The Roman Traitor, Vol. 1

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The Roman Traitor, Vol. 1 Page 1

by Henry William Herbert






  Why not a Borgia or a Catiline?--POPE.


  This is one of the most powerful Roman stories in the English language, and is of itself sufficient to stamp the writer as a powerful man. The dark intrigues of the days which Caesar, Sallust and Cicero made illustrious; when Cataline defied and almost defeated the Senate; when the plots which ultimately overthrew the Roman Republic were being formed, are described in a masterly manner. The book deserves a permanent position by the side of the great _Bellum Catalinarium_ of Sallust, and if we mistake not will not fail to occupy a prominent place among those produced in America.

  Philadelphia:T. B. Peterson, NO. 102 CHESTNUT STREET

  Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1853, by T.B. PETERSON, In the Clerk's Office of the District Court of the United States, in and for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania.



  A few words are perhaps needed as an introduction to a work of far moreambitious character, than any which I have before attempted. In venturingto select a subject from the history of Rome, during its earlier ages,undeterred by the failure or, at the best, partial success of writers farmore eminent than I can ever hope to become, I have been actuated byreasons, which, in order to relieve myself from the possible charge ofpresumption, I will state briefly.

  It has long been my opinion, then, that there lay a vast field, rich witha harvest of material almost virgin, for the romancer's use, in thehistory of classic ages. And this at a period when the annals of everycentury and nation since the Christian era have been ransacked, andreproduced, in endless variety, for the entertainment of the hourlyincreasing reading world, is no small advantage.

  Again, I have fancied that I could discover a cause for the imperfectsuccess of great writers when dealing with classic fiction, in the fact oftheir endeavoring to be too learned, of their aiming too much atportraying Greeks and Romans, and too little at depicting men, forgetfulthat under all changes of custom, and costume, in all countries, ages, andconditions, the human heart is still the human heart, convulsed by thesame passions, chilled by the same griefs, burning with the same joys,and, in the main, actuated by the same hopes and fears.

  With these views, I many years ago deliberately selected this subject, fora novel, which has advanced by slow steps to such a degree of completenessas it has now attained.

  Having determined on trying my success in classical fiction, theconspiracy of Cataline appeared to me, a theme particularly well adaptedfor the purpose, as being an actual event of vast importance, and in manyrespects unparalleled in history; as being partially familiar to everyone, thoroughly understood perhaps by no one, so slender are the authenticdocuments concerning it which have come down to us, and so dark andmysterious the motives of the actors.

  It possessed, therefore, among other qualifications, as the ground-work ofa historical Romance, one almost indispensable--that of indistinctness,which gives scope to the exercise of imagination, without the necessity offalsifying either the truths or the probabilities of history.

  Of the execution, I have, of course, nothing to say; but that I havesedulously avoided being overlearned; that few Latin words will be foundin the work--none whatsoever in the conversational parts, and none but thenames of articles which have no direct English appellation; and that it issufficiently simple and direct for the most unclassical reader.

  I hope that the costume, the manners of the people, and the antiquariandetails will be found sufficiently correct; if they be not, it is not forwant of pains or care; for I have diligently consulted all the authoritiesto which I could command access.

  To the history of the strange events related in this tale, I have adheredmost scrupulously; and I believe that the dates, facts, and characters ofthe individuals introduced, will not be found in any material respect,erroneous or untrue; and here I may perhaps venture to observe, that, onreading the most recently published lectures of Niebuhr, which never fellin my way until very lately, I had the great satisfaction of finding theview I have always taken of the character and motives of Cataline and hisconfederates, confirmed by the opinion of that profound and sagaciouscritic and historian.

  I will only add, that it is hardly probable that "the Roman Traitor" wouldever have been finished had it not been for the strenuous advice of afriend, in whose opinion I have the utmost confidence, Mr. Benjamin, towhom some of the early chapters were casually shown, two or three yearsago, and who almost insisted on my completing it.

  It is most fitting, therefore, that it should be, as it is, introduced tothe world under his auspices; since but for his favourable judgment, andfor a feeling on my own part that to fail in such an attempt would bescarce a failure, while success would be success indeed, it would probablyhave never seen the light of day!

  With these few remarks, I submit the Roman Traitor to the candid judgmentof my friends and the public, somewhat emboldened by the uniform kindnessand encouragement which I have hitherto met; and with some hope that I maybe allowed at some future day, to lay another romance of the most famous,before the citizens of the youngest republic.




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