Roxy Reinhardt Mysteries Box Set

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Roxy Reinhardt Mysteries Box Set Page 6

by Alison Golden

  The crowd wasn’t too dense, and they managed to get a great spot almost immediately. Roxy’s head swirled a little when she got up, though. The brandy had been strong, and she was beginning to regret not having eaten anything since breakfast.

  Brightly dressed people, some adorned with strings of fairy lights, began to walk down the middle of the street while music pumped away in the background. Roxy smiled at the colorful spectacle, the cold air hitting her face, joyous people all around her. She saw a woman with blue hair, a pink cone hat, a purple basque, and fishnets wave extravagantly to the crowd. Her friend, wearing a pirate hat, skull mask, and a ruffled gown, swayed silently to the music.

  “Look at the horse!” Sage said, nudging Roxy.

  Roxy peered down the end of the street and saw a large, stocky, dark brown horse making its slow way toward them. It was pulling a parade float dressed in lights and swathes of bright fabric. A huge jester’s head was displayed on the front of the float while a couple of people stood on top of it wildly waving colored rags around a sculpture of the Statue of Liberty.

  Next came a large group of people dressed in old-time clothes—men with tailcoats and tricorn hats, ladies with powdered faces, towering curly wigs, and corseted dresses in all kinds of vivid colors: fuchsia, turquoise, crimson, and canary yellow. They all laughed and joked and danced and drank as they proceeded down the center of the street.

  Roxy couldn’t help but bounce along to the rhythm of the music, too. Most everyone did, and Elijah was near leaping about. Only Nat stood still, looking uncharacteristically shy and withdrawn. Roxy thought she might try to talk to her again later, but for now, she was entranced by the throbbing beat, happy screams, whoops, and cheers that reverberated all around her.

  Soon a brass band was marching by, a whole assortment of men and women playing French horns and trumpets and saxophones and other instruments that Roxy didn’t know the names of. A percussion section followed behind with a man banging a big bass drum. The music was happy and cheerful and somewhat disorderly. It made Roxy want to dance.

  As soon as the parade had passed and people were simply milling around, Elijah jumped out into the road with them. “Who’s hitting the after-party with me?”

  “I’d much prefer the boat ride,” Sage said.

  “I think I need to eat something,” said Roxy. “That Café Brûlot has gone straight to my head!”

  “Me too,” Louise said, giggling. She stumbled into Sam and put her hand on his chest. “Oops! Silly me!”

  Sam carefully moved her hand away and steadied her on her feet. “Whoa there, lady,” he said.

  “What about you, Nat?” Elijah said, looking over. She had her arms crossed protectively over her chest, and her face was solemn. “Cat got your tongue this evening?”

  All of a sudden, Nat burst into tears, shocking everyone. She quickly swallowed and wiped her eyes hurriedly, saying, “Sorry, I’m sorry.” She turned to leave. The group followed her.

  “What’s wrong, cher?” Elijah said, putting his arm around her like a big brother.

  “What am I going to do? Evangeline’s closing!” Nat said, her voice strangled by another suppressed sob. “I won’t be able to stay!”

  “What do you mean?” Sage said. “You can get another job.”

  “But that’s just it!” said Nat. “I can’t.” She lowered her voice. “I don’t have a work visa. I came to the US to work as a nanny. Of course, that all went to pot, as does everything in my life, but Evangeline took me on and paid me under the table. It was lovely of her, and I will be eternally grateful…but…but, basically, I’m…well, I’m an illegal immigrant!”

  “Oh,” Elijah said, taken aback. Sage leaned over and, encircling Nat’s shoulders with her arm, kissed her on the head. “There, there.”

  Louise smiled brightly. “Well, you don’t have to worry, sweetie. I’ve made up my mind. I’m not going to let Evangeline sell the place to a developer just so he can tear it down. I’m going to buy it myself. I intend to do it up and make it into an upscale boutique hotel. You can keep working there.” Louise looked Nat over. “Maybe more…behind the scenes, but you’ll get paid. We’ll be one big happy family. Perhaps Evangeline will stay on and continue with the cooking. I sure hope so. I’m going to make her an offer she can’t refuse as soon as I get back.”

