Fake Boyfriend Wanted: High School Christmas Romance (YA Fake Boyfriends for all Occasions Book 1)

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Fake Boyfriend Wanted: High School Christmas Romance (YA Fake Boyfriends for all Occasions Book 1) Page 11

by Sarah Pointe

  “This is just what I needed.” She grabbed a cookie right off the tray with our flipper and ate it carefully to avoid the heat. “You are the master at these. MMM.” She poured herself some milk from the fridge and everything seemed more right in the world than it had in a long time.

  But I had to say what I wanted to say to her, even if it made things awkward. “Thank you for what you did for me.”

  She studied me for a sec and then put the milk back. “For what?”

  “All this time, being with me, helping me when my dad died. I didn’t realize until last week, you gave up everything. I had stopped caring or wanting anything or being social at all. I think it became a habit. And you were there for the whole thing.” I thought I might tear up again. “I didn’t even know. I was that lost.”

  “Ava. I needed it too. I would do anything for you.” We carried a huge plate of cookies, several waters, and the big bowl of popcorn out to the living room.

  “I hope so, ‘cause when I think about all you did, all you gave up, you’re just the best.”

  She looked down. “I’m sorry about everything lately.”

  “I think I understand.”

  “You do?”

  “Yeah. I was holding you back. And if you could just get me happy and standing on my own again, you could finally have a boyfriend.”

  She swallowed. “That sounds so selfish.” Her words came out as a whisper.

  “No. It doesn’t. I think you’re the least selfish in all this.”

  We sat together on the couch, and when I grabbed a handful of popcorn from the bowl in Sasha’s hand, everything seemed like it was gonna be alright. “So, thanks.”

  “You’re welcome.”

  “Do I need to go beat up Nick or something? What’s going on?”

  She closed off a little bit. “I don’t want to talk about it.”


  We watched the movie for a minute and then she said, “But I think he’s a real jerk.”

  I nodded.

  Then Mom came in. And her cheeks were rosy and she was smiling.

  Sasha and I exchanged a look. She knew like I did that this was new, this rosy-cheeked cheerful Mom coming home late at night.

  When she saw us on the couch, she about started crying with happiness. “And this makes a great night almost perfect.”

  I groaned.

  But Sasha stood and hugged Mom. “It’s good to see you, Mama Claire.”

  “You, too, darling. Now, can I join you both so I can get an update here?”

  I just went ahead and turned off the TV. This was gonna take a while.

  Sasha sat with legs crossed and Mom sat on my other side.

  “You first.” Sasha grabbed some more popcorn.

  “Me first?” She actually blushed. And for some reason, maybe it was because Sasha was with me, maybe because I had my own problems, or maybe it’s just ‘cause the newness of the cringe factor had died down, but I was okay hearing her answer. Or at least I didn’t feel the need to cover my ears and hide under a blanket.

  “I met someone.” My mom looked from me to Sasha and then back at me.

  Sasha squealed. “You did? Tell me all about him.” She reached a hand over and clutched mine in hers. And I loved her for it. That quiet gesture said everything, and for now, that’s all I needed. Together we listened to my mom gush over some new guy and be excited about the newness of the relationship and listening to her talk, I knew I was going to be okay.

  Then she started asking Sasha about Nick and how she was doing, and that’s when Sasha started crying and I heard the deets about Nick being a jerk and I still wanted to punch him, but Mom gave some pretty great advice.

  Then they both looked at me.

  And I just didn’t even know what to say.

  “Guys, I am in the biggest mess.”

  So I caught Sasha and my mom up on the whole fake date thing.

  And Mom wasn’t as open minded about the whole thing as she had been in her advice about Nick, but I could tell she made a real effort to be chill and try to help.

  When I got to the part about Pete and kissing him, they were both equally happy.

  “But now he hates me. And I have this mess of a fake date schedule to clean up.”

  “Did you cancel any of your dates?”

  “Yes, I went ahead and cancelled them all, and the post has been deleted.”

  “Then I don’t see the problem.”

