Bayside Fantasies (Bayside Summers Book 6)

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Bayside Fantasies (Bayside Summers Book 6) Page 32

by Melissa Foster

  Dean didn’t share his wife’s excitement. His eyes were locked on Jett, as skeptical as ever.

  “I’m so happy for you guys,” Desiree said. “You’re great together!”

  “We’re happy for you, too,” Drake said.

  “Wait? When did this happen?” Chloe asked.

  “A few days ago,” Tegan said. “Jett surprised me Thursday morning. We had the best day yesterday, and he’s coming back in two weeks before he goes to London.”

  “That’s right, babe.” As Jett lowered his lips to her cheek, Dean scoffed and stalked toward the patio doors.

  “What’s wrong with him?” Serena asked.

  “I don’t know,” Emery said. “Maybe I should go after him.”

  “I’ll go,” Jett said. “I’ll be right back, Tegs.”

  When Jett pushed through the doors, the brisk evening air stinging his cheeks, Dean was already down the patio steps and stalking across the lawn below.

  “Dean! Wait up.” Wind swept over the bluff as Jett jogged over to him. “What’s going on? You okay?”

  Dean spun around, his hands curling into fists, and seethed, “No, I’m not fucking okay.”

  “Whoa.” Jett took a step back. “What’s got you all pissed off?”

  Dean glowered at him. “How many years have I picked up the pieces after you?”

  “I don’t kn—”

  “Seventeen, Jett. That’s how long ago I lost my brother. That’s how long Mom and I have tried to get you to come back to us. Do you know how many times during those years you’ve used work as an excuse not to see us?”

  “Dean, let—”

  Dean closed the distance between them, bumping Jett with his chest, and said, “How do you think Mom’s going to feel when she hears you put off work for a piece of tail?”

  Jett grabbed Dean by the collar with both hands, driving him backward. “Don’t you ever call her that again or I promise you it will be the last thing you ever say.”

  Dean charged forward, taking Jett to the ground. They wrestled and punched, grunted and cursed, battling for dominance. Fists connected with bone as years of repressed hurt and anger raged between them. Jett knew he deserved every fucking punch he took, but he wasn’t about to let Dean say shit about his woman. Jett used all his strength to push his brother over and straddled his torso. Dean grunted, teeth clenched, the veins in his neck and arms bulging.

  “Don’t say shit about my girl!” Jett cocked an arm, but Dean was too big, too strong, and too fucking angry. He threw Jett off, and Jett landed with a thud, but he was on his feet in seconds, barreling into Dean. They were shoulder to shoulder, two linebackers battling for the win.

  “We both know you won’t honor her,” Dean fumed through gritted teeth.

  In the next second Jett was on his back, pinned beneath his brother. Dean thrust his knees onto Jett’s biceps and cocked his fist, his massive chest heaving.

  “I love her, man,” Jett hollered, shocked by his own admission. “You can fuck me up. God knows I deserve it, but not because of how I’ll treat Tegan.”

  Confusion narrowed his brother’s eyes.

  “I love her, Dean,” Jett huffed out. “I’m not going to hurt her.”

  Dean’s anger didn’t waver. “You don’t know what love is. You’re a control freak like Dad. You’ll never put her ahead of anything else.”

  “Don’t you think I see you and Emery? Drake and Serena? Our other friends?” He paused, trying to catch his breath beneath two hundred thirty pounds of muscle. “I know what it looks like, even if I don’t know how to do all the right things. But if Violet could figure out how to love someone after all the shit she’s gone through, I sure as hell can. I know I’m not you, and I fucking envy your ability to forgive and move on, to open yourself up to all the good shit in life. But I’m trying, man. I’m trying to learn for her. She makes me want to be a better person. She believes in me.”

  “Dean Masters! What has gotten into you?”

  Their heads snapped in Emery’s direction, and Jett’s heart sank at the fear on Tegan’s face as she and Emery ran toward them.

  “Aw, shit,” Dean said, crawling off Jett.

  Jett pushed to his feet and offered his hand to Dean. Dean grimaced, but as the girls approached, he slapped his hand into Jett’s, allowing Jett to haul him to his feet. Their suit coats were torn at the shoulders, they were covered in grass and dirt, and Dean had a bloody gash over his eye. Jett’s cheek felt like it had been hit by a sledgehammer.

