Christian Clause: A BWWM Holiday Romance

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Christian Clause: A BWWM Holiday Romance Page 5

by Theresa Hodge

  Then why am I standing here gawking at him like a starving woman seeing her first meal in days?

  “Well, hello, Hope. We meet again,” he drawls softly, grinning with obvious pleasure.

  In place of the black suit he had on at the mall, he is sheathed in a charcoal gray suit that shows off his virile masculinity in ways that make me recall the first time I saw him. When I got home that day, I chided myself for not agreeing to see him again. But when I thought of Terrance, I decided I did the right thing.

  “Nothing to say,” he teases and places his hands in his pockets, drawing my attention to the strength of his legs.

  Struggling to control my emotions, which were running haywire, I say, “What’s there to say?”

  “There’s nothing really, is there? Except, fate dealt me a good hand and brought you to me instead of allowing me to channel my resources into looking for you.”

  I don’t know what to say to that, so I simply change the direction of my gaze from his handsome face to the window.

  “You know,” he continues, “I told myself that the first thing I’ll do whenever I see you again is kiss you until you can speak again. I’m afraid I can’t do that now, even though my presence alone seems to be doing that for me. However, I haven’t given up on the thought yet. Maybe not in the office, as I don’t mix business with pleasure.”

  He wants to kiss me?

  The knowledge fills me with elation as the feelings are reciprocated. But, I quickly catch myself. Chris Clause is my boss. I’m sure he’s used to his workers throwing themselves at him and allowing him to do whatever he likes with them.

  Well, not me.

  I wish now that I had asked for his full name when we met at the mall. I would have been prepared for this meeting. At that time, I thought that I wouldn’t see him again. But then again, would I have taken the job knowing I had the hots for the boss?

  Before I can say anything, his phone buzzes on the desk. Swiftly, he reaches the desk and presses a button.

  “You have a meeting in the conference room in a few minutes, Mr. Clause,” Clara’s voice comes through the intercom.

  “Work begins,” Christian tells me, taking a file from the desk and handing it to me.

  I do everything possible to make sure our hands don’t brush. He notices it and gives me a mocking smile.

  “We’ll continue this conversation later.”

  My heart does a jiggle at the promise I hear in his voice. I don’t have the time to ponder on it as I hurry after him. His long strides lead out of the office, down the hallway to a large conference room where some men and women are already waiting. He introduces me and asks me to take notes of the meeting. Clara comes in to hand me a notepad. It’s a struggle at first to concentrate when all I can think about is Christian’s handsome face and charisma.

  Eventually, I put my game face on and do a good job, which impresses him. I go to my office to type out the dictation and present it to him, which he likes but doesn’t say much as two other men are in his office. I spend the rest of the day typing notes and organizing meetings and bookings for him. I don’t even know when he leaves the office until Clara comes to tell me it’s time to go home. I’m relieved but enjoy the challenge the work presents, which differs from my previous job.

  Debra and Aria welcome me as if I’ve been gone for a week. It warms my heart that I have a family to return to, unlike in Atlanta. I shudder when I remember Alice and Becky. I join Debra in preparing dinner and as soon as Ray gets home, we settle down to eat.

  “So, how was your first day at Clause Enterprises?” Ray asks, passing me the salad.

  “I enjoyed it. Maybe it’s from not working for a while.”

  Ray nods. “And how do you see Christian Clause? I hope he didn’t work you to the bone.”

  I chuckle and turn to Debra. “No, he didn’t. As a matter of fact, Chris and Christian Clause are the same.”

  Her eyes enlarge. “No way.”

  “Chris? Who’s Chris?” Ray puts in with a frown.

  “He’s the guy I met at the mall last week who turned out to be my new boss this morning.”

  Ray’s jaw drops.

  “Imagine my surprise.”

  Laughing, Ray asks, “Did he hit on you at the mall?”

  I lower my gaze, not wanting any of them to know that I was sweet on my boss.

  “Not really. We just had coffee. That’s all.”

  Ray nods his head, but his lips curve with a sly smile. “Okay.”

  With my interest piqued, I ask Ray in a forced light tone, “Does he hit on women often? I mean his workers, so I can prepare myself to give him a resounding no.”

  Ray chuckles. “No, he doesn’t. It’s actually the other way around. I’m sure he’ll find you a refreshing change from the women who always throw themselves at him because of his looks and wealth.”

  Smiling with pleasure at his words, I say, “Thanks for the vote of confidence, Ray.”

  Debra pokes her fork at me, “Don’t go falling for him, though. I heard he’s quite the ladies' man.”

  Feigning being appalled, I say, “If I didn’t fall for him when I didn’t know who he was, why would I do so now that I know he’s my boss?”

  Debra smiles and winks at me. “I’m just saying. Working with him every day might make you catch feelings.”

  Laughter bubbles from my throat when I realize that she’s just pulling my leg. I didn’t want to have another relationship so soon, I might want to have sex with him, but that didn’t mean I wanted anything long-term with him.