  “Well, this is all new. I mean, I cancelled the last one I felt obligated to attend tonight so Sasha and I could hang out.”

  She squeezed my hand.

  “Then what are you waiting for?” Sasha leaned forward.

  “What are you talking about?”

  “Why aren’t you calling him?”

  “I did call him. It was a nightmare.”

  “But now it’s not. Now everything is cancelled and you’re free.” Sasha made a great point, but something about that bothered me.

  “I’m not ready.” I didn’t think calling him for the third time in a few days to apologize and beg for him to take me back was the way to go.

  And for some reason, they both respected my answer. And we moved on to our favorite movie quotes.

  And I couldn’t believe how nice it felt to be back together with the people I loved most.

  Chapter 20

  Late that night, knowing I wouldn’t be able to get to sleep for a few hours yet, I started working on an Instagram post. It was time to say something to all my new followers, explain myself and my reasons, and to get a few things off my chest.

  I scrolled through all the selfies of me and Pete. Wow, he made almost every picture look amazing. I finally picked my three favorites and then started typing what I wanted to say to everyone. It took some time. But when I finally had it the way I wanted it, I was proud of how much of my heart I was able to communicate.

  You might remember earlier this month, I created a post asking for someone to be my fake boyfriend and go on fake dates with me to celebrate the holidays.

  I was so flattered and encouraged that so many of you wanted that role. I think what it really means is that we’re all looking for more people in our life during the holidays. And we’re looking for fun people to go on dates with. I highly recommend asking people out on dates as a way to get to know them. You really don’t have to be official to enjoy each other’s company, but that’s not why I’m writing today. Today I want a special someone to know that the time we spent together was never fake. The most real I’ve ever been were the moments I spent with you.

  I tapped to create the post and then put my phone on the nightstand. Maybe now I’d be able to get some sleep.

  Just as I was about to let my eyes drop closed, I wondered if it would be worth it to ask one of the fake date guys to go to Winter Formal with me.

  I wanted to go.

  I just didn’t feel like I could reach out to Pete yet, and I needed to find my date and buy the tickets soon.

  Then through my haze of almost asleep thoughts, I focused in on a single melody. Guitar? Was someone playing the guitar outside my window?

  I bolted up in bed.


  I threw on some shorts with my shirt and ran to the window.

  Outside, staked up in the ground, was a poster.

  Ava, will you ask me to Winter Formal?

  He had all the stuff I’d left at the tree house where I was going to ask him.

  He sang louder. “Love comes softly…”

  And I stepped out onto my balcony.

  As he finished his last note, he set down the guitar and lifted up his poster, pointing at it, waiting.

  When I didn’t say anything for what might have seemed like a long time to him, he put down the poster. “Well? Am I gonna have to climb up there?”

  I considered his offer and really would not have minded, but I shook my head. “No. No. I just…I thought you were mad at me. I didn’t think I was gonna get to see or talk to yo
u today.”

  “Is this a good surprise?”

  “How did you know about all that stuff at the tree house?”

  “Well, turns out I was missing you. So I went there myself, hoping to plan something for you. And then I found all of this.” He tapped his head. “Great minds. And since we both thought the same thing, we have to for sure act on it. No backing out.”

  “Does that mean you would say yes?”


  “If I asked you to Winter Formal, would you say yes?”

  His small smile grew into this slow, sexy look that made me want to kiss it right away. But I leaned over the balcony and waited.

  “You’re just gonna have to come down here to find out.”

  But when I put my leg over the balcony to reach for the tree branch, he reached a hand out. “Wait!”


  “You’re just gonna climb right there?” He moved below me, with his hands out. “Wouldn’t it be better to just go out the front door?”

  “I don’t want my mom to have to get up and see what’s going on.” I reached out for the branch Sasha and I had used a hundred times. But he didn’t have to know that. His concern was kind of cute. “I think this will work.”

  I swung a leg up over the branch and shimmied down, then made my way to the ground by him.

  “I get the impression you’ve done that before.” He was tall, and he smelled great, and he stood close and I wanted to melt into him.

  I shrugged. “Thank you for coming over.”