  “It’s my fault,” Jett said. “We were just messing around and got carried away.”

  Dean gave him a she’ll never buy it look. “Sorry, doll.” He reached for Emery, who was busy swatting dirt from his suit.

  “Your suit is rui—” Emery looked up at him and gasped. “You’re bleeding.” She lifted her hand toward the gash above Dean’s eye.

  “Are you okay?” Tegan ran to Jett. “Your face.” She touched his face where he’d taken a punch. “You need ice for that.”

  He put his hand over hers and said, “I’m fine, babe.”

  “Are you sure? What can I do?” She plucked grass from his hair, then reached for his hand, holding it tight.

  Guilt ate away at him. He felt horrible at having scared her. “Nothing. I’m sorry I embarrassed you.”

  “Do you know how lucky you are that no one else saw you?” Emery snapped. “You could have ruined Harper’s wedding!”

  He and Dean said, “Sorry,” at the same time.

  “You’d better be sorry.” Emery glared at Jett. “What were you thinking, wrestling with Dean? He is way bigger than you.”

  Dean rubbed his chest, eyeing Jett, and said, “He got a few good ones in.”

  Emery rolled her eyes, as if she knew, as Jett did, that Dean could have killed him if he’d wanted to.

  He walked Tegan a few feet away from Dean and Emery and said, “I’m fine, and I’m sorry to ask this, but would you mind giving me a few minutes alone with Dean?”

  Fear rose in her eyes. “Are you going to fight again?”

  “No, babe. I promise.”

  She stepped closer and said, “What’s really going on?”

  “Something that should have been dealt with years ago. We just have some stuff to work out.”

  After promising Tegan and Emery that they would not end up on the ground again, the girls went back to the resort.

  Dean crossed his arms over his chest and said, “She really cares about you.”

  “And I care about her. Listen, Dean. Mom knows I’m here. I saw them last night, but you’re right. I’m sure she was hurt that I didn’t call to let them know I was in town. Some shit went down and I…” He didn’t want to admit the truth, but this was the end of the line for them. He had nothing to lose. “I thought I was going to lose Tegan, and man, she’s the best thing that has ever happened to me. You and everyone else pretty much gave up on me a long time ago—”


  “Come on, Dean. Don’t do this. You made the calls, you asked me to come back, but you also knew, just as I did, what my answer would be. I deserved it. Hell, I created the situation. But we both know you’d given up on me the same way I’d given up on Dad.” He shrugged and said, “I don’t know how to trust that the man he’s been these last two years is here to stay. I wish I did. I want to. Tegan centers me. She makes me see things in ways I never have. She helps me to accept that I want to see those things. I know it’s fucked up, but it’s hard for me to look at Dad without seeing the man I was sure I was destined to become. Don’t you think that scares the shit out of me? I don’t want to be him, and I’ve spent my life keeping people at a distance because of that. But I can’t keep my distance from Tegan.”

  Dean’s expression didn’t soften. “How many times have I told you that just because you look like him doesn’t mean you have to act like him?”

  “Whatever, man. It’s deeper than that.”

  “It is deeper because you’ve been
doing the exact same shit he did.”

  “I get that now, but I didn’t before Tegan came into my life.”

  Dean’s brows knitted, as if he was finally understanding what Jett was trying to say. “Does this mean you’ll finally stop using work as an excuse? That you’ll show up for more than a night or two over the holidays? That when you say you’ll be here, you will actually show up?”

  “It means I’m trying, and I’m sorry for hurting Mom—and you. You’re the best man I know, and I owe you a whole hell of a lot more than gratitude for soothing over the hurt my absence caused. I owe you—I owe us—years we’ll never get back. I can’t fix that, Dean. I can’t wave a magic wand and erase everything I’ve done, and I’m not asking for your forgiveness. I know I was a prick, but somewhere in your head you must know that I did what I felt I had to in order to survive with some modicum of sanity. But I promise you this: If you give me a chance, I will try my damnedest not to let you down again.”

