Always With You

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Always With You Page 13

by E. H. Lyon

  Jess grabs a mug and pours some coffee.

  “Morning. Have a cold shower this morning?” She tries to hide her smirk as she drinks from her mug.

  “Cold shower not needed. We had an exceptional yesterday, let’s just roll with that,” I suggest, raising my eyebrows and trying to cover my own smirk from forming.

  “This isn’t my ideal morning after,” she admits with coffee in hand.

  “Yeah, being tired because of that rascal was not the reason I wanted to be tired today,” I acknowledge as I tilt my head towards our son.

  “I believe you once said you can survive on two hours of sleep?” she enquires, raising an eyebrow.

  “You got me. This creature over here may break my condition,” I admit.

  She sneers with satisfaction for being right as she places her mug down and grabs a bowl. I put my empty mug on the counter and turn back to look at Sam. My heart flutters and my excitement creeps because I am positive he is standing all by himself.

  “We should be going in 30 minutes,” Jess says unaware and walking past me towards the living room.

  I quickly grab her from behind, wrapping my arms around her and pulling her back tight to my chest like I’m saving her from a ledge. Stopping her from interrupting the scene in front of us. I whisper, “Shhh,” into her ear. She is first startled, but when she sees what I’m seeing, she eases in my hold. My arms don’t loosen, and I continue to hold her tight against me with my chin resting between her neck and shoulder.

  Her hands cover my arms. “He’s standing by himself,” she whispers. “It’s the first time he’s done that,” she sounds sentimental.

  I smile. Sam makes some loud noises as he is unaware we’re watching. He seems happy. As soon as he sees us watching he flops down to sitting again. I don’t let her go and she doesn’t seem to be escaping either.

  “He is the cutest. Are you okay?” I ask as she seems a little lost or possibly emotional.

  “Yeah. He’s just growing so fast.” To my surprise she rests further against my body.

  “I’m happy we got to see it,” I reply softly and kiss her cheek without thought.

  “Yeah, it’s nice we got to witness it together.” She stays in my embrace for a good minute as we watch Sam. Finally, she breaks away and clears her throat. “So, big day then for Sam. We will leave in 30 minutes?” Jess rambles, trying to change the atmosphere.

  I confirm with a yes. In reality, I’m letting my body recover from holding her like that. Her eyes tell me she feels the same. It isn’t just physical, that connection between us is deepening. The one where we need no words and just know what the other one needs. Her eyes are telling me to be patient, and believe it or not, I can be a gentleman.

  “Everything looks good,” Lucas says as he reads over the chart.

  We have a check-up for Sam, and I wasn’t going to miss it. We’re lucky that Lucas is a family doctor, only the best for our little boy.

  “I think he’ll be walking in no time. You guys will have your hands full,” he adds.

  “Thanks. That’s exactly what I needed confirmation on,” Jess says sarcastically.

  “Now. Hate to be a mood killer, but Leo, I need your medical history for the file so we can be sure if we need to test Sam for any hereditary things and for blood conditions,” Lucas asks as he writes on the chart.

  Concern overcomes me. “Why, is everything okay?”

  “It’s fine. Just standard procedure and I didn’t have the father’s information before,” Lucas explains awkwardly, looking between Jess and me. I can see he doesn’t want to make the situation weird. So, I just put everyone at ease.

  “No problem, just tell me where to sign.”

  He hands me a form and I begin to answer all the questions and possibly sign away my life, I’m not sure. Why do they need to make it so complicated?

  “Okay, Jess. You mentioned you wanted me to give Sam a flu shot. Want to do it like last time?” Lucas asks, and Jess growls.

  I look around the room puzzled. “Care to explain?” I ask Lucas.

  “I can’t watch this, I really can’t, Leo. I stand outside, the nurse gives the shot, and Uncle Lucas holds Sam.” Jess looks like she is about to break down.

  Quickly, I come to her and touch her arms to soothe her. “Hey, I’m here now. I’ll hold him, okay?” I’m soft in voice and kiss her gently on the forehead. She gives me those soft eyes as her mouth corners tug. She nods before handing Sam to me and leaving the room.

