The Full Velocity Series Box Set

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The Full Velocity Series Box Set Page 67

by Tracie Delaney

  He shook his head. “I wanted to speak with you first. But I plan to. Soon.”

  “What will you do?” I asked, not concerned about money. I’d made enough off my backlist that neither of us needed to work again. But I was concerned about Devon. He was a proud man. Sitting around doing very little wasn’t his style. He’d go crazy in a matter of days, and while a baby would keep us both busy for a while, we’d settle into a routine before long and boredom would take root. We were the kinds of people who thrived on challenge, on working hard and achieving our goals.

  “I’m not sure yet. I do want to move back home, though.”

  I widened my eyes. “And leave London?”

  “Yes. We can keep an apartment as a bolt hole I guess, but I want our children to be brought up here, close to the beach where they can spend their time outdoors rather than cooped up playing video games. Besides, think of the on-tap babysitting with my parents not that far away.”

  “Hold on,” I said. “Rewind, mister. Children? Let’s see how we get on with this one before planning a soccer team.”

  Devon grinned, his relief palpable now he’d gotten it all off his chest and I hadn’t freaked out. I wasn’t wedded to London. I’d been brought up in Chicago after all, yet I barely visited there these days and can’t say I missed it all that much. For me, home was Devon, and wherever he laid his head, I’d follow.

  “You’ll think about it, though? No need to decide now.”

  “I don’t need to think about it. Wherever you are, that’s where I want to be.”

  Devon’s eyes, so open and full of love, softened. “I love you.”

  “Let’s see if you still think that after I’ve made you traipse around seventy-five houses and rejected them all.”

  My poor husband fidgeted in his seat, his fingers drumming on the table as we waited for Jack to arrive at the restaurant where we’d arranged to meet him for lunch. Outside the rain battered against the large picture windows, bouncing off the sidewalk. Shoppers huddled into their coats and fought with umbrellas in the blustery wind. I wouldn’t miss the bitter English winters when we made the permanent move to Australia in a few months time.

  I gripped Devon’s hand, stopping his incessant tapping. “You’re driving me crazy,” I said, softening my words with a smile. I knew how nervous he was to have this discussion with Jack. He owed that man a lot, we both did. “He’ll understand.”

  “I don’t want him to be disappointed in me, that’s all.”

  I arched a brow. “He dares to mention the ‘D’ word and I’ll cut off his balls with this knife,” I said, brandishing my steak knife in the air.

  Devon laughed, his face relaxing, his shoulders briefly unhunching. “Thanks for coming. I might be a pussy for asking you, but I figure Jack’ll have to watch his P’s and Q’s if you’re here.”

  It was my turn to laugh. “This is Jack Nash we’re talking about, right? I doubt my presence is going to stop him dropping the F-bomb if he feels like it.”

  “Correct, darling.”

  I felt a kiss on top of my head, then Jack appeared in my line of sight. He shook hands with Devon and sat down. “You two look disgustingly well,” he said, shaking out his napkin and beckoning to the server. “Scotch, three pieces of ice, no water. So, what’s up? Why am I going to need to dust off my fucks?”

  I glanced at Devon who studiously kept his attention on Jack. “No reason. How’ve you been, Jack?”

  Jack furrowed his brow. “Spit it out, Devon. I’ve known you half your life and right now you look like you’re sitting on a porcupine. Whatever’s on your mind, just say it.”

  Jack’s forthright manner was one of the many things I loved about him. Paisley was definitely his daughter. She had the same blunt, lack of a filter approach.

  “I’m quitting Formula One,” Devon said, his voice calm despite the inner turmoil on the inside. “With the baby coming, I don’t want that kind of life anymore.”

  I could almost sense Devon holding his breath, waiting for Jack’s response. I placed my hand on his knee as a sign of solidarity.

  Jack swiped his scotch off the tray before the server had a chance to set it down. He swirled the liquid, examined the contents, then sipped. “I can’t say I’m surprised. I expected this to head my way sooner rather than later. I feared sooner and hoped for later. I am devastated to lose you, but I completely understand and respect your decision.”

  “You’re not pissed?” Devon asked.

  Jack chuckled. “Yes. Mightily fucking pissed. You have any idea how hard it’s going to be to replace you? Please tell me you’re not quitting with immediate effect?”

