One Indecent Night

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One Indecent Night Page 14

by Hargrove, A. M.

  “I see.” Clearly, she didn’t. She was a deer in the headlights, though she was being kind about it. “Well, I’m happy your company is doing well. It is doing well, isn’t it?”

  “Yes, ma’am, it is.”

  “Gracious, me, why don’t you tell us about this vacation you two are going on?” Mom was glowing. I was surprised because tomorrow was Thanksgiving and she’d given me such a hard time.

  “We’re going to Canouan in the Caribbean, Mom. Remember?”

  “I do, but I’ve never heard of it.”

  “I have a place there, ma’am. It’s very close to St. Lucia, where Pearson got married.”

  “How wonderful. Is your house like a tiki hut?”

  “Mom! I’m sure he doesn’t own a tiki hut.”

  “Actually, I do, but it’s in addition to the house.” He was really having a hard time not laughing at Mom. Dad was so amused, he only gawked at Mom.

  “Well, you two be careful. I remember watching Gilligan’s Island and there used to be headhunters on those islands.”

  “Oh my God, Mom! There are no headhunters on the island. We’ll be safe.”

  Dad finally couldn’t take it anymore and let out the loudest guffaw I think I’d ever heard from him. He stomped his foot a couple of times and snorted. That’s where I inherited my snort from. Evan let his laughter loose. Then, so did I.

  “What’s so funny?” Mom asked.

  I held up a hand because I couldn’t talk. Tears ran down my cheeks and Dad was crying too. He finally got up to retrieve a box of tissues from one of the bathrooms. The three of us wiped our eyes and then all tried to gain control of ourselves. It was like getting the church giggles. Whenever we thought we had it, someone would start chuckling again, and we’d all lose it.

  Finally, Mom cleared the dishes and served dessert. I hoped she wasn’t angry, but we couldn’t help it. When she sat back down, I apologized.

  “I’m sorry, Mom, but that headhunter thing and Gilligan’s Island was just too much.”

  “Yeah, that was kind of silly. That old show. I mean, I’ve never even heard of headhunters in real life. I have no idea why I said that.”

  “Cindy, I promise, I’ll take great care of your daughter and there’ll be no head hunting on the island. We’ll call when we land, and you can call her anytime. I’ll even text you my number just in case.”

  Mom tapped his hand. “That’s very considerate of you. Thank you, Evan.”

  As we were leaving, I hugged both of them and told them I’d miss them. When we got into the car, I was howling all over again. “Oh, my God. My mom’s a mess. The hedges—I almost lost it then.”

  “I didn’t think I would make it through. I was so glad when your dad finally lost it.”

  “Poor Mom. You’d think she never left the house and was a ding-a-ling. Maybe Dad gave her too much wine.”

  “I hate to spring this on you, but my parents asked if we could stop by after we had dinner with your parents since we’d be gone for the holiday. Do you mind?”

  “Not at all.” This was a major oh, shit moment for me.

  “You may have met them before at Pearson’s or the wedding.”

  “Maybe, but I don’t remember. Oh, God. Did they see me drunk?”

  “They thought you were cute and funny.”

  “No, they did not.” I wanted to tuck tail and run. But it was too late.

  We pulled into a driveway a few doors down from my aunt and uncle’s house.

  “The neighborhood is familiar,” I said.

  “The old hang out, right?”

  I smiled. “Yeah, when you didn’t like my pigtails and braces.”

  “When I was stupid and full of myself.”

  We got out and walked into the house where his parents waited. They were so sweet as he introduced us.

  “Mom, Dad, this is Sylvie. Sylvie, meet my parents, Anna and Greg.”

  Anna came forward and took my hand in both of hers. “We are delighted to meet you, Sylvie. We know you’re Pearson’s cousin and we’ve seen you around plenty of times. But it’s a joy to have Evan bring you here.”

  “Thank you. I’m glad to have a chance to meet you again as well.” Please don’t bring up the wedding.

  “What a lovely young lady you are. I can see why my son is so smitten with you.”

