Prey (Blackwater Pack Book 2)

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Prey (Blackwater Pack Book 2) Page 26

by Hannah McBride

  I tried to ignore the ones who were blatantly eye-fucking Remy and Dante as they walked with us, but when one woman leaned forward into the aisle, licking her lips as Remy passed, I couldn’t help the warning growl that rumbled out of me.

  My wolf was ready to tear her head off for daring to look at our mate.

  “Easy,” Remy murmured, his hand squeezing around mine. He tossed me an amused smile as he stopped in front of a set of empty seats. “Besides, if anyone should be jealous, it’s me.”

  I was still glaring at the woman who had been checking him out, even if she was now looking anywhere but us.

  Not good enough. I still wanted to rip her head off.

  “What?” I asked, turning my head to him.

  His dark brows lifted. “Skye, men haven’t stopped staring at you since we walked in.”

  I glanced over his shoulder, and sure enough, men and boys were openly gawking at Tate and I. Some tried to be more subtle, but being young and female in a world where men outnumbered us four to one was enough of a reason to stare.

  He smirked and kissed me quickly, my lips tingling from the too brief contact.

  “Stay here. We’ll come and get you when the session is done.” He squeezed my hand once before letting go.

  “Okay,” I agreed, already sitting down.

  Dante kissed Tate before she sat down beside me.

  “Don’t leave,” he told her firmly.

  She held up her hands. “I promise. Skye and I are going to hang here while you do your alpha thing.”

  “Mind if I join?” Daniel asked, coming up behind them.

  Remy turned first and extended a hand. “Hey, man. Good to see you. Thanks again for yesterday and getting them back to the cabin. I appreciate it.”

  “We both do,” Dante corrected, also shaking Daniel’s hand.

  “No worries,” he told them both. “Elias is up front, and since I’m not an Alpha, I’m watching from back here. I can hang with the girls if you want.”

  “That would be great,” Remy replied, glancing back at me.

  I nodded and patted the empty seat on the other side of me. “Come join the nonparticipating party,” I offered.

  Daniel sat down beside me as we watched Remy and Dante make their way to the front of the room. They joined Gabe and Luke and several other men that Remy had pointed out as part of their alliance.

  I was praying there wouldn’t be a quiz at the end because I was rapidly forgetting who all these men were.

  “Skye,” Tate said softly. I turned and followed her line of sight to see Linden and Preston walk in, followed by Trace and an older man that was likely Trace’s father. They joined a group of men on the opposite side of our guys, greeting them with smiles and loud laughter that set my nerves on edge.

  A few more people came and sat with us in the observation area, and minutes later the Alpha Council walked out from behind a curtain across a stage to retake their seats.

  There were seven of them, the two alternates sitting off to the side while the five current members sat at the head table. Most of the men were older, easily older than Gabe or Luke by a decade or more. One of the alternates and one of the Council were younger, but still middle aged.

  They all looked stoic and alert, but there was also a tiredness to them. Like they knew they were stepping into an unwinnable battle.

  The man in the center lifted a wooden gavel and clacked it loudly on the table. Silence fell across the room before the chairman, Alpha Vincent if the name card in front of him was correct, continued his opening remarks.

  “Welcome back, Alphas.” His voice was aged, but booming, commanding the attention of the room as he spoke.

  I couldn’t help myself from looking at my old packmates when he said that. Linden was staring straight ahead, but Preston was fixated on me, his dark gaze full of fury and contempt.

  My jaw clenched as I glared back at him openly, ignoring as another Alpha on the Council began to take attendance of the packs, calling their names out in a monotonous voice that boomed in the room.

  I could see the muscles of Preston’s neck pull tight, rage tightening his features as I continued to keep eye contact.

  With a cough, Daniel leaned forward, effectively blocking my view of Preston.

  Blinking, I sat back against my chair and realized my chest was heaving and my hands were clenched into fists.

  “Easy, killer,” he murmured beside me, angling himself so Preston lost his view of me.

  “You okay?” Tate whispered, touching my hand.

