Noelle's Kiss

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Noelle's Kiss Page 5

by Cindy R. Williams

  I paused again, thinking about my ex-husband. “And then…if they have a temper—a nasty temper—well, that’s something I won’t ever go near again.”

  I had never voiced any of this to them before. I glanced around at everyone. Each watched me with eyes squinted as if they were pondering what I’d said. I hoped they would understand.

  “Sounds like your ex, for sure,” said Chrissy, and the other two nodded in agreement. “You definitely know what to avoid in a man.”

  “Elle, you know we’ve all been worried about you, but what you’re telling us makes sense. It sounds like you’re ready to move forward and real healing is beginning to happen.” Joy’s eyes watered as she gave me a sweet and gentle smile, much like our mother had always done when we had heart-to-heart talks.

  My stomach relaxed. I leaned closer to the table. “I’m determined not to make that same mistake again. I’m going into this with my eyes wide open, and believe me, I’m well aware of the risks, especially with Tatum as part of the equation. I owe it to both of us to follow my brains this time and not just my heart. I’m getting to know Zave, and so far, he’s real. He’s been open and honest and doesn’t seem to be the player the press makes him out to be.”

  We all smiled because I was part of that press, although they knew I would never write gossip.

  “Plus, I promise each of you that I will move slowly.” I looked directly into each of their eyes.

  “But what do you really know about this guy?” Holly asked.

  “Well, he’s kind and service oriented—not big headed. Basketball is just his job. He’s worked hard to be where he is. He runs a youth basketball camp in the summer. He takes time with fans…and their mothers.” I couldn’t help smiling as I thought of the interaction between the mother asking Zave for an autograph for her son when we were at the ice cream parlor, then continued. “He’s a downright normal guy. He seems to stay in close contact with his parents and siblings.” I knew I was rambling, but once the flood gates opened, I had to let it all out.

  “And yes, I’m a little worried about all the photos with different girls on his arm at various events. I’m trying to go into this with my eyes open. It may take some time to figure out for sure and…of course, if he isn’t an honest, kind, loyal man with a good temper, then I’m out.” My stomach tightened.

  “How do you know all this stuff about him already?” Chrissy asked.

  “Well, umm…” These were my sisters and I really needed them to understand that I was looking at all angles. “Maybe I played reporter and uh…did some research, and since he’s famous, he has a pretty good media trail.”

  They laughed.

  “Oh, come on. Open eyes, remember? Plus, I promised myself not to be bowled over by his good looks and those tantalizing green eyes.” I sighed and faded off into another memory.

  All three grinned at me.

  “I know, I know, I sound like a stalker. But there could be a lot at stake here and I needed to check out things from all sides. I’m not going to make the same mistake I made falling for Blake.”

  All my sisters sat quietly for a few moments. Finally, Joy said, “You know, Elle, I don’t think what you did was stalking. Just like any story you write; you want to know the truth. I think checking him out is a good idea.”

  Holly and Chrissy nodded in agreement, then Chrissy added, “I say good for you, girl. You have an unusual situation here, and you have to play it safe.”

  “Yes, and you’re going into this thing logically, if love even has logic. Give it a chance, Elle,” Holly agreed.

  I sat back in relief. My sisters seemed to be getting what I was going through.

  “This is exciting, for sure…but it also feels like I’m in a bit of a whirlwind. I don’t want to be hurt again, and I certainly don’t want Tatum hurt.” I took another sip before I went on. “Tatum adores him already. She told him he could marry me, but that’s a whole other story.”

  “She what?” Joy demanded.

  “Tell all, Elle,” Chrissy added, eyes wide.

  “This is going to be good.” Holly licked her lips.

  I gave in. “All right, long story short. Tatum says she and her little school friend, Hunter, are getting married when they’re eight. Hunter and his dad watched one of my news stories and both decided they might marry me. Hunter mentioned it to Tatum, Tatum was crushed, so asked me to marry Hunter’s dad or ‘the Tree’—her name for Zave—then Hunter could still marry her.” I took a quick breath, and then went on.

