Bayside Fantasies (Bayside Summers Book 6)

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Bayside Fantasies (Bayside Summers Book 6) Page 37

by Melissa Foster

  “All of them,” he said as they made their ascent. “I told you I was an investor.”

  “Yes, but I thought you meant a few businesses and properties. Not an entire hotel chain.”

  “Then you underestimated your boyfriend, babe.”

  “I guess that explains the Armani suits.”

  “That’s just good taste and dressing the part.” He gathered her in his arms and said, “Would you like a copy of my investment portfolio?”

  “No. Everything I want is standing right in front of me, and it wouldn’t matter if you owned a dozen hotel chains or you worked in a grocery store as long as you looked at me like you are now.”

  “God, I love you.” The words felt as if they’d been torn straight from his soul. He felt stronger, freer, like his lungs were filled to capacity for the very first time. Her surprised, loving eyes teared up, and he said, “I do, Tegs. I love you. I love everything about you, from your sticky notes to your wild dancing and the way you stumble over your own feet sometimes. I love the way you say my name, and everything feels better when you’re by my side.”

  Happy tears slipped down her cheeks. “I love you, too,” she said shakily. “I didn’t want to tell you because I thought it might scare you off.”

  “Nothing could scare me off from the only person who makes me feel whole. I wanted to tell you at the wedding, and every day after, but I didn’t know how to go from FWBs to…”


  “Exactly…” He kissed her, feeling like the luckiest man on the planet.

  The elevator came to an abrupt halt, and the doors opened. Cool air swept in from the rooftop, and the lights of the city glimmered below. Tegan wiped her eyes, and Jett fought the urge to shout She loves me! as he took her hand and led her out of the elevator.

  She stopped cold at the sight of a shiny dark helicopter and turned those gorgeous baby blues on him. “Jett Masters, what have you done?”

  He shrugged one shoulder and said, “I fell in love.” It was the most honest answer he’d ever given.


  He took her hand in his and said, “I want to give you everything, Tegs, and that starts with showing you all that LA has to offer, even if I only have one day.”

  Chapter Thirty-One

  JETT DIDN’T THINK there was anything more beautiful than Tegan Fine padding barefoot around his living room with her pink panties peeking out from beneath one of his T-shirts. It was Sunday morning, and she was talking with her parents. Gushing, actually, about Jett and their day together. She’d just finished describing the helicopter ride as insanely romantic and all the sites they’d seen as overwhelmingly awesome. Last night, as they’d flown over beaches and mountains, celebrity homes, and tourist sites like the Getty Center, Dodger Stadium, Universal Studios, and dozens of other places, she’d been like a kid at Christmas, elated at every single one.

  “I’ve been thoroughly spoiled.” Tegan turned and blew him a kiss.

  He winked, still high from their I love yous. He was even more in love with her today, and he knew he’d love her more tomorrow and every day thereafter.

  “I know!” Tegan exclaimed. “I’m getting there. I have a lot of meetings to take care of when I get back, and we’re keeping our fingers crossed that the marketing will pay off. I can’t believe the children’s program opens in less than a month. I’m so excited that you’re coming. I can’t wait to see you. No, Jett can’t come. He’ll be in London.”

  He hated that he was going to miss the opening, but he was glad her family would be there. She’d texted Cici last night and had sent her pictures while they were in the helicopter. Jett wondered if one day he and Dean would find their way back to that close a relationship.

  Tegan sauntered toward him as she said, “Yes, Dad. I promise not to forget to text when I land in Boston so you know I’m still alive.” She paused, then said, “And when I get home.” She paused again. “I’ll tell him. I’ll talk to you next Sunday. I love you.”

  She ended the call and picked a blueberry out of the bowl of fruit on the table, popping it into her mouth as she set down her phone.

  “Everything good?” he asked.

  “Yes. My dad said he’s looking forward to meeting the man who makes me sound like I’m floating on air. His words, not mine.”

