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Mastering Modern World History

Page 118

by Norman Lowe

  Tamil Tigers 262–3

  Tanganyika 543

  Tanganyika African National Union (TANU) 543

  Tanzania 264, 543, 571–4

  poverty in 571–2

  tariffs 39

  Taylor, A.J.P. 76, 85–6, 368

  Taylor, Charles 594–5

  Tea Party Movement 524, 660

  Tekere, Edgar 598

  Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) 471, 496

  Terreblanche, Eugene 590

  terrorism, definition of 261–2

  global 257–70

  Thailand 158, 643

  Thatcher, Margaret 125, 162, 199

  ‘thaw’, the 133–5

  Third World, the 120, 146, 178–9, 182, 197, 261, 638–44, 667–71

  economic split in 643–4

  non-alignment of 638

  population growth in 667–70

  poverty of 638–43

  Three Mile Island 646

  Tiananmen Square 439–41

  ‘tiger’ economies 643

  Tirpitz, Admiral von 13, 17

  Tito, Marshal Josip Broz 203

  Togo 553

  Tolbert, William 594

  Tooze, Adam 86, 331

  Toure, Sékou 553

  Transjordan see Jordan


  Amsterdam (1997) 217

  Austrian State (1955) 134

  Berlin (1926) 59

  Brest-Litovsk (1918) 33, 360–1

  Brussels (1948) 193

  Bucharest (1913) 10

  Geneva Agreement (1954) 151, 455

  INF (1987) 161–2

  Lateran (1929) 301–2

  Lausanne (1923) 39

  Locarno (1925) 48, 53–4

  London (1913) 9 (1915) 23

  Maastricht (1991) 200–1

  Neuilly (1919) 39

  Nice (2001) 218–19

  Rapallo (1920) 72 (1922) 53, 59

  Riga (1921) 365

  Rome (1957) 193

  Saint-Germain (1919) 38

  San Francisco (1951) 339

  Sèvres (1920) 39

  Trianon (1920) 38

  Versailles (1919) 34–8

  Washington (1922) 52–3

  trench warfare 21–2

  Trevor-Roper, Hugh 85

  tribalism 563

  in Burundi and Rwanda 580–2

  in Nigeria 568

  Trinidad and Tobago 537–9

  Triple Alliance 4

  Triple Entente 4

  Trotsky, Leon 357–8, 365, 367, 372–4, 380

  Trotter, W.M. 488

  Truman, Harry S. 126, 145

  social policies 502

  Truman Doctrine 129

  Trusteeship Council 169

  Truth and Reconciliation Commission 590

  Tshombe, Moise 575

  tsunami, the 181

  Tsvangirai, Morgan 599–601

  Tubman, William 594

  Tucker, Robert C. 366, 369

  Tudjman, Franjo 212–13

  Tukhachevsky, Marshal Mikhail 380

  Tunisia 282, 283–4

  Turkey 8–10, 19, 20, 22–3, 27–8, 30, 313, 39, 46, 173, 192, 225, 540–1

  Tutu, Archbishop Desmond 590

  U-2 spy plane 135, 513

  Uganda 543, 680

  Ukraine 95–6, 112, 360–1, 382, 405

  UNESCO 179

  UNICEF 179–80

  Union of South American Nations (UNASUR) 631

  Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR) see Russia

  UNITA (Angola) 577–9

  United Arab Republic 227

  United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) 180

  United Nations Organization (UNO) 126, 167–85, 611

  compared with League of Nations 170–1

  and Iraq 270–3

  nationalist movements and 534

  peacekeeping 171–7, 214–15, 603

  and South Africa 169

  weaknesses of 171, 181–4

  United Nations Population Commission 673–4

  United States of America (USA)