  I nodded mutely, still trying to calm my racing heart and the angry wolf prowling around inside of me. I focused my attention on Remy, my gaze staying on him as the Alpha kept talking.

  “We will now open the floor to new business to be addressed,” Vincent continued. “If any Alpha has a dispute to file with the Council, we will hear those claims as well.”

  Tate’s hand found mine. I crushed her fingers with mine, needing that support, but she barely blinked.

  An older Alpha stood from the back of the room and made his way to one of the microphones in the center of the room that had been set up for this session.

  “Alpha Calvin, from the Northern Appalachian pack,” he introduced himself, his white hair sticking up in different places. He looked like he could barely manage walking, let alone a pack. “I would like to inform the Council of a territory dispute on our Northeastern boundary with the Norwood pack.”

  “What say you, Alpha Damien?” Vincent called from where he sat in the middle of the Council.

  Trace’s father stood fluidly. “We acknowledge the dispute, but move to have the matter investigated further by the Council. As the Northern pack cannot seem to police its own borders, we have been forced to. Since their Alpha can’t properly manage his lands and pack, we are happy to absorb them into Norwood.

  Flustered, Calvin gaped at him for a moment. “I take offense to these claims.”

  Unimpressed, Damien smirked at the other Alpha.

  “Very well,” Vincent finally said, waving for Calvin to head back to his seat. “We will schedule a time during the Summit for a formal overview of the matter.” His gaze fell back to Damien. “Unless you are proposing a formal challenge of the Northern Appalachian pack?”

  “Not at this moment.” Damien sat back down, still smiling. Trace leaned over and said something to his father that had them both chuckling.

  I was so busy watching them that I nearly missed Linden standing up.

  Here we go.

  “Alpha Linden from Long Mesa,” he began, not bothering to go to the microphone. His voice carried across the room with ease. “I would like to file a formal grievance with the Blackwater pack.”

  Vincent leaned forward. “On what grounds?”

  “Kidnapping,” Linden answered coolly, the word sending ripples through the room.

  The gavel cracked against the table. “Silence!” Vincent snapped, his voice cutting off all conversations.

  I looked at Remy. He glanced at me with a nod.

  “Who, sir, are you claiming they kidnapped?” Vincent asked.

  I wanted to roll my eyes. Most of the people in this room knew this was coming. Both sides, Linden’s and Gabe’s, had been amassing allies in case the Council made the rare decision to turn the vote over to all of the Alphas. Linden had even filed a public, written complaint weeks earlier with the Council.

  I was quickly learning that the Summit was a show. One big production to showcase who really had the most power in our world.

  “This fall, my niece and sister went missing. Later, my own wife and daughter vanished,” Linden replied, his tone grave and full of emotion.

  Fake emotion, I seethed silently.

  “I learned they all had been taken by the Blackwater pack thanks to the loyalty of the Norwood pack.” He inclined his head to Trace and Damien, who looked way too smug.

  “Is this true?” Vincent asked, the sole voice for the Council.

Trace stood. “Yes, sir. While attending Granite Peak Academy, I met Skye Markham, Alpha Linden’s only niece.”

  I snorted under my breath. Only niece. Like my uncle gave a shit.

  “She was there as a new member of the Blackwater pack,” Trace continued, the lies falling effortlessly from his mouth. “They made certain to keep her under close watch. The campus alpha and pack successor rarely gave her a moment alone.”

  “You see how immediately they separated my sister from her own child,” Linden added. “No doubt to manipulate and brainwash my niece while controlling my sister.”

  Vincent held up a hand. “Now is not the time that we will be taking commentary, Alpha.” His shrewd gaze cut to the other side of the room. “Do you have a response to these claims, Alpha Gabriel?”

  Gabe stood slowly. He looked completely cool and calm.

  “Adalynne and Skye Markham came to our pack seeking sanctuary in October of last year,” Gabe confirmed. “They had fled Long Mesa and Alpha Linden after years of prolonged abuse and cruelty.”