  “You were a real dick.”

  “No shit. Trust me, you were a dick at times, too. Are you willing to try with me?” Jett stepped closer and said, “Fair warning—if you say no, I will throw you down and do you in.”

  Dean snarled. “You’re an asshole.”

  “Yeah, but I’m an asshole with the hottest girlfriend around.” He swung an arm over Dean’s shoulder and gave him a quick hug against his side. “I am sorry.”

  “Me too, for calling Tegan a piece of tail.”

  “Yeah, what the fuck, man? Don’t say that shit again.” He stepped back and held out his hand. “Truce?”

  Dean eyed his hand, and his lips curved up in a knowing smile. “I’m sure I’ll regret this. Truce.”

  He slapped Jett’s palm, and then they slapped the backs of their hands, made fists and bumped them together, and they both made a blowing-up sound, splaying their fingers and drawing them up slowly. They both laughed as they made their way up to the patio, where Emery and the most beautiful blonde in the world were waiting.

  TEGAN HAD BEEN worried about leaving Jett and Dean alone after seeing the marks on their faces and their torn clothing, but now she was glad she and Emery had walked away and left them to work out whatever was going on. They’d both been a little tense during dinner, but as the night wore on, the tension between them had eased. They had done shots with some of the other guys, and that had helped break the ice even more. And now, as Harper and Gavin danced their first dance as husband and wife, the tension had been replaced with brotherly banter. Tegan might never understand the way men worked things out with harsh words and rampant fists, but as Jett pulled her closer and they watched Harper and Gavin dancing, she didn’t care. Whatever he and Dean had said, however many punches it had taken, had given her a new man to love. His laughter came easier, and his smiles were even more genuine, which made them even more devastating. He gave off a lighter vibe, and she knew that a burden had been lifted—not from his shoulders, but from his heart.

  She watched Harper and Gavin whispering and kissing as they danced. They’d never looked happier. Tegan had never dreamed of a white wedding, or even seen herself as a bride. She had too much she wanted to do, too many adventures she wanted to have. But she was so happy with Jett, she could imagine having all those things with him—the adventures, the freedom to build the business with Harper without being held back, and maybe even a future she’d never known she wanted.

  Jett pressed his warm lips just beside her ear and whispered, “What are you thinking right this second?”

  Even his voice sounded more carefree. Her pulse quickened as she turned to look at him. The bruise on his cheek was darker now, and maybe it was the drinks she’d had, but she swore the way he was looking at her was different, too. It was as intense as ever, but there was more there, as if the fight had also freed a deeper, more emotional part of him.

  “That men work in mysterious ways,” she answered.

  “Should I be worried that you’re thinking about other men while you’re here with me?”

  The confidence in his eyes told her he knew exactly who owned her heart. She decided to tease him right back. “What do you think?”

  “I don’t think. I know.” He lifted her hand and pressed a kiss to the back of it.

  “What exactly do you know?” she asked softly.

  He held her gaze, and her hand, turning the music and the din of their friends to white noise as he said, “That with you in my life, there’s no room for anyone else in my head, or in my heart.”

  Everyone around the table pushed to their feet and headed to the dance floor, breaking into their private bubble. One of Tegan’s favorite songs was playing, “Use Somebody.”

  “They’re playing our song.” Jett stood, bringing her up to her feet beside him.

  As he led her to the dance floor, she said, “We have a song?”

  “We have a few.” He swept her into his arms, and as he guided their hips to the beat, he said, “I never noticed music or lyrics, sunsets or sunrises, or a hundred other things, until you came into my life.” He touched his cheek to hers and whispered in her ear, “Now I hear and see us in everything.”

  She closed her eyes, soaking in his words, knowing he would lead their dance in the same careful way he was leading their hearts.

