Prey (Blackwater Pack Book 2)

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Prey (Blackwater Pack Book 2) Page 9

by Hannah McBride

  “We need as many people looking as we can,” I murmured, my eyes going to the big picture window that showed a world of white and fresh snow.

  “We need people who can be discreet,” he told me. “Especially if the authorities are involved.”

  “Katy will want to go.”

  He gave me a hard look. “Katy can’t go.”

  My eyes went wide. “Good luck keeping her away.”

  “She’s too emotional,” Remy said firmly. “The only way we’ll be able to look without getting caught or shot at by the cops is by keeping a low profile. Katy’s too on edge. I know my sister; she’ll take risks. Risks that could get herself or someone else killed.”

  “It’s Maren,” I replied.

  “I know,” he snapped, frustrated. “And last night it took Will and Rhodes to keep Katy in the car when she tried to jump out three times. She’s not thinking clearly, Skye. I can’t have her running around, putting a target on herself when there’s people with guns involved.”

  He blew out a harsh breath. “I want Maren found, too, but not at the expense of my sister. I won’t let Katy put herself in danger.”

  I bit my lower lip, knowing he was right. Katy was impulsive and reckless, and now she was desperate. But I also knew she was going to be livid and more than a little heartbroken.

  “You’re going to have a hell of a time getting her to stay put,” I finally said.

  A dark look crossed his face a second before he looked away.


  A muscle ticked in his jaw, but he still wouldn’t look at me.

  Slowly, a feeling of dread slid through me, coiling in my stomach like a living, writhing thing.

  “You can’t do that,” I whispered, shaking my head slowly.

  “It’s the only way.”


  His eyes flicked to mine, twin flames of resolve and fire. “I don’t want to, but I’m not seeing where I have a choice, Skye.”

  An Alpha Command.

  When issued, it was unbreakable. The stronger the Alpha, the more ironclad the Command would be to pack members. It was in our wolf DNA to submit to the Alpha, to yield to his command.

  If Remy gave Katy an Alpha Command, she would be completely bound by it. Even if her human side wanted to fight it, the wolf side of her wouldn’t allow it. I had seen a few Commands issued in my old pack, and it was absolutely terrifying to watch.

  I had even seen Cassian use it around school. I lived in fear for the day he would use it on me. For the day he would order me to lay down and accept whatever he wanted to give or take.

  He never had, though. Probably because he enjoyed it when I, or others, fought back. He got off on the struggle, in the fight of his victims.

  But he also wasn’t the alpha Remy was. In order for the Command to work, the alpha issuing it had to be respected amongst the pack. The stronger the alpha, the stronger the Command. An alpha’s strength came from his pack.

  And Blackwater was one of the strongest packs around.

  “But you’re not technically her Alpha. Your dad is,” I said quietly. “You’re the Blackwater alpha heir and the campus alpha.”

  He gave me a sideways look. “I can still do it. I don’t want to, but I can.”

  “Have you done it before?” I asked curiously.

  He nodded. “A few times. The first time was when Sam and Dax wouldn’t shut up. They were seven, I think. I didn’t even know what I had done. I just told them to shut up and they did. For two days.”

  A smile twisted his lips as he shook his head ruefully. “Dad had to tell me what I had done. Usually it takes a few years to get to the point where the Command is followed completely. Guess I was an early bloomer.”

  “You were a badass even as a kid,” I muttered with a smile. I brushed my fingers through his hair and traced the curve of his cheek until he leaned into my touch.

  “The last time I did was actually on Larkin,” he admitted as he turned his head and kissed the inside of my wrist.

  I pulled back, stunned. “You did that to Larkin?” Sweet, innocent Larkin who would do whatever someone asked of her?

  “Sierra was bullying Larkin into writing all her assignments and homework. I told her to stop, and she did, but then she had other people bug Larkin into doing her work and theirs.” Remy grimaced. “Rhodes was furious. I ordered Larkin not to complete another assignment for anyone else.”

