Bayside Fantasies (Bayside Summers Book 6)

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Bayside Fantasies (Bayside Summers Book 6) Page 29

by Melissa Foster

  He leaned closer and kissed her. “Daydreaming? Now, there’s something I’ve never done. What’s it like?”

  She climbed from her chair onto his lap. Her arms circled his neck and she said, “Well, first you need to be emotionally and physically too blissed out to think straight.”

  “My girl did that to me already.”

  “My girl,” she whispered. “I can’t believe you just said that. I never thought I’d have this with you.”

  “Me either. But it’s not like I have a choice in the matter. I’m going to start calling you Tabitha because of your bewitching powers.” He kissed the tip of her nose. “Now, tell me about daydreaming. I seriously do not get it.”

  “Oh, come on. Surely you’ve daydreamed. What were you thinking when you were blissed out?”

  “Damn, that was awesome.”

  “You’re such a guy. Maybe you can’t daydream, because that’s when you would have probably done it. I was lying in your arms listening to your heartbeat, reveling in the feel of your arms around me and the warmth of our bodies. I wondered if you felt as close to me as I felt to you, or if you were just thinking about the sex. Well…you’ve answered that question, haven’t you?”

  She started to get off his lap, and he tugged her back down. She rolled her eyes and said, “It’s okay, Jett. I get it. It was hot, and girls and guys aren’t on the same wavelength. It’s not a big deal. I’m not mad or anything.”

  “It is a big deal, but it was a lot to wrestle with. I’m still wrestling with it.”

  “What? Hot sex?”

  “No, Tegs. How much being that lost in you changed me. How ever since the night I told you about my father, we’ve connected on a different level.”

  “If you make a smart-ass remark about my mouth, I will slap you.”

  “We should patent your mouth,” he said, and quickly leaned away, preemptively dodging a slap. Then his eyes turned serious, and he said, “When we’re close like that, it’s a little overwhelming. My mind goes places with us that I wouldn’t even know how to get to.”

  “Sexual places?”

  “With you? Always, but that’s not what I mean. Other places, emotional places.”

  “I like the sound of that, but are you just saying it to make me feel like I wasn’t alone in my mushiness?”

  “I’m a lot of things, but I’m not a liar, especially not with you.”

  “Then you did daydream.” She touched his face, and he leaned into her hand the way she loved. “And you daydreamed about us, which is a bonus. Does that mean I can call you my boyfriend?”

  He flashed a cocky grin and said, “Babe, after what you did to me this morning, you can call me anything you want.”

  “I swear you’re about ten people all wrapped up in one: an arrogant businessman, a filthy-talking lover, a cocky boyfriend—and yes, I’m staking claim—a confused and angry son, a thoughtful friend…”

  “That’s only five.”

  “I’m sure there are more. I’m banking those empty spots until I figure them out.” Her stomach growled, and she covered it with her hand. “We forgot to eat!”

  “Funny, I remember a feast.”

  She swatted his arm and popped to her feet, pulling him up beside her. “You’ve done enough helping me for today. The website can wait until Sunday when you’re gone. I’ll need to keep busy so I don’t lose my mind anyway.”

  “I told you last night that I’m coming back next Friday before I go to London. I’ll need my Tegan fix.”

  “I know, but it’ll still seem like forever when we’re apart. With the time difference and your work schedule, we won’t be able to have our nightly video chats.”

  “We’ll figure it out.”

  “I’m counting on it,” she said, tugging him toward the door. “Let’s go on an adventure.”

  “What kind of adventure? It’s pretty gray outside.”

  “Scared of a little gray sky, Mr. Masters? It seems like gray skies, clear or cloudy, are about all we’re going to get on the Cape this time of year. But I don’t think even a gray sky could dampen the first ever Jett and Tegan adventure. We’ll take turns choosing where to go. You start.” She pulled on knee-high leather boots over her leggings, and her stomach growled again.

  “Sundial Café,” he said as he grabbed her coat and helped her put it on. “Where we first met.”

  “That would be the gas station. We could stop for some beef jerky.”