  “I told her not to worry because I wasn’t planning on ever getting married again. She was thrilled, and now she and Hunter are still on for their big childhood wedding. When we had ice cream with Zave Wednesday, Tatum blurted all this out to him. Here’s the sticky part. She added that he could marry me because she’d like that.”

  The sisters whooped and hollered.

  “No!” Joy slapped her knee. “That’s horrible…and hilarious.”

  I laughed with them.

  When the laughter died down, Holly asked, “So what did the poor guy do?”

  “Zave took it all quite well and wants us to be in the picture. He’s different from any other man I’ve met. He’s a nice man and sincerely seems to want to get to know me, plus his interaction with Tatum is charming. He’s considerate of his fans, has incredible green eyes, has a great job he enjoys, is hard-working, fun, and fun to look at…” I trailed off as a trio of groans greeted me, almost in three-part harmony.

  “Okay, you guys, please give me a break. I feel I want to give this a chance, so please support me. Don’t make this harder than it already is. I mean, I have enough lack of trust in the male species for all four of us.”

  The waitress saved the day as she placed our dinners on the table.

  “Oh, my. Smell these baby-back ribs.” I took a big, mouth-watering sniff. “Joy, your pot pie crust looks perfect. Holly, did you get that goulashy thing again? It does look delicious. Chrissy, how about a few onion rings?”

  Each of them smirked at me, knowing exactly what I was doing, but the comfort food here was to die for, so we all dug in and enjoyed it.

  I tried to listen to their conversation, but soon those intense green eyes made their way back to my thoughts, and I sat anticipating Zave’s upcoming late-night phone call. He’d been calling me most nights while on his road trip.

  I tuned back to the concerns my sisters had and caution hit. Fear zapped the rest of my appetite. Zave’s press showed he had women around him constantly. He led a life in the spotlight.

  I didn’t know him well enough to know if he was a faithful, one-woman kind of a guy—someone with high integrity around women. Plus, in the back of my mind I still worried there might be something wrong with me that made me choose abusive men who tended to cheat.

  With Blake, I allowed myself to believe the abuse was my fault. But now I knew better. The abuse was his responsibility. I didn’t have to listen to his excuses or believe his lies anymore. I was stronger now.

  I didn’t want to shut out Zave because of fear. I needed to get to know him better so I could make a clear judgment with more than my heart and those traitor butterflies making the decisions. Those phone calls had helped because we had conversation without the physical side getting in the way.

  I planned to move slow, keep my heart safe, get to know the real man, and not fall for another narcissistic, womanizing jerk.

  There, that would work just fine…a good plan.

  Besides, it had been a long time since I kissed a man…and since I was being totally honest about all of this, I really looked forward to our first kiss.

  Chapter Ten

  “Mommy, get up.” Tatum pounced on my bed.

  I didn’t know what time it was, but any time I was awakened from a deep sleep was too early. I reached out and wrapped my arms around the little monkey and pulled her under the covers. “Snuggle in and go back to sleep.”

  “Mah-ah-ahm! Wake up. Tree can see through the TV.�
�� She put her face so close our noses touched.

  “Wha-a-a-t?” I yawned and stretched.

  “He said ‘Hi’ and told me to go to bed. Oh, and he said I’m the cutest thing on the planet, too.”

  “What? Honey, you’re not making any sense. Tree had a game in Phoenix last night. And what do you mean, he talked to you?” I gently pushed her away so I wouldn’t go crossed-eyed.

  “He did, last night while you were gone. I was in bed, but my tummy growled and wanted a cupcake, so I snucked into the kitchen. The babysitter had basketball on, and didn’t see me ’cause I’m tricky, but Tree is trickier, ’cause he saw me through the TV. This reporter lady said stuff, and then he looked at me through the TV. Get up, Mamma.”

  I sat up and ran my fingers through my hair, scratching my head. How strange. Tatum made no sense.

  “Come on. I’ll show you.” She tugged at my hand.

  I let out a big sigh. Sleeping in…not on the agenda after all. I trudged down the stairs to the family room.

  Tatum turned on the TV and handed me the remote. “Go fast to the end. Tree is magic.”