  Besides, why would I want to have an entanglement with my boss? I, too, didn’t mix business with pleasure. I have to admit that we have sexual chemistry going on between us, but that doesn’t mean that I am going to do anything about it or allow Christian to.

  That night, as I lie on my bed, a smile covers my face as my mind sifts through my work activities for the day. I look forward to continuing the following day.

  Chapter Nine


  “This is going to be so much fun. I can’t remember the last time we hung out like this,” Debra tells me as she drives to the mall.

  “Me neither,” I reply, sitting in the passenger seat.

  Excitement bubbles through me. It’s finally the weekend after the long working week.

  I actually enjoy working at Clause Enterprises. I can’t say the same about working with Christian because most of the time, I’m always on edge around him. I expected him to continue flirting with me, but as he said on the first day in the office, he really doesn’t mix business with pleasure. I’m a little disappointed because I thought I would have to keep fending off his advances, which isn’t the case.

  So far, Christian and I have been working in perfect accord. Christian is all business with me. And I, too, make the effort to be professional even though most times, I can’t take my eyes off of him. I have also made friends with my co-workers and enjoy having lunch with them at the cafeteria on the ground floor.

  Clara and I have become quite close as I see her as a respectable woman dedicated to her job. She told me about her husband and two children and invited me for dinner at her house the following week. It is at that dinner I heard there were many PAs before me. Those women were more interested in getting laid by the boss than in their jobs.

  The knowledge makes me more determined not to have anything to do with Christian, particularly at the office.

  Why are you lying to yourself? If the man asks you to jump, I bet you’ll ask how high and for how long.

  I let out a sigh. That I’m attracted to the man doesn’t mean I’ll fall at his feet and beg him to take me to bed and fulfill all my sexual fantasies. Admittedly, I’m a little disappointed that the man who had come on strong to me at the mall and the first few minutes in his office has suddenly disappeared. In fact, he doesn’t even give me the time of day unless it has something to do with the business.

  There is no suggestive look in his gaze. He make
s sure our fingers never brush against each other when I’m collecting or handing files to him. Everything is strictly business to him. Truthfully, it hurts to think he has lost interest in me that fast. But I know it’s for the best. I can’t imagine an atmosphere where his smoky gray eyes undress me anytime I step into his office. Or, him telling me sexual innuendoes instead of dictating to me.

  It, however, doesn’t stop me from noticing everything about him, though. He comes in early to the office with a small impersonal smile for me and closes late in the evening with instructions for me for the following day. I attend meetings with him and on one of such occasions, I realized how very intelligent he is. I like the fact that he expects everyone around him to be intelligent and hardworking. He’s professional and courteous with his staff and gets a great deal of respect from them.

  Only once has he snapped at a man who brought the wrong files to a meeting and told the embarrassed man to focus. That was a one-off incident. I have even gone on a long date with him and other clients and learned that he’s a healthy eater. He can be a hard taskmaster sometimes, but I recognize that I enjoy working with and for him. Sometimes, the job can be challenging, but Christian makes me look forward to seeing him the following day.

  “What’s that smile on your face for?” Debra asks, and I glance out the window.

  “It’s nothing, really. I’m just so happy. A month ago, I never thought I would have cause to smile ever again,” I truthfully tell her.

  “Aww.” She reaches out and squeezes my hand for a moment before returning it to the steering wheel.

  “I’m so happy that you’re here.”

  “Me, too. And going shopping is something that we haven’t done together in ages.”

  She laughs. “I’m so excited.”

  Ray brought down the enormous Christmas tree from the attic that morning. Debra and I discovered that we didn’t have enough decorations for the tree. Most of them are old and fading. So, she decided we should have a sisters’ day outing shopping for Christmas supplies. I readily agreed because I was also eager to spend time with my sister. Ray suggested keeping Aria so he could spend some time with her as they only got to be together in the evenings or during weekends.

  Memories of meeting Christian at the mall flood me as soon as Debra pulls up in front of it. I plaster a smile across my face as we get out of the car.

  Debra and I have a wonderful time shopping at the mall. On the spur of the moment, I dip into my savings from selling my stuff. I splurge on five brand new outfits for my new job. I’m a little ashamed that while I was purchasing the clothes, thoughts of Christian filled my mind. I wonder at his reaction when he sees me in the outfits.

  I hope he likes them on me as much as I do.

  I quickly wipe away my errant thoughts and focus on what Debra is saying.

  “We should have lunch before going back,” Debra suggests.

  “What about Aria?” I ask, already missing the little darling.

  “I’m sure she’s having a wonderful time with her father. Come on, I know a good restaurant nearby.”

  I nod and follow her out of the mall with my purchases. After loading the car with what we bought, Debra drives us to a nearby restaurant. Immediately when we enter the place, Debra talks about the décor and how much she loves it.

  There’s a Christmas feeling in the air with decorations hanging on the ceiling, and a large Santa Claus sitting in a corner with a broad smile on its rubbery face.

  ‘Deck the halls’ plays in a low tone, giving me a nostalgic feeling. We find a seat close to the window. I admire the gold and blue theme of the place as Debra tells me of having done a job in the past with a similar décor.