  Jett pulled her down to his lap. Her flight was at one o’clock, and he was already thinking about the next time he could see her. “I’m looking forward to meeting your family. I was thinking that you should fly out to London while I’m there.”

  “I would love that. But we’re starting rehearsals with the children’s theater groups and all the crews this week to make sure there are no unexpected issues. Rehearsals will run right up until two days before the first show opens, the last week you’re away. I have to be there for them. I also have a ton of loose ends to tie up. Will your travel schedule lighten up after you get back from London?”

  “At some point, but possibly not right away. Once the deal is made, I’ll have to spend a lot more time there. It sounds like it’s going to be hard for us through the summer. You said you have more flexibility to travel when you’re in Maryland. Does that mean after you go back home you can travel with me more often?”

  She was quiet for a second. “Actually, I’ve decided to stay at the Cape. I’ve been thinking about it a lot, and it doesn’t make sense to go back to Peaceful Harbor when I’m working so hard to get this new program off the ground. When we were helping in Hyannis after the storm, I realized that during the summer the people I need to connect with will have enough on their plates keeping up with their own businesses. After tourist season is over is a much better time to reach out to business owners who can help cross promote the new program.”

  “That makes good business sense.” He knew she was right, but he still felt a stab of disappointment. “Are you sure you want to live there in the winters? It’s pretty desolate, and colder than you can imagine. That storm was nothing compared to the nor’easters they get.”

  “I’m happy there, and I love my cottage and our friends. I’m not psyched about the possibility of worse storms, but as I’ve been working on the program and fleshing out my upcoming meetings and polishing my spiel, I realized something important. There’s a big difference between running a business that the community takes part in and working behind the scenes. I don’t want to just run my uncle’s business. I want to be the person kids are excited to come see, like they were with him. And if Harper and I want to make the adult events something people look forward to coming to each year, that means putting myself out there, shaking hands, making friends, and remembering names. I know it sounds old-school, but that’s how my uncle built his business, and I want to do the same. I love people, so hopefully they’ll like me, too. I’ve also been coming up with new ideas to talk to Harper about. I know it’ll be hard for you and me to be apart when you’re traveling, but if we’re meant to be, we’ll find a way to make it work, right?”

  “There you go spreading your bright light on us again. Of course we’ll figure it out. I don’t know why I expected that you’d really go back to Maryland. You’re not a half-ass person in anything you do. It’s one of the things I love about you. But what about your place in Maryland and your nip-and-tuck job?”

  She laughed. “I can’t believe you remembered my job at the boutique. You really do have a memory like an elephant.”

  “Hung like one, too.” He nuzzled against her neck, taking a little bite and earning a sweet sound.

  “Yes, you are. I talked to Chelsea the other day, and she’s going to offer the job to the person who’s filling in for me. My lease on the house renews in December, so I can just let that go. I was thinking about going back a week or two before Thanksgiving to get the rest of my stuff.”

  “And you’re going to be okay living so far away from your parents? You’re so close to them.”

  “Of course I will. I’ll miss them, but you’ve seen how we are. It doesn’
t matter if I’m living in Kalamazoo or down the street; we’ll still talk every week. They’ll come visit, and I’ll go see them. They have really full lives, and so do I.” She put a few more berries in her mouth and said, “I’m officially extending my adventure, and I think Uncle Harvey would approve. What do you think?”

  “I think you’re brave and smart, and so damn cute, you make every decision look easy.”

  “Most of them are easy, even when they’re big.” She fed him a strawberry and said, “Let’s take decorating, for example. You’ve obviously made a decision not to do it. I can’t believe you’ve had this place for seven years and you have no personal effects in it. I’m not judging you or anything, but I seriously thought this was a hotel suite you had rented.”

  He ran his fingers along her arm and said, “I told you that before you I didn’t do personal connections.”

  “I thought you meant with people.”

  “People, places, pretty much everything. But that’s changing. I have our picture on the nightstand.” He glanced at the figurine on the mantel and said, “And my thoughtful girlfriend gave me a bobblehead of my favorite player.”