  I narrowed my eyes. “Why didn’t you just Command Sierra to leave her alone?”

  “Because before you, Larkin was soft and easily manipulated. Rhodes, Katy, and I protected her as much as we could, but she was a people-pleaser. She hated making waves. The Command wasn’t about controlling Larkin; it was about protecting her. It took the pressure off her having to tell people no.” His fingers dragged across my thigh and curled around my hip. “The Larkin we know now has grown so much, and I think a lot of that is you, babe.”

  “Me?” I almost choked on a laugh. “Yeah, sure. I’m the ultimate role model.”

  Remy’s head tilted to the side, the morning light catching the gold flecks in his irises. “You know, I hate when you do that.”

  “Do what?” I asked.

  “Don’t believe in yourself,” he replied softly, reaching up to cradle my jaw. “Maybe I should Command you into seeing how incredible you are, Skye Markham.”

  I swallowed, feeling completely exposed as his eyes assessed me. “I don’t think it works like that.”

  “Hmm,” he hummed in agreement. “Guess I’ll just have to keep reminding you.”

  He pulled me down, taking his time to kiss me slowly. His teeth nipped at my lips, coaxing them apart until he could slide his tongue against mine. I sank into the moment, loving the feel of his arms around me while his mouth claimed mine.

  I pulled back reluctantly, my hands braced on his chest. “Are you sure there’s no other way? With Katy, I mean?”

  Remy would have no problem literally forcing Katy to stay put if he issued a Command. Katy’s wolf would obey, but it would destroy her. It would break her heart.

  “I’ll talk to her first, but I know my sister. She’s not going to stop looking for Maren unless I make her.” There was no denying the sadness in his eyes.

  “She’s your sister,” I managed.

  He gave a small nod. “She is. But she’s also part of my pack. I can’t just think of my sister—I have to consider the pack.”

  “So, you’ll order her to stay here?” My hands shook against him, my heart beating erratically as I struggled to accept what he was saying.

  “If it comes to it,” he said evenly. His hands let me go, falling to his sides.

  “It’ll come to it,” I said so softly I wasn’t sure if I spoke the words or thought them.

  Until he answered, just as quietly, “I know.” His massive chest rose and fell between us as he warred with his position as alpha heir and big brother.

  “Can your dad do it?” I asked, wanting to spare him what I knew would cost a lot. This could forever change his relationship with his sister.

  Remy shook his head. “He’s too far away. It has to be me. It’s part of my job here, to keep the pack safe. Besides,” he added, swallowing hard, “if she has to hate someone, it might as well be me. If Maren is hurt or worse, she’ll need my parents to lean on.”

  I tilted my head to the side, reaching down to thread our fingers together. “That’s still a lot to take on,” I said gently, hating that he had to do this. “Maybe if we all talk to her she’ll be willing to stay put and let you guys search?”

  He gave me a sad look, a weak smile on his full lips. “You think that’ll work?”

  “No,” I admitted honestly. “I just hate that it’s going to drive a wedge between you two.”

  “I would hate something happening to Katy even more,” he replied, bringing my hands to his chest and holding them over his heart. “I can handle Katy hating me if it means she’s safe.”

  “But you
shouldn’t have to,” I said stubbornly. I tugged my hands free, sliding them down his chest to his waist. I bent over, resting my cheek against the wall of his chest, feeling his heart beating against my skin.

  His arms circled me, gently cradling me to his chest. I sank into the feeling, my wolf practically purring at the affection despite the way my heart was aching for Katy and Remy.

  “Maybe Maren will be found.” Wistful hope tinged my words as I spoke them.

  He hummed in agreement, the sound echoing through my body as his arms tightened into steel bands around me. “I hope so.”

  I lifted my head to look into those chocolate brown eyes I loved so much. “Whatever happens, I’m here, okay? I love you, and I’ll support you no matter what.”

  “I know.”

  I lowered my forehead to his, resting in the silence around us and trying to soak it in while it lasted. Here, like this, Remy was the only world that existed and everything would work out.