  Sam said, “Louise, I was thinking of buying it, too.” He looked uncomfortable. “I have some…uh…spare change lying around. It makes sense for Evangeline to sell especially to someone who will protect the building, but the thing is, I don’t think she will hear of it. I’ve already floated the idea, and she says that I’m just interested in buying it as a favor for her—and her pride won’t allow it! I think she’s made up her mind to sell to this developer now. She’ll get a decent price without sacrificing her dignity. Don’t be surprised if she turns you down.”

  “That woman can be so stubborn!” Nat said.

  “Indeed, she can,” said Sage smoothly. “But everything will turn out all right in the end. The spirits will make sure of it.”

  “But what if it doesn’t?” said Nat. “What if I end up being carted back to England? The whole point of leaving there was to start a new life. I have nothing to go back to.”

  Nat’s words got Roxy thinking about her own situation. Where would she go once this month was up? What would she do? If this developer shut Evangeline’s down right away, would she even be able to stay for the full month she’d booked? Would she get her money back? Roxy bit her lip, beginning to feel as bad as Nat did. Her own future looked just as uncertain.


  “LET’S TALK ABOUT this tomorrow,” Elijah said. “Come on, let’s eat and drink all our troubles away tonight. Problems can wait until the morning.”

  He led them to a run-down restaurant with pool tables in the back. From the outside it was shabby. It had peeling paint and a wooden door that badly needed staining. Inside it was gloomy, but Roxy could see if she peered hard enough that the interior was…exactly the same as the exterior. The wooden tables and chairs had seen better days, and the tiled floor was cracked and uneven.

  “Hello, André!” Elijah said loudly as he crossed the threshold. Everyone in the restaurant turned to look at him. “He owns this place,” Elijah explained to the others.

  André, the heavyset owner with a huge handlebar mustache said, “Elijah!” just as animatedly. He came over and embraced Elijah with a hug, slapping him on the back.

  “Table for a million, please,” Elijah said, gesturing at the group. He scanned his eyes over them all. “I mean, six.”

  Despite the surroundings that hadn’t promised much, they had the most gorgeous meal. Roxy chose a chicken and andouille gumbo to start, a lovely thick, buttery, tomatoey, highly seasoned stew. Next, she had a shrimp étoufée, a dish chock full of shrimp on a bed of rice. It had a deep, spicy, but slightly sweet flavor that she just couldn’t get enough of.

  While they ate, they all chattered away, even Nat, who seemed better for having gotten her worries out. Fueling their conversation was a crisp chardonnay that Elijah described as having ‘undertones of oak and smoke.’ Glass after glass had gone down easily. Despite having filled herself up with savory courses, and sharing a plate of pralines with Nat, Roxy felt quite light-headed when she stood up. Everyone else seemed pretty merry, too. All except for Sage, who was a teetotaler.

  “Boat ride next?” Elijah said to everyone, his voice slurring a little.

  “I think…I think I might just fall in the Mississippi River,” Louise said. “Which one of you strong men will jump in and save me, huh?” She looked straight at Sam.

  “Oh, will you stop making a spectacle of yourself?” Nat said, a little too loudly. Nat’s inhibitions were quite low without any alcohol in her system, so after a few drinks, Roxy was pretty sure she would say anything she darn well pleased. Nat was about to prove her theory correct.

  “Look at you. He’s young enough to be your son. We all know y
ou’re going through some kind of midlife crisis, but please, find someone your own age.”

  Ouch. There was a horrible pregnant pause, and Roxy hoped this wasn’t going to turn into an awful argument. Everyone watched Louise, waiting to see how she’d react.

  She burst out laughing. “Oh, let me have my little fun. Ever heard of living it up?” She held out her empty glass. “Elijah, pour me some more!”

  “I think you’ve had quite enough!” he said. “And I’ve had far too much to be some lifeguard if you fall out of the boat. Let’s get you home.”

  Louise giggled. “Okay! Home time!”