  Lucas clears his throat and gives me knowing eyes.

  “You two are obvious,” he mentions as he gathers his supplies.

  “Why whatever do you mean?” I play coy.

  “Yeah, yeah, yeah. Shall we focus on your kid? I’ll give the shot then, okay?” Lucas speaks as I hold Sam close.

  Lucas turns around and has a needle in his hand.

  “Whoa, you are not using that on my kid,” I protest. I think I may freak out.

  “Relax, it is the smallest needle. Two seconds, I promise,” Lucas assures me as he comes to us. “Okay, Sam. Let’s distract Daddy, he is struggling more than Mommy, it seems. Hey, have you met Abby’s cousin, Avery?”

  “The Smokey Java lady? Yeah, why?”

  “I think we should introduce her to our local merciless attorney, Jake,” Lucas mentions.

  “Oh yeah? I could see that.” I have to grin. Lucas the matchmaker.

  My grin fades the moment Sam cries.

  “Distraction works wonders. All done,” Lucas reassures me and heads to the sink.

  Meanwhile, I give Sam his monkey and pull him close to calm him. No wonder Jess couldn’t stomach this. I want to kill my best friend right now.

  “What the hell, man. You’re going to traumatize him,” I snarl as Jess comes rushing into the room to calm Sam.

  After a minute or two, Sam has forgotten our last traumatic two minutes.

  “…And how are you guys?” Lucas has too much curiosity in his voice as he crosses his arms and leans against the counter with a grin that tells me he’s on to us.

  Jess who is busy dressing Sam looks at me and then back at Lucas. Her face turning slightly red.

  “We’re fine. Thanks for asking,” Jess responds, focusing on Sam.

  “Co-parenting working out?”

  “Is this doctor-needed information or nosy-friend information?” I raise a brow and give him a knowing look.

  Lucas lets out a chuckle. “Both. But maybe more the latter,” Lucas admits.

  “Well, it’s going fine, and if something changes then we will let you know,” Jess informs him and fakes a smile as she loudly zips up Sam’s sweater.

  Lucas looks at me and holds his hands up.

  “Oh? Are you anticipating changes?” Lucas enquires with a grin.

  Jess sends daggering eyes his way as she may kill him. Lucas looks at me with a smirk.

  I want to state for the record that there will be changes, but now isn’t the time. Instead I give him a warning look to quickly change the topic.

  “Okay, well. I will let you guys get out of here,” he declares. We catch up quickly about his son and then leave. But something tells me, even he could pick up on the chemistry between Jess and me. Especially as I have my mind set on what I want.

  Jess smiles as she gets into my car. It’s different between us. We were so at ease with each other over the weekend, everything felt natural. Our hotel idea, crazy, yet in a way it also opened a door to a simpler road. It feels like we are comfortable and both sense something different but can’t figure it out.

  “I think he just fell asleep,” I tell her quietly, looking into my rearview mirror as she buckles her seatbelt. There is an unusual silence in the car.

  “Hi,” she softly smiles, leaning against the headrest. Turning her head to look at me.

  “Hey,” I say with a slight grin as I drive off. The soft music in the background fills the air.

  We arrive back home, and I park the car. Turning the engine off as
she unbuckles her seatbelt and turns to lean against the seat to look at me, but she has nothing to say.

  I take my sunglasses off and turn in my seat, so my body is angled to her.

  “Can I ask a favor?” I say slowly.

  She nods curiously

  I choose to bite the bullet. After all, we are past the awkward stage and on the path to co-parenting as normal human beings who may actually enjoy each other’s company and heading to more.

  “I have a formal company event tonight. Do you think we can get a sitter?”

  “Why? I’ll be home.”

  “Yeah... so, it’s an event with partners.”

  Radio silence from her end, but a wry smile is fixed on her face.

  I continue. “Totally forgot about it until Molly sent me my schedule. I was hoping you would come as… a favor.” I also really need someone with me to follow the status quo and I want it to be her.