  We place our orders and I continue to listen with interest until my gaze shifts from her animated face to a couple at the other side of the restaurant.

  My heart stops for a moment as I recognize Christian and a woman with fiery red hair. Her oval face is stunning to look at, and I can’t take my eyes away from it. The woman is model thin, with a slinky red form fitting dress that complements her slim figure. Little wonder Christian lost interest in me. With such a gorgeous woman, it’s a wonder he looked my way in the first place.

  Jealousy burns through me, and I suddenly feel like bursting into tears. There I was fantasizing about him this past week, only to be smacked in the face with the truth that the man had been just having fun with me. If the red-haired beauty is the kind of women he dates, then I’ve been making an utter fool of myself, because we’re nothing alike. Then why did he come on so strong to me at the mall? Why did he tell me he wanted to kiss me in the office the other day? Was it just a fluke? Or, is it that he saw me as something of a quick lay but later changed his mind since I work for him? So many questions run through my mind as I try to stifle the envy running through me like jagged knives.

  Suddenly, his head turns and his gaze captures mine. Time stands still as we both stare at each other across the distance. My throat feels so parched I grope for the glass of water on the table without breaking my gaze with him.

  Again, I find my dress getting tighter and my body heating from his scorching gaze. Thankfully, the waiter chooses that moment to bring our food. My color deepness when I realize that Debra has continued talking all this while. So deep in her interest with interior decorating she hasn’t noticed that my eyes and mind drifted from her.

  I smile at the waiter and make sure my eyes don’t move in Christian’s direction again. How dare he look at me like that when he’s with another woman? How dare he ignore me in the office all week and then strip me of my clothes with his eyes? It makes little sense and I’m tired of pondering about it. With a shaky hand, I lift the glass of water and take another sip.

  Calm down, Hope. You’ve got this. No man can dazzle you again. You’ve had enough of them.

  My nerves are stretched so taut from having Christian in the same restaurant with me a short distance away, that I hardly taste the salmon I ordered. I wish now that I had told Debra we should go someplace else, so I can enjoy this outing with her. But what excuse would I have given? I can’t bear to be in the same proximity with my boss because I’m jealous he’s with another woman?

  Debra would understand, of course, but then it would be absolutely crazy that I feel so strongly for my boss of just two weeks. I choose to save myself the embarrassment and keep calm.

  “Hope, are you all right? You look flushed.”

  Forcing a bright smile on my face, I reply, “I’m fine. I guess I’m just happy.”

  Debra returns my smile. “Me, too.”

  From the corner of my eye, I see Christian and his female companion rising from the table.

  I heave a sigh of relief, which immediately turns to panic when I realize that he’s coming this way.

  His viral masculine scent hits my nose before he surfaces beside me. My heart nearly jumps out from my chest from throbbing.

  “Hello, Hope.”

  Pasting the fakest smile in history on my face, I lift it. “Mr. Clause.”

  His penetrating gaze smolders me again and leaves me in awe of his commanding presence.

  “This is Katherine, an old friend of mine,” he says, even though I’m not interested in meeting the beautiful woman.

  Old friend, my foot! The way the woman looks at him with seductive blue eyes tells me they’re more than friends.

  He turns to the woman. “This is Hope, my PA”

  I smile at the woman and wish I didn’t as her smile is frosty. I stare at Christian until Debra clears her throat.

  “Oh. This is my sister, Debra.” I don’t know why but I add, “The one I told you about.”

  I guess I want to make it look like Christian and I have shared many conversations. I smile with satisfaction when the red-haired woman eyes widen a little. I feel petty for doing that. She’s the one leaving with Christian to God knows where.

  Christian and Debra exchange pleasantries.

  “See you on Monday,” Christ
ian says before departing with Katherine.

  I nod because I can’t help wondering if he’s taking his female companion to his house or dropping her off at her place.

  And why is that my business?

  “Wow. Talk about sex in human form.”

  “Debra!” I exclaim with startled laughter, happy that she doesn’t notice how jealous I am.

  She shrugs. “It’s the truth. The fact that I’m married to a man I love doesn’t mean that I can’t appreciate other men. I have seen him on several occasions from afar, at Christmas parties or meetings, but this is the first time he has been this close.”

  Happy she doesn’t notice my ruined mood, I force the food down my throat.

  Later, we decide to see a movie before going home. I enjoy my time with my sister, but thoughts of Christian and Katherine are never far from my mind.

  Chapter Ten


  Laughter bubbles from my throat at yet another joke told by my friends. It is always fun and jokes whenever I hang out with my friends. I reach out and take my tumbler of whiskey from the table filled with an assortment of expensive drinks. I’m not much of a drinker, but whenever I’m around my friends, I can’t help indulging. I take a sip of my drink as my eyes travel around the exclusive club. My friends and I usually come here to relax after long weeks of tedious work.

  We like the club because of its exquisite settings and the fact that it offers the utmost privacy. Entrance is only by reservation. Bouncers are placed at strategic positions in the place for troublemakers, although nothing of that sort has ever happened. Only wealthy people can afford the services of the exclusive club.


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