The Assassins Guild 4: Last Man Standing

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The Assassins Guild 4: Last Man Standing Page 9

by Saxon Andrew

  “Tal.” Tal turned to Ka, “Why have we avoided attacking the Brotherhoods original planet? It’s not heavily defended and should be easily removed.”

  “Logistics, Ka.” Ka’s eyes narrowed. “Currently, all of the Brotherhood leadership is located across the black hole from where the fighting is taking place. Orders take time to deliver to their forces and that is a weakness of their structure. What do you think would happen if we nuked that planet?”

  “They would select a new leader and use one of the planets located at the conquered planet’s location,” Ka replied. “That makes sense.” Tal’s eyes narrowed, and Ka saw his expression, “What are you thinking?” Tal shook his head and Ka pressed him, “I know you’re thinking about something, what is it?”

  Tal activated his subvocal module, “Ka, put yourself in the Brotherhood’s High Cleric’s shoes and tell me what you’d do if one of the cities on your planet is attacked?”

  Ka lowered her eyes and then said, “I suspect it would become the most heavily defended planet in the Brotherhood if that happened.” She looked up at him, “Why are you reluctant to do it? It would drain ships from the conquered planets.”

  “And who do you think will demand to make that attack?” Tal asked. Ka shook her head not understanding…and then it hit her. Her eyes widened, and Tal nodded, “And who could blame them? Before I even think about doing this, they need time to get to know their ship.”

  “You could still send someone else, Tal.”

  “If you were in their place, how would you feel about that?”

  “I’d feel betrayed. But…”

  “They deserve the chance, Ka! I don’t want to believe it’s their destiny, but…” Tal’s words trailed off.

  “If it is destiny operating, anyone else sent to do it would fail,” Ka replied softly. Tal released a heavy sigh and Ka said, “You should do it now.”


  “Tal, when did you think of this idea?”

  “It just occurred to me.”

  “So, your thinking about it now means what?” Ka asked.

  “Before now wouldn’t be the right time. But this doesn’t mean immediately is what’s called for.”

  “Are you willing to take that risk, Tal?”

  Tal stared at Ka and lowered his eyes. After two minutes, he touched his console.

  • • •

  Jab pulled back on the steering wheel and the Backpack moved out of the large fleet’s formations. He turned the ship around and headed back toward the freighters moving toward Andromeda behind the fleets ahead of them. He looked at his scanning officer, “Bobby, put me in contact with Admiral Sager.” The Admiral appeared on Jab’s monitor and Jab asked, “Have you received Admiral Talent’s orders?”

  “I have. Land on cradle-four and we’ll make the necessary change to your ordinance.”

  “Would it be possible to have two put on board in case the first one fails?”

  “No, Captain. The Admiral’s orders are quite explicit.” Jab nodded and ended the contact. He glanced at Ryshana and saw she was furious. Her face was red, and Jab knew he had to discuss this mission openly with the crew to get her to calm down. Jab put the ship on autopilot and said loudly, “I want everyone’s attention.” Six officers and Ryshana turned and stared at Jab, except Ryshana, she was glaring at him. “We’ve just been given a secret mission and I’m going to go over the details of what we’ve been tasked to do.” Jab paused and then continued, “The Backpack has been ordered to fly to the Brotherhood’s capital planet and launch a nuclear missile at one of their cities.” The bridge crew was shocked by the revelation. “This won’t be as difficult as you imagine; there are only ten Brotherhood warships defending the planet and getting close enough to launch the attack won’t be anywhere near as difficult as attacking one of their conquered planets.”

  Bobby asked, “Why are we chosen to do this?”

  “You need look no further than our forward weapons operator to understand that.” Everyone turned to Ryshana and her anger was clear in her expression. Jab continued, “Ryshana managed to escape from that planet with me and she holds a slight grudge against the Brotherhood leaders on that planet.”

  “SLIGHT GRUDGE MY ASS! I WANT THEM ALL DEAD!!” Ryshana instantly replied.