  “Is this what co-parents are supposed to do?”

  “I don’t know, what does Wikipedia say?”

  It makes her mouth curve.

  “By all means, just say the word and I will look through my address book to find someone to fill in.” I am not at all serious, but I know even the thought makes her jump.

  She quickly replies as I knew she would. “Okay. Fine. But I am your… How will you introduce me?” She now grins as she enjoys that she’s making this awkward. “Roommate? Baby mama? An old fling? Someone you want to drive insane.”

  I decide to play along. “Someone I want to… Hmm, I could think of a few things to tell people,” I grin.

  She holds a hand out. “I’ll come tonight, okay.”

  She walked into this.

  “Oh, I am sure you will.”

  She immediately looks away with a smile she tries to hide.

  Changing at the office, I look at the clock and see I have some time to kill so grab a stack of papers to sign. Hearing someone come into my office, I assume it’s Molly.

  "Hey, Molly, have you seen the Carter contract?" I don’t look up from the papers.

  Someone clears their throat. "Sorry to disappoint," that familiar voice says.

  Looking up from the papers and I am in…


  Leaning back in my chair and biting my pen as I take in the view. Jess is in heels, a long fitted black silk dress, her hair half up behind her ears, and the V-neck dress shows skin in all the right places. Her red lips and nails make her look beautiful, classic, and sophisticated. She is the complete package, and I am speechless.

  "Not disappointed… at all." I’m captivated as she comes to sit on the edge of my desk next to me, and I cross my arms still in my chair. Eyeing her with a hundred positions I want to try that would be too rigorous for my desk to handle and too scandalous for my mouth to say.

  My guess is she picks up on my face in awe and seems pleased with herself.

  "Good," she replies simply with a little seductive grin forming in the corner of her mouth, and our eyes lock.

  “You look beautiful,” I tell her with a smile on my face.

  “Well, have to look the part, right?” Our gaze with one another holds as we both maybe wonder what part that is. “Funny, I was remembering the last time I saw you in a tux. It has been awhile…” Her eyes bulge with a knowing look.

  Because we both remember.

  * * *

  Jess rolls her eyes and looks at me. Admittedly, I find this hilarious. She’s annoyed but looks at me as if she is waiting for me to take the lead. I clear my throat and hold my hand out. Giving her my best puppy-dog look.

  “Come on, Jess. It’s for the children. Wouldn’t want to disappoint them now, would we?” My lips curve to hopefully an enticing grin.

  She shakes her head gently and places her hand in mine. It’s warm. “Fine. Only because it is for the children.” She gives me a tight smile.

  I pull her up from her chair and she is gorgeous in a burgundy silk off-the-shoulder dress. Going to the dance floor, I bring her close to me and she fits perfectly. We begin to sway and know we have an audience, and they’re sitting at the table grinning with accomplishment. Our friends put Jess’s and my names down in the silent auction that they would pay to see us dance. Lucas’s hospital was having a black-tie event to raise money for the children’s wing, so we got a table.

  “Looking good, Jess,” I tell her honestly.

  Her eyes look at me.

  “Yeah, well, you’re not too bad yourself in a tux,” she admits.

  I smile as there is a strange calm between us as I pull her closer.

  “Don’t get any ideas,” she warns.

  I tilt her back. “What? That you may actually succumb to my charm?” Then draw her back to me.

  “Yeah, because the guy who sleeps around and ruins my business opportunities is exactly what I find charming,” she snickers.

  “Now, now, Jess. We have been over that many times and you also meddled. Who was it? Oh yeah, the person you thought I was sleeping with.” I spin her around and pull her back to me.

  “Ugh. I am going to kill Abby,” she mutters.

  I am finding too much entertainment at the sight of her.

  “We will get them back one day, don’t worry,” I assure her. “Relax. Just try and pretend you’re enjoying this.” I motion my head to our table.

  “Relax? Is there the hard stuff available at the bar?” She rolls her eyes, looks at me and fakes a smile.