  Devon shook his head. “July. After Silverstone,” Devon said, referring to the British Grand Prix. It seemed a fitting end, not to mention geographically perfect. We could pack up all our stuff in London right after the race and head on over to Australia to start our new life.

  “Thank fuck for that.” Jack rubbed his chin. “What’s your thoughts on your replacement?”

  I only half listened as they began talking shop, my mind on the upcoming year of change. My husband giving up a career he’d worked hard at for half his life, a new baby on the way, a move to the other side of the world and all the stress that entailed. Yet excitement for the future unfurled in my belly, sending tingles down my arms and legs. My mother had instilled in me a sense of adventure and independence. I wasn’t one for keeping the status quo. Change was unavoidable so why not embrace it with gusto.

  “What will you do?” Jack asked, his question bringing my attention back to their conversation. “Have anything lined up yet?”

  “Not yet,” Devon said. “I want to stay working in the automotive industry in some capacity, but in a job that’s located within a one hour commute of Melbourne.”

  “Hmm.” Jack said, lifting his eyes up and to the right. “I might be able to help you out there.”

  “Yeah?” Devon sat up straight, his interest piqued.

  “Let me make some calls. They’d be damn lucky to have you, I know that.” He sat back as our food arrived. “Feels like the last fucking supper.” He waggled his eyebrows and nudged me in jest.

  I was really going to miss Jack.

  “I am as big as a whale,” I bemoaned, checking out my gigantic ass in the mirror. Despite my best efforts and watching every damned calorie I put in my mouth, I’d still gained more than thirty pounds. Even if the baby weighed eight when she came out, that was still twenty-two fucking pounds I’d have to try and shift. And I had three weeks left before my due date which, Paisley had cheerfully pointed out, meant I had more than enough time to gain even more weight.

  “You look gorgeous,” Devon said, sidling up behind me. His arms came around my waist—or rather where my waist used to be—and he rested his hands on my bump.

  “You don’t have to be nice to me,” I said. “I’ll still suck your cock later.” The last few months I’d gotten so horny it was beyond ridiculous. Devon hadn’t complained but even he must have rolled his eyes on occasion when I demanded sex morning, noon, and fucking night.

  He threw back his head and laughed. “Riles, you kill me. You really do.” He straightened his tie then pressed a warm kiss to my neck. “Almost ready?”

  “As I’ll ever be,” I said, pulling a face at myself before turning away in disgust. We were headed to Devon’s leaving party. Jack had insisted upon an appropriate send off for a man he considered a son—his words not ours.

  Poor Jack. First he lost Jared as a driver, and now Devon as his most experienced race engineer. Change was hard, if inevitable. Still, Devon’s replacement was hugely talented and would make a good fist of it, I reckoned. Jack had also come good on his promise to help Devon find an opportunity back home in Australia. In four weeks he started his new job as Chief Engineer for Morgan Automotive, a sports car manufacturer with a large factory in Melbourne.

  Jack had gone all out to give Devon an appropriate send off, hiring a Grade I listed mansion in
the countryside surrounding Silverstone. Over two hundred people worked for Nash Racing and every single one had been invited, along with their partners or friends. We arrived at the entranceway and were greeted with pictures of Devon throughout the years pinned to the walls, and balloons and streamers hanging from the ceiling.

  “I’ll fucking kill him,” Devon muttered, blushing as he was faced with images of himself from every angle.

  “Let him be,” I berated. “It’s his way of saying thank you for everything you’ve done over the years, and for showing you how much he loves you and will miss you.”

  Devon grumbled and muttered something else I didn’t quite catch, but then a few of his team spotted him and the next thing I knew, they’d hoisted him aloft and were carrying him through the room.

  Paisley wandered over, looking all thin and gorgeous, and linked her arm through mine. “How about we get you a mocktail,” she said. “And a seat.”

  A wave of emotion hit me out of the blue, and I started to cry. “I’m going to miss you all so much.”

  Paisley chuckled and gave me a hug. “I remember the spontaneous crying throughout my pregnancy, too. It sucks monkey balls. Come on, let’s get you that drink.”

  The night sped by and there were several more occasions where I burst into tears at the drop of a hat, but as Devon and I climbed into the back of Jack’s limousine—which he’d insisted upon as a final parting gift—Devon drunk, me exhausted, both of us deliriously happy, I knew with absolute certainty everything was going to be alright. We might not see the Nash Racing team nearly as often, but they were, and always would be, family.

  “Tired?” Devon murmured, his lips in my hair.