  “At ease, Captain. You will remain silent until I cover this with the crew.” Ryshana crossed her arms forcefully and continued to glare at Jab. Jab turned to his crew and continued, “We are the best choice for the mission because I scouted the planet when I met Ryshana. I know how to get in safely and I also know all the locations of their largest cities. We are going to nuke the largest city on the planet with the largest warship construction facility.”

  “Why don’t we nuke the city with their leaders, Sir?” Makayla asked.

  Ryshana snorted and Jab glared at her. She remained silent and Jab turned back to his coverage officer, “Admiral Talent has explained that under the Brotherhood’s current structure, all their critical decisions are made on that planet and it takes time for any orders to arrive at the conquered planets. That delay is critical in preventing them from changing tactics quickly. If we nuke their capital city, then the new Leader of the Brotherhood may be chosen out in the conquered planets and that could spell real danger to our ships fighting there. We don’t want to change the location of their leadership, at this time.”

  “Then why do it?” Bobby asked.

  Jab glanced and saw Ryshana had uncrossed her arms and was thinking about what Jab was saying. “Lieutenant Russell, what do you think is going to happen if a city on their home world is hit with a nuclear missile?”

  The bridge was silent, and Makayla replied after a few moments, “They’ll call in enough ships to defend the planet from further attacks.”

  Jab smiled, “I happen to know the High Cleric over the Brotherhood and he won’t just call in enough ships to defend it; he’ll call in thousands to protect his worthless hide. That will substantially reduce the number of warships our fleets will be facing at the conquered planets. This could save thousands of our fellow sailor’s lives.”

  Ryshana raised her hand. Jab nodded to her, “But that will make it almost impossible to remove him in the future. Now is a perfect time to do it.”

  “The lives of our sailors are more important at this time than killing the High Cleric, Captain. It’s similar to the decision you made when we left that planet to leave the leaders in place because they are pretty much incompetent. It wasn’t the right time to do it then, and it’s not the right time to do it now,” Jab answered.

  Ryshana lowered her eyes, “I apologize for my outburst, Senior Captain; I was out of line.”

  Jab turned to Makayla, “When it’s time to launch the missile, you will take control of Ryshana’s console and she will go to Giselle’s missile console and press the button to launch it.” Jab was amazed at their different reactions. Giselle was relieved that she didn’t have to fire the missile that would kill millions of people on the planet; Ryshana was ecstatic to do it.

  “Bobby, I’m going to need a clear path to the planet,” Jab ordered.

  “Yes, Sir.”

  Jab took control of the ship and saw the Brazil on the monitor fifteen minutes ahead. Ryshana turned back to her console and he could sense her disappointment at being blocked from killing those that caused her so much pain and horror.

  • • •

  Jab had Bobby take control of the ship and Makayla to relieve Ryshana. He stood up and ordered, “Captain, go with me to the conference room.” They left the bridge and Giselle said quietly, “The Captain isn’t happy.”

  Makayla smiled, “They’ll work it out. They’re a good team.”

  • • •

  Jab entered the conference room and he turned to Ryshana, “I will not tolerate any further…”

  “I know, I know!” Ryshana interrupted. “I lost control.”

  “You promised me before we left the capital planet you wouldn’t do that again

  Ryshana lowered her head and nodded, “I’ll behave in the future.”

  Jab sat down and blew out a harsh breath, “Ryshana, you’re second in command on this ship and you’ve demonstrated that you’re capable of disobeying orders. Left up to you, you would have ordered an attack on the capital city. How can I trust you to do what’s needed if I’m not on the bridge every minute?!”

  “But, Jab…”

  “Could you break off an attack on a fleet of Brotherhood ships if withdrawal is called for or will your rage make you continue to fight? It could get all of us killed!”

  Ryshana lowered her chin, “That would be different, Jab.”

  “How would it be different?”

  Ryshana looked up at him, “I don’t hate them as much as I do the High Cleric and the lackey’s under him. I want to kill them more than anything else, Jab. I see why we have to do it this way. I didn’t kill him numerous times when I had the opportunity during your mission because it was more important than my hatred. I allowed my feelings of missing this opportunity to take control; it won’t happen again.” Jab glared into her eyes and she added, “I promise.”