  While Elijah escorted a very wobbly Louise back to Evangeline’s, Nat, Sage, Roxy, and Sam headed off to catch the boat. Roxy was relieved to get out of the hot restaurant. The thick, fragrant air had steamed up all the windows, and the chatter and laughter of the patrons, along with all the glass clinking and plate clattering, made the atmosphere loud and overwhelming. As she walked outside, Roxy enjoyed the cold air hitting her face once more, and the four of them meandered down to the riverfront.

  Roxy couldn’t help but notice Sam in the warm glow of the streetlights. She looked up at him. From her viewpoint, the backdrop was a dark sky, with a sprinkling of stars shining here and there. He caught her looking and smiled down at her.

  Snap out of it, Rox! She shook her head and turned around. She saw some stragglers from the last of the parade.

  “I can’t see any boats,” Nat said. She was a few steps ahead of them and a little unsteady on her feet. “I’ll go check at the kiosk.”

  “I’m coming with you,” said Sage. She linked her arm firmly in Nat’s before she could wriggle away, and they made off into the night. Sam continued after them.

  Roxy was watching the last of the parade performers. “Shoot, I should have gotten a photo!” she said. She pulled her phone out of her bag and lined up a shot before the performers disappeared from view. “Oh, it doesn’t look that good,” she muttered to herself and fiddled with her phone. “It’s a little dark. Maybe if I turn on the flash?”

  She got a couple of shots in but they weren’t great either. She tried the zoom; it made everything blur. She decided to get a little closer.

  Roxy was so intent on what she was doing that she didn’t notice she was alone at the riverside. As she walked forward, she sensed a tall, broad figure move up behind her. Momentarily, she thought it was Sam, until…

  “Listen,” a voice said behind her. “Give me that phone, or you’ll regret it.”

  She spun around. “What?” before recoiling in horror.

  There, in front of her was a man in a black and silver carnival mask, ribbons trailing from it. She gave a little scream. She looked over her shoulder, but the carnival stragglers had gone. So had her friends.

  “You heard me,” the man with the mask said. “Pay attention, I’ve got a gun.” He patted his waist and moved closer. “You’re a pretty little thing, aren’t you?”

  “Here, take it! Have the phone!” Roxy said, holding it out to him, her heart beating so fast she felt it would jump out of her chest. She began to back away. She fumbled her phone, and it fell to the ground.

  The man walked up to her slowly, seeming to savor her fear.

  “Sam!” she hollered. “Sam, help!”

  “Sam, help!” the man mocked her. He pushed his face close to hers.

  “Hey!” a voice bellowed through the still night air.

  Sam had heard her. He came running. “Get out of here right now!” he yelled as he quickly covered the ground between them.

  “Or what?” the man spat. He turned to face Sam.

  “He’s got a weapon!” Roxy shouted.

  But Sam stepped right up to the man, his eyes filled with rage, his hands ready for a fight as he cleared the assailant by several inches. “I said get out of here,” he said, in a quiet, intimidating voice. “Trust me, you’re gonna want to do as I say.”

  The man jerked toward him, his face inches from Sam’s. Sam didn’t even flinch. Then, like an animal who knows that retreat is the better course of action in the face of a stronger foe, the man sloped away. Sam and Roxy stood frozen until he’d turned a corner and was out of sight.

  “Oh my,” Roxy said, dropping her hands to her sides and allowing herself to finally breathe.

  “Are you all right?” Sam asked. He came closer, and put his arm around her shoulder, looking her over with concern in his eyes. “Did he hurt you?”

  “No, no, not at all,” Roxy said. “He just gave me a scare, is all.”

  “I’m so sorry that happened to you. On your first night out in New Orleans, too. That’s bad luck. You must think we’re all criminals now.”

  “No,” said Roxy. “No, I don’t. Not at all.”

  “Do you want to go back to Evangeline’s?” he asked. “I’ll walk you there if you want.” Seeing her phone still on the ground, Sam picked it up and handed it to her.

  Roxy took the phone from him. She thought about Sam’s question. “No, I’d like to go on the boat ride, please.”

  Sam smiled. “You’re a brave one, aren’t you?”

  “Not usually,” Roxy replied.

  “I don’t believe you,” he said.

  Little did he know. They walked down the riverside together.

  “So are you sure you like it here?” he asked after a while.

