One Indecent Night

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One Indecent Night Page 3

by Hargrove, A. M.

  “What are you talking about?”

  He reached into his pocket and pulled out a thong. Then the bastard dangled it in front of me. “Recognize this?”

  Shit. It was mine. I went to snatch it, but he pulled it out of my reach. “Oh, no. It won’t be that easy. In order to get it back, you have to go to dinner with me.”

  “What? That’s blackmail.”

  “Not really. What will I do to you if you don’t go?”

  He really couldn’t do anything.

  “See, you get my point. We can go anywhere you’d like, as long as it’s a sit down dinner where they have a great wine list.”

  “And if I choose not to go?”

  He smirked. “That’s easy. I get to keep this.” Then the asshole put it up to his nose and inhaled. “Ahh, my favorite scent.”

  Fuck! My face heated to a million degrees. Why me?

  “You know, that flush quite suits you.”

  “Shut up.”

  “Such an angry pussycat.”

  I wished I had pussycat claws right now. He’d be feeling the brunt of them. “When would this dinner take place?”


  “Yes. What time?”

  “My driver will pick you up at six.”

  “Your driver?” He had a driver?

  “Yes. See you then.”

  “Um, Evan, how shall I dress?”

  “I prefer you undressed, but cocktail attire is fine. Oh, and here.” He dug into his pocket again and handed me an envelope. “Enjoy.”

  I stared at the envelope briefly and when I glanced up, he was gone. The envelope was thick and fancy. I tore it open and inside was a gift certificate for an undetermined amount to a local spa for tomorrow morning. Jeez. This guy was full of surprises. I called the number and they had me scheduled for a full-body massage, facial, manicure, pedicure, and Brazilian. I’d be getting the royal treatment.

  Then I thought about the waxing. Well, he’d already seen me down there so I guess he knew I was bare. What was the big deal? Did he have plans or something? If he did, he’d be in for a big surprise. That part of us was over and he’d just have to take it like a big boy.



  I made a reservation at one of the most exclusive restaurants in the city. We were going to have our meal prepared tableside by one of the best chefs in town. Sylvie had no idea of my financial worth or the strings I could pull to get what I wanted, and I planned to keep it that way. She probably didn’t even know where I worked or lived, for that matter, and that was fine by me.

  We hadn’t kept up much after Pearson and I went to college. The only thing I remembered about her was that she tried to follow us around when she was twelve or thirteen. Pearson had always been kind to her, but I thought she’d been annoying as hell. She was lanky, wore braces, and was in that awkward stage everyone went through. He’d stick up for her telling me I had to be nice to her. I’d never had any siblings, being an only child, so I was a spoiled brat. Of course, being an older teenager who’d thought I was cool as hell, didn’t help either. I did as he asked, never knowing what a beauty she’d grow up to be. Then the few times I’d pop over to the West’s when I was home on break, I recalled seeing her a time or two but never paid her much attention. Pearson told me if I ever so much as touched her, I was a dead man. Not that I was interested, but by then, I had quite a reputation with the ladies, and he wanted to protect his cousin. Too bad I hadn’t bothered to check out what was right under my nose.

  Tonight I would take the time to really get to know Sylvie. That was, if I didn’t make a fool out of myself and ogle the poor woman to death. She had sailed through her awkward stage with flying colors and it was baffling as to how she hadn’t been swept away by some lucky bastard. Maybe if I played my hand right, I’d be that lucky bastard and she’d end up as mine. So far, my plan hadn’t worked too well. After she slapped me on the ass at the reception, my mind was made up. She was the one for me. No other woman had attracted me like she had. She was the honey and I was the bee. If only she realized when I had.

  I hoped she enjoyed her day at the spa. I had tipped them very nicely to ensure she was pampered and given the royal treatment. Hopefully, it would help her relax for tonight. Those claws of hers needed to stay retracted because if I had my way, we were going to have a repeat of last Saturday night, which would include the use of the flogger I gave her. It looked so enticing, I’d bought one for myself.