  “I’ve got your beef jerky right here.” He hauled her against him and kissed her.

  “I just figured out number six,” she said as they left the cottage. “Fuckable flirt. Maybe you can borrow my mask from the bachelorette party.”

  “You’re wearing that mask tonight, darlin’.”

  “Well see,” she said sassily. “I kind of like the idea of you masked and on your knees.”

  The sinful look in his eyes stopped her in her tracks. He closed the gap between them and grabbed her ass, holding her against him. His eyes drilled into her, and in a husky, sexy voice, he said, “I want you to think about me on my knees, masked and naked, doing everything you ask. Think about it all day, so by the time we get back, you’re good and ready to be taken every way you can think of.”

  Holy moly…

  He sauntered away to open the car door as if he hadn’t left her frozen in place, salivating over images of him masked and on his knees…

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  “COME ON, BEFORE we miss our chance!” Tegan pulled Jett toward the go-karts at Skull Island Adventure Golf and Sports World in South Yarmouth.

  They handed their tickets to the bearded man running the go-karts, and Tegan said, “Hi. I’m Tegan and this is Jett. This looks so fun! How long have you worked here?”

  The guy eyed Jett, and Jett just grinned. After their visit to the Sundial Café this morning, he knew there was nothing he could say to stop her curiosity, and he wouldn’t want to. She’d talked to the other couple who was having breakfast at the café for more than half an hour, and when Rowan had brought their food, he’d joined their conversation, too. He had raved about how much Joni loved her costume, and said she’d even worn it to school. He’d sat with them for a few minutes, and Jett had enjoyed getting to know him. Rowan was an insightful guy, and Jett had learned that he was also from Silver Island. His family ran one of the marinas and most of his family still lived there. Jett and Rowan had exchanged numbers, and Jett was looking forward to talking with him again.

  “Couple years,” the guy answered.

  “Do you like it? I bet it’s fun seeing all the different people.” She asked him for tips and tricks to driving the go-karts and about how busy they got in the summer, and then she hiked a thumb at Jett and said, “Thanks. Now you can watch me beat this hotshot.”

  “You’re a trip. You talk to everyone,” he said as they headed for the go-karts.

  “We’re on an adventure! Adventures are about exploring our surroundings, investing in them, and experiencing everything they have to offer. Including beating you in this race.” She went up on her toes and kissed him. She waved at a red go-kart and said, “Get ready to lose, Masters. Berta 2.0 is about to leave you in the dust.”

  “Dream on, sunshine.” He blew her a kiss and climbed into the black go-kart parked next to hers.

  Jett hadn’t realized how competitive Tegan was. He beat her by a nose their first round, and she insisted on trying a second one. When they’d tied, she’d demanded a third. He thought about letting her win, but he had a feeling she’d know if he did. He gave it his all, but his girl had learned the track, and she beat him by about three seconds.

  “Woo-hoo!” she hollered as she climbed from her kart, beaming brighter than the sun. “Told you I’d beat you.”

  Jett swept her into his arms and kissed her smiling lips.

  His phone rang with Tia’s ringtone. He reached for it, then remembered what Tegan had said about answering calls when he had a woman on his arm. “Sorry, babe, but thi
s is Tia. I should get it.”

  “Oh! Can I say hi?”

  She looked so excited, he couldn’t say no. He handed her the phone.

  She answered the call and said, “Hi, Tia? This is Tegan. Thank you so much for helping Jett today!”

  Only Tegan would answer the call as if they were old friends, and for some strange reason, that made him even more crazy about her.

  “Uh-huh,” Tegan said, her eyes dancing with mischief. “Okay. I totally understand.” She paused, listening. “I know, right? Well, you’ll be happy to know I just creamed his butt on go-karts.” She flashed a cheesy smile at Jett, listening again. “Yes, go-karts. We’re at an adventure park.”

  By the look on Tegan’s face, he was sure Tia was wondering what drugs Tegan had given him.

  “Okay, I’ll let him know. Thanks, Tia. I hope I can meet you someday.”

  Jett held his hand out for the phone, and Tegan mouthed, One sec.