  I let myself believe the lie until I heard footsteps above us. I had barely turned my head before Katy was all but tumbling down the stairs.

  “Any word?” she demanded, looking around wildly like Maren was stashed in a closet, waiting to jump out and surprise her.

  Remy stood up, still holding me as he rose before gently setting me on my feet. He stepped around me to look at Katy.

  “No,” he replied hoarsely. “Dante and the Brooks Ridge pack searched through most of the night. I think Ryder might still be out there, actually. But the police called in the Guard. The only thing keeping this from being a full blown media circus is the storm.”

  Her eyes flashed. “So? Maybe having the media would help!”

  Whoa. The last thing the shifter world ever wanted was the attention of any type of governmental body or media company.

  “You know what a bad idea that would be,” he said stiffly. “One of the reasons this school works is because we lay low. We can’t call attention to ourselves. No one can know what we are, Katy.”

  “I don’t give a shit about laying low, Remy!” she snapped, planting her hands on her tiny hips. “Maren is missing. She could be hurt. We can deal with any media fallout later on when she’s home, safe.”

  His head dropped as he exhaled hard. “You know it doesn’t work like that.”

  “Fine, but I can go and look for her!” Katy retorted, heading for the door.

  Remy stepped into her path, blocking the door.

  “Move, Remy,” she demanded, actually shoving his chest.

  Remy didn’t budge, but I took a step back at the sudden swell of rage that surged up from within me. From my wolf.

  No one touched our mate in anger, not even his sister.

  My hands fisted at my sides as I tried to remind my wolf that Katy was frustrated and our friend. She wasn’t actually trying to hurt Remy.

  “Katy, you can’t go look for her,” Remy said quietly.

  Her face went blotchy and red with anger. “So, you’re just going to leave her out there?”

  “We’re setting up search parties,” he explained, but quickly added, “and you won’t be part of them.”

  “Why?” Her voice shook as her body went completely still.

  He sighed, shaking his head. “Katy, the cops are involved. The military is involved. We need to keep our search parties off their radar, and you can’t do that.”

  “Yes, I can!” she insisted.

  “No, you can’t. We had to force you not to jump out of a moving car in a blizzard last night.” He folded his arms over his massive chest, his eyes cold and flat as he watched her. “Right now, you’re too emotional. You’re a liability, Kit-Kat.”

  Squaring her shoulders, Katy lifted her head, eyes blazing. “You can’t stop me.”

  “Yes, I can.” His jaw locked, and he looked away for a second.

  Her mouth dropped open. “You wouldn’t dare.”

  “Katy—” He took a step towards her.

  “Don’t you fucking dare, Remington Holt,” she hissed, shoving him again. “I will never forgive you.”

  I forced myself to take another step back when I realized I had moved closer the angrier Katy got. I was fully ready to step in front of Remy to keep her from touching him again.

  My wolf’s anger was a tangible thing, bitter on my tongue as we craved protecting him.

  Not that he needed it.

  Remy easily caught Katy’s tiny fists in his large hands and held her still. He could have hurt her, but it was obvious he was doing everything in his power to be gentle as he held her back. Most alphas would have her on her knees, but not Remy.

  He didn’t need force or cruelty to establish dominance over his pack.

  He barely lifted his voice as he said, almost simply, “I forbid it.”

  Those three simple words were an atom bomb detonating in the living room. The Blackwater cabin had just become ground zero for pack fallout.

  Outside, snow covered the world in a soft, glittering blanket. Inside this room it was absolute emotional carnage splattered on every single wall.

  Katy wrenched her hands from him and staggered back, her normally porcelain face going ashen as he issued the Command. Her gaze swung to me, but there was nothing I could do. No comfort I could offer that would help her.

  “You know when Skye went missing, no one stopped you from going to find her,” Katy hissed, tears spilling down her cheeks. A ragged sob ripped out of her chest that made Remy and I both flinch.