  and Africa 159

  and China 142–6, 162–3, 514

  civil rights campaigns 486–9, 505–11

  Civil War 469

  constitution and political parties 470–4

  becomes economic leader of the world 469, 477–9, 501, 636

  economic model 652–4

  and First World War 18, 26, 27, 29–31, 469

  immigration 469, 474–7

  foreign policies between the wars 51, 66–7

  and Germany 32–8

  internal affairs between the wars 478–98

  internal affairs since 1945 501–26, 637

  and Korea 143–6, 449–53

  and Japan 52–3, 338–40

  and Laos 158, 463

  and Latin America 147–9, 155–7, 260–1, 515, 608–31

  and League of Nations 41, 46, 56, 66–7

  McCarthyism 145–6, 511–13

  and the peace settlement 32–3, 38, 41

  poverty and social policies 469, 479–80, 501, 502–5, 521

  and Russia 122–41, 161–2, 365

  and the UN 170, 260–1

  and Second World War 89, 96–100, 102–11, 119

  socialism in 481–6

  and Vietnam 151–5, 456–7

  and war on terror 258–9, 265–82, 521

  and world economic crisis (1929–33) 469–70, 489–93

  world policies of since 1945 260–82, 514, 517, 524, 608–31, 650

  and the 2008 financial crash 654–60, 664–5

  Uniting for Peace resolution (UN) 171, 172

  Upper Volta 553

  USSR see Russia

  U Thant 171, 575

  Vanderbilt, Cornelius 477

  Vargas, Getulio 612

  Venezuela 608, 612, 614–15, 622–4

  Versailles Settlement 32–41

  Verwoerd, Dr Henrik 584, 587

  Victor Emmanuel III, King of Italy 298

  Vietcong 152–4

  Vietminh 150, 151

  Vietnam 455–7

  divided 151, 455

  independence, struggle for 149–51, 454–5

  war 1961–75 149–55

  Virgin Lands Scheme (Khrushchev) 398–9

  Vorster, B.J. 587

  Wagner Act (USA, 1935) 495

  Wałęsa, Lech 209

  Wallace, Henry 494–5

  Wall Street Crash 55, 314, 489–91

  Wang Hui, Professor 445

  war deaths

  First World War 30–1

  Second World War 113–16

  war debts (to USA) 67

  Warlord era (China) 420, 422–3

  Warsaw Pact 203

  Washington, Booker T. 488

  Washington Conferences (1921–2) 52–3

  Washington, George 473

  Watergate 514

  weapons of mass destruction (WMD) 271–3

  Weimar Republic see Germany

  Wen Jiabao 442, 444

  West Africa, independence in 542–3

  West Indies 537–9

  West Irian 171, 554

  Whitewater Scandal 520

  WikiLeaks 630

  Wilhelm II, Kaiser 13–16

  Wilson, Harold 547

  Wilson, Woodrow 26, 28, 31, 33, 43, 484

  his Fourteen Points 32

  Works Progress Administration (USA, 1935) 495

  World Bank 612, 622

  World Disarmament Conference (1932–3) 49, 55

  world economic crisis (1929–33) 48, 55, 489–93

  causes 490–2

  effects 491–2

  world economy

  changes since 1900 635–8

  capitalism v. communism 636–7

  North–South divide 638–43

  effects on environment 644–52

  at the millennium 652–4

  in crisis from 2008 654–61

  causes of the crisis 656–9

  in 2012 661–5

ld Health Organization (WHO) 178–9, 681

  World Trade Centre 257, 265–6

  World Trade Organization 648, 653

  Xi Jinping 446

  Xoxe, Kose 204

  Yakovlev, Alexander 394

  Yalta Conference (1945) 125–6

  Yeltsin, Boris 396, 404–7

  Yemen 282

  Yom Kippur War (1973) 236–7

  Young Plan (1929) 54, 313

  Yuan Shih-kai 421–2

  Yugoslavia 7

  formation of 61, 212

  between the wars 61

  under Marshal Tito 129, 203–4

  break-up and civil war in 164–5, 213–17

  Zaire see Congo

  Zambia 546, 602

  ZANU 548, 597

  ZANU-PF 548, 597–601

  Zapatista uprising (Mexico, 1994) 617–18

  ZAPU 548, 597

  Zelaya, José Santos 620–1

  Zenawi, Meles 592–3

  Zhao Ziyang 438, 439

  Zhivkov, Todor 211

  Zhou Enlai 427–9

  Zimbabwe see also Southern Rhodesia 549, 587, 597–601, 680

  Zinoviev, Grigori 367, 373–4, 380

  Zionism 230

  Zuma, Jacob 591

  Zyuganov, Gennady 412–13, 415, 417–18




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