Resurrection of an Empire: The Magic Within (The Magic Within Series Book 2)

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Resurrection of an Empire: The Magic Within (The Magic Within Series Book 2) Page 3

by Sharon Gibbs

  ‘You know you can still stay at the Keep this winter,’ Christopher said.

  ‘Thank you, but the house will be finished by then, and I’ve a good stack of wood out back to see me through the cold nights.’

  Saul was used to the cold blustery weather. The Dale was far to the south, nestled in a pocket of land that seemed to catch every available storm.

  ‘This place won’t take as long as you think to recover,’ Saul said as he looked around. ‘The people have a vitality I’ve never seen before.’

  ‘Yes, they’ve revelled and flourished in their newfound freedom. Are you coming up to the Keep tonight?’

  ‘Of course. I wouldn’t miss a free meal,’ Saul said as he slapped Christopher on the back. ‘It’s been a while since we’ve had time to talk.’

  ‘Aye. We’ve much to discuss. The people will choose their governing body soon, and the final papers need to be organised.’

  ‘Well, I’d best get back to this paint,’ Saul said, pointing his brush at the building. ‘This shop won’t finish itself. I’ll see you tonight.’ The two friends shook hands and Christopher left to make his way back up to the Keep.


  Seated at a table in one of the many reading rooms, Christopher scanned the pages of an old tome. His essence may have stored the events of the past twenty years, but this young man was far from a learned warlock.

  ‘There you are,’ Elle said as she walked over to his side, placing a kiss upon his cheek. Pulling a chair away from the sturdy desk she sat beside him.

  ‘How’s your arm?’ he asked, abandoning his book to stare at the linen cloth wrapped around her arm.

  ‘It’s healing well,’ she said, peeling back the bandage to show him. Her soft pale skin bore a bright red scar where the sword had slit her flesh and though the site was still tender it had knitted well. ‘Did you see Saul? Is he coming for dinner tonight?’

  ‘Yes, he wouldn’t miss out on a free meal, plus we have plenty to organise. You know, I’m proud of him. He’s making his mark and wants to be involved as much as possible. Now come here,’ Christopher said. Elle giggled as he grabbed her and pulled her onto his lap. He kissed her neck and she draped her arms around his shoulders. ‘Henry wants to take me to the Wizard’s Enclave after dinner, so I won’t be able to take you for that moonlight walk tonight.’

  She squeezed him and kissed him tenderly on the lips. ‘There’ll be plenty of time for moonlit walks. Sometimes other things just need to happen as they are supposed to. Don’t worry, my love, I’ll survive.’

  ‘Well you better leave, woman,’ he said and then stole another kiss from her lips. ‘Otherwise, I’ll find something that pleases me more than these books.’ She kissed him on the temple and stood.

  ‘As you command, my wizard.’

  His eyes followed her as she sauntered off playfully swinging her hips and, as she reached the door, she turned and blew him a kiss.

  Christopher laughed, and as Elle vanished around the corner he returned his thoughts back to his studies.

  Chapter Five

  While deep in the south, as the cool winds turned warm and gales blew in from across the ocean, Athena worked in the yard.

  Months ago when she had first returned home she’d cleared the servants’ corpses from inside her house and dumped them outside. Now as the season warmed, she dragged the last corpse towards the huge pile. The bodies had lain frozen over the long cold winter, but as the sun dried out the land the dead began to decompose. The stench of rotting flesh permeated her home and she had ventured out to be rid of the decay.

  Her stomach retched as she hauled the final corpse onto the pile. Twilight had set in and she just had to finish her task. Amongst the bodies she’d piled dry debris and with a flick of her hand, her magic set the offending odour to flame. The Sorceress’ soul ached as she watched the festering pile burst to flame and she remembered how she’d left her brother’s body on the battle field. The wizards would have burnt his body along with all the other fallen as they cleared the land.