  Jab shook his head, “I don’t know if both of us serving on the same ship is a good idea.” Ryshana smiled and Jab asked, “What do you find humorous?”

  Ryshana shrugged, “Who else could control me?”

  Jab laughed and Ryshana went into his arms.

  • • •

  The trip to Andromeda seemed to take forever and finally, Jab flew the Backpack away from the main fleet. He moved in toward the Brotherhood’s main planet and slowed his approach. “Bobby, where’s the largest gap in their coverage?”

  “The ten warships are evenly spaced around the planet, Sir. However, we shouldn’t be detected if we split one of the gaps between those ships.”

  “Give me a trace to follow.” The trace appeared, and Jab announced, “I’m accelerating on this line and once the ship is up to speed, I’m shutting down our main systems and coasting in. Be prepared to go to full power in the event we’re detected.”

  Jab flew the Backpack through the middle of a triangle formed by three Brotherhood warships. He kept his left hand on the power controls but none of the warships changed locations. The ship continued to coast toward the distant planet.

  The Backpack arrived above the planet’s night side and Jab held the ship in stationary orbit as the planet turned below. Jab turned to Bobby, “Match up the planet with the recordings made by the Lincoln. We’re looking for the second largest city on the planet’s surface.” Bobby began entering queries into his computer and after a few minutes looked up, “The city you’re looking for is on the dayside of the planet, Sir.” Jab nodded and moved over the North Pole and moved into an orbit above the northern hemisphere. Bobby stared at his console and sent an image to Jab’s monitor, “According to the records from the Lincoln, the city on your monitor appears to be the one we’ve targeted.”

  “Zoom the view in on the space port, Lieutenant.” Jab stared at the spaceport and he squinted at a large building beside the main landing strip. He looked up and asked, “Can you move the view in closer to that large building?” The view grew larger and Jab started shaking his head, “Move the view out over the center of the city. Look for the tallest building.” The view moved out and then zoomed back in on a towering structure in the center of the city. He stared at it and Ryshana asked, “What’s bothering you?”

  “Makayla relieve Ryshana. Come over here and look at the building on my monitor, Ryshana.” Ryshana walked over beside his chair and Jab asked, “Is that the Creation building?”

  Ryshana stared at it and remarked, “It looks very much like it, but it can’t be the Creation Building.”

  “Why not?”

  “Because the spaceport is located to the south of the city. In the Brotherhood’s capital city, it was located on the northside of the city.” Ryshana turned to Jab, “What’s bothering you?”

  Jab pulled up the image of the large building next to the spaceport and Ryshana saw the large white ship parked beside it. Her eyes widened, “That’s the High Cleric’s personal ship!” Jab nodded. “What is he doing here?”

  Jab turned to Bobby, “Scan the field close to the building for the presence of any warships. Look for a different type of warship than the ones they’re currently using.”

  “I found one, Sir,” Bobby immediately responded. The view zoomed in at high speed and a giant warship appeared on the monitor. Bobby began calling out the ship’s dimensions, “It’s fifty-percent larger than their standard warship and has double the number of blasters on its hull. It also appears to have twice the number of launch tubes for their small attack ships.”

  “What about the size of the blasters?” Jab asked.

  “Sir, there’s a standard warship parked four hundred yards from that new ship and its blasters are half the size of the ones on the new warship.” Bobby stared at his monitor and then looked up at Jab, “Sir, there aren’t any thrusters on that ship.”

  “Do a full active scan of that ship!” Jab ordered.

  After a moment, Bobby replied, “Scan completed, Sir. The computer says that it uses gravity thrusters.”

  The crew was staring at Jab and he noticed their expressions, “The High Cleric never leaves the Holy City. The only thing that would cause him to be here was some kind of new development. He’s here to congratulate the builders on the construction of this new vessel. I knew something was going on when I saw his vessel parked next to the spaceport,” Jab said to them. “Now I have to decide if I should go ahead and launch the missile while the High Cleric is present. I’m open for suggestions.”