  “But I guess it only matters when your girlfriend goes missing,” she seethed, not bothering to wipe away the tears.

  Remy’s mouth tightened. “I know you’re angry—”

  “Try fucking furious, big brother,” she spat.

  “I promise we won’t stop looking for Maren,” he vowed. “I’ll be looking for her, Katy. I’ll call you as much as I can to give you updates.”

  She lifted her chin, glaring at him. “Fuck you, Remy.”

  A strangled sound escaped me. “Katy—”

  She whirled on me. “Screw you, too, Skye. You’re supposed to be my best friend. You think this is okay? Do you actually agree with him?”

  I couldn’t bring myself to answer her. I loved Katy, but my loyalty was completely to Remy.

  Besides, I knew Remy wasn’t wrong.

  Katy was passionate and did everything with her whole heart. She would be reckless in looking for Maren, which could bring a lot of trouble when the mountains were crawling with military personnel who would probably love to get their hands on something supernatural or wouldn’t hesitate to shoot a wolf running through the trees.

  She snorted and glared at me. “That’s what I thought.”

  “This was my call, not Skye’s,” Remy said sharply, bringing her focus back to him. “Don’t take this out on her.”

  “Right. Of course. You make the decisions. Skye’s just the puppet who does whatever you say.” She gave me a look of scorn, but I could see the hurt buried under there.

  She flashed me a mocking smirk, full of bitterness and anger. “Kind of like you never left Long Mesa, huh? Traded one asshole giving you orders for another.”

  I gasped, heat flushing through my body followed by ice water in my veins. It couldn’t have hurt more if she shoved a dagger into my heart.

  I barely registered Remy’s deep growl or the way he pushed between us. The only reason Katy was still standing was because she was his sister, and he knew she was trying to hurt him the way he had hurt her.

  But she was seriously toeing the line of too far.

  “Enough,” he said coldly, his voice terrifyingly arctic. “This is exactly why you’re not going. You get upset and lash out like a little kid. Maren doesn’t need that, and we don’t need to babysit you while we try to find her.”

  Katy’s nostrils flared, but she stayed quiet. Her gaze moved from Remy to me behind him. Regret filled her eyes as she looked at me, but I was too busy reeling from the emotional roundhouse she had just delivered to care.
  After a second she looked back at Remy, her expression stony and hard. “Can I go to my own dorm? Or am I under house arrest here, alpha?”

  “Go,” he snapped, jerking his head at the door.

  She whirled around and stalked out the door, slamming it so hard the windows rattled in her wake.

  Remy turned to me, his face thunderous, but I could see he was trying to calm himself down. I closed the distance between us, burying my face against his chest as his arms closed around me.

  “She didn’t mean it,” he told me after a heavy beat of silence.

  “I know.” It was hard to swallow.

  “She was angry at me, not you.”

  I nodded, squeezing my eyes shut against the tears that threatened. “I know.”

  But it didn’t make my heart hurt any less.


  REMY: Nothing yet

  Those two words made my heart sink as fast as it had risen. I almost dropped my lunch tray trying to pull my phone out of my pocket as it chimed that I had a new message.

  SKYE: Stay safe

  Text bubbles popped up on the phone as he started typing his reply.

  REMY: Always

  With a sigh, I dropped my cell phone face down on the table, shoving my still full lunch tray away as Larkin sat down beside me.

  “That Remy?” she asked, nodding to the phone. With Rhodes out looking with Remy, the two of us were left with text messages to check in with them sporadically.

  I nodded. “Still nothing.”

  Larkin’s hands fell to her lap as she looked down, biting her lip. “It’s been three days since Maren went missing.”

  My eyes slid shut, my stomach churning and all thoughts of eating lunch completely shoved aside.

  It had been a stressful three days.

  I had barely seen Remy, who had been out searching with Dante, Ryder, Tate, and the other alphas almost non-stop. They had even pulled some of the extra shifters sent to help with campus security to search as discreetly as possible.


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