  I checked the time and noted my driver should be here any time. I gave myself one last glance in the mirror and headed to the kitchen. I’d given the housekeeper the rest of the weekend off. If we came back here, I wouldn’t risk any interruptions. I grabbed the chilled bottle of Cristal in the refrigerator, along with a bucket, and two champagne glasses. By the time I’d place the bottle in the bucket and filled it with ice, my driver, Robert arrived.

  “Let me take care of that for you, sir.”

  “Thank you, Robert. And how are you this evening?”

  “Fine, sir. And you?”

  “I’ll know more after we pick up Ms. West.”

  Robert finished with the champagne, grabbed a linen towel from the kitchen, along with some cocktail napkins, something I wouldn’t have thought to bring.

  “Excellent idea, Robert. You always remind me of why I hired you.”

  “I try, sir.”

  “You do more than try. You accomplish.”

  “Thank you, sir. Shall we?”

  “We shall.” We took the elevator from the penthouse directly to the parking garage, where the limo awaited.

  “May I speak freely, sir?”

  “Of course.”

  “I don’t remember during my time with you ever taking you out on a date.”

  “There’s a reason for that. You haven’t.”

  “The lady must be important, sir.”

  “She is, only she doesn’t realize it yet.”

  “I see, sir.”

  “Robert, I hope she does.”

  He chuckled. “You never seem to have issues in that department, according to the news.”

  “This one is different. She has taken a lot of persuading.”

  “Sir, if anyone can do it, you can.”

  “I appreciate your vote of confidence. You have her address?”

  “I do, sir.”

  “Excellent.” I raised the glass partition in order to get some work done on the way. Robert had been with me several years and didn’t think this rude. He understood I used every spare minute I had in order to enjoy the rest of my free time when possible.

  It wasn’t long before his voice came over the speakers. “Sir, we’re here.”

  Shutting my phone off, I glanced up to see we were parked in front of a small brick townhouse. I exited the limo and walked to her door. There was a sign on it that said, “Enter At Your Own Risk.” Her sense of humor shone again, as it did at the reception. I was determined to see that side of her again tonight.

  I pushed the buzzer and a long minute later, the door swung open. My mouth watered at the sight of her.

  “Sylvie,” I breathed.


  “Are you ready?”

  “Don’t I look it?”

  I offered her my arm with a smile. “Sweets, you would look ready if you had nothing on.”

  “Don’t get smart with me, Evan.”

  “Never. I’m only being honest.”

  As she gazed at me, I gave her my best innocent look. She harrumphed, then checked out where we were headed.

  “You rented a limo for the night?”

  “Something like that.”

  “Wow, you really are trying to impress me.”

  “Babe, you ain’t seen nothin’ yet.”

  She took in the interior and then responded, “Just so you know, I’m not easily impressed.”

  “Fair enough.”

  I reached for the bottle of champagne and popped the cork. After pouring the first glass,
I handed it to her. Then I poured one for me.”

  “Cheers,” I said as we clinked glasses.

  “Yum, this is delicious,” she said, licking her lips, the very ones I was dying to kiss.

  “It is.”

  “What is this?”

  I lifted the bottle so she could read the label.

  “Wow. You are going all out, aren’t you?”

  “As I said, I aim to please. Tell me, Sylvie, how was your day at the spa?”

  “Oh. I didn’t go.”

  As usual, the woman stunned me. “Why’s that?”

  “I had other plans for today, so I changed my appointment for next weekend.”

  “I see.” She had the most unusual way of thwarting everything I tried to do. No one ever did that to me.

  “You’re angry.”

  “No, I’m not.”

  “Evan, I’m a psychologist and trained to read people. Why are your hands clenched and your knuckles white?”

  “Why do you thwart me in every possible way?”

  “I don’t.”

  I chuckled. “Then what do you call it? I’m only trying to be nice.”