  I found the recorded game and fast forwarded to the end. Shoot, now I knew they won. I had planned on watching the game last night, but the gas explosion I covered had run late into the night. Oh well, I’d still watch it later. I didn’t want to miss any of Zave’s games—or Zave. I paused, then forwarded slowly through a bunch of commercials until I saw his large and quite fine frame next to a sandy-haired reporter.

  “Yeah, here.” Tatum bounced on the sofa next to me.

  The reporter held the microphone up to her mouth and spoke loudly over the still cheering crowd. “Another triple tonight, Triple X. I did a little fact checking and found that you have passed Wilt Chamberlain and Russel Westbrook’s records of thirty-one triple doubles. You’re closing in on Oscar Robinson’s forty-one triple doubles from 1962. Is this what your legacy will be?”

  Zave leaned down to the microphone and answered, “I just try to play my best each game.”

  “Throughout your career you’ve had a number of nicknames. The Green-Eyed Giant in high school, Thunder Mountain in college, and now of course, Triple X. Which is your favorite?” The reporter flashed a big smile and giggled as if she had said something clever. A little green-eyed monster reared up in me. She sure knew a lot about Zave, and she was totally trying to flirt.

  “My favorite nickname? I think that would be Tree.” Zave smiled his big, lopsided grin and looked directly into the camera, then added, “Hi, Tatum. Get to bed—it’s late.”

  “Hold on. We hear rumors of Rhonda Santori, the team owner’s daughter…Uh…who’s Tatum?”

  Zave laughed. “Never believe rumors. I can tell you this, though. Tatum is about the cutest thing on the planet.” He winked into the camera, turned, and walked toward the locker room.

  Apparently, the interview was over.

  The reporter seemed surprised but pulled herself together quickly. “Well, umm…more on this soon, I’m sure.” She tossed it back to the sportscasters.

  “Well, okay then.” I fell back against the sofa, chuckling.

  “See, Mommy? Tree can see me. Isn’t that soooo cool? Can I have a cupcake for breakfast?”

  “How about if I whip up a banana smoothie with that cupcake?” I followed her to the kitchen, amazed at the simple brilliance and wonder of children, especially my adorable little girl…and Zave wasn’t half bad himself. I smiled.

  Chapter Eleven

  The weather turned frosty on Friday, a week before my big date. Little shivers of excitement raced around my skin each time I thought about it, and I had to keep telling myself to calm down and not read too much into it. It was only a date, and I certainly wasn’t ready for it to be anything more. Besides, I had to play it cool. I was meeting my sisters at the Mason Jar again.

  I dropped Tatum off at her friend’s house for the evening. She gave me a quick hug and ran inside.

  “Thanks for watching her, Melinda.”

  “My pleasure. We thought we would watch one of their favorite princess movies after we eat pizza.”

  “Sounds great. I won’t be late.”

  “No worries. I still expect an update about you and Triple X soon.” Melinda smiled.

  My mouth fell open. I stammered, “Uh well, there really isn’t much to say…yet. This is…ummm well, all so new.”

  “He’s a looker. Fingers crossed, girlfriend. Have fun with your sisters,” she said and gave me a hug.

  The drive to the Mason Jar took me a few minutes. I parked, walked into the restaurant, and found Holly and Chrissy sitting in our usual booth. Once again, the smells of fried chicken and warm bread made my mouth water. This place always brought up the sweet memories of being a little girl in my mother’s kitchen.

  I squared my shoulders, preparing myself to act as if nothing new had been going on in the romance department. Joy walked in a minute or so after me, and behind her came a familiar face from the past.

  Joy blurted out, “Look who showed up at my house a few minutes ago.”

  Uncle Simon, Dad’s older brother, strode across the restaurant toward us with a movie star smile.

  My stomach lurched. My nerves moved to high alert and my guard came up. Uncle Simon wasn’t around much when we were kids. If I asked Dad about him, Dad always brushed the question off by saying something like, “Simon has gone his own way. It’s for the best.” There seemed to be a sadness or sorrow in Dad when I brought Uncle Simon up. I learned not to mention him.

  Chrissy shrieked, “Oh, you look just like Dad.” She jumped up, and he pulled her into a big bear hug.

  Next, he pulled me up out of my seat and wrapped me in his arms. I offered him a quiet “Hello” as I silently questioned Joy with my eyes.