  Makayla spoke up first, “This is a great opportunity!”

  Bobby nodded, “We can remove him, and they can replace him with another leader in the capital city who’s not as experienced.”

  Ryshana shook her head, “You should wait until he leaves and is moving away from the city.” Everyone looked at her like she had three heads. Ryshana scowled, “I want him dead more than any of you know…but…” Her voice trailed off.

  “But what?” Jab asked.

  Ryshana raised her shoulders, “What will the High Cleric think if we nuke the city right after he leaves it?” Jab stared at her and she continued, “He’ll believe the city was attacked to kill him. This near-death experience will frighten him to his core and he’ll demand a guard over the planet that nothing can get through. A new High Cleric probably won’t be as frightened; he’ll just think it was bad luck he was there when the new ship was attacked.”

  Jab turned back to the monitor and thought about it. “I think you’re right. The High Cleric will demand a much higher number of warships be sent here than a new one would demand.”

  “And isn’t that why we’re here, Sir?” Ryshana asked.

  “Sir, that white ship is powering up its thrusters. If you want to take him out, you need to decide now!” Bobby interjected into the conversation.

  Jab turned to Gisselle, “Change the targeting on the missile for the center of the spaceport! Make it an air blast.” Jab quickly asked, “Computer, will the missile’s blast over the spaceport also take out the city?”

  “Yes, Captain. An air blast will extend fifteen miles beyond the spaceport.”

  “Bobby, let me know when the High Cleric’s vessel is twenty-five miles outside the city.” Jab turned to Ryshana, “You should go to Gisselle’s panel and launch the missile.”

  “Just let me know when to press the button.”

  “Bobby, I want a recording of the blast. As soon as we launch, I’m getting the Backpack out of orbit!” Jab ordered. “Gisselle, the ship is yours.”

  “The ship is fine where it is, and I’ve programmed the missile, Sir.” Gisselle stood up and Ryshana took her seat.

  Bobby began counting off, “The white ship is fifteen miles out from the city…twenty miles out…twenty-five miles out!”

  “Launch the missile, Capt
ain!” Jab ordered. Ryshana pressed the red button on the console and everyone on board felt a bump as the missile left its launch tube. Jab pushed the thruster handle forward slightly and the Backpack moved directly away from the planet. A few moments later, a brilliant white light appeared on the planet’s surface.

  “Bobby, give me an evade course!” The green track appeared on Jab’s monitor and he moved the Backpack on top of it. He saw the ten Brotherhood Warships come rushing in at high speed and he dove the ship as the green track changed on the monitor. Bobby stared at the monitor on his console, “Sir, two of those warships are like the one we saw at the spaceport. They appear to be able to see us.”

  Jab knew the Backpack’s software had the capabilities of the old Brotherhood warships programmed in and he turned away from the two warships bearing down on his location. He pushed the gravity thruster handle fully forward and began slowly opening a gap, but hundreds of small ships were launching from the two new vessels. Jab activated the new rear thrusters and pushed the thruster handle forward. The Backpack accelerated away leaving the Berserkers and warships far behind. Jab shook his head, “I didn’t want to reveal our new thrusters, but I also didn’t want to destroy any of their ships by revealing the new Killer Tee missiles. Bobby, lay in a course directly away from this planet.” The course appeared on the monitor and Jab turned the Backpack on it.

  Chapter Nine

  Brotherhood warships were arriving in large numbers as the senior Brotherhood military leaders arrived at the High Cleric’s conference room. The Senior Fleet Commander knew this was a very dangerous situation for him and his subordinates. His fear was realized when he saw the High Cleric enter the chamber with a platoon of armed guards. The High Cleric took his chair and stared at the leaders of the Brotherhood’s military with a malevolent expression; he almost looked insane. “I’ve called you here to determine what you intend to do about the attack on our Holy Planet,” the High Cleric began. “You may present your plan now.”


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