  “You didn’t take the hint.”

  “The hint?”

  “That I didn’t want to see you.”

  “You wouldn’t even give me a chance.”

  “The reason for that is I didn’t want to.”

  “Why is that? We had such a great time together. What are you afraid of?”

  “I’m not afraid.”

  Now it was my turn. “Sylvie, I’m a businessman and I’m trained to close deals. Why are you lying to me?”

  Her gray eyes landed on mine and I’d definitely hit on something. Whether or not she’d actually explain it to me would remain to be seen.



  A more than handsome Evan dressed in a crisp white shirt, opened at the neck, a navy jacket and matching pants, a limo, and Cristal champagne. What next? I should’ve expected the question but was unprepared for it when it came.

  “You’re my cousin’s best friend. He’ll kill us both.”

  “Maybe, maybe not. We’re two adults who should be able to date who we want.”

  I had crushed on this man like crazy when I was a kid, but he had ignored me. Was that a reason to play this hard to get? No, but a seriously broken heart was, and he was the man who could break this barely mended one of mine again.

  “The truth then. I was in a serious relationship with someone and it went very badly in the end. I have sworn off men because of that.”

  “I see. Why didn’t you tell me you were into women?”

  I smacked his arm. “You know damn well that’s not the case.”

  “I was kidding. Not every man out there is going to break your heart, Sylvie.”

  “True, but my heart can’t afford to be shattered again. And honestly, Evan, I imagine you’re fairly good at leaving a trail of them behind you.”

  “Why would you say that?”

  I didn’t answer him immediately. Taking in my surroundings, and then him again, I carefully formulated my response. “First, you obviously know how to sway a woman. Look at this.” I gestured with my hand, indicating the limo and champagne. “Then there were all the gifts, not to mention you.”

  “Me? What about me?”

  “Have you looked in the mirror? I’m sure women fall at your feet with the snap of your fingers.”

  He frowned. “That’s not very fair. I can’t help the way I look.”

  “You’re like my cousins. They all were gifted too.”

  “Oh, and you weren’t? Have you looked in the mirror, Sylvie? I’m sure when you walk into a room, all the men’s eyes are glued to you.”

  I knew men were attracted to me. I wasn’t blind. But I wasn’t close to the level of Evan Thomas.

  “Nothing to say to that?”

  Suddenly, my chin was between his thumb and index finger and I could do nothing but stare into his mesmerizing green eyes. “I can promise you something. You and I can have a very interesting relationship, not to mention a very satisfying one too, if you give us a chance. That’s all I’m asking.”

  I whispered back, “But what about my heart?”

  “What about mine? Have you stopped to think about that?”

  I hadn’t. It never crossed my mind. He released my chin and took a hefty drink of his champagne. I did the same as I pondered his words. What did I have to lose? I could think of a few things. My cousin, my heart, my sanity. I burst out in laughter.

  “What’s so humorous?”

  “You wouldn’t appreciate it.”

  “Sylvie, give me one night. This night. Can you do that? If after tonight you don’t enjoy yourself, and not under the influence of tequila, I’ll never call or bother you again. How does that sound?”

  “I can agree to that.” Only I had a feeling this night would be the best date I’d ever had.

  We pulled up in front of Bon Appetit, one of the most famous restaurants in the city. I eyed him as the driver opened the door.

  Evan got out first and then extended his hand toward me. I took it and felt its warmth all the way down to my toes.

  “Thank you, Robert. I’ll text you when we’re ready.”

  “Yes, sir. Enjoy your dinner.”

  Robert got back into the limo and drove off.

  We entered the restaurant, my hand on his arm, and they greeted him as though he was their best friend. Evan must have some kind of clout. I was beginning to wonder about this.

  “Mr. Thomas, so wonderful to have you here.”

  “Thank you, Gerard. This is Ms. West. She’s my guest for the evening.”

  “My pleasure, Mademoiselle.”

  “Merci,” I said.