  “Dad. Really?”

  “Well, she is, Evan. I’m glad you two are taking off for a little getaway. You deserve it, son. You work way too hard.”

  “Yes, you do,” Anna said. “Come and sit. I know you can’t stay but a minute, but would you care for a drink?”

  “No, thank you,” I said.

  “None for me. I’m driving.”

  Evan caught them up on things and Anna asked me about my job. She remarked about how proud she was of Pearson and how happy she was that I had been instrumental in him going to Flower Power.

  “Without you, he and Rose would never have gotten together.”

  “I’m just glad they found each other.”

  About thirty minutes later, we left with a promise to return for dinner sometime soon. On the way back to my place, I said, “Your parents are awesome. I really like them.”

  “I think they’re pretty awesome myself. They spoiled the shit out of me growing up, but they’re great people. Yours are too.”

  “Yeah, I love mine. Lately, Mom can be a bit whacky even though she’s still lovable.”

  We were in my parking lot and he said, “And speaking of lovable.” He wiggled his brows and that was all it took.

  A wickedly funny thought popped into my head. “Last one in bed’s a rotten egg.”



  We arrived at the airport a few minutes after ten. I was freaking out because we’d overslept due to our amorous adventures in the sack last night. It was all my fault, of course, since Evan had ended up being the rotten egg. I’d made him pay by doing all sorts of raunchy things based on my fictional duke.

  He’d been so intrigued, we’d ended up acting out a scene with him tying me to the bed and spanking me. I wasn’t the innocent virgin, but it sure had felt like it. After the spanking, he proceeded to lick, suck, and fuck me until I couldn’t stand if I’d had to. Thank God there hadn’t been a fire in the building. He would’ve had to carry me to safety, naked as the day I was born. He told me there was no way he’d let me stop reading about the duke and his lewd buddies because we would definitely be copying more of those scenes. I was afraid to explain to him that some of them were hardcore BDSM, of which I was in no way going to take part in. I was all for a little flogging and spanking, and the blindfolding and silk restraints were amazing, but that other stuff? Nope. Not for me. Reading about it was one thing. Doing it was another.

  “OMG, I can’t believe we forgot to set our alarms!” I crammed my makeup into a carryon as I finished getting ready.

  “Hey, calm down. It’s fine.”

  I didn’t pay attention to him as I buzzed around the room, throwing on jeans and a shirt. He was packed and dressed, neither one of us taking the time to shower. He said we’d do that after we got there. After all, we weren’t planning on doing anything except being lazy anyway.

  A few minutes later we were in the car, on the way to the airport.


  He reached for my hand and asked, “What now?”

  “I forgot to make us coffee.”

  “If you can stand it for twenty minutes, you’ll have all the coffee we want then.”

  “What if they leave without us?”

  “Babe, that’s not gonna happen. Now please calm down.”

  “Okay.” I tried, but I was still worried.

  We finally got there, and he drove around to the back of the airport. There was an entrance for general aviation, which included charter and private planes. We pulled in and parked. A car was waiting for us to take us onto the tarmac. I liked this kind of service.

  “Good morning, Mr. Thomas, Ms. Wes
t. Happy Thanksgiving.”

  “Thank you, Mark. Same to you,” Evan said. I smiled back at him, feeling like a bimbo as I didn’t know what else to do.

  We drove a short distance and there sat a white shiny jet. I expected a nice plane, but this was a lot larger than I’d anticipated. The steps were down and waiting for us.

  “Have a nice trip, sir. I’ll see you when you get back.”

  “Thank you.”

  “Thanks and have a great weekend.” I finally found the ability to speak.

  He nodded as we exited the SUV. Someone came out of the plane to retrieve our bags. He must’ve been the flight attendant.

  “Good morning, sir. Happy Thanksgiving.”

  Evan shook hands with him and introduced me. “Sylvie, this is Jeffrey. He will be our flight attendant today.”

  “Nice to meet you, Jeffrey.”

  “Likewise, Ms. West.”

