exclusive club for members of the upper echelon of society was the product of a combined dream born by my father and passed onto Michael.

  While the membership was varied, patrons including members of New Orleans society, law enforcement, corporate moguls, and even members of Congress, there were also those involved in certain criminal elements. On any given day, the police chief could enjoy a glass of scotch with a notorious outlaw. The rules had been made very clear from the day they’d provided their membership dues.

  There would be no arrests made or fights ensuing. If so, their privileges were immediately revoked, all parties involved tossed out with no possibility of return.

  On this night, my sister had used the entire space for her celebration. I adored Angelique, including her wayward actions, but I wasn’t into the fanfare of parties for the sake of having them. However, I would shove aside my disregard, even while I kept my eye open for any issues. I had a very bad feeling about the night, my vision remaining in the forefront of my mind.

  The entire family hadn’t been together for a couple of months. Even then, the majority of celebrations were usually held at my father’s house, the location allowing for not only complete privacy but absolute security. I remained on high alert given the fact both aspects had been violated. In her own way, my sister was sending a message not to fuck with the family.

  “Two of your brothers are married?” Genevieve asked absently.

  “They are. While I know you find it hard to believe, both Cristiano and Michael are in love. Daniella captured Michael’s heart during a very difficult time. She’s not only his children’s teacher, she’s truly become their mother. After the tragedy my brother suffered, I’m happy for him. Emily is… well, let’s just say that she managed to shove an ice pick into Cristiano’s frozen heart.”

  “Is that possible with you?”

  I leaned down, kissing the top of her forehead. “Why don’t you think you’ve already done that?”

  “Because I know better.”

  I studied my lovely bride as she scanned the perimeter, her face pensive. The dress Angelique had chosen was beautiful, timeless elegance, the vibrant violet color accenting Genevieve’s eyes as suggested. She hadn’t said a word about the gift, merely donning the piece and sweeping her hair to the side. While she’d taken ahold of my hand, playing the part of the dutiful wife, I had no doubt she remained unhappy as well as furious with me.

  “Congratulations, Lucian. I was shocked to hear someone managed to capture your heart.” The man’s boisterous laugh boomed in the room. The police chief, Marcel Chaveneau, had been considered an enemy for a good number of years, but catching him with an underage girl in a hotel had brought him to his knees. He now worked for us, although he’d managed to maintain an austere and commanding presence with his subordinates. “And who is this lovely creature?” In keeping with his larger than life persona, he took her hand, immediately bringing her knuckles to his mouth. All the while, he refused to take his eyes off me.

  I didn’t trust him and he certainly couldn’t trust us, but our understanding had worked for a few years. If things went south with Morales, a collar of that magnitude would bring him all the notoriety he’d been seeking his entire career. Plus, it would drag the heavy lifting off our hands.

  Other than a few particular individuals that I would handle personally.

  “Chief Chaveneau, I’d like you to meet my wife, Genevieve.” I pushed her gently, a subtle way of telling her to accept his graciousness.

  She smiled as sweetly as I’d seen before, completely plastic but pleasing nonetheless, then gave him a respectful nod. “I assume you are keeping this city protected from corruption.”

  The chief hesitated, uncertain of how to take her comment then burst into laughter. “Absolutely. I must protect beautiful women such as yourself. You know, I think you might tame a man I swore would never settle down.”

  Turning toward me, she rubbed the tips of her fingers down my face. “I am certainly going to try.”

  Chaveneau lifted his almost empty glass in respect before walking away. I noticed he headed to a table full of men in blue. Ordinarily, I wouldn’t be happy with their presence. Tonight, I would accept the fact they’d been invited.

  As I walked her through the room, heading to a
special table that had always been left aside for members of the King family, several congratulatory shouts were given. Music filled the room, the gothic jazz coming from every side. The liquor was already flowing, and I was able to see massive displays of food.

  True to my sister’s form and her promise, there were at least two hundred guests. This would be considered one of the parties of the year.

  “You did very well,” I whispered, nuzzling against Genevieve’s ear. As always, her perfume filled my nostrils, boosting the thirst that never seemed to be quenched. “However, be careful with what you say.”

  “I don’t intend on saying but so much. Darling. I actually have nothing to say.” Her petulance was grating, but for tonight, I refused to allow anything or anyone to interfere with a few hours of enjoyment. I almost laughed at the thought given I’d wanted nothing to do with the party up to this point.

  “Lucian King.”

  I bristled hearing the senator’s voice. Peter Ragland had done everything in his power to rid what he called his great state of scum of the earth. That included our family in its entirety. Why my sister had invited him would be taken up at a later time. For now, I’d enjoy the moment. When I turned to face him, I glanced at the younger man who flanked Peter’s side. His eager smile told me that he was running for office. Interesting that the senator would use his plus one this way. Up to this point, he’d never been allowed inside the premises. My sister was up to something.

  “Senator. What a joy to have you here for such a fabulous celebration.” I held out my hand, keeping my grip firm. The man had aged significantly in the last few months, his eyes no longer holding daggers in them.

  He grinned, taking a few seconds to glance around the room. “This is a fabulous establishment. I’m certain it provides even more wealth for the King family.”

  “Yes,” I said, tilting my head and studying the second man. He was certainly more observant, his stoic face reflecting nothing, but I could tell by his eyes that he was making a mental sketch of the room.


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