  As the flames climbed higher Athena returned inside. Even though this stone building was her sanctuary, it no longer provided her with the comforts she needed. There were no servants to provide for her needs and the place had become dishevelled. Down in the kitchen cellar she searched for something to satisfy her hunger. The larder supplies were exhausted and her stomach grumbled. She hadn’t had a decent meal in weeks. Wrinkles marred her complexion, and the layer of fat which had plumped her skin had thinned and loose flesh sagged from her jaw line. She stood on a small wooden stool in the larder, desperate for a morsel to eat. She knew the time to venture out beyond the grounds of her home had arrived, plus she was tired of the constant chores required to keep the animals in the barn alive. Nibbling on some dried fruit she’d found, she decided tomorrow would be the day to sort out her household.


  As morning turned to noon pangs of hunger drove Athena out of her hideaway and she made her way up the dusty incline towards the deserted ruins of Alden. Not far from the destroyed city was a ramshackle inn where travellers of disreputable character were known to stay for a night or two. She walked along the dusty road towards the inn and as she neared an old gnarled tree she spied an old man slumped in the shade. He called out to her as she approached. ‘Spare a coin, Miss?’

  Athena stopped and stared at him. His clothes were stained. His endless wearing of the garments did nothing to please her eye and the odour of spilt whisky wafted up to assail her senses. She flicked back her hood and sneered at the man. ‘A coin? And what will you do with it?’

  ‘You’re a pretty one, aren’t ya,’ the old man said as he smoothed his greasy hair out of his face.

  Athena reached down to the small leather pouch on her belt and, removing it, she tipped into her creamy palm four golden coins. When her hand moved the gold clinked and caught his attention. ‘Tell me, old man, what would you do for a coin or two?’

  ‘Oh, Milady. I’d be willing to do anything for you,’ he said and he struggled to his feet, straightening his clothes.


  ‘Yes, Milady. For the right price.’

  ‘Good. Hold out your hand,’ she said and she reached forward with the money. The old man was quick to open his palm for the coins and Athena dropped them into his hand. She placed her hand over his and held onto him. ‘For the gold, I will have my due,’ she said as she wove a thread of magic into his soul. As her evil swarmed into his body it searched to find a place to latch onto. A darkness had already taken hold of the man, shrouding his heart in a thick cloak of despair but it was the only place the tentacle could find to embed. Athena, noticing the time it took to bind the man to her, put it down to her weakened state. ‘You’ve been bought and paid for. Now follow me,’ she said as she strutted off towards the inn.

  Foreman stared at the gold in his hand and felt a strange need to follow the woman. ‘Had he just sold his soul, for the glimmer of gold?’ He aimlessly sauntered behind her as she made her way towards the stoop and they both entered the building.

  Athena selected a round table by the fire so she had a clear view all who entered the inn. As she removed her cloak and placed it over the back of her chair, eyes from the surrounding tables turned to stare at her. The fire flickered merrily in the hearth and its light shimmered off her silken hair casting her in its seductive glow. Her allure heightened the senses of those in dark corners, and they watched her as she sat at the table.

  The building’s shabby interior and smoke-filled corners contained men and women who whispered of deeds not spoken aloud and the inn belied the wickedness of the people who frequented the place. But Athena expected as much and the warmth of the fire did much to brighten her spirits as a young girl approached their table. The serving maid stared at the old drunk and wondered why he sat with this beautiful stranger. She knew the old man well. He was a regular who hung around to beg a coin or two from passersby, then spent his wealth on d
rink and a morsel or two. Athena ordered the old man and herself food and mead to ease the dust of the road from their throats and fill their bellies.

  ‘Thank you, Mistress,’ the old man said as he ogled the plate the girl placed in front of him. It was the most food the man had seen in a long time. His stomach growled and his mouth watered as the aroma wafted up from the plate.

  Athena watched the old man shovel the food into his mouth. ‘What’s your name?’

  He swallowed and then wiped his mouth on his sleeve. ‘Foreman, Mistress,’ he said and then stuffed another forkful into his mouth.

  Athena ate her meal in silence and watched the goings-on around the room. Men glanced in her direction as they talked in the dim light, exchanging items obscured from her vision while they swilled their mugs of ale and ordered more.