  “That sounds great! I’d love it. Thanks again. I’ll do it right now, promise!” She ended the call.

  “You ended the call?”

  “Uh-huh. She said your flight is set for Sunday, and she booked you to come back here next Friday evening. She also said you probably forgot your suit for the wedding and to text her if you want her to FedEx it. She’s amazing. Come here; we have to take a picture.” She sidled up to him and took a selfie. She handed him the phone and said, “Can you send that to Tia and give her my number? And can you send me a copy of the picture and her number?”

  “Why do you need her number?”

  “She and her friend Becca might come up this summer and we’re going to try to get together. You don’t mind, do you?”

  “Um…” Did he? Hell, he didn’t know, but the idea of his work and personal lives colliding felt strange. Tegan was looking at him with those trusting, happy eyes, and strange no longer felt like such a bad thing. “No, it’s fine.”

  “Are you sure? I should have asked. I’m sorry. I wanted to thank her for helping you out today, and then we just clicked. But if it bothers you, I totally get it. I’ll back off. Promise. I have a tendency to act first and ask questions later.”

  She wrinkled her nose, and damn if his chest didn’t squeeze.

  “It’s fine. Come here.” He pulled her into a hug. “I’m glad you two talked. You probably just saved me an inquisition.”

  “You’d better send the selfie. She said if she didn’t have it in ten minutes, she was canceling next Friday’s flight. I like her. She’s ballsy.”

  “Reminds me of someone else I know,” he said as he sent the text to Tia. “Is that why she called? The selfie and the flights?”

  “I think so. Oh, she said to tell you that she had everything else under control and that you should take time off more often.”

  He texted the selfie and Tia’s number to Tegan’s phone and said, “Yeah, that can’t really happen.”

  “I know,” she said softly.

  There was no disappointment in her voice, but she couldn’t hide it from showing in her eyes. “Sorry, babe. I’m heading into a crucial time with the London deal.”

  As if a light switch had been flicked, her eyes brightened and she said, “I know. Don’t worry about it. Come on. I’d like to show you the real reason I wanted to bring you here.”

  She dragged him across the lot and said, “I know how much you loved baseball, and it sounded like it had been a while, so…” They walked around a building, and batting cages came into view. “I thought I could watch my boyfriend do his thing.”

  His heart swelled, and he felt a little choked up. “People I’ve known my whole life haven’t tried to get me to pick up a bat since high school.” He pulled her into his arms and said, “You’ve known me for ten minutes, and you brought me here. You are unlike anyone I’ve ever known.”

  “That makes two of us. See? You’re my perfect partner.” Her eyes widened and she said, “I’m feeling lucky today. That’s number seven on my list of what you are. My perfect partner.”

  He knew he wasn’t perfect, much less partner material in business or in his personal life. He was too controlling in business and too broken personally. He had no idea how he’d gone from wanting exclusivity with Tegan to being deemed her perfect partner. But when she looked at him with those faith-filled baby blues, he wanted to figure it the fuck out.

  “Come on, hotshot,” she said. “Show your girl what you can do with a baseball bat. I’ll try not to drool while I imagine you in tight baseball pants.”

  God she was amazing. “Remind me never to take you to a game.” He gave her a quick kiss and headed into the batting cage, ready to blow his girl away.

  Tegan cheered for him like he was on the field, and her energy made him feel like a superstar. Jett hadn’t felt that good about himself since he was a little kid, before his father had left. After hitting dozens of balls, he brought Tegan in for a turn. She was about as coordinated with a bat as she was at dancing, but that made it even more fun. He stood behind her, positioned her hands on the bat, and tried to teach her to hit the ball, but she kept wiggling her ass against him, making him hard. They laughed and kissed, and she finally hit a few balls before they made their way around the rest of the park. They played the best of three rounds of mini golf and spent enough money to buy the entire arcade just to win two teddy bears, because after Jett had won one, Tegan said the bear would be lonely unless it had a friend. He had a feeling she just liked to watch him get frustrated every time he failed to win and then tease him out of it with kisses and cuteness. It wasn’t a hardship. They’d eaten enough corn dogs, funnel cakes, and popcorn to last a lifetime, and as they climbed into the car, it felt like they’d spent a weekend at the park. A gloriously happy and romantic weekend.