  “Ah, Mademoiselle, parle français?”

  “Oui, Monsieur.”

  He bobbed his head, smiling and said, “Suivez moi, s'il vous plaît?” We followed him to our table. It was located in a private room where he explained that chef would be cooking us our dinner tableside.

  “How wonderful!” I clapped my hands. After we were seated and Gerard explained that our waiter, Phillipe, would be here momentarily, I inspected our little room.

  “This is quite the score here, Evan. Exactly how connected are you?”

  He played innocent. “I don’t know what you mean.”

  “Don’t play dumb. You can’t get a reservation—especially one where the chef, one of the best in the city, comes to your table and cooks—at a moment’s notice. Give it up, Evan.”

  “I happen to know someone.”

  “Just someone? Or lots of someones?”

  He reached for my hand and took it in his. “Does it matter?”

  “Not really. I’m just a bit curious about who I’m out on a date with.”

  “If I told you, would it make a difference if you’d go out with me again.”

  “Not in the least. You could be the wealthiest man in the world and I wouldn’t care.”

  “I entertain clients here. Jean, the chef, appreciates my business because I’ve been coming here for a while.”

  He hesitated a bit when he said the words, so I suspected there was more to it, but let it go.

  Phillipe walked in and Evan ordered a bottle of wine. Phillipe handed us the menu choices for this evening.

  “This looks delicious. I’ve never eaten anywhere where the chef cooks at the table.”

  Evan said, “You’re going to love this. Do you mind if I order, that is if you approve of everything?”

  “There are some things I’ve never had.”

  He went over what he intended to order and it sounded amazing so I agreed. When Phillipe returned, Evan gave him our selections. He said he’d return with our amuse bouches.

  “Jean loves to surprise his guests with these. I’m sure they’ll be excellent.”

  He was right. Phillipe returned with our wine and a plate of single bite puffs filled with God knew what. All I knew was the
y melted in my mouth and tasted heavenly.

  “Mmm, if dinner tastes like these, I’ll be the happiest woman on Earth.”

  “You will. I guarantee.”

  “This wine is delicious too.”

  “Jean has an excellent cellar. It’s one of the best in the city.”

  I smirked. “And you know that how?”

  “One of my friends told me.” He returned my smirk.

  “Hmm, I’m sure. I may start calling you, Evan Thomas, international man of mystery.” His brow creased. “You don’t have to get so serious, you know.”

  The crease disappeared and he smiled. “I’m not serious. I was only thinking. Have you ever been to Paris?”

  “When I was in college. I studied abroad for the summer. I was enchanted with that city. Then I came home and reality hit. My parents made me realize I had to earn a living and it wouldn’t be romanticizing by the Seine. How dare they!” His deep chuckle sent a tingle down my spine.

  “Is that how you became interested in psychology?”

  “Sort of. I’d always been interested in it. It really blossomed when a close friend of mine got into drugs. I tried to help her and she spiraled. Nothing I said or did was good enough. That was my trigger. I didn’t want what happened to her, to happen to any of my other friends or family. That’s how I made the decision to get my master’s in it and train in abuse counseling. Little did I know that I would actually end up helping a family member at the time.”

  “Isn’t it strange how life can be so weird at times? Like maybe it was destiny.”

  “The weird thing is, our families had drifted apart. My mom and Pearson’s mom had a ridiculous falling out. I’m not even sure what it was over. But the wedding pulled them back together. Pearson and I had planned to have a family reunion. We didn’t realize at the time that he and Rose would end up getting married. I love their story. I only wish the last part hadn’t happened to him.”

  “Don’t we all. But he’s a persistent bastard and if anyone could’ve survived it, it was Pearson. He proved that to us, too.”

  “He sure did. I am so proud of that man,” I said.

  “You and me both. I’m also happy about something else. He brought us together.” His green eyes sparkled and I knew then they spelled trouble. Either I needed to end this tonight or I would be in this man’s bed before I could stop it.


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