  “If there is, would you agree to come to a hotel room with me?” My urge to rile this woman is too strong. The wish I didn’t need to tease a little too repressed.

  “Has hell frozen over? On earth or any planet?” she shoots back with the corner of her mouth curving and our eyes meeting.

  “Jess deary, come on, cooperate.”

  “Fuck. You are impossible. Fine. Is this cooperating?” She gives me an overdone smile as she moves closer to me and wraps her arm around my neck as we continue to sway. I can see she is enjoying this even though she pretends to be unaffected.

  “You get an A for effort.” I smile as our eyes meet and she eases in my arms.

  She looks around then back at me. “You didn’t come with a date?”

  “No. So I am at your service to take you home,” I tell her deadly serious.

  Our eyes meet as she bites her bottom lip, taken back my tone. Letting out a huff, her fingers crawl along the shirt buttons on my chest to my black bow tie.

  “Oh, you know how to make my dreams come true,” she pretends. I twirl her around and bring her closer to me again. Our centers meeting, and I hold her hand out and her other hand is under mine on my chest.

  “No. I am sure your dream come true would be me getting your underwear off in less than two seconds.” I really am too cocky for my own good.

  She looks at me with a glance that can only be described as entirely wicked.

  Leaning in and letting her lips go near my ear, she whispers, “Well, that would be hard… because I’m not wearing any.” She moves her mouth away with a satisfied grin and gently pats my cheek. Then steps back and walks away. I let out an exhale through my clenched teeth and watch.

  * * *

  My lips curve and I scratch the back of my neck. “Yeah. I remember. Least this time I know I get to take you home.”

  She could take that comment wrong after last night, but instead she smiles and goes along with it. It’s easy between us. Natural.

  I stand and her fingers straighten my black tie then run through my gelled hair.

  "Shall we go?” I offer. “I know you are so excited to schmooze with people who are all just trying for a power move." I say it as unexcited as I feel. Unrolling my sleeves and grabbing my suit jacket.

  "At your service." She smiles as she hops off the desk and walks towards the door.

  I’m slow in my pace to follow as I can’t help but notice her dress is highlighting a perfect trail on her bare back of where I can tease her all night yet make it appear completely respectabl

  Chapter Seventeen


  We arrive at the hotel on Fifth, and we both give each other a look like two cats who caught their mouse. We were here just last night when we—well, I—decided sex was a good idea.

  And maybe it was. Things feel easier between us today. I’m actually more relaxed with him around. I’ve learned to accept he is here to support me and Sam, make my life easier. And when we are around each other, there is a seriously high proportion of happy endorphins flowing in me. I can’t deny it.

  Looking around, I quickly focus on the task at hand—his work dinner.

  The elevator doors open, and his hand finds my lower back as we make our way to the crowd of people drinking. His fingertips send a buzz up my spine, and I would be lying if I said desire wasn’t about to escape me. I may have picked a dress that conveniently offers my back to his hand knowing it was a risk. Hell, I know I calculated what dress to wear and have to admit I went with the sexier option.

  We immediately grab a glass of champagne from a tray as a waiter walks by. We need it.

  The room is filled with maybe 150 people and there is someone playing piano in the corner. I could easily see why this isn’t Leo’s scene, and I know he would much rather be sitting at Matchbox with a beer.

  "Leo, can I have a moment?" somebody immediately asks, and I nod to Leo that it’s okay to already leave me.

  He leans in with his hand still making me tingle on my lower spine. His lips give me a kiss on the cheek to bid me a temporary goodbye. My eyes sparkle at him, I know it as he gives me that look that matches his swaggered walk. He is so sickeningly charming and suave in a tux that the man could commit murder now and I would offer myself as an alibi.

  I go walk to Molly who is the only face that I seem to know.

  “So nice that you could come. I think he was secretly looking forward to it when you agreed to tag along. I don’t know how he does it with his workload, and he mentioned Sam doesn’t always sleep,” Molly explains as she watches Leo.


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