  We walked up the steps to the jet and I was mesmerized. “Evan, has Pearson ever been in here?”

  “Yeah, we’ve taken several trips together. Why?”

  “Just curious. This is amazing. I wasn’t imagining anything like this.”

  “I’ll show you around in a second. I want you to meet the pilots first.” They were standing, waiting for us.

  “Good morning, Mr. Thomas, Ms. West,” they both greeted us simultaneously.

  “Hi guys. Thanks for being here. Matthew, Tom, this is Sylvie.”

  “It’s nice to meet both of you,” I said, shaking their hands.

  “Are we set to go?” Evan asked.

  “As soon as Jeffrey has the luggage stowed and your coffee served, we’ll be in line for takeoff, sir.”

  “Excellent.” Evan turned to me and said, “Then let’s get buckled in.”

  He walked me back to the main cabin area and it was super plush. There were leather captain’s seats that reclined all the way with footrests next to each other with a table that faced two others. The other side of the plane had the exact same thing. Behind us was another area that resembled a small den complete with couches facing each other. There was a partition behind that, so I wondered if that was a separate room. I could smell breakfast cooking and it made my stomach grumble.

  “Evan, you don’t have to answer this because it really is none of my business, but how often do you use this plane? When you said you had a plane, I figured it was a small one, not anything like this.”

  “I use it quite often. Maybe once a week. It just so happens that ever since I met you, I haven’t used it much. My schedule hasn’t been travel heavy. It’ll pick up after the first of the year though.”

  “How many people can it carry?”

  “Easily twenty.”

  The engines roared to life. No, that’s not true. They hummed to life. They were much quieter than on a commercial airliner.

  “Is this as safe as a commercial jet?”

  “My crew is more than competent. I’ve handpicked them—or I should say Matthew and Tom have—and they’re paid much more than if they worked for a commercial airliner. Matthew and Tom are both former Air Force pilots who flew fighter jets. They can weather just about anything. I spoke to both of them before I even bought the jet because I wanted the best that was made. They oversee all the inspections and are also in charge of the other pilots that work for me.”

  “That’s great. I’m not afraid to fly. I was just curious.”

  “The reason I bought this was because I was flying so much the cost became ridiculous, not to mention the inconvenience. Missed flights, bad connections, time wasted, you get the idea. With this, the plane is ready when I am. The only thing I’m at the mercy of is the weather.

  “My team and I lose no time to any of the airline things that used to bog us down. And we conduct in-flight meetings, so our onboard time is not wasted either.”

  “A worthy investment then.”

  He nodded. Jeffrey showed up with two large mugs of coffee. “Ms. West, let me know if you need more cream. Mr. Thomas told me how you liked it, so I took the liberty of preparing it.”

  I tasted it and said, “It’s perfect. Thank you.”

  One of the pilots came over the intercom and said, “Mr. Thomas, Ms. West, we’re next for takeoff. Make sure you’re buckled up, please.”

  In no time we were airborne, on the way to Canouan. I was so excited for this adventure to begin.



  Watching Sylvie was about as entertaining as anything I’d ever done. She was so impressed with this plane. I guess I’d taken it for granted for the past couple of years that I’d owned it. She reminded me of a flower opening its petals in early spring—so fresh and new.

  Once we hit thirty thousand feet, I unbuckled my seat belt and said, “Come on. I’ll give you a tour.” Behind the partition was an office, and then in the back was a bedroom, complete with a bathroom.

  “Would you care to take that shower now?” he asked. “Or would you rather wait until after breakfast?”

  “This plane really does have it all, doesn’t it?”

  She peeked into the bathroom and said, “Holy cow. You didn’t skimp on the shower, did you?”

  “No. I’ve been in showers where I couldn’t even move. I know the headspace isn’t great, but nothing could be done for that.”

  “I’d love a shower, but let’s eat first.”

  We went back to our seats, and Jeffrey brought our plates of warm cinnamon scones, fruit, and cheese.

  “Did you tell him?” she asked.

  Playing innocent, I asked, “Tell him what?”