  The young waitress returned to collect their trenchers and Athena slipped a single gold coin on the table to pay for their fare. The serving girl’s eyes lit up as she noticed the colour of the coin and Athena saw a glimpse of wickedness fleet across the girl’s features as she picked up the payment. Reaching over, Athena touched the girl’s hand. ‘What would you do for a coin or two?’ She pulled her hand back to reveal three golden coins. The young lass looked at Athena and smiled. She was used to making extra coin from the local rogues. Her job was to inform them which travellers were ripe and easy for the picking. Foreman fidgeted in his seat and his eyes strayed down to stare blankly into his lap.

  ‘What is it you wish me to do?’ the girl asked the beauty as she scooped up the gold.

  Athena reached forward to touch her again and weaved her web to entrap the waitress. The young girl gasped as she felt Athena’s evil tentacle worm its way into her soul, and she swallowed to push back the lump which had risen in her throat. Releasing the girl’s hand, she said, ‘Go pack your things. You belong to me now.’ The girl stared as the mysterious woman rose from the table and wandered over to stand in front of the fire.

  Those hidden in darkened corners, with evil deeds on their mind, watched as the stranger moved towards the orange glow of the fire’s flames. Athena’s dress reflected the colour of the burning coals and everyone in the room could see her shapely legs through the silken material. The waitress soon returned with her small bag of belongings and Athena retreated from the warmth of the fire to collect her cloak. ‘We must leave, Foreman,’ she said. ‘It will be dark soon, and the house is empty.’ She draped her cloak around her shoulders and headed toward the door.

  Outside, while they paused on the stoop, Foreman glanced back toward the door of the inn and then stared back at Athena. ‘You shouldn’t have said that, Mistress.’

  A wicked smile flittered across Athena’s face. ‘Come along. We have much to do at home,’ she said, and then lifting her skirts she made her way down the stairs and set off for home.


  Doran sat in a dim corner of the inn with his mob and watched as the woman and Foreman entered the inn. He was fond of the old drunk and when he ventured to the Black Bottle inn for business, he usually flicked the old man a copper or two. He eyed them as they walked over to a table by the fire and the woman removed her cloak. Her beauty caused Doran’s chest to pound. He hadn’t seen one as beautiful since his long dead wife.

  The woman attracted the attention of all in the room, and he wondered why she’d be here with the old man. The gown she wore wasn’t old and tattered as most others wore, and he watched as she spoke with the kitchen maid, Catrain. Doran’s glance towards their table didn’t go unnoticed as they ate, and when Catrain returned to clear the dishes he too saw the glitter of the woman’s gold. His interest heightened. She wasn’t only a beauty but the colour of her coin and the clothes she wore spoke of a wealth he hadn’t seen since he’d been north. As the woman and Foreman left with the waitress, Doran hustled his crew into action.

  ‘Why do we ‘ave to leave so early?’ Terrin grumbled as they stood on the stoop of the inn.

  ‘We’ve another job, lads,’ Doran said as he watched the trio walk down the road and disappear around the bend. The sign over their head creaked on its rusted chains as the breeze caught the wooden planks moving it to and fro.

  Brom pulled hard on the strap of his belt to release his gut. He’d eaten far too much yet again and had to adjust his leather to the last notch. ‘We’ve just arrived,’ he grumbled. ‘You said we’d have three days’ rest before we headed out again.’

  ‘When opportunity knocks, lads, we must make haste. Now quit your complaining, Brom, and fetch the horses.’ Doran hocked a glob of spit in his direction and the mucus splattered on the porch next to the burly man’s boot. Grumbling under his breath, Brom stomped off.

  Doran slapped Merek on the back and laughed. ‘Twil be a fine night. I can already feel my pockets filled with the lady’s gold. Follow them, find out where she lives,’ he said as the small group on the road disappeared around the bend. ‘We’ll be along soon.’

  Merek set off on foot to follow the trio. He made sure he stayed within the brush whenever he could, but as he passed through the deserted city of Alden he began to feel uneasy with his task. He wasn’t sure why. He’d followed many unsuspecting victims before and as he crept along in the evening shadows, the group turned off the main road and headed down towards the ocean. Around the bend he spied them again and watched as they entered the main gates leading to the house. The sinking orange sun licked the white washed-walls and bathed the building in an aura of gold, while the sapphire blue dome adorning the roof reminded Merek of the sea not too far away. He could smell the salt in the air as the breeze whipped through the trees and he paused in the undergrowth just outside the gate to see Athena quicken her step as she navigated the stairs. As he hid outside the gate a shiver crept up his spine and the children’s tale of a witch who lived in a castle by the sea came to mind. He turned around and scurried back the way he’d come.