  “I know it’s late, but I couldn’t wait another day.”

  I rocked back and forth on my feet. “I cancelled all my fake dates.”

  “I didn’t really have a right to ask you to. That was just my boyfriend jealousy talking.”

  “Boyfriend? Jealousy?”

  He stepped closer. “Yeah, you know, acting like I’m your boyfriend, trying to treat you like you’re mine or something.”

  I nodded slowly. “And what if I’m in need of a boyfriend to go on holiday dates with me this Christmas?”

  “Not a fake one?” One eyebrow rose and wiggled just for a moment.

  I shook my head. “No, I’m only interested in the real kind.”

  He rubbed his chin. “Maybe we should go on a date first? To check it out?” He tipped his head, indicating his sign. And I laughed. “This is really only about Winter Formal to you?”

  “Not just Winter Formal, but that’s a big deal. You could ask anyone.” He pulled me into his arms. “And the more I think about it, the more I want to be the only one dancing with you in a sexy dress.”

  “Well, then, I’d show you my pizza that asks this question much better. But since it’s probably totally disgusting by now, I’ll have to do.”

  “This is my favorite way to be asked to a dance right here.” His hands moved up my back, and the anticipation was sending waves of happy shivers through me.

  I searched his face. This eighth grade-crush of mine, turned into the hottest guy I knew, standing here below my window. Suddenly everything that had been wrong in my world was now right. “Pete.”


  I stood up on tiptoes so that I could almost reach his mouth. “Will you go to Winter Formal with me?”

  He pressed his lips to mine, their warmth rushing through me all the way to my toes. He lifted me in his arms and kissed me again and again until I gripped his arms.

  When he paused and looked into my face, we both laughed.

  “Is that a yes?”

  He nodded. “Yes. I’ll go to Winter Formal with you.”

  “Well, now that that’s decided.” I ran my hand up his chest, fascinated with how solid it felt, with the muscles rippling under my fingertips.

  “I just have one more question.”

  “And what is that?”

  “It’s a matter of a person to go on holiday dates with me?”

  “Will you go ice skating with me tomorrow?”

  I nodded. “Looks like I have that date free.”

  His smile made me laugh until he kissed it away. And I knew he was going to be the best thing that happened to me.

  Chapter 21

  A couple weeks later, while dancing at Winter Formal to the first slow song they’d played all night, he held me close. We’d spent every day together of the last two weeks. He was a regular part of my living room with his Calculus book.

  My mom’s new boyfriend showed up a few times, and we both decided he was a decent guy. Pete liked him because the guy was an expert in Calc. I liked him because of the way my mom smiled when he was around.

  Everything about us was really close to perfect. We even double dated with Nick and Sasha and everyone got along. Pete and I both agreed that Nick wasn’t nearly good enough for her, but people had to make their own decisions about who they hung out with and if he was Sasha’s choice right now, then I could respect that.

  The lights dimmed, and the DJ started in with another slow song.

  As Pete hugged me, and we swayed together on the dance floor, I could even see us together later, after high school. And that’s what I loved most of all.

  He surprised me with a quick kiss, then he murmured against my lips. “I have a question to ask you.”

  “Oh yeah?”

  “Mm hm.”

  I waited.

  He stared into my eyes. And for a second I was lost in his. Promises shone back at me. Loyalty. Hope, and Pete. My Pete, the eighth grade-friend and crush and the junior year version molded together. And I knew I loved him. But I didn’t dare say it.

  “Will you be my girlfriend? I’m yours, Ava. Will you be mine?”

  And with those words, I knew I was his. I would forever be Pete’s. “Yes. I already am.”

  He pulled me tight and spun me around.

  The kiss that followed sealed some of those promises, and I made a few silent ones of my own. When at last the music picked back up, we lingered a moment more together. And I found my courage.

  “I love you.”

  His eyes literally lit with happiness. Then his voice, sexy and deep in my ear, murmured, “I love you too.”

  The End.

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  Copyright © 2020 by Sarah Pointe

  All rights reserved.

  No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

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