  “That I love cinnamon scones.”

  I shrugged. “Maybe he’s a mind reader.”

  She took a bite and hummed her delight. I’d have to make sure to give Jeffrey an extra tip. He was back with coffee refills for us and she told him how wonderful the scone was.

  “I’m glad you like it.”

  Afterward, we headed for the shower. The water was nice, not as great as in a regular one, but I soaped her up and shampooed her hair, and then did my own and she conditioned hers. We didn’t take as long as I’d like as we were on a limited amount of water. When we finished, I said, “I want us to become members of the mile high club.”

  “I’m in.”

  Our towels hit the floor as we hit the bed.

  “I know one thing,” she said.

  “What’s that?”

  “No jumping on this bed.” Her finger aimed at the low ceiling.

  “Oh, I don’t know. We could give knee jumping a try.”

  “Very funny.”

  I got on my knees and straddled her, then I kissed her, giving her no time to think. Pushing her knees to her chest, I dove down between her thighs and went for my irresistible dessert. It was a good thing the bedroom was in the back of the place because her lusty, shameless cries of pleasure would’ve certainly woken the dead.

  After her first climax, my stiff cock plunged into her heat with abandon. I lost all sense of awareness when we made love. It was only Sylvie and me, together, having sex. All I knew was unimaginable desire, coupled with an obsession of her. I was a savage beast who wanted her complete surrender. And she gave it to me.

  Her second orgasm came accompanied by the fluttering spasms of her inner walls, which sent me into my own. She clenched my ass, her nails scraping it, and it was a pain I’d gladly take any time. I thrust into her one final time as I emptied myself into her.

  “We may need another shower after that.” I was covered in a sheen of perspiration.

  “Yeah, but it was worth each of those sixty-nine calories.”

  I shook with laughter. Then I gently bit her lower lip. “You are a sex goddess. And my sex goddess. I’m claiming you as mine.” I dipped my head lower to bite her nipple.

  “Keep that up, cowboy, and you’ll have to finish me off.”

  “I can do that.” I had her nipple between my teeth and I rapidly flicked my tongue over it.

  She writhe
d beneath my grip and said, “Stop tormenting me.”

  “I thought you liked it.”

  “I do, but now I want to come again.”

  I went back to my nipple play and used my finger on her little bud. She moaned and grabbed my head, sliding her fingers into it, holding my head against her. Orgasm number three roared into her as she lay gasping under my ministrations.

  “Are you trying to turn me into jelly?” she asked.

  “You liked it.”

  “Yeah, but now I need a nap.”

  “We have time. Go to sleep.”

  She conked out before I could get comfortable next to her. Amazing. I wished I could sleep like that. I woke up almost three and a half hours later, surprised at what time it was. We would probably be landing soon. I shook Sylvie awake.

  “If you want to rinse off in the shower, we’d better do it now. We’ve been asleep over three hours.”

  “Are you serious?”

  “Yes,” I answered with a chuckle. I rose from the bed and went into the bathroom, with her on my heels. We quickly rinsed off and dressed.

  “My hair’s a mess. I need to put it up.”

  She found an elastic and twisted it up into a messy bun. Then we went back out into the main cabin. Jeffrey immediately wanted to know if we wanted a snack or a beverage.

  “We slept right through lunch. Sylvie.”

  “I’ll take a snack and some water, please.”

  He came back with an array of things for her to choose from so she grabbed a bag of popcorn and peanuts and I took a bag of M&M’s.

  Thirty minutes later, we were on the ground. We had to stay on board until the customs agent arrived. That took about fifteen minutes, and after he cleared us, we deplaned, and our car was waiting to drive us to the house.

  The weather was gorgeous, warm and sunny. Sylvie put her sunglasses on, and she glanced around to check out the island as we drove.

  “It’s perfect. It reminds me of St. Lucia with the mountains.”

  “Yes. The house is on the opposite end of the island from the airport, but it’s only three and a half miles long. The roads aren’t the best though. The house is on Shell Beach. I think you’ll be pleased when you see it.”


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