  I pressed the button on the center console, activating the privacy screen. My hand went to his belt.

  “Not too tired to suck your cock.”



  Thank you so much for reading. I hope you enjoyed delving into the Full Velocity world.

  I’m taking a short break from these boys for a little while to introduce a brand new series.

  ROGUES (Ryker, Oliver, Garen, Upton, Elliot, and Sebastian) follows the lives of six friends who hit the jackpot and find themselves rich beyond their wildest dreams.

  But don’t worry if you’re already missing the Full Velocity guys… The series will be back. Book 4, Crash, is currently scheduled for early 2021

  The first novel in the ROGUES series, Entranced, will release in April 2020 and is available for preorder here at the special pre-release price of just $2.99.

  Entranced Blurb

  Have you ever loved anyone so much that you’d give them up at the expense of your own happiness?

  No? Well, I did.

  Okay, that’s not the first lie I’ve ever told myself. I fought tooth and nail for the only man I’ll ever love, but in the end, I had to concede defeat.

  Even now, seven years later, the cruel words Ryker uttered the morning after he took my virginity still wield the power to shatter the remains of my heart.

  Yet fate has a way of shaping our lives.

  No matter how hard we fight for a different outcome.


  Have you ever feared losing someone so much you’d give up the only woman who made your heart race?

  No? Well, I have.

  She holds the power to bring my entire world crashing down, which is why I’ve spent the last seven years forgetting she exists.

  And until today, I’d succeeded.

  But time isn’t a healer, she’s a cruel mistress.

  One who won’t be ignored.

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  Books by Tracie Delaney

  The Winning Ace Series

  Ace - A Winning Ace Novella

  Winning Ace

  Losing Game

  Grand Slam

  Winning Ace Boxset


  Break Point - A Winning Ace Novella


  My Gift To You


  The Brook Brothers Series

  The Blame Game

  Against All Odds

  His To Protect

  Web of Lies

  The Brook Brothers Complete Boxset

  Irresistibly Mine Series

  Tempting Christa

  Avenging Christa

  Full Velocity Series



  Inside Track

  Full Velocity Series Books 1-3 Boxset

  ROGUES Series







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  And as a bonus, when you sign up, you will receive a FREE novella, Ace, which is a prequel to the bestselling Winning Ace series. This novella can also be purchased on Amazon

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  In no particular order… because you all ROCK!

  To hubs… thank you for encouraging me to follow my dreams. I couldn’t do this without you.

  To my critique partner, Incy. I wouldn’t get a word out there without your forthright feedback. Your encouragement when I’m having a mini… okay maxi… meltdown is everything. Thank you for believing in this series, and in me.

  To Louise - my BFF. You make me smile every day. I love and adore the bones of you! xx

  To Foxy… Love and hugs for your hard work as always. We might not agree on everything, but I adore talking things through with you over a glass of wine (or two…)

  To Allison. Thank you for reading, and for your invaluable feedback and insight. I appreciate you so very much

  To my ARC readers. You guys are amazing! You’re my final eyes and ears before my baby is released into the world and I appreciate each and every one of you for giving up your time to read—and point out the odd errors that slip through the net!

  And last but most certainly not least, to you, the readers. Thank you for being on this journey with me. It still humbles me to think that my words are being read all over the world.

  If you have any time to spare, I’d be ever so grateful if you’d leave a short review on Amazon or Goodreads. Reviews not only help readers discover new books, but they also help authors reach new readers. You’d be doing a massive favor for this wonderful bookish community we’re all a part of.

  About Tracie Delaney

  Tracie Delaney realized she was destined to write when, at aged five, she crafted little notes to her parents, each one finished with "The End."

  Tracie loves to write steamy contemporary romance books that center around hot men, strong women, and then watch with glee as they battle through real life problems. Of course, there's always a perfect Happy Ever After ending (eventually).

  When she isn’t writing or sitting around with her head stuck in a book, she can often be found watching The Walking Dead, Game of Thrones or any tennis match involving Roger Federer. Coffee is a regular savior.

  You can find Tracie on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram, o
r, for the latest news, exclusive excerpts and competitions, why not join her reader group.

  Tracie currently resides in the North West of England with her amazingly supportive husband and her two crazy Westie puppies, Cooper and Murphy.

  Tracie loves to hear from readers. She can be contacted through the following platforms

  Follow me on Bookbub




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