  “It’s only been a day, but so far I love it,” Roxy said quietly. “I love the food, the atmosphere, the carnival, Evangeline’s—everything! There’s danger everywhere, I know that much.”

  Roxy had grown up in a tough neighborhood. This wasn’t the first time she’d been mugged. It was almost a daily occurrence where she came from. People who knew her were often surprised by how little these sorts of things rattled her. It was emotional situations that made her nervous.

  “Good,” Sam said. He paused before resuming, “What about…what about…the people?”

  Roxy looked up. He looked away, and then looked back again.

  She smiled and said softly, “The people are wonderful.”

  Just at that moment, they heard Nat’s voice shouting back at them, cutting through the darkness, “There’s one more boat tonight! It gets here in fifteen minutes!”

  “Well, fifteen minutes isn’t too long to wait,” Roxy said.

  “No,” Sam agreed, with a half-smile Roxy found very attractive. “Not when there’s good company to be had.”


  NEXT MORNING, THE atmosphere at breakfast was dire. Roxy was silent. Louise was sullen. Nat’s service was fitful and slow. No one spoke. The fun of the carnival had passed. Only dejection and sore heads were left in its wake. Nefertiti had come downstairs with Roxy, but after a couple of minutes, she left. Plainly not even her cat could tolerate the mood and Roxy felt depressed. It felt as though she were living beneath a large dark cloud, one that could burst at any moment.

  “Sam was right,” Louise said to Roxy, eventually. “Evangeline rejected my offer. Said she was already committed to Lomas. She’s expecting him here any minute to sign papers.” A crash from the kitchen made both of them wince. It was followed by raised voices and finally a heavy silence.

  Roxy pondered this news. If Evangeline sold the guesthouse, where would she go? She couldn’t imagine staying in any other establishment. Roxy then berated herself for getting attached so quickly. She barely knew these people. So why then, did she want to go magic shopping with Sage again, and learn more about those mysterious tarot cards? Why then, did she want to cut through Nat’s tough exterior and become friends? Why then, did she want to keep eating Evangeline’s exquisite meals and learn about New Orleans culture? And why then, did she want to stick around and get to know Sam?

  Roxy munched through her beignets. She couldn’t even touch her coffee—it reminded her too much of the Café Brûlot from the previous night, which now lived on as a lingering headache.

  Once she was done eating, Roxy sat alone at the table, flick
ing through the local newspaper aimlessly. There was coverage of the carnival procession alongside the usual articles about properties for sale and local events. They made Roxy feel a little lost and lonely. Much as she liked it, New Orleans wasn’t home, but Ohio wasn’t either. Nor was with her mother. She didn’t have a home. The only constant she had in her life was Nefertiti. Everything felt bleak, despite the beautiful morning sunlight streaming through the windows.

  “We were supposed to sign the papers this morning, and now he doesn’t even have the decency to show up!” Evangeline shouted in the kitchen.

  Roxy heard the clatter of a saucepan. “I’ve had enough!” Nat shouted back. “If you’re so desperate to sell this place and ruin everything, I’ll get him for you myself! What hotel is he staying at?”

  “I don’t have a choice, Nat!”

  “What hotel is he staying at?” Nat repeated fiercely.

  “The gosh-darned Fontainebleau!” Evangeline shot back at her.

  “Right, then!” Nat came out of the kitchen and threw her apron down on the table next to Roxy.

  Despite Nat’s fury and complete unwillingness to hide it, Roxy wasn’t so intimidated by her anymore. If anything, she felt quite comfortable. After all, they were in the same boat. If Evangeline’s closed down, both of them would have a serious problem.

  “I’m coming with you,” Roxy said, surprising herself with her boldness.

  “Fine,” said Nat. She was already striding out of the room, her chin stuck up high. Roxy had to scurry behind her to catch up, even when they were out on the street. Nat had long legs and kept up quite a pace in her heavy combat boots. They marched to the hotel in complete silence.

  The hotel lobby was a shiny, marble affair, and Nat couldn’t have looked more out of place. She didn’t seem to care, though, or even notice. She marched right up to the front desk.

  “I want to speak to a guest, Richard Lomas, please. Can you ring his room?”


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