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  FLAMES FROM THE fire danced beneath the domed screen in the cool evening breeze, warming Tegan’s cheeks as she snuggled under a blanket on Jett’s lap on the patio of the resort. As promised, Tara had taken pictures of Harper and Gavin and all their friends and family as they’d sat around the bonfire chatting and drinking champagne. Against the backdrop of the moonlit sky, Tegan was sure they were going to be some of the most gorgeous pictures from the evening. Jock, Daphne, and several of their other friends, along with most of the wedding guests, left the island shortly after the pictures were taken. Harper’s and Gavin’s parents had long since turned in for the night, as had most of their coupled-off friends, leaving only Harper and Gavin, Dean and Emery, Chloe, Justin, and Beckett. Other than Dean and Jett ruining their suits and giving each other a few cuts and bruises, it had been a wonderful evening, Tegan didn’t want it to end.

  “Hey, Jett,” Harper called from across the firepit, where she and Gavin were sharing a lounge chair.

  Jett lifted his chin in acknowledgment.

  “I’m really glad that you and Tegan are together, but please don’t sweep her off her feet and steal her away from the Cape,” Harper pleaded. “I need her here.”

  “I don’t think you have to worry about that. It would take a hell of a lot to get Tegan to give up her uncle’s legacy.” Jett ran his fingers through Tegan’s hair and said, “Right, babe?”

  “Definitely,” Tegan agreed. “Besides, I’d never do that to you, Harper. You know that.”

  “I do, but I also know how the right man can change everything.” Harper rested her head on Gavin’s shoulder.

  Chloe and Justin were bickering about the validity of dating apps. Emery, who was sitting on Dean’s lap, interrupted and said, “Chloe, I thought you were bringing a date tonight. What happened?”

  “Her Ken doll had to get a facial,” Justin said with a snicker.

  Chloe glowered at him, and then she turned a flirtatious look on Beckett and said, “I remembered Beckett was going to be here, so…”

  Beckett flashed a cocky grin. “I hear the bar stays open for another hour. What do you say we go check it out?”

  “Oh shit, here we go,” Dean said under his breath.

  “That sounds great.” Chloe pushed to her feet, looking elegant in a long-sleeved pale gray dress, and set the blanket that had been wrapped around her shoulders on the chair.

  “I agree,” Justin said, coming to her side and ignoring the disbelieving look she was giving him. “A drink sounds perfect.”

  Beckett shook his head.

  Gavin chuckled. “He’s my best buddy, Beck. He knows how you are.”

  “Dashing? Smart
?” Beckett loosened his tie and said, “Good in bed?”

  “I got no shame in my cockblocking game.” Justin slung an arm over Chloe’s shoulder and said, “Let’s go, blondie.”

  “If you have visions of threesomes dancing in your head, think again,” Chloe said as they walked into the resort.

  “They are so funny.” Tegan loved listening to the three of them.

  “I wouldn’t share you for all the money in the world,” Jett said.

  “Oh darn,” she teased. “I was so looking forward to a little threesome action.”

  Jett nipped at her jaw with a low growl.

  Dean chuckled and said, “Looks like you fell for the right woman. She’s not afraid to push your buttons.”

  Jett hugged her closer and said, “Every last one of them.”

  “I wish tonight could last forever,” Tegan said.

  “I do, too,” Gavin said as he rose to his feet. “But since that can’t happen, if you’ll excuse us, I’d like to take my gorgeous wife upstairs.” He took Harper’s hand, drawing her to her feet beside him, and wrapped his arm around her.

  “Aw,” Emery said sweetly. “Wedding-night lovemaking is the best.”

  “I’m counting on it,” Harper said. “I hope we’ll see you all at breakfast. We’re leaving for our honeymoon at ten, so if you stay out too late and we don’t see you, thank you so much for sharing in our special day.”

  A knot formed in Tegan’s stomach as reality drifted in. Jett was leaving on the ten o’clock flight to Boston, and she and the others were taking the ten thirty ferry back home. She wasn’t ready to be apart from him again.

  “We love you,” Emery called after Harper and Gavin, but they were already inside the resort, kissing on the other side of the glass doors.

  “Are you up for a walk on the beach?” Jett asked. “I’m sure the Silvers won’t mind if we take the blankets down with us.” Alexander and Margot Silver, the distinguished couple who ran the resort, had come out earlier to congratulate Harper and Gavin personally. They’d brought champagne and a basketful of blankets for everyone to use. It was a really special personal touch, and it had left Tegan with the type of warm and welcome feeling she hoped people would experience when they visited her theater.


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