  “Maybe one day Roger Clemens will have some friends with him.”

  “Does it bother you that I had no ties to anyone before you?”

  “No, but it makes me sad for you and your family. I’m glad you and Dean are on more solid ground and that you’re trying to work things out with your father. I’m curious, do you consider the Cape home?”

  “I don’t really think of any physical place as home, and I haven’t for a long time. This is going to sound weird, but you feel like home to me, Tegs. It doesn’t matter where we are, just having you with me makes me feel like I’m right where I’m supposed to be.”

  “That’s the sweetest thing I’ve ever heard.”

  “Then how I feel makes sense, because you’re the sweetest woman I’ve ever met.” He ran his hand up her leg and said, “I don’t think these berries are going to be enough to satiate me.”

  He brushed his fingers along her inner thigh and the center of her panties. “Luckily, my favorite meal is right here.”

  He dipped his head, taking a love bite out her neck. A breathy “Ah” fell from her lips as he lifted her onto the table. He continued touching and tasting, earning more of his favorite sounds. When he stopped, she opened her eyes, and he said, “How do you want me, baby? My mouth on your sweetness or my cock buried deep inside you?”

  “Both,” she said in one long breath.

  TEGAN WAS STILL flying high when they arrived at the airport, but as her flight time neared, grief stepped in. She told herself that the weekend had been an unexpected gift too wonderful to let their goodbye turn tearful. When they reached the security checkpoint, Jett set down her bag and embraced her. Leaving should have been easier given the new step they’d taken in their relationship, but it was even more difficult.

  He kissed the top of her head, and she tilted her face up, struck by the longing in his eyes.

  “It seems like we’re always saying goodbye,” she said softly.

  His lips tipped up. “But think of how mind-blowing our hellos are.” He pressed his lips to hers and said, “I love you, Tegs.”

  He’d said it a dozen times since the first, and each and every one brought fresh chills. “I love you, too. Can we not say goodbye? It seems so final, and you’ll be back home in five days.”

  “Home. I like the sound of that.” He kissed her tenderly. “How about if we say until next time or peace, baby, or we could just go with the truth, I’ll be dreaming of you.”

  “I like that last one.” She searched for the perfect words to replace goodbye, and the answer appeared. “I’ll be waiting.”


  The warm press of his lips stole the sadness, replacing it with the joy of knowing that in five days she’d be in his arms again.

  When their lips parted, he said, “I’ll be dreaming of you,” with a heated look in his eyes.

  She was wrong. I’ll be waiting wasn’t quite right, even if it was true. She picked up her bag and said, “Better make them dirty,” and winked.

  His carefree laughter followed her into the security line. She thought about Jett’s dirty dreams, and his teenage fantasy about a bikini-clad model tied to a bed came rushing back. She felt his eyes on her and glanced over her shoulder. He was eating her up with a wicked grin and an even more sinful look in his gorgeous eyes.

  Oh yeah, baby. I’ll be ready and waiting just for you…

  She pulled out her phone and texted Chloe. I need to buy a white bikini.

  Chapter Thirty-Two

  “THERE ARE SOME things every woman should own.” Chloe held up a hanger with what looked like two long strips of bright green string that joined into one in the back.

  Tegan and Daphne burst into hysterics. It was Friday afternoon, and they were at the Hyannis mall shopping for Tegan’s bikini.

  Chloe struggled to keep a straight face as she said, “What? You don’t think I can pull off Borat’s thong bathing suit? It’s clearly tailored just for me. The top part is only about an inch wide, which is perfect to cover my tiny boobs.”

  “You have perfect boobs,” Daphne said, taking the hanger from Chloe. “But you are not wearing butt floss. You’re too classy for that. You need something more elegant, like a black bikini and a wide-brimmed hat.”

  “Sounds about right,” Tegan agreed, looking over a display of bikinis.

  Chloe rolled her eyes. “You guys are so weird. I’m not any classier than either of you.”

  Daphne fished through a rack of cover-ups and said, “It was a compliment. You’re very well put together. I admire you. You always look like you walked off the pages of a fashion magazine.”