  Tegan rested her head back against the seat and said, “That was so fun. It’s your turn to choose our next adventure.”

  He leaned across the console and said, “I choose you.” He threaded his hand into her hair, drawing her closer, and kissed her breathless.

  “Wow,” she said softly. “The man can kiss.”

  “The woman can kiss, too. I’ve never laughed as much as I do with you, Tegs, and I can’t remember the last time I didn’t think about work all day.”

  “I know. Tia texted me about an hour ago to ask if I was really a murderer who had done away with you, because she’d never gone this long without hearing from you.”

  “I don’t know if the two of you being friends is a good thing or if it’ll make my life hell.”

  She wrinkled her nose again—so fucking cute—and said, “Probably both. You’d better choose our next destination so you’re not late for your meeting. I’m not done adventuring.”

  He shifted back to the driver’s seat, his old haunt suddenly appearing in his mind. He hadn’t thought about that place for years, and now, as he tried to figure out where to take her, he could think of nothing else. “Buckle up, baby.”

  As Jett drove to Wellfleet and down streets he hadn’t been on for almost a decade, anxiety prickled his limbs. He glanced at Tegan, gazing out the window like just being made her happy, and that anxiety slipped away. He didn’t understand how seeing her, or being with her, helped calm his demons, but maybe there were some things he didn’t have to understand to accept.

  He reached for her hand, holding it as he drove down the secluded road, shielded from the rest of the world by woods and brush. He parked at the dead end, in front of the dune, and got out to open Tegan’s door, taking in the wild rose, beach plum, and other bushes and foliage that had grown immensely since he’d last been there several years ago. In a few weeks there would be splashes of pink flowers and red berries. Dune grasses would fill out and birds would nest. Tegan would love that. Hell, she’d probably make a birdhouse for them.

  “Where are we?” she asked as she stepped from the car.

  “An old haunt of mine. Come on.” He took her hand, leading her toward a narrow space between two waist-high bushes.
  “Are we allowed to be here? There’s a no-trespassing sign. We could get in trouble.”

  “Scared of a little trouble, Adventure Girl?” he asked as he helped her up the dune, holding back prickly bushes to clear the way.

  “I don’t know. Do you know the owner? I think you can get in big trouble for trespassing.”

  “I know who owns this place. Sometimes he can be a bit of a prick, but I have a feeling you’ll know what to do if he gets upset.”

  When they reached the clearing at the top of the dune, Tegan gazed out at the expansive view of Cape Cod Bay and said, “Jett,” full of wonder. “Is that the bay or the ocean?”

  “It’s the bay.” He placed one hand on her hip and pointed across the water to their right. “Out that way is Provincetown.” He pointed in the other direction and said, “The resort is over there, and your property is down the coast, past Eastham and Orleans and inland a bit.”

  “This is amazing. It’s so private. How’d you find this place?”

  “I happened upon it when I was a teenager. I didn’t want to go home after a baseball game, so I drove around and ended up on the road that leads here. It felt like it led to someplace no one would ever go, like forgotten land, the perfect place to escape. That’s what kept me coming back. This place was a godsend.”

  “Your secret hiding place.” She slid her arm around his waist and rested her head against him. “I wish I’d known you then. We could have gone on adventures together instead.”

  “You wouldn’t have liked me, Tegs. I didn’t like myself back then. I didn’t like anyone.”

  “Not even your mom? Your brothers?”

  “I don’t know,” he said. “I didn’t dislike them. I was pissed at my parents and angry at my brothers for not holding our father’s back against a wall.”

  “What about Drake and Rick?”

  “Before they lost their dad, I think I was probably a little jealous of all of my friends for not having to deal with the same shit I did. But when they lost their dad…we were all a mess.”

  “That’s understandable.”

  “I don’t know if it’s understandable or not, but I pulled away from everyone except my grandmother.”


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