  That sent off a second shockwave of comments, these louder than the last as shifters began whispering to each other.

  Again, Vincent slammed the gavel down hard enough to crack the handle.

  “We will have order!” he barked.

  The room quieted.

  “These are grave claims, Alpha,” Vincent finally said to Gabe. “You have proof to confirm the validity of your accusations?”

  Gabe gave a short nod. “Yes. We have the recorded testimony of Adalynne, Zara, and Bella Markham. Skye Markham is here in person to offer testimony.”

  I felt eyes turning towards me. I had been seen with Gabe and Remy most of the day; it wasn’t a stretch to guess who I was.

  Gabe cleared his throat. “Additionally, Blackwater would like to request a formal investigation of the Long Mesa pack.”

  “On what grounds?” Linden practically snarled the question.

  Gabe didn’t hesitate. “Multiple shifter rights violations. Alpha Linden has committed some violations, and even more heinous acts have been carried out by his pack and council at his behest and under his direct supervision.”

  “You kidnap my family,” Linden roared, “and have the audacity to accuse me of neglecting my duties as Alpha?”

  “Yes,” Gabe said simply.

  The growl that came from Linden was nothing short of animalistic and sent shivers skittering down my spine. My uncle was dangerously close to losing it.

  “Alphas, we will investigate all these claims,” Vincent said firmly.

  Chest heaving, Linden turned to the chairman. “In the interim, there is no formal agreement between our packs. As Skye’s only relative here, I demand custody of her until the Council makes a decision.”

  My heart hammered painfully in my chest.

  Vincent slowly nodded. “Very well. I think—”

  “With all due respect,” Gabe cut him off, “Blackwater has a stronger claim to Skye than Long Mesa.”

  “How so?”

  Remy stood up beside his father, his broad shoulders squared as he lifted his head. “Skye is my mate. We bonded last fall.”

  This time it wasn’t just whispers, but full blown conversations swirled around me. The room exploded in a flurry of chattering activity. Vincent had to slam the gavel three times before the crowd started to settle.

  “I will clear the gallery if this happens again!” Vincent threatened, but I wasn’t sure why.

  Sure, the people in the gallery had started talking, but it had mostly been the Alphas that were losing their shit over Remy’s announcement. Even the ones on the Council, except Vincent, seemed stunned.

  Now even more eyes were focused on me. I tried to focus on my breathing and not shrink away from the curious stares.

  Tate squeezed my hand again, and even Daniel pressed his shoulder lightly to mine in a show of support.

  I kept my eyes locked on Remy the whole time. I needed to see him to keep from losing my mind.

  “Forgive me, but how old are you?” Vincent asked Remy.

  “Eighteen,” he replied.

  “And your … mate?”

  “Seventeen. She turns eighteen in a few days,” he replied firmly.

  “There are no bonded mates on record your ages,” Vincent finally said, the Council around him nodding and frowning in agreement.

  “If I may, Chairman?” Elias stood slowly from his seat at the front of the room.

  “Dr. Samuels,” Vincent nodded at him. “You have something to offer?”

  Elias nodded. “As strange as it sounds, I can testify that I have witnessed Remington Holt and Skye Markham’s bond myself.”

  “She’s still my niece and part of my pack,” Linden argued, but even he knew it was useless.

  Vincent frowned at him. “This Council will not separate bonded mates, Alpha Linden. You know this. We will hear your grievance this week at a determined time, but for the interim, Skye Markham will remain with her mate and his pack.”

  Remy gave me a triumphant smile as he sat down. I exhaled hard, lightheaded but relieved.

  We had won for now.


  I zoned out for the rest of the afternoon session. More complaints were lodged, mostly boundary and territory disputes, but my mind was still reeling from everything that had happened earlier.

  Watching my uncle unapologetically hurl accusations at my pack while Preston and their allies glared daggers at Gabe and Remy had shaken me more than I expected. Ever since Linden had stood up, the deep baritone of his voice scraping against my nerves, I had been fighting to keep my wolf under control. Even after he sat down, she still wanted out.