  “Oh my God. I do not.” Chloe put her hand on her hip and said, “I wear jeans and shorts all the time, just not to work.”

  “And you still look like a fashionista,” Tegan said. “It’s a good thing, Chloe. You don’t act like a snob or anything, but you have mile-long legs and a sleek figure that sets you apart, in the same way Daphne is voluptuous and turns every man’s head wherever we go.”

  Daphne spun around with her mouth hanging open. “You are crazy. I was curvy before I had Hadley, but I swear my sweet little girl must have been secretly injecting fat cells all over my body, because I’m carrying an extra twenty pounds on top of the pudge I had before I was pregnant. It’s been so long since a man paid me any attention, I had to get out the lawn mower to shave my legs this morning because I’ve just plain given up.”

  “Daph, are you blind? Didn’t you see the way Jock was drooling over you at breakfast last week?” Chloe asked.

  “You mean when he gave me bacon?” Daphne asked. “He was probably thinking that I wouldn’t notice another pound or two.”

  “I’m pretty sure this is what Jock was picturing when he was looking at you.” Chloe dangled a hanger with a string bikini that had a sunny-side-up egg covering each breast and a bottom made of bacon-imprinted fabric.

  “Ohmygosh!” Daphne’s cheeks burned red. “He was not!”

  Tegan laughed.

  “Mark my words, that man wants to eat your bacon.” Chloe made a dramatic biting motion toward the bikini bottom.

  “Stop!” Daphne took the hanger from her and buried it in a rack. “He was just being nice, probably because he knows that everyone sees how much he dislikes Hadley.”

  The sadness in Daphne’s voice brought Tegan to her side. She didn’t want to breach Jock’s confidence by telling Daphne about his past, but she also didn’t want her friend to think the wrong thing about him. “Daph, he doesn’t dislike Hadley. He’s uncomfortable around her, that’s all. Not all men are good with little ones.”

  “Are you sure? Because he cringes whenever she’s near him.” Daphne sighed. “Poor Hadley is going to spend her teenage years chasing all the wrong guys. I just know it.”

  “I’m sure about Jock,” Tegan rea
ssured her.

  “He was only one of many guys looking at you at the wedding,” Chloe added.

  “You definitely piqued Jock’s interest, but he’s had a rough go of things. Don’t take his reaction to Hadley personally.”

  “That’s good to know.” Daphne sounded relieved. “I didn’t want to say anything about it, but he’s rented a cottage at Bayside for the fall. I was kind of worried that it would be weird if he really didn’t like her.”

  “Don’t worry about that. Besides, Jock keeps to himself. I doubt you’ll see much of him,” Tegan reassured her. She and Jock had been working together for the past two weeks, and it was wonderful, but she never saw him in the evenings.

  “And if you do see him, or any other gorgeous man, open your eyes to how fantastic you are,” Chloe said. “Those fashion magazines you talked about me walking out of feature too-skinny women who are nothing more than white noise. Girls like me blur into the background: plain hair, lanky bodies, and angular faces. There’s nothing special about how I look, and you know what? Maybe that’s why I don’t dress in typical beachy outfits like everyone else, because I have to use clothes to be noticed. But you? You look amazing in everything you wear. You have the type of cleavage men want to bury their face in, an ass a man can hold on to, and I bet half the single men at the wedding were dreaming about your legs wrapped around them.”

  Daphne’s cheeks flamed. “You’re really good friends. I’m lucky to have you.”

  “We’re all lucky,” Tegan said, choosing a third white bikini to try on. “That’s a big part of why I decided to move here for good in the fall.”

  “You are?” Chloe and Daphne said in unison.

  “Yup! This is officially home to me now.” Jett’s voice whispered through her mind. You feel like home to me…Last night he’d said he couldn’t wait to get home to see her. At first she wasn’t sure if he realized he’d said home, but the look in his eyes had told her he had.

  “And how does Mr. I Love You feel about you moving here?” Chloe asked.


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