  Merek hastened back along the overgrown road, keeping his eyes averted from the dilapidated buildings and crumbling structures of Alden. Relief sated his fear as he caught sight of Doran and the others riding towards him. As they pulled their horses to a halt he spoke with Doran. ‘I don’t like it. I’ve followed them as you asked.’


  ‘And, I don’t like it.’

  ‘What do you mean you don’t like it? What’s not to like? There are only three of them. Two women and an old man. She has gold and has obviously hired them to work for her.’

  ‘I still don’t like it,’ Merek grumbled.

  ‘Well then, go back to the inn and when we return with our pockets full of gold you can watch us spend it.’ Doran cuffed Merek around the side of the head. ‘Come on, lads. It’s time to pay the lady a visit.’ Terrin handed Merek the reins to his horse and then set off to follow the others.

  Merek watched them as they rode off. He had often felt the sting of Doran’s hand and he knew if he didn’t follow along, the man, true to his word, wouldn’t spare him a coin. Neither would the others. Jamming his boot in the metal stirrup he hoisted himself into his saddle and galloped after the motley gang. The hair on his nape stood on end as he entered Alden and the towering buildings again triggered his fear. He kicked his nag on and she hurtled down the dusty road. When he had passed the last rundown house on the outskirts of the city, Merek caught sight of his group as they turned down the winding road towards the sea.

  ‘Doran, wait!’

  ‘Hang about, lads,’ Doran said as he heard a shout behind them. ‘He’s decided to join us after all.’ Doran grinned at Merek as he pulled his nag to a stop. ‘I knew you couldn’t resist how light your pockets would be while we’re filling our bellies.’

  ‘And the women, Doran! Don’t forget those luscious creatures.’ Brom boomed out a hearty chuckle. ‘How willing they’ll be for coin of such colour.’

  Pushing forward the four men approached the low walls surrounding the Dome and dismounted. They tied their reins to a drooping tree and made the
ir way through the darkness to prowl the grounds around the Dome in search of a way into the fortress.


  Upon Athena’s return home, she led her new servants through the main portal into the Dome. ‘This is my home and you’ll both tend to my daily needs,’ she said as she picked up a lantern by the door. When she opened the shuttered pane and blew on the small candle inside, the wick flickered to life. Holding the lantern high she continued on through the house making her way towards the kitchen.

  ‘Girl, come here.’

  ‘It’s Catrain, Mistress,’ the young lass said as she stepped closer to Athena.

  ‘Catrain, you’re to tend the kitchen and the house. You’ll also attend to whatever I desire.’

  The girl’s eyes widened.

  ‘What?’ Athena snapped.

  ‘Mistress, it’s just so much for one to do.’ She averted her eyes and quietened under Athena scorching glare, and Athena turned her attention from the lass to the old man.

  ‘Foreman, I want you to tend the yards. The gardens have been left and the animals need feed. Once you’ve seen to them, back there,’ she said pointing to a doorway not far from the kitchen hearth, ‘are the servants’ quarters. Girl, come with me.’

  Athena led Catrain along various hallways until they reached a set of stairs which led up into the dome of the building. Athena opened the door to her chamber and Catrain noticed the distinct movement her Mistress made with her hand. Bursting to flame, the candles scattered throughout the room gave life to its interior.

  ‘You will tend my chamber and assist me with my daily requirements,’ she said as she stepped over the threshold and moved to the oak cupboard where her gowns were stored. Removing her black gossamer dress she placed it on the bed. Looking up, Catrain noticed the bed had been placed so it stood directly under the glass domed roof which provided a view of the sky outside. She helped her mistress undress and held a midnight gown so Athena could step into it. Lifting the bodice up to cover her body, the young girl couldn’t help but stare at the woman’s creamy soft skin. The soft folds of the material enveloped her mistress’ silken skin and her shapely legs could be glimpsed through the slits in the side as she moved.


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