  She wanted to defend our pack, our Alpha, and our mate.

  It was draining trying to keep her under wraps while wrestling with all of my human emotions at the same time.

  By the time Vincent adjourned the meeting for the day, I needed out of this room and away from all these people. Everything in me felt raw and exposed.

  “You okay?” Daniel asked me, leaning over as people around us started to get up.

  “Yeah,” I mumbled, wishing like hell I could leave, too, but I waited for Remy.

  “Your uncle is an asshole,” Tate said, shooting a dark look at his back as he left the room with his Norwood friends and Preston.

  “Yeah,” I repeated, lowering my eyes. My hands ached from twisting and knotting them together over and over. I had cracked and snapped every possible knuckle and bone in each hand multiple times. Slowly, I stretched my fingers out, trying to get blood flowing again.

  Dark boots entered my vision a second before Remy squatted in front of me, balancing effortlessly on the balls of his feet.

  “Hey.” His warm voice slid over me, an instant balm for the jittery, anxious parts of me that wouldn’t seem to settle. The wolf in me lay down, finally relaxing.

  He took my hand in his, pulling me into his side as he tugged me up to my feet. He wrapped an arm around my shoulders, moving us through the crowd of shifters until we were outside.

  I blinked around the bright sunlight, the pressure in my chest loosening now that we were outside and I could breathe.

  Remy guided us toward the path that led to the cabin. It seemed most people leaving the first day’s meeting were more inclined to stand around and talk, but he didn’t stop to talk even when a few guys called out to him. He moved us forward with a singular purpose, not stopping until he had closed the door to our cabin behind me.

  I leaned my back against the door, closing my eyes as sweet relief sank into my bones. There was a beautiful calm knowing the world was closed off from me now.

  Remy braced a hand on either side of me, caging me in, but not touching me. He was waiting for me to say something first.

  “I’m okay,” I muttered, opening my eyes to see his warm chocolate eyes staring intently at me.

  A small quirk of his brow was the only indication he gave, but it was enough to tell me he wasn’t buying it

  Neither was I.

  Seeing Linden, watching him spew his lies, and seeing the belief on the faces of strangers had been more emotionally and mentally draining than I thought possible. I had convinced myself that I would come here, tell my story, and everything would be fine.

  But I was starting to see now how completely unrealistic that expectation was. Stupid, childish naivety.

  I wasn’t okay.

  With a sigh, I turned my head and kissed the inside of his wrist before ducking under his arm to restlessly pace across the floor.

  “I’m not okay,” I finally said, impatience and frustration lacing my words. I spun to see he was leaning against the door now, watching me with a maddening calmness.

  I ran a hand through my hair, nearly ripping out a chunk when I hit a tangle. “I hate him. I hate him so much.”

  “I know.”

  My hands slapped uselessly at my sides as I dropped them. “I mean, what the hell is he trying to prove? Why can’t he just leave us alone?” My jaw clenched. I didn’t need Remy to provide the answer to the question. “Because he’s a narcissistic asshat, that’s why.”

  Remy nodded slowly.

  My hands curled into fists. I wanted to punch Linden right in his smug mouth.

  My wolf rumbled inside of me.

  No, I wanted to shift. I wanted to let the beast in my heart out to end all of this. To end him.

  I wanted him dead.

  An unwanted image of Bella flashed before me. I could see the girl sitting in my room, crying because she missed her dad. The girl who couldn’t understand why the man who was supposed to protect her wasn’t.

  The unfairness of it all draped over me like a wet, fifty-pound blanket.

  All of the fight left me in a rush. My legs gave out, and I fell back onto the couch.

  Remy pushed off the door and walked across the room, sitting next to me before lifting me up and settling me on his lap. A strong hand smoothed down my back as I snuggled into him, leaching up the comfort he offered like a sponge.

  “I hate him,” I mumbled against his chest.

  “Me, too,” he agreed quietly, his lips against my hair.

  We stayed that way as the wolf in me quieted and my breathing evened out. Until the front door opened and Gabe walked in.


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