  Uncomfortable, I pulled away. This man was mostly a stranger to me. Uncle Simon gave Holly a hug, and I saw her hesitation as well. My reporter skills or maybe my sixth sense kicked in. All I could think of was why wasn’t he here when our parents died four years ago? And why was he here now?

  He pulled a chair up to the end of the booth and sat down. “You’re all so lovely. What have each of you been doing? I met Joy’s three rambunctious boys. How about you, Elle?” Simon folded his arms across his chest and sat back against his chair.

  My hands clamped closed in my lap as I gave a short answer. “I’m a reporter for CBS 4 Denver, divorced, and have a five-year-old daughter.”

  Simon nodded his head with a slight smile that didn’t reach his eyes, and then turned his attention to Holly. “And what are you doing now?”

  “I’m a nurse, like Mom, you know. I work at the local hospital,” Holly answered.

  “I knew you would do well, Holly.” Simon’s face lit up in a large grin. “And what about you, little lady? What have you been up to?” He turned to Chrissy.

  “I’ve graduated college and have a great job in marketing. I love it,” Chrissy gushed.

  I watched this weird scene unfold in front of me with an uneasy feeling growing in my stomach. I guess my sisters were more comfortable than me with the re-appearance of long-lost Uncle Simon. Especially Joy and Chrissy.

  The waitress arrived. None of us was ready to order. Simon’s appearance had us all enthralled, each with our own reasons.

  Simon turned his attention back to us. “I am so happy to be back in the Springs,” he said.

  “Have you moved back, then?” I asked.

  “Yes, I bought a condo, and I’m furnishing it now.”

  “That’s wonderful. We hope to see a lot of you,” Chrissy beamed.

  I remained silent, assessing the situation, my reporter skills tingling. After an awkward pause, I asked, “What business are you in, Simon? Or are you retired now?”

  He chuckled. “Oh no. I’m a consultant. Keeps me busy traveling all over the world. It’s an exciting profession with a new challenge always waiting around the corner.” He cleared his throat, seeming a little nervous, and then sipped
his water. “I’ve worked with scores of big businesses—and a number of small ones, too. I like to help others, especially when it comes to money.”

  When he seemed finished, I blurted out, “Oh? Well, Uncle Simon, it’s been extremely…difficult, especially losing Mom and Dad, and Joy’s husband, Tom. Where have you been all this time?”

  He dropped his eyes and his shoulders slumped. “I’ve been in Europe. I didn’t know about your parents until many months later, or I would have been here to help. Then…time moved on, and before I knew it, several years had passed.”

  I knew I had been rude. I offered a small token of peace. “I hope things go well for you here. Welcome back.”

  Uncle Simon smiled and chatted a few more minutes, then he asked to see us again. He and Joy exchanged phone numbers before he left.

  We sat quietly, lost in our own thoughts. I still felt a little agitated but wasn’t exactly sure why. Again, Dad came to mind. He had seemed content that Uncle Simon was not a part of our lives. I also realized that even though my faith in my own judgment took a big hit from my time with Blake, I needed to learn to listen to my gut. And until I knew what was behind the sudden reappearance of Uncle Simon, I would remain a little leery.

  In fact, I wasn’t ready to think of him as “Uncle.” That was an endearment that he needed to earn. So he was just Simon to me for now.

  We picked at our food. Chrissy seemed nearly overwhelmed with the possibility of having an uncle in our lives, and Joy and Holly remarked on his good looks and high-end clothes and watch. He must be rich, we all agreed. What a mystery.

  I decided to use my reporting skills to do a little investigating on my own. One good thing about his surprise appearance was at least I didn’t have to try to avoid questions from my sisters about Zave.

  Chapter Twelve

  I had been anticipating Friday for two weeks now. Even though it was preseason, it was my first Denver Nuggets game as the guest of a player. Sure, I’d been with friends, even taken Tatum to a few games, but never as a VIP. And not just any player—Triple X. I mean, wow! When I thought of him that way, I was in awe. The guy I knew was more comfortable going by the name “Tree” and was kind, funny, caring, adorable, hot, and…well, so much more than the nation’s most eligible big-shot basketball player.


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