by Mór Jókai
The little servant, Satan Laczi, junior, interrupted the conversation.He came to announce dinner. Lisette had not needed any instructions. Sheknew what was expected of her when a visitor happened to be at thecastle at meal-times. Besides, she wanted to show the lady from themanor what she could do. Not since the count's arrival at the NamelessCastle had there been so cheerful a meal as to-day. Marie sparkled withdelight; the baroness was wit personified; and the vice-palatine bubbledover with anecdotes. When the roast appeared he raised his glass for aserious toast:
"To our beloved fatherland. Vivat! To our revered king. Vivat! To ouradored queen. Vivat!"
Count Vavel promptly responded, as did also the ladies. Then the countrefilled the glasses, and, raising his own above his head, cried:
"And now, another vivat to _my_ queen! Long may she reign, andgloriously! And," he added, with sudden fierceness, "may all who are herenemies perish miserably!"
"Ludwig, for heaven's sake!" ejaculated Marie, in terror. "Look atKatharina; she is ill."
And, indeed, the baroness's lovely face was pallid as that of a corpse.Her eyes were closed; her head had fallen back against her chair.
Ludwig and Marie sprang to her side, the young girl exclaimingreproachfully:
"See how you have terrified her."
"Don't be frightened," returned Ludwig, assuringly; "it is only apassing illness, and will soon be over."
He had restored the fair woman to consciousness on another occasion; heknew, therefore, what to do now. After a few minutes the baroness openedher eyes again. She forced a smile to her lips, shivered once or twice,then whispered to Ludwig, who was bending over her with a glass ofwater:
"I don't need any water. We were going to drink a toast; wine isrequired for that ceremony."
She extended her trembling hand, clasped the stem of her glass, and,raising it, continued: "I drink to your toast, Count Vavel! And here isto my dear little daughter, my good little Marie. May God preserve herfrom all harm!"
"You may safely drink to Ludwig's toast," gaily assented Marie, "safelywish that the enemies of your Marie may 'perish miserably,' for she hasno enemies."
"No; she has no enemies," repeated the baroness in a low tone, as shepressed the young girl closely to her breast.
A few minutes later, when Katharina had regained her usual self-command,she said:
"Marie, my dear little daughter, I know that our friend Ludwig is eagerto discuss war plans with his emissary. Let us, therefore, give him theopportunity to do so, while we make our plans for quite a different sortof war!"
"What!" jestingly exclaimed Count Vavel, "my lovely betrothed speaksthus of her preparations for our wedding?"
"The task is not so easy as you imagine," retorted Katharina. "Therewill be a great deal to do, and I mean to take Marie with me."
"Certainly; is she not my daughter? But seriously, Ludwig, Marie mustnot remain here if the recruiting-flag is to wave from the tower, andif the castle is to be open to every notorious bully in the county. Yougentlemen may attend to your recruits here, while Marie and I, over atthe manor, arrange a fitting ensign for your company. Before we bidadieu to the castle, however, we must pay a visit to the cook. If hermistress leaves here I fancy she will not want to stop."
"Lisette was very fond of me once," observed Marie; "and there was atime when she did everything for me."
"Then she must come with us to the manor to a well-deserved rest. I cansend one of my servants over here to attend to the wants of thegentlemen."
The two ladies now took leave of Count Vavel and his visitor. Marie ledthe way to her own apartments, where she introduced the cats and dogs toKatharina. Then she drew her into the alcove, and secretly pulled thecord at the head of the bed.
"Now you are my prisoner," she said to the baroness, who was lookingabout her in a startled manner. "Were I your enemy--your rival--I shouldnot need to do anything to gratify my enmity but refuse to reveal thesecret of this screen, and you would have to die here alone with me."
"Good heavens, Marie! How can you frighten me so?" exclaimed Katharina,in alarm.
"Ha, ha!" merrily laughed the young girl, "then I have really frightenedyou? But don't be alarmed; directly some one will come who will not letyou 'perish miserably.'"
The baroness's face grew suddenly pallid; but she quickly recoveredherself as Count Vavel came hastily into the outer room.
"Did you summon me, Marie?" he called, when he saw that the screen wasdown.
"Yes, I summoned you," replied Marie. "I want you to repeat thegood-night wish you give me every night."
"But it is not night."
"No; but you will not see me again to-day, so you must wish me goodnight now."
Ludwig came near to the screen, and said in a low, earnest tone:
"May God give you a good night, Marie! May angels watch over you! MayHeaven receive your prayers, and may you dream of happiness and freedom.Good night!"
Then he turned and walked out of the room.
"That is his daily custom," whispered Marie. Then she pressed her footon the spring in the floor, and the screen was lifted.